/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building.cpp 2009 Shamus Young ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This module contains the class to construct the buildings. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MAX_VBUFFER 256 #include #include #include #include "glTypes.h" #include "building.h" #include "deco.h" #include "light.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "macro.h" #include "math.h" #include "random.h" #include "texture.h" #include "world.h" #include "win.h" //This is used by the recursive roof builder to decide what items may be added. enum { ADDON_NONE, ADDON_LOGO, ADDON_TRIM, ADDON_LIGHTS, ADDON_COUNT }; static GLvector vector_buffer[MAX_VBUFFER]; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the constructor for our building constructor. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CBuilding::CBuilding (int type, int x, int y, int height, int width, int depth, int seed, GLrgba color) { _x = x; _y = y; _width = width; _depth = depth; _height = height; _center = glVector ((float)(_x + width / 2), 0.0f, (float)(_y + depth / 2)); _seed = seed; _texture_type = RandomVal (); _color = color; _color.alpha = 0.1f; _have_lights = false; _have_logo = false; _have_trim = false; _roof_tiers = 0; //Pick a color for logos & roof lights _trim_color = WorldLightColor (seed); _mesh = new CMesh; //The main textured mesh for the building _mesh_flat = new CMesh; //Flat-color mesh for untextured detail items. switch (type) { case BUILDING_SIMPLE: CreateSimple (); break; case BUILDING_MODERN: CreateModern (); break; case BUILDING_TOWER: CreateTower (); break; case BUILDING_BLOCKY: CreateBlocky (); break; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CBuilding::~CBuilding () { if (_mesh) delete _mesh; if (_mesh_flat) delete _mesh_flat; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned CBuilding::Texture () { return TextureRandomBuilding (_texture_type); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CBuilding::PolyCount () { return _mesh->PolyCount () + _mesh_flat->PolyCount (); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::Render () { glColor3fv (&_color.red); _mesh->Render (); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::RenderFlat (bool colored) { if (colored) glColor3fv (&_color.red); _mesh_flat->Render (); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::ConstructCube (int left, int right, int front, int back, int bottom, int top) { GLvertex p[10]; float x1, x2, z1, z2, y1, y2; int i; int index_list[10]; float u, v1, v2; float mapping; int base_index; int height; height = top - bottom; x1 = (float)left; x2 = (float)right; y1 = (float)bottom; y2 = (float)top; z1 = (float)front; z2 = (float)back; base_index = _mesh->VertexCount (); mapping = (float)SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; u = (float)(RandomVal () % SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE) / (float)SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; v1 = (float)bottom / (float)mapping; v2 = (float)top / (float)mapping; p[0].position = glVector (x1, y1, z1); p[0].uv = glVector (u, v1); p[1].position = glVector (x1, y2, z1); p[1].uv = glVector (u, v2); u += (float)_width / mapping; p[2].position = glVector (x2, y1, z1); p[2].uv = glVector (u, v1); p[3].position = glVector (x2, y2, z1); p[3].uv = glVector (u, v2); u += (float)_depth / mapping; p[4].position = glVector (x2, y1, z2); p[4].uv = glVector (u, v1); p[5].position = glVector (x2, y2, z2); p[5].uv = glVector (u, v2); u += (float)_width / mapping; p[6].position = glVector (x1, y1, z2); p[6].uv = glVector (u, v1); p[7].position = glVector (x1, y2, z2); p[7].uv = glVector (u, v2); u += (float)_width / mapping; p[8].position = glVector (x1, y1, z1); p[8].uv = glVector (u, v1); p[9].position = glVector (x1, y2, z1); p[9].uv = glVector (u, v2); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { p[i].uv.x = (p[i].position.x + p[i].position.z) / (float)SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; _mesh->VertexAdd (p[i]); index_list[i] = base_index + i; } _mesh->CubeAdd (&index_list[0]); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::ConstructCube (float left, float right, float front, float back, float bottom, float top) { GLvertex p[10]; float x1, x2, z1, z2, y1, y2; int i; int index_list[10]; int base_index; x1 = left; x2 = right; y1 = bottom; y2 = top; z1 = front; z2 = back; base_index = _mesh_flat->VertexCount (); p[0].position = glVector (x1, y1, z1); p[0].