ssheven ------- A modern SSH client for Mac OS 7/8/9 on m68k and PPC machines. Project status: getting the SSH connection stuff working * encryption libraries: ham-handedly ported and built, not yet tested at all * console emulation: nonexistent, planning the use of libvterm for escape codes etc., going to need to make a custom window type * UI/UX: not yet considered at all build ----- More details to come as functionality is added. Uses Retro68 and cmake. Requires mbedtls and libssh2, see my (cy384's) ports of those libraries for details. * `mkdir build && cd build` * `cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/your/path/to/Retro68-build/toolchain/powerpc-apple-macos/cmake/retroppc.toolchain.cmake` or `cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/your/path/to/Retro68-build/toolchain/m68k-apple-macos/cmake/retro68.toolchain.cmake` * `make` license ------- Licensed under the BSD 2 clause license, see LICENSE file.