from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME as DISPLAY # 5.7" # from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_INKY_FRAME_4 as DISPLAY # 4.0" from network_manager import NetworkManager import uasyncio from urllib import urequest import WIFI_CONFIG import gc import qrcode from machine import Pin from pimoroni_i2c import PimoroniI2C from pcf85063a import PCF85063A import time I2C_SDA_PIN = 4 I2C_SCL_PIN = 5 HOLD_VSYS_EN_PIN = 2 # set up and enable vsys hold so we don't go to sleep hold_vsys_en_pin = Pin(HOLD_VSYS_EN_PIN, Pin.OUT) hold_vsys_en_pin.value(True) # Uncomment one URL to use (Top Stories, World News and technology) # URL = "" # URL = "" URL = "" # Length of time between updates in Seconds. # Frequent updates will reduce battery life! UPDATE_INTERVAL = 60 * 1 graphics = PicoGraphics(DISPLAY) WIDTH, HEIGHT = graphics.get_bounds() graphics.set_font("bitmap8") code = qrcode.QRCode() # intialise the pcf85063a real time clock chip i2c = PimoroniI2C(I2C_SDA_PIN, I2C_SCL_PIN, 100000) rtc = PCF85063A(i2c) def status_handler(mode, status, ip): print(mode, status, ip) network_manager = NetworkManager(WIFI_CONFIG.COUNTRY, status_handler=status_handler) def read_until(stream, char): result = b"" while True: c = if c == char: return result result += c def discard_until(stream, c): while != c: pass def parse_xml_stream(s, accept_tags, group_by, max_items=3): tag = [] text = b"" count = 0 current = {} while True: char = if len(char) == 0: break if char == b"<": next_char = # Discard stuff like ") continue # Detect ") # Discard ]> gc.collect() elif next_char == b"/": current_tag = read_until(s, b">") top_tag = tag[-1] # Populate our result dict if top_tag in accept_tags: current[top_tag.decode("utf-8")] = text.decode("utf-8") # If we've found a group of items, yield the dict elif top_tag == group_by: yield current current = {} count += 1 if count == max_items: return tag.pop() text = b"" gc.collect() continue else: current_tag = read_until(s, b">") tag += [next_char + current_tag.split(b" ")[0]] text = b"" gc.collect() else: text += char def measure_qr_code(size, code): w, h = code.get_size() module_size = int(size / w) return module_size * w, module_size def draw_qr_code(ox, oy, size, code): size, module_size = measure_qr_code(size, code) graphics.set_pen(1) graphics.rectangle(ox, oy, size, size) graphics.set_pen(0) for x in range(size): for y in range(size): if code.get_module(x, y): graphics.rectangle(ox + x * module_size, oy + y * module_size, module_size, module_size) def get_rss(): try: stream = urequest.urlopen(URL) output = list(parse_xml_stream(stream, [b"title", b"description", b"guid", b"pubDate"], b"item")) return output except OSError as e: print(e) return False rtc.enable_timer_interrupt(True) while True: # Connect to WiFi uasyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(network_manager.client(WIFI_CONFIG.SSID, WIFI_CONFIG.PSK)) # Gets Feed Data feed = get_rss() # Clear the screen graphics.set_pen(1) graphics.clear() graphics.set_pen(0) # Title graphics.text("Headlines from BBC News:", 10, 10, 300, 2) # Draws 3 articles from the feed if they're available. if feed: graphics.set_pen(4) graphics.text(feed[0]["title"], 10, 40, WIDTH - 150, 3 if graphics.measure_text(feed[0]["title"]) < 650 else 2) graphics.text(feed[1]["title"], 130, 180, WIDTH - 140, 3 if graphics.measure_text(feed[1]["title"]) < 650 else 2) graphics.text(feed[2]["title"], 10, 320, WIDTH - 150, 3 if graphics.measure_text(feed[2]["title"]) < 650 else 2) graphics.set_pen(3) graphics.text(feed[0]["description"], 10, 110 if graphics.measure_text(feed[0]["title"]) < 650 else 90, WIDTH - 150, 2) graphics.text(feed[1]["description"], 130, 250 if graphics.measure_text(feed[1]["title"]) < 650 else 230, WIDTH - 145, 2) graphics.text(feed[2]["description"], 10, 395 if graphics.measure_text(feed[2]["title"]) < 650 else 375, WIDTH - 150, 2) code.set_text(feed[0]["guid"]) draw_qr_code(490, 40, 100, code) code.set_text(feed[1]["guid"]) draw_qr_code(10, 180, 100, code) code.set_text(feed[2]["guid"]) draw_qr_code(490, 320, 100, code) else: graphics.set_pen(4) graphics.text("Error: Unable to get feed :(", 10, 40, WIDTH - 150, 4) graphics.update() # Time to have a little nap until the next update rtc.set_timer(UPDATE_INTERVAL) hold_vsys_en_pin.init(Pin.IN) time.sleep(UPDATE_INTERVAL)