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); p[1].position = glVector (x1, y2, z1); p[1].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); p[2].position = glVector (x2, y1, z1); p[2].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); p[3].position = glVector (x2, y2, z1); p[3].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); p[4].position = glVector (x2, y1, z2); p[4].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); p[5].position = glVector (x2, y2, z2); p[5].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); p[6].position = glVector (x1, y1, z2); p[6].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); p[7].position = glVector (x1, y2, z2); p[7].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); p[8].position = glVector (x1, y1, z1); p[8].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); p[9].position = glVector (x1, y2, z1); p[9].uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { p[i].uv.x = (p[i].position.x + p[i].position.z) / (float)SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; _mesh_flat->VertexAdd (p[i]); index_list[i] = base_index + i; } _mesh_flat->CubeAdd (&index_list[0]); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will take the given area and populate it with rooftop stuff like air conditioners or light towers. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::ConstructRoof (float left, float right, float front, float back, float bottom) { int air_conditioners; int i; int width, depth, height; int face; int addon; int max_tiers; float ac_x; float ac_y; float ac_base; float ac_size; float ac_height; float tower_height; float logo_offset; CDeco* d; GLvector2 start, end; _roof_tiers++; max_tiers = _height / 10; width = (int)(right - left); depth = (int)(back - front); height = 5 - _roof_tiers; logo_offset = 0.2f; //See if this building is special and worthy of fancy roof decorations. if (bottom > 35.0f) addon = RandomVal (ADDON_COUNT); //Build the roof slab ConstructCube (left, right, front, back, bottom, bottom + (float)height); //Consider putting a logo on the roof, if it's tall enough if (addon == ADDON_LOGO && !_have_logo) { d = new CDeco; if (width > depth) face = COIN_FLIP ? NORTH : SOUTH; else face = COIN_FLIP ? EAST : WEST; switch (face) { case NORTH: start = glVector ((float)left, (float)back + logo_offset); end = glVector ((float)right, (float)back + logo_offset); break; case SOUTH: start = glVector ((float)right, (float)front - logo_offset); end = glVector ((float)left, (float)front - logo_offset); break; case EAST: start = glVector ((float)right + logo_offset, (float)back); end = glVector ((float)right + logo_offset, (float)front); break; case WEST: default: start = glVector ((float)left - logo_offset, (float)front); end = glVector ((float)left - logo_offset, (float)back); break; } d->CreateLogo (start, end, bottom, WorldLogoIndex (), _trim_color); _have_logo = true; } else if (addon == ADDON_TRIM) { d = new CDeco; vector_buffer[0] = glVector (left, bottom, back); vector_buffer[1] = glVector (left, bottom, front); vector_buffer[2] = glVector (right, bottom, front); vector_buffer[3] = glVector (right, bottom, back); d->CreateLightTrim (vector_buffer, 4, (float)RandomVal (2) + 1.0f, _seed, _trim_color); } else if (addon == ADDON_LIGHTS && !