''' sunrise.py This example is for Interstate 75 W, connected up to two chained 64 x 64 panels. It displays information from the Sunrise Sunset API: Find out more here - https://sunrise-sunset.org/api Also shows how to use a 16x16 animated sprite. ''' import WIFI_CONFIG import time from math import radians, sin, cos from random import randint from interstate75 import Interstate75 from network_manager import NetworkManager import ntptime import urequests import uasyncio import machine # Helper class so that the different formats of time can be converted into one comparable format # Makes up for the lack of a datetime module in MicroPython class TimeObj: def __init__(self): self.secs = 0 self.mins = 0 self.hours = 0 self.PM = False # Returns time variables as a tuple (h, m, s) def get_time(self): pm_hrs = 0 if self.PM: pm_hrs = 12 return (self.hours + pm_hrs, self.mins, self.secs) # Returns time variables as a single string def get_str(self): h, m, s = self.get_time() return "{0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}".format(h, m, s) # Set time variables from the sunrise-sunset API def parse_api(self, apiStr): strsplit = apiStr.split() if strsplit[1] == 'PM': self.PM = True timesplit = strsplit[0].split(':') self.hours = int(timesplit[0]) self.mins = int(timesplit[1]) self.secs = int(timesplit[2]) # Set time variables form def parse_localtime(self, localtpl): yr, mo, dy, self.hours, self.mins, self.secs, un1, un2 = localtpl # Returns number of seconds since midnight def get_total_secs(self): seconds = 0 if self.PM: seconds += 43200 # seconds in the first 12 hours seconds += (self.hours * 3600) seconds += (self.mins * 60) seconds += self.secs return seconds # Instances of TimeObj helper class defined above sunrise_obj = TimeObj() sunset_obj = TimeObj() currenttime = TimeObj() # Coordinates for Sheffield-on-Sea, UK lng = -1.4659 lat = 53.3829 # Coordinates for LA, USA # lng = -118.2437 # lat = 34.0522 URL = 'https://api.sunrise-sunset.org/json?lat={0}&lng={1}&date=today'.format(lat, lng) rtc = machine.RTC() i75 = Interstate75(display=Interstate75.DISPLAY_INTERSTATE75_128X64) graphics = i75.display sys_status = "Starting" WIDTH, HEIGHT = graphics.get_bounds() BLACK = graphics.create_pen(0, 0, 0) WHITE = graphics.create_pen(200, 200, 200) HILLS_COLOUR_1 = graphics.create_pen(100, 100, 0) HILLS_COLOUR_2 = graphics.create_pen(100, 150, 0) HILLS_COLOUR_3 = graphics.create_pen(50, 150, 0) SUN_COLOUR = graphics.create_pen(255, 0, 0) # Generate hill heights hills1 = [randint(10, 18), randint(10, 18), randint(10, 18), randint(10, 18), randint(10, 18)] hills2 = [randint(10, 18), randint(10, 18)] hills3 = [randint(10, 18), randint(10, 18)] # Sprite information for sun icon sun = [ [ 0b0000000100000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0010011111001000, 0b0000100000100000, 0b0001000000010000, 0b0010000000001000, 0b0010010001001000, 0b0010000100001000, 0b0010000000001000, 0b0010000000001000, 0b0001001110010000, 0b0000100000100000, 0b0010011111001000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000100000000, 0b0000000000000000 ], [ 0b0000000000000000, 0b0100000000000100, 0b0000011111000000, 0b0000100000100000, 0b0001000000010000, 0b0010010001001000, 0b0010010001001000, 0b1010000100001010, 0b0010000000001000, 0b0010010001001000, 0b0001001110010000, 0b0000100000100000, 0b0000011111000000, 0b0100000000000100, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000 ], [ 0b0000000100000000, 0b0100000000000100, 0b0010011111001000, 0b0000100000100000, 