import { assets as __assets__, shell as __shell__, routes as __routes__ } from '../__sapper__/service-worker.js' import { get, post } from './routes/_utils/ajax.js' import { setWebShareData, closeKeyValIDBConnection } from './routes/_database/webShare.js' import { getKnownInstances } from './routes/_database/knownInstances.js' import { basename } from './routes/_api/utils.js' const timestamp = process.env.SAPPER_TIMESTAMP const ASSETS = `assets_${timestamp}` const WEBPACK_ASSETS = `webpack_assets_${timestamp}` const ON_DEMAND_CACHE = [ { regex: /tesseract-core\.wasm/, cache: WEBPACK_ASSETS }, { regex: /traineddata\.gz/, cache: ASSETS }, { regex: /\$polyfill\$/, cache: WEBPACK_ASSETS }, { regex: /TwemojiCountryFlags\.woff2/, cache: ASSETS }, { regex: /_splash\.png$/, cache: ASSETS } ] // `static` is an array of everything in the `static` directory const assets = __assets__ .map(file => file.startsWith('/') ? file : `/${file}`) .filter(filename => !filename.endsWith('.map')) .filter(filename => filename !== '/robots.txt') .filter(filename => !filename.includes('traineddata.gz')) // cache on-demand .filter(filename => !filename.endsWith('.webapp')) // KaiOS manifest .filter(filename => !/emoji-.*?\.json$/.test(filename)) // useless to cache; it already goes in IndexedDB .filter(filename => !/screenshot-.*?\.png/.test(filename)) // only used during PWA installation, don't bother caching .filter(filename => !/TwemojiCountryFlags\.woff2/.test(filename)) // cache on-demand .filter(filename => !/_splash\.png$/.test(filename)) // only used for iOS PWA splash screen, cache on-demand // `shell` is an array of all the files generated by webpack // also contains '/index.html' for some reason const webpackAssets = __shell__ .filter(filename => !filename.endsWith('.map')) // don't bother with sourcemaps .filter(filename => !filename.includes('tesseract-core.wasm')) // cache on-demand .filter(filename => !filename.includes('LICENSE')) // don't bother with license files .filter(filename => !filename.includes('$polyfill$')) // polyfills are cached dynamically // `routes` is an array of `{ pattern: RegExp }` objects that // match the pages in your src const routes = __routes__ self.addEventListener('install', event => { event.waitUntil((async () => { await Promise.all([ => cache.addAll(webpackAssets)), => cache.addAll(assets)) ]) // We shouldn't have to do this, but the previous page could be an old one, // which would not send us a postMessage to skipWaiting(). // See self.skipWaiting() })()) }) self.addEventListener('activate', event => { event.waitUntil((async () => { const keys = await caches.keys() // delete old asset/ondemand caches for (const key of keys) { if (key !== ASSETS && !key.startsWith('webpack_assets_')) { await caches.delete(key) } } // for webpack static, keep the two latest builds because we may need // them when the service worker has installed but the page has not // yet reloaded (e.g. when it gives the toast saying "please reload" // but then you don't refresh and instead load an async chunk) const webpackKeysToDelete = keys .filter(key => key.startsWith('webpack_assets_')) .sort((a, b) => { const aTimestamp = parseInt(a.substring(15), 10) const bTimestamp = parseInt(b.substring(15), 10) return bTimestamp < aTimestamp ? -1 : 1 }) .slice(2) for (const key of webpackKeysToDelete) { await caches.delete(key) } await self.clients.claim() })()) }) self.addEventListener('fetch', event => { const req = event.request const url = new URL(req.url) // don't try to handle e.g. data: URIs if (!url.protocol.startsWith('http')) { return } event.respondWith((async () => { const sameOrigin = url.origin === self.origin if (sameOrigin) { if (req.method === 'POST' && url.pathname === '/share') { // handle Web Share Target requests (see manifest.json) const formData = await req.formData() const title = formData.get('title') const text = formData.get('text') const url = formData.get('url') const file = formData.get('file') await setWebShareData({ title, text, url, file }) await closeKeyValIDBConnection() // don't need to keep the IDB connection open return Response.redirect( '/?pwa=true&compose=true', // pwa=true because this can only be invoked from a PWA 303 // 303 recommended by ) } // always serve webpack-generated resources and // static from the cache if possible const response = await caches.match(req) if (response) { return