/* * ssheven * * Copyright (c) 2020 by cy384 * See LICENSE file for details */ #include "ssheven.h" #include "ssheven-console.h" // functions to convert error and status codes to strings #include "ssheven-debug.c" // error checking convenience macros #define OT_CHECK(X) err = (X); if (err != noErr) { printf_i("" #X " failed\n"); return 0; }; #define SSH_CHECK(X) rc = (X); if (rc != LIBSSH2_ERROR_NONE) { printf_i("" #X " failed: %s\n", libssh2_error_string(rc)); return 0;}; // sinful globals struct ssheven_console con = { NULL, {0}, 0, 0, 0 , 0 }; struct ssheven_ssh_connection ssh_con = { NULL, NULL, kOTInvalidEndpointRef, NULL, NULL }; enum { WAIT, READ, EXIT } read_thread_command = WAIT; enum { UNITIALIZED, OPEN, CLEANUP, DONE } read_thread_state = UNITIALIZED; char hostname[256] = {0}; char username[256] = {0}; char password[256] = {0}; // borrowed from Retro68 sample code // draws the "default" indicator around a button pascal void ButtonFrameProc(DialogRef dlg, DialogItemIndex itemNo) { DialogItemType type; Handle itemH; Rect box; GetDialogItem(dlg, 1, &type, &itemH, &box); InsetRect(&box, -4, -4); PenSize(3, 3); FrameRoundRect(&box, 16, 16); } // event handler for a thread to yield when blocked static pascal void yield_notifier(void* contextPtr, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void* cookie) { switch (code) { case kOTSyncIdleEvent: YieldToAnyThread(); break; default: break; } } // read from the channel and print to console void ssh_read(void) { int rc = libssh2_channel_read(ssh_con.channel, ssh_con.recv_buffer, SSHEVEN_BUFFER_SIZE); if (rc == 0) return; if (rc > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < rc; ++i) print_char(ssh_con.recv_buffer[i]); } else { printf_i("channel read error: %s\n", libssh2_error_string(rc)); } } int end_connection(void) { read_thread_state = CLEANUP; OSStatus err = noErr; if (ssh_con.channel) { libssh2_channel_close(ssh_con.channel); libssh2_channel_free(ssh_con.channel); libssh2_session_disconnect(ssh_con.session, "Normal Shutdown, Thank you for playing"); libssh2_session_free(ssh_con.session); } libssh2_exit(); if (ssh_con.endpoint != kOTInvalidEndpointRef) { // request to close the TCP connection //OT_CHECK(OTSndOrderlyDisconnect(ssh_con.endpoint)); OTSndOrderlyDisconnect(ssh_con.endpoint); // get and discard remaining data so we can finish closing the connection int rc = 1; OTFlags ot_flags; while (rc != kOTLookErr) { rc = OTRcv(ssh_con.endpoint, ssh_con.recv_buffer, 1, &ot_flags); } // finish closing the TCP connection OSStatus result = OTLook(ssh_con.endpoint); switch (result) { case T_DISCONNECT: OTRcvDisconnect(ssh_con.endpoint, nil); break; case T_ORDREL: err = OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect(ssh_con.endpoint); if (err == noErr) { err = OTSndOrderlyDisconnect(ssh_con.endpoint); } break; default: printf_i("unexpected OTLook result while closing: %s\n", OT_event_string(result)); break; } // release endpoint err = OTUnbind(ssh_con.endpoint); if (err != noErr) printf_i("OTUnbind failed\n"); err = OTCloseProvider(ssh_con.endpoint); if (err != noErr) printf_i("OTCloseProvider failed\n"); } read_thread_state = DONE; } void check_network_events(void) { OSStatus err = noErr; // check if we have any new network events OTResult look_result = OTLook(ssh_con.endpoint); switch (look_result) { case T_DATA: case T_EXDATA: // got data ssh_read(); break; case T_RESET: // connection reset? close it/give up end_connection(); break; case T_DISCONNECT: // got disconnected OTRcvDisconnect(ssh_con.endpoint, nil); end_connection(); break; case T_ORDREL: // nice tcp disconnect requested by remote err = OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect(ssh_con.endpoint); if (err == noErr) { err = OTSndOrderlyDisconnect(ssh_con.endpoint); } end_connection(); break; default: // something weird or irrelevant: ignore it break; } return; } void display_about_box(void) { DialogRef about = GetNewDialog(DLOG_ABOUT, 0, (WindowPtr)-1); UpdateDialog(about, about->visRgn); while (!Button()) YieldToAnyThread(); while (Button()) YieldToAnyThread(); FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); DisposeWindow(about); } /* returns 1 if quit selected, else 0 */ int process_menu_select(int32_t result) { int exit = 0; int16_t menu = (result & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16; int16_t item = (result & 0x0000FFFF); Str255 name; switch (menu) { case MENU_APPLE: if (item == 1) { display_about_box(); } else { GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(menu), item, name); OpenDeskAcc(name); } break; case MENU_FILE: if (item == 1) exit = 1; break; default: break; } HiliteMenu(0); return exit; } void event_loop(void) { int exit_event_loop = 0; EventRecord event; WindowPtr eventWin; // maximum length of time to sleep (in ticks) // GetCaretTime gets the number of ticks between caret on/off time long int sleep_time = GetCaretTime() / 4; do { // wait to get a GUI event while (!WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, sleep_time, NULL)) { // timed out without any GUI events // let any other threads run before we wait for events again YieldToAnyThread(); } // handle any mac gui events char c = 0; int r = 0; switch(event.what) { case updateEvt: eventWin = (WindowPtr)event.message; BeginUpdate(eventWin); draw_screen(&(eventWin->portRect)); EndUpdate(eventWin); break; case keyDown: case autoKey: // autokey means we're repeating a held down key event c = event.message & charCodeMask; if (c && (event.modifiers & cmdKey)) // apple key { if (c == 'q') exit_event_loop = 1; } if (c) { if ('\r' == c) c = '\n'; ssh_con.send_buffer[0] = c; if (read_thread_state == OPEN && read_thread_command != EXIT) { r = libssh2_channel_write(ssh_con.channel, ssh_con.send_buffer, 1); if (r < 1) { printf_i("failed to write to channel!\n"); printf_i("closing connection!\n"); read_thread_command = EXIT; } } } case mouseDown: switch(FindWindow(event.where, &eventWin)) { case inDrag: // allow the window to be dragged anywhere on any monitor // hmmm... which of these is better??? DragWindow(eventWin, event.where, &(*(GetGrayRgn()))->rgnBBox); // DragWindow(eventWin, event.where, &(*qd.thePort->visRgn)->rgnBBox); break; case inGrow: { //not allowing resize right now break; /*long growResult = GrowWindow(eventWin, event.where, &window_limits); SizeWindow(eventWin, growResult & 0xFFFF, growResult >> 16, true); EraseRect(&(eventWin->portRect)); InvalRect(&(eventWin->portRect));*/ } break; case inGoAway: { if (TrackGoAway(eventWin, event.where)) exit_event_loop = 1; } break; case inMenuBar: exit_event_loop = process_menu_select(MenuSelect(event.where)); break; case inSysWindow: // is this system6 relevant only??? SystemClick(&event, eventWin); break; case inContent: break; } break; } } while (!exit_event_loop); } int init_connection(char* hostname) { int rc; // OT vars OSStatus err = noErr; TCall sndCall; DNSAddress hostDNSAddress; OSStatus result; printf_i("opening and configuring endpoint... "); YieldToAnyThread(); // open TCP endpoint ssh_con.endpoint = OTOpenEndpoint(OTCreateConfiguration(kTCPName), 0, nil, &err); if (err != noErr || ssh_con.endpoint == kOTInvalidEndpointRef) { printf_i("failed to open OT TCP endpoint\n"); return 0; } OT_CHECK(OTSetSynchronous(ssh_con.endpoint)); OT_CHECK(OTSetBlocking(ssh_con.endpoint)); OT_CHECK(OTUseSyncIdleEvents(ssh_con.endpoint, false)); OT_CHECK(OTBind(ssh_con.endpoint, nil, nil)); OT_CHECK(OTSetNonBlocking(ssh_con.endpoint)); printf_i("done.\n"); YieldToAnyThread(); // set up address struct, do the DNS lookup, and connect OTMemzero(&sndCall, sizeof(TCall)); sndCall.addr.buf = (UInt8 *) &hostDNSAddress; sndCall.addr.len = OTInitDNSAddress(&hostDNSAddress, (char *) hostname); printf_i("connecting endpoint... "); YieldToAnyThread(); OT_CHECK(OTConnect(ssh_con.endpoint, &sndCall, nil)); printf_i("done.\n"); YieldToAnyThread(); printf_i("initializing SSH... "); YieldToAnyThread(); // init libssh2 SSH_CHECK(libssh2_init(0)); printf_i("done.\n"); YieldToAnyThread(); printf_i("opening SSH session... "); YieldToAnyThread(); ssh_con.session = libssh2_session_init(); if (ssh_con.session == 0) { printf_i("failed to initialize SSH library\n"); return 0; } printf_i("done.