import plasma import time # Import helper for Analog from pimoroni import Analog NUM_LEDS = 30 UPDATES = 60 # WS2812 / NeoPixelâ„¢ LEDs led_strip = plasma.WS2812(NUM_LEDS, 0, 0, 15) # APA102 / DotStarâ„¢ LEDs # led_strip = plasma.APA102(NUM_LEDS, 0, 0, 15, 14) # Set up the ADC for reading current sense = Analog(plasma.PIN_CURRENT_SENSE, plasma.ADC_GAIN, plasma.SHUNT_RESISTOR) # Start updating the LED strip led_strip.start() count = 0 # Make rainbows while True: t = time.ticks_ms() / 1000.0 / 5.0 for i in range(NUM_LEDS): led_strip.set_hsv(i, t + (i / NUM_LEDS)) count += 1 if count >= UPDATES: # Display the current value once every second print("Current =", sense.read_current(), "A") count = 0 time.sleep(1.0 / UPDATES)