#include #include #include #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "hardware/vreg.h" #include "JPEGDEC.h" #include "libraries/inky_frame/inky_frame.hpp" using namespace pimoroni; FATFS fs; FRESULT fr; InkyFrame inky; JPEGDEC jpeg; struct { int x, y, w, h; } jpeg_decode_options; void *jpegdec_open_callback(const char *filename, int32_t *size) { FIL *fil = new FIL; if(f_open(fil, filename, FA_READ)) {return nullptr;} *size = f_size(fil); return (void *)fil; } void jpegdec_close_callback(void *handle) { f_close((FIL *)handle); delete (FIL *)handle; } int32_t jpegdec_read_callback(JPEGFILE *jpeg, uint8_t *p, int32_t c) { uint br; f_read((FIL *)jpeg->fHandle, p, c, &br); return br; } int32_t jpegdec_seek_callback(JPEGFILE *jpeg, int32_t p) { return f_lseek((FIL *)jpeg->fHandle, p) == FR_OK ? 1 : 0; } int jpegdec_draw_callback(JPEGDRAW *draw) { uint16_t *p = draw->pPixels; int xo = jpeg_decode_options.x; int yo = jpeg_decode_options.y; for(int y = 0; y < draw->iHeight; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < draw->iWidth; x++) { int sx = ((draw->x + x + xo) * jpeg_decode_options.w) / jpeg.getWidth(); int sy = ((draw->y + y + yo) * jpeg_decode_options.h) / jpeg.getHeight(); if(xo + sx > 0 && xo + sx < inky.bounds.w && yo + sy > 0 && yo + sy < inky.bounds.h) { inky.set_pixel_dither({xo + sx, yo + sy}, RGB(RGB565(*p))); } p++; } } return 1; // continue drawing } void draw_jpeg(std::string filename, int x, int y, int w, int h) { // TODO: this is a horrible way to do it but we need to pass some parameters // into the jpegdec_draw_callback() method somehow and the library isn't // setup to allow any sort of user data to be passed around - yuck jpeg_decode_options.x = x; jpeg_decode_options.y = y; jpeg_decode_options.w = w; jpeg_decode_options.h = h; jpeg.open( filename.c_str(), jpegdec_open_callback, jpegdec_close_callback, jpegdec_read_callback, jpegdec_seek_callback, jpegdec_draw_callback); jpeg.setPixelType(RGB565_BIG_ENDIAN); printf("- starting jpeg decode.."); int start = millis(); jpeg.decode(0, 0, 0); printf("done in %d ms!\n", int(millis() - start)); jpeg.close(); } int main() { inky.init(); inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_ACTIVITY, 0); inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_CONNECTION, 0); std::string filename; if(inky.get_wake_up_event() == InkyFrame::BUTTON_A_EVENT) { filename = "a.jpg"; inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_A, 255); } if(inky.get_wake_up_event() == InkyFrame::BUTTON_B_EVENT) { filename = "b.jpg"; inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_B, 255); } if(inky.get_wake_up_event() == InkyFrame::BUTTON_C_EVENT) { filename = "c.jpg"; inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_C, 255); } if(inky.get_wake_up_event() == InkyFrame::BUTTON_D_EVENT) { filename = "d.jpg"; inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_D, 255); } if(inky.get_wake_up_event() == InkyFrame::BUTTON_E_EVENT) { filename = "e.jpg"; inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_E, 255); } if(inky.get_wake_up_event() == InkyFrame::EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_EVENT) { uint8_t i = 128; while(true){ inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_ACTIVITY, i); i++; }; // Wait for debugger } filename = "butterfly-600x448.jpg"; //inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_E, 255); //sleep_ms(1000); if(filename == "") { inky.sleep(); } inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_ACTIVITY, 255); // turn on led to show we're awake // init usb serial for debugging and give our terminal monitor a bit of // time to connect stdio_init_all(); printf("Woke with file: %s\n", filename.c_str()); printf("initialising inky frame.. "); printf("mounting sd card.. "); fr = f_mount(&fs, "", 1); if (fr != FR_OK) { printf("Failed to mount SD card, error: %d\n", fr); return 0; } printf("done!\n"); printf("Listing sd card contents..\n"); FILINFO file; auto dir = new DIR(); f_opendir(dir, "/"); while(f_readdir(dir, &file) == FR_OK && file.fname[0]) { printf("- %s %lld\n", file.fname, file.fsize); } f_closedir(dir); printf("done!\n"); printf("Displaying file: %s\n", filename.c_str()); draw_jpeg(filename, 0, 0, 600, 448); printf("done!\n"); inky.update(); sleep_ms(5000); inky.led(InkyFrame::LED_CONNECTION, 0); inky.sleep(); return 0; }