import binascii import badger2040 import badger_os # **** Put your list title here ***** list_title = "Checklist" list_file = "checklist.txt" # Global Constants WIDTH = badger2040.WIDTH HEIGHT = badger2040.HEIGHT ARROW_THICKNESS = 3 ARROW_WIDTH = 18 ARROW_HEIGHT = 14 ARROW_PADDING = 2 MAX_ITEM_CHARS = 26 TITLE_TEXT_SIZE = 0.7 ITEM_TEXT_SIZE = 0.6 ITEM_SPACING = 20 LIST_START = 40 LIST_PADDING = 2 LIST_WIDTH = WIDTH - LIST_PADDING - LIST_PADDING - ARROW_WIDTH LIST_HEIGHT = HEIGHT - LIST_START - LIST_PADDING - ARROW_HEIGHT # Default list items - change the list items by editing checklist.txt list_items = ["Badger", "Badger", "Badger", "Badger", "Badger", "Mushroom", "Mushroom", "Snake"] save_checklist = False try: with open("checklist.txt", "r") as f: raw_list_items = if raw_list_items.find(" X\n") != -1: # Have old style checklist, preserve state and note we should resave the list to remove the Xs list_items = [] state = { "current_item": 0, "checked": [] } for item in raw_list_items.strip().split("\n"): if item.endswith(" X"): state["checked"].append(True) item = item[:-2] else: state["checked"].append(False) list_items.append(item) state["items_hash"] = binascii.crc32("\n".join(list_items)) badger_os.state_save("list", state) save_checklist = True else: list_items = [item.strip() for item in raw_list_items.strip().split("\n")] except OSError: save_checklist = True if save_checklist: with open("checklist.txt", "w") as f: for item in list_items: f.write(item + "\n") # ------------------------------ # Drawing functions # ------------------------------ # Draw the list of items def draw_list(items, item_states, start_item, highlighted_item, x, y, width, height, item_height, columns): item_x = 0 item_y = 0 current_col = 0 for i in range(start_item, len(items)): if i == highlighted_item: display.pen(12) display.rectangle(item_x, item_y + y - (item_height // 2), width // columns, item_height) display.pen(0) display.text(items[i], item_x + x + item_height, item_y + y, ITEM_TEXT_SIZE) draw_checkbox(item_x, item_y + y - (item_height // 2), item_height, 15, 0, 2, item_states[i], 2) item_y += item_height if item_y >= height - (item_height // 2): item_x += width // columns item_y = 0 current_col += 1 if current_col >= columns: return # Draw a upward arrow def draw_up(x, y, width, height, thickness, padding): border = (thickness // 4) + padding display.line(x + border, y + height - border, x + (width // 2), y + border) display.line(x + (width // 2), y + border, x + width - border, y + height - border) # Draw a downward arrow def draw_down(x, y, width, height, thickness, padding): border = (thickness // 2) + padding display.line(x + border, y + border, x + (width // 2), y + height - border) display.line(x + (width // 2), y + height - border, x + width - border, y + border) # Draw a left arrow def draw_left(x, y, width, height, thickness, padding): border = (thickness // 2) + padding display.line(x + width - border, y + border, x + border, y + (height // 2)) display.line(x + border, y + (height // 2), x + width - border, y + height - border) # Draw a right arrow def draw_right(x, y, width, height, thickness, padding): border = (thickness // 2) + padding display.line(x + border, y + border, x + width - border, y + (height // 2)) display.line(x + width - border, y + (height // 2), x + border, y + height - border) # Draw a tick def draw_tick(x, y, width, height, thickness, padding): border = (thickness // 2) + padding display.line(x + border, y + ((height * 2) // 3), x + (width // 2), y + height - border) display.line(x + (width // 2), y + height - border, x + width - border, y + border) # Draw a cross def draw_cross(x, y, width, height, thickness, padding): border = (thickness // 2) + padding display.line(x + border, y + border, x + width - border, y + height - border) display.line(x + width - border, y + border, x + border, y + height - border) # Draw a checkbox with or without a tick def draw_checkbox(x, y, size, background, foreground, thickness, tick, padding): border = (thickness // 2) + padding display.pen(background) display.rectangle(x + border, y + border, size - (border * 2), size - (border * 2)) display.pen(foreground) display.thickness(thickness) display.line(x + border, y + border, x + size - border, y + border) display.line(x + border, y + border, x + border, y + size - border) display.line(x + size - border, y + border, x + size - border, y + size - border) display.line(x + border, y + size - border, x + size - border, y + size - border) if tick: draw_tick(x, y, size, size, thickness, 2 + border) # ------------------------------ # Program setup # ------------------------------ changed = not badger2040.woken_by_button() state = { "current_item": 0, } badger_os.state_load("list", state) items_hash = binascii.crc32("\n".join(list_items)) if "items_hash" not