#include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "servo2040.hpp" /* Demonstrates how to create a Servo object and control it. */ using namespace servo; // How many sweeps of the servo to perform const uint SWEEPS = 3; // The number of discrete sweep steps const uint STEPS = 10; // The time in milliseconds between each step of the sequence const uint STEPS_INTERVAL_MS = 500; // How far from zero to move the servo when sweeping constexpr float SWEEP_EXTENT = 90.0f; // Create a servo on pin 0 Servo s = Servo(servo2040::SERVO_1); int main() { stdio_init_all(); // Initialise the servo s.init(); // Enable the servo (this puts it at the middle) s.enable(); sleep_ms(2000); // Go to min s.to_min(); sleep_ms(2000); // Go to max s.to_max(); sleep_ms(2000); // Go back to mid s.to_mid(); sleep_ms(2000); // Do a sine sweep for(auto j = 0u; j < SWEEPS; j++) { for(auto i = 0u; i < 360; i++) { s.set_value(sin(((float)i * (float)M_PI) / 180.0f) * SWEEP_EXTENT); sleep_ms(20); } } // Do a stepped sweep for(auto j = 0u; j < SWEEPS; j++) { for(auto i = 0u; i < STEPS; i++) { s.to_percent(i, 0, STEPS, 0.0 - SWEEP_EXTENT, SWEEP_EXTENT); sleep_ms(STEPS_INTERVAL_MS); } for(auto i = 0u; i < STEPS; i++) { s.to_percent(i, STEPS, 0, 0.0 - SWEEP_EXTENT, SWEEP_EXTENT); sleep_ms(STEPS_INTERVAL_MS); } } // Disable the servo s.disable(); }