/* * ssheven * * Copyright (c) 2020 by cy384 * See LICENSE file for details */ #include "ssheven-console.h" void draw_char(int x, int y, Rect* r, char c) { MoveTo(r->left + x * con.cell_width + 2, r->top + ((y+1) * con.cell_height) - 2); DrawChar(c); } void toggle_cursor(void) { con.cursor_state = !con.cursor_state; Rect cursor = cell_rect(con.cursor_x, con.cursor_y, con.win->portRect); InvalRect(&cursor); } void check_cursor(void) { long int now = TickCount(); if ((now - con.last_cursor_blink) > GetCaretTime()) { toggle_cursor(); con.last_cursor_blink = now; } } // closely inspired by the retro68 console library void draw_screen(Rect* r) { // get the intersection of our console region and the update region Rect bounds = (con.win->portRect); SectRect(r, &bounds, r); short minRow = (0 > (r->top - bounds.top) / con.cell_height) ? 0 : (r->top - bounds.top) / con.cell_height; short maxRow = (24 < (r->bottom - bounds.top + con.cell_height - 1) / con.cell_height) ? 24 : (r->bottom - bounds.top + con.cell_height - 1) / con.cell_height; short minCol = (0 > (r->left - bounds.left) / con.cell_width) ? 0 : (r->left - bounds.left) / con.cell_width; short maxCol = (80 < (r->right - bounds.left + con.cell_width - 1) / con.cell_width) ? 80 : (r->right - bounds.left + con.cell_width - 1) / con.cell_width; EraseRect(r); // don't clobber font settings short save_font = qd.thePort->txFont; short save_font_size = qd.thePort->txSize; short save_font_face = qd.thePort->txFace; TextFont(kFontIDMonaco); TextSize(9); TextFace(normal); for(int i = minRow; i < maxRow; i++) { for (int j = minCol; j < maxCol; j++) { draw_char(j, i, r, con.data[j][i]); } } // do the cursor if needed if (con.cursor_state == 1 && con.cursor_y >= minRow && con.cursor_y <= maxRow && con.cursor_x >= minCol && con.cursor_x <= maxCol) { Rect cursor = cell_rect(con.cursor_x, con.cursor_y, con.win->portRect); InvertRect(&cursor); } TextFont(save_font); TextSize(save_font_size); TextFace(save_font_face); } void ruler(Rect* r) { char itoc[] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}; for (int x = 0; x < 80; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 24; y++) draw_char(x, y, r, itoc[x%10]); } void bump_up_line() { for (int y = 0; y < 23; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 80; x++) { con.data[x][y] = con.data[x][y+1]; } } for (int x = 0; x < 80; x++) con.data[x][23] = ' '; InvalRect(&(con.win->portRect)); } int is_printable(char c) { if (c >= 32 && c <= 126) return 1; else return 0; } void print_char(char c) { if (con.cursor_state == 1) { con.cursor_state = 0; Rect cursor = cell_rect(con.cursor_x, con.cursor_y, con.win->portRect); //InvertRect(&cursor); InvalRect(&cursor); } // backspace if ('\b' == c) { // erase current location con.data[con.cursor_x][con.cursor_y] = ' '; Rect inval = cell_rect(con.cursor_x, con.cursor_y, (con.win->portRect)); InvalRect(&inval); // wrap back to the previous line if possible and necessary if (con.cursor_x == 0 && con.cursor_y != 0) { con.cursor_x = 79; con.cursor_y--; } // otherwise just move back a spot else if (con.cursor_x > 0) { con.cursor_x--; } return; } // got a bell, give em a system beep (value of 30 recommended by docs) if ('\a' == c) SysBeep(30); if ('\n' == c) { con.cursor_y++; con.cursor_x = 0; } if (is_printable(c)) { con.data[con.cursor_x][con.cursor_y] = c; Rect inval = cell_rect(con.cursor_x, con.cursor_y, (con.win->portRect)); InvalRect(&inval); con.cursor_x++; } if (con.cursor_x == 80) { con.cursor_x = 0; con.cursor_y++; } if (con.cursor_y == 24) { bump_up_line(); con.cursor_y = 23; } } void print_int(int d) { char itoc[] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}; char buffer[12] = {0}; int i = 10; int negative = 0; if (d == 0) { buffer[0] = '0'; i = -1; } if (d < 0) { negative = 1; d *= -1; } for (; d > 0; i--) { buffer[i] = itoc[d % 10]; d /= 10; } if (negative) buffer[i] = '-'; print_string(buffer+i+1-negative); } void print_string(const char* c) { while (*c != '\0') { print_char(*c++); } } void printf_i(const char* str, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, str); while (*str != '\0') { if (*str == '%') { str++; switch (*str) { case 'd': print_int(va_arg(args, int)); break; case 's': print_string(va_arg(args, char*)); default: va_arg(args, int); // ignore print_char('%'); print_char(*str); break; } } else { print_char(*str); } str++; } va_end(args); } void set_window_title(WindowPtr w, const char* c_name) { Str255 pascal_name; strncpy((char *) &pascal_name[1], c_name, 255); pascal_name[0] = strlen(c_name); SetWTitle(w, pascal_name); } void console_setup(void) { // don't clobber font settings short save_font = qd.thePort->txFont; short save_font_size = qd.thePort->txSize; short save_font_face = qd.thePort->txFace; TextFont(kFontIDMonaco); TextSize(9); TextFace(normal); con.cell_height = 12; con.cell_width = CharWidth('M'); TextFont(save_font); TextSize(save_font_size); TextFace(save_font_face); Rect initial_window_bounds = qd.screenBits.bounds; InsetRect(&initial_window_bounds, 20, 20); initial_window_bounds.top += 40; initial_window_bounds.bottom = initial_window_bounds.top + con.cell_height * 24 + 2; initial_window_bounds.right = initial_window_bounds.left + con.cell_width * 80 + 4; // limits on window size changes: // top = min vertical // bottom = max vertical // left = min horizontal // right = max horizontal //Rect window_limits = { .top = 100, .bottom = 200, .left = 100, .right = 200 }; ConstStr255Param title = "\pssheven " SSHEVEN_VERSION; WindowPtr win = NewWindow(NULL, &initial_window_bounds, title, true, noGrowDocProc, (WindowPtr)-1, true, 0); Rect portRect = win->portRect; SetPort(win); EraseRect(&portRect); int exit_main_loop = 0; con.win = win; memset(con.data, ' ', sizeof(char) * 24*80); con.cursor_x = 0; con.cursor_y = 0; } Rect cell_rect(int x, int y, Rect bounds) { Rect r = { (short) (bounds.top + y * con.cell_height), (short) (bounds.left + x * con.cell_width + 2), (short) (bounds.top + (y+1) * con.cell_height), (short) (bounds.left + (x+1) * con.cell_width + 2) }; return r; }