\n"); YieldToAnyThread(); long s = TickCount(); printf_i("beginning SSH session handshake... "); YieldToAnyThread(); SSH_CHECK(libssh2_session_handshake(ssh_con.session, ssh_con.endpoint)); printf_i("done. (%d ticks)\n", TickCount() - s); YieldToAnyThread(); read_thread_state = OPEN; return 1; } int ssh_password_auth(char* username, char* password) { OSStatus err = noErr; int rc = 1; SSH_CHECK(libssh2_userauth_password(ssh_con.session, username, password)); ssh_con.channel = libssh2_channel_open_session(ssh_con.session); return 1; } int ssh_setup_terminal(void) { int rc = 0; SSH_CHECK(libssh2_channel_request_pty(ssh_con.channel, SSHEVEN_TERMINAL_TYPE)); SSH_CHECK(libssh2_channel_shell(ssh_con.channel)); return 1; } int intro_dialog(char* hostname, char* username, char* password) { // modal dialog setup TEInit(); InitDialogs(NULL); DialogPtr dlg = GetNewDialog(DLOG_CONNECT, 0, (WindowPtr)-1); InitCursor(); // select all text in dialog item 4 (the hostname+port one) SelectDialogItemText(dlg, 4, 0, 32767); DialogItemType type; Handle itemH; Rect box; // draw default button indicator around the connect button GetDialogItem(dlg, 2, &type, &itemH, &box); SetDialogItem(dlg, 2, type, (Handle) NewUserItemUPP(&ButtonFrameProc), &box); // get the handles for each of the text boxes ControlHandle address_text_box; GetDialogItem(dlg, 4, &type, &itemH, &box); address_text_box = (ControlHandle)itemH; ControlHandle username_text_box; GetDialogItem(dlg, 6, &type, &itemH, &box); username_text_box = (ControlHandle)itemH; ControlHandle password_text_box; GetDialogItem(dlg, 8, &type, &itemH, &box); password_text_box = (ControlHandle)itemH; // let the modalmanager do everything // stop when the connect button is hit short item; do { ModalDialog(NULL, &item); } while(item != 1 && item != 9); // copy the text out of the boxes GetDialogItemText((Handle)address_text_box, hostname); GetDialogItemText((Handle)username_text_box, username); GetDialogItemText((Handle)password_text_box, password); // clean it up CloseDialog(dlg); FlushEvents(everyEvent, -1); // if we hit cancel, 0 if (item == 9) return 0; else return 1; } //enum { WAIT, READ, EXIT } read_thread_command = WAIT; //enum { UNITIALIZED, OPEN, CLEANUP, DONE } read_thread_state = UNITIALIZED; // TODO: threads void* read_thread(void* arg) { int ok = 1; while (read_thread_command == WAIT) YieldToAnyThread(); if (read_thread_command == EXIT) { return 0; } // connect and log in ok = init_connection(hostname+1); YieldToAnyThread(); if (ok) { printf_i("authenticating... "); YieldToAnyThread(); ok = ssh_password_auth(username+1, password+1); printf_i("done.\n"); YieldToAnyThread(); } if (ok) { ok = ssh_setup_terminal(); YieldToAnyThread(); } // if we failed, exit if (read_thread_state != OPEN) return 0; // loop as long until we've failed or are asked to EXIT while (read_thread_command == READ && read_thread_state == OPEN) { check_network_events(); YieldToAnyThread(); } // if we still have a connection, close it if (read_thread_state != DONE) end_connection(); return 0; } int safety_checks(void) { OSStatus err; // check for thread manager long int thread_manager_gestalt = 0; err = Gestalt(gestaltThreadMgrAttr, &thread_manager_gestalt); // bit one is prescence of thread manager if (err != noErr || (thread_manager_gestalt & (1 << gestaltThreadMgrPresent)) == 0) { StopAlert(ALRT_TM, nil); printf_i("Thread Manager not available!\n"); return 0; } // check for Open Transport // for some reason, the docs say you shouldn't check for OT via the gestalt // in an application, and should just try to init, but checking seems more // user-friendly, so... long int open_transport_any_version = 0; long int open_transport_new_version = 0; err = Gestalt(gestaltOpenTpt, &open_transport_any_version); if (err != noErr) { printf_i("Failed to check for Open Transport!\n"); return 0; } err = Gestalt(gestaltOpenTptVersions, &open_transport_new_version); if (err != noErr) { printf_i("Failed to check for Open Transport!