#include "motor_state.hpp" #include "common/pimoroni_common.hpp" #include "float.h" #include "math.h" namespace motor { MotorState::MotorState() : motor_speed(0.0f), last_enabled_duty(0.0f), enabled(false), motor_direction(NORMAL), motor_scale(DEFAULT_SPEED_SCALE), motor_deadzone(DEFAULT_DEADZONE){ } MotorState::MotorState(Direction direction, float speed_scale, float deadzone) : motor_speed(0.0f), last_enabled_duty(0.0f), enabled(false), motor_direction(direction), motor_scale(MAX(speed_scale, FLT_EPSILON)), motor_deadzone(CLAMP(deadzone, 0.0f, 1.0f)) { } float MotorState::enable_with_return() { enabled = true; return get_deadzoned_duty(); } float MotorState::disable_with_return() { enabled = false; return NAN; } bool MotorState::is_enabled() const { return enabled; } float MotorState::get_duty() const { return last_enabled_duty; } float MotorState::get_deadzoned_duty() const { float duty = 0.0f; if((last_enabled_duty <= 0.0f - motor_deadzone) || (last_enabled_duty >= motor_deadzone)) { duty = last_enabled_duty; } if(enabled) return duty; else return NAN; } float MotorState::set_duty_with_return(float duty) { // Clamp the duty between the hard limits last_enabled_duty = CLAMP(duty, -1.0f, 1.0f); motor_speed = last_enabled_duty * motor_scale; return enable_with_return(); } float MotorState::get_speed() const { return (motor_direction == NORMAL) ? motor_speed : 0.0f - motor_speed; } float MotorState::set_speed_with_return(float speed) { // Invert provided speed if the motor direction is reversed if(motor_direction == REVERSED) speed = 0.0f - speed; // Clamp the speed between the hard limits motor_speed = CLAMP(speed, -motor_scale, motor_scale); last_enabled_duty = motor_speed / motor_scale; return enable_with_return(); } float MotorState::stop_with_return() { return set_duty_with_return(0.0f); } float MotorState::full_negative_with_return() { return set_duty_with_return(-1.0f); } float MotorState::full_positive_with_return() { return set_duty_with_return(1.0f); } float MotorState::to_percent_with_return(float in, float in_min, float in_max) { float speed = MotorState::map_float(in, in_min, in_max, 0.0f - motor_speed, motor_speed); return set_speed_with_return(speed); } float MotorState::to_percent_with_return(float in, float in_min, float in_max, float speed_min, float speed_max) { float speed = MotorState::map_float(in, in_min, in_max, speed_min, speed_max); return set_speed_with_return(speed); } Direction MotorState::get_direction() const { return motor_direction; } void MotorState::set_direction(Direction direction) { motor_direction = direction; } float MotorState::get_speed_scale() const { return motor_scale; } void MotorState::set_speed_scale(float speed_scale) { motor_scale = MAX(speed_scale, FLT_EPSILON); motor_speed = last_enabled_duty * motor_scale; } float MotorState::get_deadzone() const { return motor_deadzone; } float MotorState::set_deadzone_with_return(float deadzone) { motor_deadzone = CLAMP(deadzone, 0.0f, 1.0f); return get_deadzoned_duty(); } int32_t MotorState::duty_to_level(float duty, uint32_t resolution) { return (int32_t)(duty * (float)resolution); } float MotorState::map_float(float in, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) { return (((in - in_min) * (out_max - out_min)) / (in_max - in_min)) + out_min; } };