0b0001000000010000, 0b0010010001001000, 0b0010010001001000, 0b1010000100001010, 0b0010000000001000, 0b0010010001001000, 0b0001001110010000, 0b0000100000100000, 0b0010011111001000, 0b0100000000000100, 0b0000000100000000, 0b0000000000000000 ] ] def get_data(): # open the json file print(f'Requesting URL: {URL}') r = urequests.get(URL) # open the json data j = r.json() print('Data obtained!') r.close() return j def get_sunrise(): sun_json = get_data() sunrise = sun_json['results']['sunrise'] sunrise_obj.parse_api(sunrise) sunset = sun_json['results']['sunset'] sunset_obj.parse_api(sunset) def display_status(): global sys_status graphics.set_pen(BLACK) graphics.clear() graphics.set_pen(WHITE) graphics.text(sys_status, 2, 0, WIDTH, 1) i75.update(graphics) def status_handler(mode, status, ip): # reports wifi connection status global sys_status print(mode, status, ip) sys_status = 'Mode: {0} Connected: {1} IP: {2}'.format(mode, status, ip) display_status() i75.update(graphics) print('Connecting to wifi...') if status is not None: if status: print('Wifi connection successful!') else: print('Wifi connection failed!') def calc_circle_points(ori_x, ori_y, r, deg): rads = radians(deg - 180) x = int(cos(rads) * r) + ori_x y = int(sin(rads) * r) + ori_y return x, y def to_seconds(hour, mins, secs, isPM=False): seconds = 0 if isPM: seconds += 43200 # Seconds in the first 12 hours seconds += (hour * 3600) seconds += (mins * 60) seconds += secs return seconds def draw_hills(): graphics.set_pen(HILLS_COLOUR_1) for x in range(5): graphics.circle(30 * x, 64, hills1[x]) graphics.set_pen(HILLS_COLOUR_2) for x in range(2): graphics.circle(60 * x + 15, 64, hills2[x]) graphics.set_pen(HILLS_COLOUR_3) for x in range(2): graphics.circle(60 * x + 30 + 15, 64, hills3[x]) def draw_text(): graphics.set_pen(WHITE) graphics.text("Sun Rise-Set API demo", 2, 0, WIDTH, 1) graphics.text("Sunrise: {0}".format(sunrise_obj.get_str()), 2, 8, WIDTH, 1) graphics.text("Sunset: {0}".format(sunset_obj.get_str()), 2, 16, WIDTH, 1) graphics.text("{0}".format(currenttime.get_str()), 2, 24, WIDTH, 1) def draw_sun(sunrise, sunset, time, cycle): global SUN_COLOUR sunlight_range = sunset - sunrise angle = int((180 / sunlight_range) * (time - sunrise)) % 360 pos_x, pos_y = calc_circle_points(64 - 16, 54, 50, angle) graphics.set_pen(SUN_COLOUR) if angle > 180: SUN_COLOUR = graphics.create_pen(0, 0, 0) elif angle < 90: r = 255 g = int(((angle / 100) * 90)) b = 0 SUN_COLOUR = graphics.create_pen(r, g, b) elif angle > 90: r = 255 g = int(100 - (((angle - 90) / 100) * 90)) b = 0 SUN_COLOUR = graphics.create_pen(r, g, b) for y in range(16): for x in range(16): if sun[cycle][y] & (1 << x): graphics.pixel(x + pos_x, int((y + pos_y))) try: network_manager = NetworkManager(WIFI_CONFIG.COUNTRY, status_handler=status_handler) uasyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(network_manager.client(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID, WIFI_CONFIG.PSK)) except Exception as e: print(f'Wifi connection failed! {e}') get_sunrise() ntptime.settime() currenttime.parse_localtime(time.localtime()) count = 0 # Counter for animation while True: # Update current time class instance from RTC currenttime.parse_localtime(time.localtime()) count += 1 graphics.set_pen(BLACK) graphics.clear() # Uncomment for the animation # draw_sun(0, 180, count % 180, count % 3) draw_sun(sunrise_obj.get_total_secs(), sunset_obj.get_total_secs(), currenttime.get_total_secs(), count % 3) draw_hills() draw_text() i75.update(graphics) time.sleep(0.2)