response } for (const { regex, cache } of ON_DEMAND_CACHE) { if (regex.test(url.pathname)) { // cache this on-demand const response = await fetch(req) if (response && response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { const clonedResponse = response.clone() /* no await */ => cache.put(req, clonedResponse)) } return response } } // for routes, serve the /service-worker-index.html file from the most recent // static cache if (routes.find(route => route.pattern.test(url.pathname))) { const response = await caches.match('/service-worker-index.html') if (response) { return response } } } // for everything else, go network-only return fetch(req) })()) }) self.addEventListener('push', event => { event.waitUntil((async () => { const data = // If there is only once instance, then we know for sure that the push notification came from it const knownInstances = await getKnownInstances() if (knownInstances.length !== 1) { // TODO: Mastodon currently does not tell us which instance the push notification came from. // So we have to guess and currently just choose the first one. We _could_ locally store the instance that // currently has push notifications enabled, but this would only work for one instance at a time. // See: await showSimpleNotification(data) return } const origin = basename(knownInstances[0]) try { const notification = await get(`${origin}/api/v1/notifications/${data.notification_id}`, { Authorization: `Bearer ${data.access_token}` }, { timeout: 2000 }) await showRichNotification(data, notification) } catch (e) { await showSimpleNotification(data) } })()) }) async function showSimpleNotification (data) { await self.registration.showNotification(data.title, { badge: '/icon-push-badge.png', icon: data.icon, body: data.body, tag: data.notification_id, data: { url: `${self.origin}/notifications` } }) } async function showRichNotification (data, notification) { const { icon, body } = data const tag = const { origin } = self.location const badge = '/icon-push-badge.png' switch (notification.type) { case 'follow': case 'follow_request': case '': case 'admin.sign_up': { await self.registration.showNotification(data.title, { badge, icon, body, tag, data: { url: `${origin}/accounts/${}` } }) break } case 'reblog': case 'favourite': case 'status': case 'poll': { await self.registration.showNotification(data.title, { badge, icon, body, tag, data: { url: `${origin}/statuses/${}` } }) break } case 'mention': { const isPublic = ['public', 'unlisted'].includes(notification.status.visibility) const actions = [ isPublic && { action: 'reblog', icon: '/icon-push-fa-retweet.png', // generated manually from font-awesome-svg title: 'intl.reblog' }, { action: 'favourite', icon: '/icon-push-fa-star.png', // generated manually from font-awesome-svg title: 'intl.favorite' } ].filter(Boolean) await self.registration.showNotification(data.title, { badge, icon, body, tag, data: { instance: new URL(data.icon).origin, status_id:, access_token: data.access_token, url: `${origin}/statuses/${}` }, actions }) break } } } const cloneNotification = notification => { const clone = {} for (const k in notification) { // deliberately not doing a hasOwnProperty check, but skipping // functions and null props like onclick and onshow and showTrigger if (typeof notification[k] !== 'function' && notification[k] !== null) { clone[k] = notification[k] } } return clone } const updateNotificationWithoutAction = (notification, action) => { const newNotification = cloneNotification(notification) newNotification.actions = newNotification.actions.filter(item => item.action !== action) return self.registration.showNotification(newNotification.title, newNotification) } self.addEventListener('notificationclick', event => { event.waitUntil((async () => { switch (event.action) { case 'reblog': { const url = `${}/api/v1/statuses/${}/reblog` await post(url, null, { Authorization: `Bearer ${}` }) await updateNotificationWithoutAction(event.notification, 'reblog') break } case 'favourite': { const url = `${}/api/v1/statuses/${}/favourite` await post(url, null, { Authorization: `Bearer ${}` }) await updateNotificationWithoutAction(event.notification, 'favourite') break } default: { await self.clients.openWindow( await event.notification.close() break } } })()) }) self.addEventListener('message', (event) => { switch ( { case 'skip-waiting': self.skipWaiting() break } })