import gc import sys import time import math import machine import badger2040 page = 0 examples = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] MAX_PAGE = math.ceil(len(examples) / 3) button_a = machine.Pin(badger2040.BUTTON_A, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN) button_b = machine.Pin(badger2040.BUTTON_B, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN) button_c = machine.Pin(badger2040.BUTTON_C, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN) button_up = machine.Pin(badger2040.BUTTON_UP, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN) button_down = machine.Pin(badger2040.BUTTON_DOWN, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN) # Early exit if b + c button is pressed # A button must be held briefly to power on, so we use a combo instead if button_b.value() and button_c.value(): sys.exit(0) screen = badger2040.Badger2040() screen.update_speed(1) def render(): screen.pen(15) screen.clear() screen.pen(0) screen.thickness(2) max_icons = min(3, len(examples[(page * 3):])) for i in range(max_icons): x = (14 + 80) * i + 14 label = examples[i + (page * 3)].replace(".py", "") screen.rectangle(x, 24, 80, 80) screen.text(label, x, 24 + 80 + 10, 0.5) for i in range(MAX_PAGE): x = 286 y = int((128 / 2) - (MAX_PAGE * 10 / 2) + (i * 10)) screen.pen(0) screen.rectangle(x, y, 8, 8) if page != i: screen.pen(15) screen.rectangle(x + 1, y + 1, 6, 6) screen.update() def launch(file): for k in locals().keys(): if k not in ("gc", "file"): del locals()[k] gc.collect() __import__(file) def launch_example(index): try: launch(examples[(page * 3) + index]) return True except IndexError: return False def button(pin): global page if pin == button_a: launch_example(0) if pin == button_b: launch_example(1) if pin == button_c: launch_example(2) if pin == button_up: if page > 0: page -= 1 render() if pin == button_down: if page < MAX_PAGE - 1: page += 1 render() render() # Wait for wakeup button to be released while button_a.value() or button_b.value() or button_c.value() or button_up.value() or button_down.value(): pass button_a.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=button) button_b.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=button) button_c.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=button) button_up.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=button) button_down.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=button) while True: time.sleep(1.0)