import gc import jpegdec from urllib import urequest from ujson import load gc.collect() graphics = None WIDTH = None HEIGHT = None FILENAME = "nasa-apod-daily" # A Demo Key is used in this example and is IP rate limited. You can get your own API Key from API_URL = "" # Length of time between updates in minutes. # Frequent updates will reduce battery life! UPDATE_INTERVAL = 240 # Variable for storing the NASA APOD Title apod_title = None def show_error(text): graphics.set_pen(4) graphics.rectangle(0, 10, WIDTH, 35) graphics.set_pen(1) graphics.text(text, 5, 16, 400, 2) def update(): global apod_title if HEIGHT == 448: # Image for Inky Frame 5.7 IMG_URL = "" elif HEIGHT == 400: # Image for Inky Frame 4.0 IMG_URL = "" try: # Grab the data socket = urequest.urlopen(API_URL) gc.collect() j = load(socket) socket.close() apod_title = j['title'] gc.collect() except OSError as e: print(e) apod_title = "Image Title Unavailable" try: # Grab the image socket = urequest.urlopen(IMG_URL) gc.collect() data = bytearray(1024) with open(FILENAME, "wb") as f: while True: if socket.readinto(data) == 0: break f.write(data) socket.close() del data gc.collect() except OSError as e: print(e) show_error("Unable to download image") def draw(): jpeg = jpegdec.JPEG(graphics) gc.collect() # For good measure... graphics.set_pen(1) graphics.clear() try: jpeg.open_file(FILENAME) jpeg.decode() except OSError: graphics.set_pen(4) graphics.rectangle(0, (HEIGHT // 2) - 20, WIDTH, 40) graphics.set_pen(1) graphics.text("Unable to display image!", 5, (HEIGHT // 2) - 15, WIDTH, 2) graphics.text("Check your network settings in", 5, (HEIGHT // 2) + 2, WIDTH, 2) graphics.set_pen(0) graphics.rectangle(0, HEIGHT - 25, WIDTH, 25) graphics.set_pen(1) graphics.text(apod_title, 5, HEIGHT - 20, WIDTH, 2) gc.collect() graphics.update()