in state or state["items_hash"] != items_hash: # Item list changed, or not yet written reset the list state["current_item"] = 0 state["items_hash"] = items_hash state["checked"] = [False] * len(list_items) changed = True # Global variables items_per_page = 0 # Create a new Badger and set it to update FAST display = badger2040.Badger2040() display.led(128) if changed: display.update_speed(badger2040.UPDATE_FAST) else: display.update_speed(badger2040.UPDATE_TURBO) # Find out what the longest item is longest_item = 0 for i in range(len(list_items)): while True: item = list_items[i] item_length = display.measure_text(item, ITEM_TEXT_SIZE) if item_length > 0 and item_length > LIST_WIDTH - ITEM_SPACING: list_items[i] = item[:-1] else: break longest_item = max(longest_item, display.measure_text(list_items[i], ITEM_TEXT_SIZE)) # And use that to calculate the number of columns we can fit onscreen and how many items that would give list_columns = 1 while longest_item + ITEM_SPACING < (LIST_WIDTH // (list_columns + 1)): list_columns += 1 items_per_page = ((LIST_HEIGHT // ITEM_SPACING) + 1) * list_columns # ------------------------------ # Main program loop # ------------------------------ while True: if len(list_items) > 0: if display.pressed(badger2040.BUTTON_A): if state["current_item"] > 0: page = state["current_item"] // items_per_page state["current_item"] = max(state["current_item"] - (items_per_page) // list_columns, 0) if page != state["current_item"] // items_per_page: display.update_speed(badger2040.UPDATE_FAST) changed = True if display.pressed(badger2040.BUTTON_B): state["checked"][state["current_item"]] = not state["checked"][state["current_item"]] changed = True if display.pressed(badger2040.BUTTON_C): if state["current_item"] < len(list_items) - 1: page = state["current_item"] // items_per_page state["current_item"] = min(state["current_item"] + (items_per_page) // list_columns, len(list_items) - 1) if page != state["current_item"] // items_per_page: display.update_speed(badger2040.UPDATE_FAST) changed = True if display.pressed(badger2040.BUTTON_UP): if state["current_item"] > 0: state["current_item"] -= 1 changed = True if display.pressed(badger2040.BUTTON_DOWN): if state["current_item"] < len(list_items) - 1: state["current_item"] += 1 changed = True if changed: badger_os.state_save("list", state) display.pen(15) display.clear() display.pen(12) display.rectangle(WIDTH - ARROW_WIDTH, 0, ARROW_WIDTH, HEIGHT) display.rectangle(0, HEIGHT - ARROW_HEIGHT, WIDTH, ARROW_HEIGHT) y = LIST_PADDING + 12 display.pen(0) display.thickness(3) display.text(list_title, LIST_PADDING, y, TITLE_TEXT_SIZE) y += 12 display.pen(0) display.thickness(2) display.line(LIST_PADDING, y, WIDTH - LIST_PADDING - ARROW_WIDTH, y) if len(list_items) > 0: page_item = 0 if items_per_page > 0: page_item = (state["current_item"] // items_per_page) * items_per_page # Draw the list display.pen(0) display.thickness(2) draw_list(list_items, state["checked"], page_item, state["current_item"], LIST_PADDING, LIST_START, LIST_WIDTH, LIST_HEIGHT, ITEM_SPACING, list_columns) # Draw the interaction button icons display.pen(0) display.thickness(ARROW_THICKNESS) # Previous item if state["current_item"] > 0: draw_up(WIDTH - ARROW_WIDTH, (HEIGHT // 4) - (ARROW_HEIGHT // 2), ARROW_WIDTH, ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_THICKNESS, ARROW_PADDING) # Next item if state["current_item"] < (len(list_items) - 1): draw_down(WIDTH - ARROW_WIDTH, ((HEIGHT * 3) // 4) - (ARROW_HEIGHT // 2), ARROW_WIDTH, ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_THICKNESS, ARROW_PADDING) # Previous column if state["current_item"] > 0: draw_left((WIDTH // 7) - (ARROW_WIDTH // 2), HEIGHT - ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_WIDTH, ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_THICKNESS, ARROW_PADDING) # Next column if state["current_item"] < (len(list_items) - 1): draw_right(((WIDTH * 6) // 7) - (ARROW_WIDTH // 2), HEIGHT - ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_WIDTH, ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_THICKNESS, ARROW_PADDING) if state["checked"][state["current_item"]]: # Tick off item draw_cross((WIDTH // 2) - (ARROW_WIDTH // 2), HEIGHT - ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_THICKNESS, ARROW_PADDING) else: # Untick item draw_tick((WIDTH // 2) - (ARROW_WIDTH // 2), HEIGHT - ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_HEIGHT, ARROW_THICKNESS, ARROW_PADDING) else: # Say that the list is empty empty_text = "Nothing Here" text_length = display.measure_text(empty_text, ITEM_TEXT_SIZE) display.text(empty_text, ((LIST_PADDING + LIST_WIDTH) - text_length) // 2, (LIST_HEIGHT // 2) + LIST_START - (ITEM_SPACING // 4), ITEM_TEXT_SIZE) display.update() display.update_speed(badger2040.UPDATE_TURBO) changed = False display.halt()