#include #include #include #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "plasma2040.hpp" #include "common/pimoroni_common.hpp" #include "rgbled.hpp" #include "button.hpp" /* ****LED STRIP STACKER GAME**** Button a Begins game push button when the red and yellow leds cross each other. see how far you get... by Gee 'Rabid Inventor' Bartlett */ using namespace pimoroni; // Set how many LEDs you have const uint N_LEDS = 40; const uint REFRESH_DELAY = 100; // Pick *one* LED type by uncommenting the relevant line below: // APA102-style LEDs with Data/Clock lines. AKA DotStar //plasma::APA102 led_strip(N_LEDS, pio0, 0, plasma::PIN_DAT, plasma::PIN_CLK); // WS28X-style LEDs with a single signal line. AKA NeoPixel // by default the WS2812 LED strip will be 400KHz, RGB with no white element //plasma::WS2812 led_strip(N_LEDS, pio0, 0, plasma::PIN_DAT); //Uncomment for WS2812 with RGBW running at 800KHz plasma::WS2812 led_strip(N_LEDS, pio0, 0, plasma::PIN_DAT, 800000, true); Button button_a(plasma::BUTTON_A, Polarity::ACTIVE_LOW, 50); Button button_b(plasma::BUTTON_B, Polarity::ACTIVE_LOW, 50); RGBLED led(plasma::LED_R, plasma::LED_G, plasma::LED_B); class playfield_object{ public: uint8_t position = 0; uint8_t length = 0; int move_direction = 1; uint8_t speed = 0; uint8_t colour_R = 0; uint8_t colour_G = 0; uint8_t colour_B = 0; int is_present_at(uint8_t test_position){ int ret = 0; if (test_position >= position){ if (test_position <= position + length){ ret = 1; } } return ret; } }; class levels{ public: uint8_t player_speed = 0; uint8_t player_speed_increase_rate = 0; bool moving_target = false; uint8_t target_speed = 0; uint8_t target_speed_increase_rate = 0; bool moving_playfield = false; uint8_t playfield_speed = 0; uint8_t playfield_speed_increase_rate = 0; }; class StackerGame{ public: enum states{ ATTRACT_MODE, GAME_STARTED }; levels begining_level; uint8_t playfield_width; int current_step = 0; states game_state = ATTRACT_MODE; int score = 0; uint8_t game_speed = 0; playfield_object player; playfield_object target; playfield_object left_wall; playfield_object right_wall; void start(levels game_level); void reset(levels game_level); void game_step(); void advance_round(); void stop(); }; void StackerGame::start(levels game_level){ game_state = ATTRACT_MODE; begining_level = game_level; playfield_width = N_LEDS; player.position = 5; player.length = 10; target.position = 15; target.length = 10; left_wall.position = 0; left_wall.length = 3; right_wall.position = playfield_width - left_wall.length; right_wall.length = left_wall.length; player.speed = begining_level.player_speed; target.speed = begining_level.target_speed; //object colours player.colour_R = 0; player.colour_B = 0; player.colour_G = 50; target.colour_R = 50; target.colour_G = 50; target.colour_B = 0; left_wall.colour_R = 0; left_wall.colour_G = 0; left_wall.colour_B = 50; right_wall.colour_R = 0; right_wall.colour_G = 0; right_wall.colour_B = 50; } void StackerGame::reset(levels game_level){ begining_level = game_level; playfield_width = N_LEDS; player.position = 5; player.length = 10; target.position = 15; target.length = 10; left_wall.position = 0; left_wall.length = 3; right_wall.position = playfield_width - left_wall.length; right_wall.length = left_wall.length; player.speed = begining_level.player_speed; target.speed = begining_level.target_speed; begining_level.moving_target = false; //object colours player.colour_R = 0; player.colour_B = 0; player.colour_G = 50; target.colour_R = 50; target.colour_G = 50; target.colour_B = 0; left_wall.colour_R = 0; left_wall.colour_G = 0; left_wall.colour_B = 50; right_wall.colour_R = 0; right_wall.colour_G = 0; right_wall.colour_B = 50; } void StackerGame::stop(){ sleep_ms(500); game_state = ATTRACT_MODE; reset(begining_level); } void StackerGame::advance_round(){ player.speed = player.speed + begining_level.player_speed_increase_rate; if (player.speed > 240){ //higher level stuff begining_level.moving_target = true; player.speed = begining_level.player_speed; target.speed = target.speed + begining_level.target_speed_increase_rate; } } void StackerGame::game_step(){ current_step++; bool a = button_a.read(); if (game_state == GAME_STARTED){ if (a){ if (player.position == target.position) { advance_round(); } else if (player.position < target.position ){ if (player.position + player.length >= target.position){ target.length = target.length - (target.position - player.position); player.length = target.length; sleep_ms(200); advance_round(); } else{ stop(); } } else if (player.position > target.position){ if(player.position < target.position + target.length){ target.length = target.length - (player.position - target.position); target.position = player.position; player.length = target.length; sleep_ms(200); advance_round(); } else{ stop(); } } } // aminate player and target ingame if (player.position + player.length >= right_wall.position){ player.move_direction = -1; } if (player.position <= left_wall.position + left_wall.length){ player.move_direction = 1; } if (current_step % (254 - player.speed) == 0){ player.position += player.move_direction; } if (begining_level.moving_target){ if (target.position + target.length >= right_wall.position){ target.move_direction = -1; } if (target.position <= left_wall.position + left_wall.length){ target.move_direction = 1; } if (current_step % (254 - target.speed) == 0){ target.position += target.move_direction; } } } else if (game_state == ATTRACT_MODE){ if (a){ game_state = GAME_STARTED; reset(begining_level); sleep_ms(2000); } // aminate player and target attract mode if (player.position + player.length >= right_wall.position){ player.move_direction = -1; } if (player.position <= left_wall.position + left_wall.length){ player.move_direction = 1; } if (current_step % (254 - 150) == 0){ player.position += player.move_direction; } if (target.position + target.length >= right_wall.position){ target.move_direction = -1; } if (target.position <= left_wall.position + left_wall.length){ target.move_direction = 1; } if (current_step % (254 - 50) == 0){ target.position += target.move_direction; } } } int main() { stdio_init_all(); led_strip.start(60); StackerGame stacker; // create instance of stacker game //create level instance this is where you can adjust beginning dificulty levels level_1; level_1.player_speed = 70; level_1.player_speed_increase_rate = 10; level_1.moving_target = false; level_1.target_speed = 20; level_1.target_speed_increase_rate = 10; stacker.start(level_1); while (true) { //do game loop stacker.game_step(); if (stacker.game_state == stacker.ATTRACT_MODE){ bool a = button_a.read(); if (a){ stacker.game_state = stacker.GAME_STARTED; stacker.start(level_1); sleep_ms(2000); } } // leds update routine for(auto i = 0u; i < led_strip.num_leds; ++i) { if (stacker.target.is_present_at(i)){ led_strip.set_rgb(i, stacker.target.colour_R, stacker.target.colour_G, stacker.target.colour_B); if (stacker.player.is_present_at(i)){ led_strip.set_rgb(i, stacker.target.colour_R - stacker.player.colour_R, stacker.target.colour_G - stacker.player.colour_G, stacker.target.colour_B - stacker.player.colour_B); } } else if (stacker.player.is_present_at(i)){ led_strip.set_rgb(i, stacker.player.colour_R, stacker.player.colour_G, stacker.player.colour_B); } else if (stacker.left_wall.is_present_at(i)){ led_strip.set_rgb(i, stacker.left_wall.colour_R, stacker.left_wall.colour_G, stacker.left_wall.colour_B); } else if (stacker.right_wall.is_present_at(i)){ led_strip.set_rgb(i, stacker.right_wall.colour_R, stacker.right_wall.colour_G, stacker.right_wall.colour_B); } else{ led_strip.set_rgb(i, 0, 0, 0); } } // Sleep time controls the rate at which the LED buffer is updated // but *not* the actual framerate at which the buffer is sent to the LEDs sleep_ms(1); } }