_have_lights) { new CLight (glVector (left, (float)(bottom + 2), front), _trim_color, 2); new CLight (glVector (right, (float)(bottom + 2), front), _trim_color, 2); new CLight (glVector (right, (float)(bottom + 2), back), _trim_color, 2); new CLight (glVector (left, (float)(bottom + 2), back), _trim_color, 2); _have_lights = true; } bottom += (float)height; //If the roof is big enough, consider making another layer if (width > 7 && depth > 7 && _roof_tiers < max_tiers) { ConstructRoof (left + 1, right - 1, front + 1, back - 1, bottom); return; } //1 air conditioner block for every 15 floors sounds reasonble air_conditioners = _height / 15; for (i = 0; i < air_conditioners; i++) { ac_size = (float)(10 + RandomVal (30)) / 10; ac_height = (float)RandomVal (20) / 10 + 1.0f; ac_x = left + (float)RandomVal (width); ac_y = front + (float)RandomVal (depth); //make sure the unit doesn't hang off the right edge of the building if (ac_x + ac_size > (float)right) ac_x = (float)right - ac_size; //make sure the unit doesn't hang off the back edge of the building if (ac_y + ac_size > (float)back) ac_y = (float)back - ac_size; ac_base = (float)bottom; //make sure it doesn't hang off the edge ConstructCube (ac_x, ac_x + ac_size, ac_y, ac_y + ac_size, ac_base, ac_base + ac_height); } if (_height > 45) { d = new CDeco; tower_height = (float)(12 + RandomVal (8)); d->CreateRadioTower (glVector ((float)(left + right) / 2.0f, (float)bottom, (float)(front + back) / 2.0f), 15.0f); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::ConstructSpike (int left, int right, int front, int back, int bottom, int top) { GLvertex p; int index_list[6]; int i; GLvector center; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) index_list[i] = _mesh_flat->VertexCount () + i; index_list[5] = index_list[1]; p.uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f); center.x = ((float)left + (float)right) / 2.0f; center.z = ((float)front + (float)back) / 2.0f; p.position = glVector (center.x, (float)top, center.z); _mesh_flat->VertexAdd (p); p.position = glVector ((float)left, (float)bottom, (float)back); _mesh_flat->VertexAdd (p); p.position = glVector ((float)right, (float)bottom, (float)back); _mesh_flat->VertexAdd (p); p.position = glVector ((float)right, (float)bottom, (float)front); _mesh_flat->VertexAdd (p); p.position = glVector ((float)left, (float)bottom, (float)front); _mesh_flat->VertexAdd (p); _mesh_flat->FanAdd (&index_list[0], 6); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This builds an outer wall of a building, with blank (windowless) areas deliberately left. It creates a chain of segments that alternate between windowed and windowless, and it always makes sure the wall is symetrical. window_groups tells it how many windows to place in a row. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ float CBuilding::ConstructWall (int start_x, int start_y, int start_z, int direction, int length, int height, int window_groups, float uv_start, bool blank_corners) { int x, z; int step_x, step_z; int i; int index_list[100]; int current_index; int column; int mid; int odd; GLvertex v; bool blank; bool last_blank; switch (direction) { case NORTH: step_z = 1; step_x = 0; break; case WEST: step_z = 0; step_x = -1; break; case SOUTH: step_z = -1; step_x = 0; break; case EAST: step_z = 0; step_x = 1; break; } x = start_x;; z = start_z; current_index = 0; mid = (length / 2) - 1; odd = 1 - (length % 2); if (length % 2) mid++; //mid = (length / 2); v.uv.x = (float)(x + z) / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; v.uv.x = uv_start; blank = false; for (i = 0; i <= length; i++) { //column counts up to the mid point, then back down, to make it symetrical if (i <= mid) column = i - odd; else column = (mid) - (i - (mid)); last_blank = blank; blank = (column % window_groups) > window_groups / 2; if (blank_corners && i == 0) blank = true; if (blank_corners && i == (length - 1)) blank = true; if (last_blank != blank || i == 0 || i == length) { v.position = glVector ((float)x, (float)start_y, (float)z); v.uv.y = (float)start_y / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; _mesh->VertexAdd (v); index_list[current_index] = _mesh->VertexCount () - 1; current_index++; v.position.y = (float)(start_y + height); v.uv.y = (float)(start_y + height) / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE;; _mesh->VertexAdd (v); index_list[current_index] = _mesh->VertexCount () - 1; current_index++; } //if (!blank && i != 0 && i != (length - 1)) if (!blank && i != length) v.uv.x += 1.0f / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; x += step_x; z += step_z; } _mesh->QuadStripAdd (&index_list[0], current_index); return v.uv.x; } static int maxt; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This