\n"); return 0; } if (open_transport_any_version == 0 && open_transport_new_version == 0) { printf_i("Open Transport required but not found!\n"); StopAlert(ALRT_OT, nil); return 0; } if (open_transport_any_version != 0 && open_transport_new_version == 0) { printf_i("Early version of Open Transport detected!"); printf_i(" Attempting to continue anyway.\n"); } NumVersion* ot_version = (NumVersion*) &open_transport_new_version; printf_i("Detected Open Transport version: %d.%d.%d\n", (int)ot_version->majorRev, (int)((ot_version->minorAndBugRev & 0xF0) >> 4), (int)(ot_version->minorAndBugRev & 0x0F)); // check for CPU type and display warning if it's going to be too slow long int cpu_type = 0; int cpu_slow = 0; int cpu_bad = 0; err = Gestalt(gestaltNativeCPUtype, &cpu_type); if (err != noErr || cpu_type == 0) { // earlier than 7.5, need to use other gestalt err = Gestalt(gestaltProcessorType, &cpu_type); if (err != noErr || cpu_type == 0) { cpu_slow = 1; printf_i("Failed to detect CPU type, continuing anyway.\n"); } else { if (cpu_type <= gestalt68010) cpu_bad = 1; if (cpu_type <= gestalt68030) cpu_slow = 1; } } else { if (cpu_type <= gestaltCPU68010) cpu_bad = 1; if (cpu_type <= gestaltCPU68030) cpu_slow = 1; } // if we don't have at least a 68020, stop if (cpu_bad) { StopAlert(ALRT_CPU_BAD, nil); return 0; } // if we don't have at least a 68040, warn if (cpu_slow) { CautionAlert(ALRT_CPU_SLOW, nil); } return 1; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { OSStatus err = noErr; // expands the application heap to its maximum requested size // supposedly good for performance // also required before creating threads! MaxApplZone(); // general gui setup InitGraf(&qd.thePort); InitFonts(); InitWindows(); InitMenus(); void* menu = GetNewMBar(MBAR_SSHEVEN); SetMenuBar(menu); AppendResMenu(GetMenuHandle(MENU_APPLE), 'DRVR'); // disable everything in the edit menu until we implement it menu = GetMenuHandle(MENU_EDIT); DisableItem(menu, 0); DrawMenuBar(); console_setup(); char* logo = " _____ _____ _ _\n" " / ____/ ____| | | |\n" " | (___| (___ | |__| | _____ _____ _ __\n" " \\___ \\\\___ \\| __ |/ _ \\ \\ / / _ \\ '_ \\\n" " ____) |___) | | | | __/\\ V / __/ | | |\n" " |_____/_____/|_| |_|\\___| \\_/ \\___|_| |_|\n"; printf_i(logo); printf_i("by cy384, version " SSHEVEN_VERSION "\n"); BeginUpdate(con.win); draw_screen(&(con.win->portRect)); EndUpdate(con.win); int ok = 1; if (!safety_checks()) return 0; BeginUpdate(con.win); draw_screen(&(con.win->portRect)); EndUpdate(con.win); if (!intro_dialog(hostname, username, password)) ok = 0; if (ok) { if (InitOpenTransport() != noErr) { printf_i("failed to initialize OT\n"); ok = 0; } } if (ok) { ssh_con.recv_buffer = OTAllocMem(SSHEVEN_BUFFER_SIZE); ssh_con.send_buffer = OTAllocMem(SSHEVEN_BUFFER_SIZE); if (ssh_con.recv_buffer == NULL || ssh_con.send_buffer == NULL) { printf_i("failed to allocate network buffers\n"); ok = 0; } } // create the network read/print thread read_thread_command = WAIT; int read_thread_result = 0; ThreadID read_thread_id = 0; if (ok) { err = NewThread(kCooperativeThread, read_thread, NULL, 100000, kCreateIfNeeded, NULL, &read_thread_id); if (err < 0) { ok = 0; printf_i("failed to create network read thread\n"); } } // if we got the thread, tell it to begin operation if (ok) read_thread_command = READ; // procede into our main event loop event_loop(); // tell the read thread to quit, then let it run to actually do so read_thread_command = EXIT; YieldToAnyThread(); //OTCancelSynchronousCalls(ssh_con.endpoint, kOTCanceledErr); //YieldToThread(read_thread_id); // err = DisposeThread(read_thread_id, (void*)&read_thread_result, 0); //err = DisposeThread(read_thread_id, NULL, 0); if (ok) end_connection(); BeginUpdate(con.win); draw_screen(&(con.win->portRect)); EndUpdate(con.win); if (ssh_con.recv_buffer != NULL) OTFreeMem(ssh_con.recv_buffer); if (ssh_con.send_buffer != NULL) OTFreeMem(ssh_con.send_buffer); if (ok) { err = OTCancelSynchronousCalls(ssh_con.endpoint, kOTCanceledErr); CloseOpenTransport(); } }