#!/usr/bin/env micropython import WIFI_CONFIG from network_manager import NetworkManager import uasyncio from automation import Automation2040W import time board = Automation2040W() is_mini = False # Uncomment for Automation2040WMini ''' from automation import Automation2040WMini board = Automation2040WMini() is_mini = True ''' def status_handler(mode, status, ip): print("Network: {}".format(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID)) status_text = "Connecting..." board.conn_led(20) if status is not None: if status: status_text = "Connection successful!" board.conn_led(True) else: status_text = "Connection failed!" board.conn_led(False) print(status_text) print("IP: {}".format(ip)) try: from tinyweb.server import webserver except ImportError: # WIFI settings WIFI_COUNTRY = "GB" # Changeme! network_manager = NetworkManager(WIFI_COUNTRY, status_handler=status_handler) uasyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(network_manager.client(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID, WIFI_CONFIG.PSK)) # Install missing module import upip upip.install('logging') from tinyweb.server import webserver # Create web server application app = webserver() # Static page if is_mini: html_file = open('index_mini.html', 'r') else: html_file = open('index.html', 'r') # WIFI settings WIFI_COUNTRY = "GB" # Changeme! class LEDs: def not_exists(self): return {'message': 'no data provided'}, 404 def get(self, data): if 'SW_A' in data.keys(): board.switch_led(0, int(data['SW_A'])) if 'SW_B' in data.keys(): board.switch_led(1, int(data['SW_B'])) if 'CONN' in data.keys(): board.conn_led(int(data['CONN'])) return {'message': 'leds updated'}, 201 def post(self, data): if 'one' in data.keys(): board.output(0, int(data['one'])) if 'two' in data.keys(): board.output(1, int(data['two'])) if 'three' in data.keys(): if not is_mini: board.output(2, int(data['three'])) return {'message': 'outputs updated'}, 201 class inputs: def not_exists(self): return {'message': 'no data provided'}, 404 def get(self, data): if not is_mini: return {"one": board.read_input(0), "two": board.read_input(1), "three": board.read_input(2), "four": board.read_input(3)}, 201 else: return {"one": board.read_input(0), "two": board.read_input(1), "three": "N/A", "four": "N/A"}, 201 def post(self, data): return {'message': 'outputs updated'}, 201 class buttons: def not_exists(self): return {'message': 'no data provided'}, 404 def get(self, data): return {"SW_A": board.switch_pressed(0), "SW_B": board.switch_pressed(1)}, 201 def post(self, data): return {'message': 'outputs updated'}, 201 class ADCs: def not_exists(self): return {'message': 'no data provided'}, 404 def get(self, data): return {"one": board.read_adc(0), "two": board.read_adc(1), "three": board.read_adc(2)}, 201 def post(self, data): return {'message': 'outputs updated'}, 201 class outputs: def not_exists(self): return {'message': 'no data provided'}, 404 def get(self, data): if 'one' in data.keys(): print(int(data['one'])) board.output(0, bool(int(data['one']))) if 'two' in data.keys(): board.output(1, bool(int(data['two']))) if 'three' in data.keys(): if not is_mini: board.output(2, bool(int(data['three']))) if not is_mini: return {"one": bool(board.output(0)), "two": bool(board.output(1)), "three": bool(board.output(2))}, 201 else: return {"one": bool(board.output(0)), "two": bool(board.output(1)), "three": "N/A"}, 201 def post(self, data): if 'one' in data.keys(): board.output(0, bool(int(data['one']))) if 'two' in data.keys(): board.output(1, bool(int(data['two']))) if 'three' in data.keys(): if not is_mini: board.output(2, int(data['three'])) return {'message': 'outputs updated'}, 201 class relays: def not_exists(self): return {'message': 'no data provided'}, 404 def get(self, data): if 'one' in data.keys(): if not is_mini: board.relay(0, int(data['one'])) else: board.relay(int(data['one'])) if 'two' in data.keys(): if not is_mini: board.relay(1, int(data['two'])) if 'three' in data.keys(): if not is_mini: board.relay(2, int(data['three'])) if not is_mini: return {"one": bool(board.relay(0)), "two": bool(board.relay(1)), "three": bool(board.relay(2))}, 201 else: return {"one": bool(board.relay()), "two": "N/A", "three": "N/A"}, 201 def post(self, data): if 'one' in data.keys(): board.relay(0, int(data['one'])) if 'two' in data.keys(): if not is_mini: board.relay(1, int(data['two'])) if 'three' in data.keys(): if not is_mini: board.relay(2, int(data['three'])) return {'message': 'outputs updated'}, 201 # Index page @app.route('/') async def index(request, response): # Start HTTP response with content-type text/html await response.start_html() # Send actual HTML page await response.send(html_file.read()) # HTTP redirection @app.route('/redirect') async def redirect(request, response): # Start HTTP response with content-type text/html await response.redirect('/') def run(): # Setup wifi network_manager = NetworkManager(WIFI_COUNTRY, status_handler=status_handler) app.add_resource(outputs, '/outputs') app.add_resource(relays, '/relays') app.add_resource(inputs, '/inputs') app.add_resource(ADCs, '/adcs') app.add_resource(LEDs, '/leds') app.add_resource(buttons, '/buttons') # Connect to Wifi network uasyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(network_manager.client(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID, WIFI_CONFIG.PSK)) while not network_manager.isconnected(): time.sleep(0.1) app.run(host='', port=80) if __name__ == '__main__': run()