makes a big chunky building of intersecting cubes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::CreateBlocky () { int min_height; int left, right, front, back; int max_left, max_right, max_front, max_back; int height; int mid_x, mid_z; int half_depth, half_width; int tiers; int max_tiers; int grouping; float lid_height; float uv_start; bool skip; bool blank_corners; //Choose if the corners of the building are to be windowless. blank_corners = COIN_FLIP; //Choose a random column on our texture; uv_start = (float)RandomVal (SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE) / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; //Choose how the windows are grouped grouping = 2 + RandomVal (4); //Choose how tall the lid should be on top of each section lid_height = (float)(RandomVal (3) + 1); //find the center of the building. mid_x = _x + _width / 2; mid_z = _y + _depth / 2; max_left = max_right = max_front = max_back = 1; height = _height; min_height = _height / 2; min_height = 3; half_depth = _depth / 2; half_width = _width / 2; tiers = 0; if (_height > 40) max_tiers = 15; else if (_height > 30) max_tiers = 10; else if (_height > 20) max_tiers = 5; else if (_height > 10) max_tiers = 2; else max_tiers = 1; max_tiers = MIN (maxt, max_tiers); maxt++; maxt %= 8; //We begin at the top of the building, and work our way down. //Viewed from above, the sections of the building are randomly sized //rectangles that ALWAYS include the center of the building somewhere within //their area. while (1) { if (height < min_height) break; if (tiers >= max_tiers) break; //pick new locationsfor our four outer walls left = (RandomVal () % half_width) + 1; right = (RandomVal () % half_width) + 1; front = (RandomVal () % half_depth) + 1; back = (RandomVal () % half_depth) + 1; skip = false; //At least ONE of the walls must reach out beyond a previous maximum. //Otherwise, this tier would be completely hidden within a previous one. if (left <= max_left && right <= max_right && front <= max_front && back <= max_back) skip = true; //If any of the four walls is in the same position as the previous max,then //skip this tier, or else the two walls will end up z-fightng. if (left == max_left || right == max_right || front == max_front || back == max_back) skip = true; if (!skip) { //if this is the top, then put some lights up here max_left = MAX (left, max_left); max_right = MAX (right, max_right); max_front = MAX (front, max_front); max_back = MAX (back, max_back); //Now build the four walls of this part uv_start = ConstructWall (mid_x - left, 0, mid_z + back, SOUTH, front + back, height, grouping, uv_start, blank_corners) - ONE_SEGMENT; uv_start = ConstructWall (mid_x - left, 0, mid_z - front, EAST, right + left, height, grouping, uv_start, blank_corners) - ONE_SEGMENT; uv_start = ConstructWall (mid_x + right, 0, mid_z - front, NORTH, front + back, height, grouping, uv_start, blank_corners) - ONE_SEGMENT; uv_start = ConstructWall (mid_x + right, 0, mid_z + back, WEST, right + left, height, grouping, uv_start, blank_corners) - ONE_SEGMENT; if (!tiers) ConstructRoof ((float)(mid_x - left), (float)(mid_x + right), (float)(mid_z - front), (float)(mid_z + back), (float)height); else //add a flat-color lid onto this section ConstructCube ((float)(mid_x - left), (float)(mid_x + right), (float)(mid_z - front), (float)(mid_z + back), (float)height, (float)height + lid_height); height -= (RandomVal () % 10) + 1; tiers++; } height--; } ConstructCube (mid_x - half_width, mid_x + half_width, mid_z - half_depth, mid_z + half_depth, 0, 2); _mesh->Compile (); _mesh_flat->Compile (); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A single-cube building. Good for low-rise buildings and stuff that will be far from the camera; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::CreateSimple () { GLvertex p; float x1, x2, z1, z2, y1, y2; int index_list[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; float u, v1, v2; float cap_height; float ledge; //How tall the flat-color roof is cap_height = (float)(1 + RandomVal (4)); //how much the ledge sticks out ledge = (float)RandomVal (10) / 30.0f; x1 = (float)_x; x2 = (float)(_x + _width); y1 = (float)0.0f; y2 = (float)_height; z2 = (float)_y; z1 = (float)(_y + _depth); u = (float)(RandomVal (SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE)) / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; v1 = (float)(RandomVal (SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE)) / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; v2 = v1 + (float)_height * ONE_SEGMENT; p.position = glVector (x1, y1, z1); p.uv = glVector (u, v1); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); p.position = glVector (x1, y2, z1); p.uv = glVector (u, v2); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); u += (float)_depth / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; p.position = glVector (x1, y1, z2); p.uv = glVector (u, v1); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); p.position = glVector (x1, y2, z2); p.uv = glVector (u, v2); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); u += (float)_width / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; p.position = glVector (x2, y1, z2); p.uv = glVector (u, v1); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); p.position = glVector (x2, y2, z2); p.uv = glVector (u, v2); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); u += (float)_depth / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; p.position = glVector (x2, y1, z1); p.uv = glVector (u, v1); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); p.position = glVector (x2, y2, z1); p.uv = glVector (u, v2); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); u += (float)_depth / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; p.position = glVector (x1, y1, z1); p.uv = glVector (u, v1); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); p.position = glVector (x1, y2, z1); p.uv = glVector (u, v2); _mesh->VertexAdd (p); _mesh->QuadStripAdd (index_list, 10); ConstructCube (x1 - ledge, x2 + ledge, z2 - ledge, z1 + ledge, (float)_height, (float)_height + cap_height); _mesh->Compile (); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This makes a deformed cylinder building. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::CreateModern () { GLvertex p; GLvector center; GLvector pos; GLvector2 radius; GLvector2 start, end; int angle; int windows; int cap_height; int half_depth, half_width; float dist; float length; int* index_list; int points; int skip_interval; int skip_counter; int skip_delta; bool logo_done; bool do_trim; CDeco* d; logo_done = false; //How tall the windowless section on top will be. cap_height = 1 + RandomVal (5); //How many 10-degree segments to build before the next skip. skip_interval = 1 + RandomVal (8); //When a skip happens, how many degrees should be skipped skip_delta = (1 + RandomVal (2)) * 30; //30 60 or 90 //See if this is eligible for fancy lighting trim on top if (_height > 48 && RandomVal (3) == 0) do_trim = true; else do_trim = false; //Get the center and radius of the circle half_depth = _depth / 2; half_width = _width / 2; center = glVector ((float)(_x + half_width), 0.0f, (float)(_y + half_depth)); radius = glVector ((float)half_width, (float)half_depth); dist = 0; windows = 0; p.uv.x = 0.0f; points = 0; skip_counter = 0; for (angle = 0; angle <= 360; angle += 10) { if (skip_counter >= skip_interval && (angle + skip_delta < 360)) { angle += skip_delta; skip_counter = 0; } pos.x = center.x - sinf ((float)angle * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * radius.x; pos.z = center.z + cosf ((float)angle * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * radius.y; if (angle > 0 && skip_counter == 0) { length = MathDistance (p.position.x, p.position.z, pos.x, pos.z); windows += (int)length; if (length > 10 && !logo_done) { logo_done = true; start = glVector (pos.x, pos.z); end = glVector (p.position.x, p.position.z); d = new CDeco; d->CreateLogo (start, end, (float)_height, WorldLogoIndex (), RANDOM_COLOR); } } else if (skip_counter != 1) windows++; p.position = pos; p.uv.x = (float)windows / (float)SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; p.uv.y = 0.0f; p.position.y = 0.0f; _mesh->VertexAdd (p); p.position.y = (float)_height; p.uv.y = (float)_height / (float)SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; _mesh->VertexAdd (p); _mesh_flat->VertexAdd (p); p.position.y += (float)cap_height; _mesh_flat->VertexAdd (p); vector_buffer[points / 2] = p.position; vector_buffer[points / 2].y = (float)_height + cap_height / 4; points += 2; skip_counter++; } //if this is a big building and it didn't get a logo, consider giving it a light strip if (!logo_done && do_trim) { d = new CDeco; d->CreateLightTrim (vector_buffer, (points / 2) - 2, (float)cap_height / 2, _seed, RANDOM_COLOR); } index_list = new int[points]; //Add the outer walls for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) index_list[i] = i; _mesh->QuadStripAdd (index_list, points); _mesh_flat->QuadStripAdd (index_list, points); //add the fan to cap the top of the buildings for (i = 0; i < points / 2; i++) index_list[i + 1] = points - (1 + i * 2); p.position.x = _center.x; p.position.z = _center.z; _mesh_flat->VertexAdd (p); index_list[0] = points; _mesh_flat->FanAdd (index_list, 1 + points / 2); delete index_list; radius /= 2.0f; //ConstructRoof ((int)(_center.x - radius), (int)(_center.x + radius), (int)(_center.z - radius), (int)(_center.z + radius), _height + cap_height); _mesh->Compile (); _mesh_flat->Compile (); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CBuilding::CreateTower () { int left, right, front, back, bottom; int section_height, section_width, section_depth; int remaining_height; int ledge_height; int tier_fraction; int grouping; int foundation; int narrowing_interval; int tiers; float ledge; float uv_start; bool blank_corners; bool roof_spike; bool tower; //How much ledges protrude from the building ledge = (float)RandomVal (3) * 0.25f; //How tall the ledges are, in stories ledge_height = RandomVal (4) + 1; //How the windows are grouped grouping = RandomVal (3) + 2; //if the corners of the building have no windows blank_corners = RandomVal (4) > 0; //if the roof is pointed or has infrastructure on it roof_spike = RandomVal (3) == 0; //What fraction of the remaining height should be given to each tier tier_fraction = 2 + RandomVal (4); //How often (in tiers) does the building get narrorwer? narrowing_interval = 1 + RandomVal (10); //The height of the windowsless slab at the bottom foundation = 2 + RandomVal (3); //The odds that we'll have a big fancy spikey top tower = RandomVal (5) != 0 && _height > 40; //set our initial parameters left = _x; right = _x + _width; front = _y; back = _y + _depth; bottom = 0; tiers = 0; //build the foundations. ConstructCube ((float)left - ledge, (float)right + ledge, (float)front - ledge, (float)back + ledge, (float)bottom, (float)foundation); bottom += foundation; //now add tiers until we reach the top while (1) { remaining_height = _height - bottom; section_depth = back - front; section_width = right - left; section_height = MAX (remaining_height / tier_fraction, 2); if (remaining_height < 10) section_height = remaining_height; //Build the four walls uv_start = (float)RandomVal (SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE) / SEGMENTS_PER_TEXTURE; uv_start = ConstructWall (left, bottom, back, SOUTH, section_depth, section_height, grouping, uv_start, blank_corners) - ONE_SEGMENT; uv_start = ConstructWall (left, bottom, front, EAST, section_width, section_height, grouping, uv_start, blank_corners) - ONE_SEGMENT; uv_start = ConstructWall (right, bottom, front, NORTH, section_depth, section_height, grouping, uv_start, blank_corners) - ONE_SEGMENT; uv_start = ConstructWall (right, bottom, back, WEST, section_width, section_height, grouping, uv_start, blank_corners) - ONE_SEGMENT; bottom += section_height; //Build the slab / ledges to cap this section. if (bottom + ledge_height > _height) break; ConstructCube ((float)left - ledge, (float)right + ledge, (float)front - ledge, (float)back + ledge, (float)bottom, (float)(bottom + ledge_height)); bottom += ledge_height; if (bottom > _height) break; tiers++; if ((tiers % narrowing_interval) == 0) { if (section_width > 7) { left+=1; right-=1; } if (section_depth > 7) { front+=1; back-=1; } } } ConstructRoof ((float)left, (float)right, (float)front, (float)back, (float)bottom); _mesh->Compile (); _mesh_flat->Compile (); }