import { getActiveElementTagName, getUrl, searchButton, searchInput, searchNavButton, sleep } from '../utils' import { loginAsFoobar } from '../roles' import { Selector as $ } from 'testcafe' fixture`040-shortcuts-search.js` .page`http://localhost:4002` test('Pressing / goes to search and focuses input but does not prevent left/right hotkeys afterwards', async t => { await loginAsFoobar(t) await t .pressKey('/') .expect(getUrl()).contains('/search') .expect(getActiveElementTagName()).match(/input/i) .typeText(searchInput, 'foo', { paste: true }) .click(searchButton) // unfocus from the input .expect(getActiveElementTagName()).notMatch(/input/i) .pressKey('right') .expect(getUrl()).contains('/settings') .pressKey('left') .expect(getUrl()).contains('/search') // search input is not autofocused if we didn't arrive via the search hotkeys .expect(getActiveElementTagName()).notMatch(/input/i) }) test('Pressing / focuses the search input if we are already on the search page', async t => { await loginAsFoobar(t) await t .click(searchNavButton) .expect(getUrl()).contains('/search') .expect(getActiveElementTagName()).notMatch(/input/i) .pressKey('/') .expect(getActiveElementTagName()).match(/input/i) }) test('Pressing / without logging in just goes to the search page', async t => { await t .expect(getUrl()).eql('http://localhost:4002/') .expect($('.main-content h1').innerText).eql('Semaphore') await sleep(500) // wait for keyboard shortcuts to be active await t .pressKey('/') .expect(getUrl()).contains('/search') .expect(getActiveElementTagName()).notMatch(/input/i) })