import badger2040 import qrcode import time import os import badger_os # Check that the qrcodes directory exists, if not, make it try: os.mkdir("qrcodes") except OSError: pass # Check that there is a qrcode.txt, if not preload try: text = open("qrcodes/qrcode.txt", "r") except OSError: text = open("qrcodes/qrcode.txt", "w") text.write(""" Badger 2040 * 296x128 1-bit e-ink * six user buttons * user LED * 2MB QSPI flash Scan this code to learn more about Badger 2040. """) text.flush() # Load all available QR Code Files try: CODES = [f for f in os.listdir("/qrcodes") if f.endswith(".txt")] TOTAL_CODES = len(CODES) except OSError: pass print(f'There are {TOTAL_CODES} QR Codes available:') for codename in CODES: print(f'File: {codename}') display = badger2040.Badger2040() code = qrcode.QRCode() state = { "current_qr": 0 } def measure_qr_code(size, code): w, h = code.get_size() module_size = int(size / w) return module_size * w, module_size def draw_qr_code(ox, oy, size, code): size, module_size = measure_qr_code(size, code) display.pen(15) display.rectangle(ox, oy, size, size) display.pen(0) for x in range(size): for y in range(size): if code.get_module(x, y): display.rectangle(ox + x * module_size, oy + y * module_size, module_size, module_size) def draw_qr_file(n): display.led(128) file = CODES[n] codetext = open("qrcodes/{}".format(file), "r") lines ="\n") code_text = lines.pop(0) title_text = lines.pop(0) detail_text = lines # Clear the Display display.pen(15) # Change this to 0 if a white background is used display.clear() display.pen(0) code.set_text(code_text) size, _ = measure_qr_code(128, code) left = top = int((badger2040.HEIGHT / 2) - (size / 2)) draw_qr_code(left, top, 128, code) left = 128 + 5 display.thickness(2) display.text(title_text, left, 20, 0.5) display.thickness(1) top = 40 for line in detail_text: display.text(line, left, top, 0.4) top += 10 if TOTAL_CODES > 1: for i in range(TOTAL_CODES): x = 286 y = int((128 / 2) - (TOTAL_CODES * 10 / 2) + (i * 10)) display.pen(0) display.rectangle(x, y, 8, 8) if state["current_qr"] != i: display.pen(15) display.rectangle(x + 1, y + 1, 6, 6) display.update() badger_os.state_load("qrcodes", state) changed = not badger2040.woken_by_button() while True: if TOTAL_CODES > 1: if display.pressed(badger2040.BUTTON_UP): if state["current_qr"] > 0: state["current_qr"] -= 1 changed = True if display.pressed(badger2040.BUTTON_DOWN): if state["current_qr"] < TOTAL_CODES - 1: state["current_qr"] += 1 changed = True if display.pressed(badger2040.BUTTON_B) or display.pressed(badger2040.BUTTON_C): display.pen(15) display.clear() badger_os.warning(display, "To add QR codes, connect Badger2040 to a PC, load up Thonny, and see") time.sleep(4) changed = True if changed: draw_qr_file(state["current_qr"]) badger_os.state_save("qrcodes", state) changed = False # Halt the Badger to save power, it will wake up if any of the front buttons are pressed display.halt()