// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package magicsock

import (
	crand "crypto/rand"


// WaitReady waits until the magicsock is entirely initialized and connected
// to its home DERP server. This is normally not necessary, since magicsock
// is intended to be entirely asynchronous, but it helps eliminate race
// conditions in tests. In particular, you can't expect two test magicsocks
// to be able to connect to each other through a test DERP unless they are
// both fully initialized before you try.
func (c *Conn) WaitReady(t *testing.T) {
	timer := time.NewTimer(10 * time.Second)
	defer timer.Stop()
	select {
	case <-c.derpStarted:
	case <-c.connCtx.Done():
		t.Fatalf("magicsock.Conn closed while waiting for readiness")
	case <-timer.C:
		t.Fatalf("timeout waiting for readiness")

func runDERPAndStun(t *testing.T, logf logger.Logf, l nettype.PacketListener, stunIP netaddr.IP) (derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap, cleanup func()) {
	var serverPrivateKey key.Private
	if _, err := crand.Read(serverPrivateKey[:]); err != nil {
	d := derp.NewServer(serverPrivateKey, logf)

	httpsrv := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(derphttp.Handler(d))
	httpsrv.Config.ErrorLog = logger.StdLogger(logf)
	httpsrv.Config.TLSNextProto = make(map[string]func(*http.Server, *tls.Conn, http.Handler))

	stunAddr, stunCleanup := stuntest.ServeWithPacketListener(t, l)

	m := &tailcfg.DERPMap{
		Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
			1: &tailcfg.DERPRegion{
				RegionID:   1,
				RegionCode: "test",
				Nodes: []*tailcfg.DERPNode{
						Name:         "t1",
						RegionID:     1,
						HostName:     "test-node.unused",
						IPv4:         "",
						IPv6:         "none",
						STUNPort:     stunAddr.Port,
						DERPTestPort: httpsrv.Listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port,
						STUNTestIP:   stunIP.String(),

	cleanup = func() {

	return m, cleanup

// magicStack is a magicsock, plus all the stuff around it that's
// necessary to send and receive packets to test e2e wireguard
// happiness.
type magicStack struct {
	privateKey wgcfg.PrivateKey
	epCh       chan []string       // endpoint updates produced by this peer
	conn       *Conn               // the magicsock itself
	tun        *tuntest.ChannelTUN // tuntap device to send/receive packets
	tsTun      *tstun.TUN          // wrapped tun that implements filtering and wgengine hooks
	dev        *device.Device      // the wireguard-go Device that connects the previous things

// newMagicStack builds and initializes an idle magicsock and
// friends. You need to call conn.SetNetworkMap and dev.Reconfig
// before anything interesting happens.
func newMagicStack(t *testing.T, logf logger.Logf, l nettype.PacketListener, derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap) *magicStack {

	privateKey, err := wgcfg.NewPrivateKey()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("generating private key: %v", err)

	epCh := make(chan []string, 100) // arbitrary
	conn, err := NewConn(Options{
		Logf:           logf,
		PacketListener: l,
		EndpointsFunc: func(eps []string) {
			epCh <- eps
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("constructing magicsock: %v", err)
	if err := conn.SetPrivateKey(privateKey); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("setting private key in magicsock: %v", err)

	tun := tuntest.NewChannelTUN()
	tsTun := tstun.WrapTUN(logf, tun.TUN())
	tsTun.SetFilter(filter.NewAllowAll([]filter.Net{filter.NetAny}, logf))

	dev := device.NewDevice(tsTun, &device.DeviceOptions{
		Logger: &device.Logger{
			Debug: logger.StdLogger(logf),
			Info:  logger.StdLogger(logf),
			Error: logger.StdLogger(logf),
		CreateEndpoint: conn.CreateEndpoint,
		CreateBind:     conn.CreateBind,
		SkipBindUpdate: true,

	// Wait for magicsock to connect up to DERP.

	// Wait for first endpoint update to be available
	deadline := time.Now().Add(2 * time.Second)
	for len(epCh) == 0 && time.Now().Before(deadline) {
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)

	return &magicStack{
		privateKey: privateKey,
		epCh:       epCh,
		conn:       conn,
		tun:        tun,
		tsTun:      tsTun,
		dev:        dev,

func (s *magicStack) String() string {
	pub := s.Public()
	return pub.ShortString()

func (s *magicStack) Close() {

func (s *magicStack) Public() key.Public {
	return key.Public(s.privateKey.Public())

func (s *magicStack) Status() *ipnstate.Status {
	var sb ipnstate.StatusBuilder
	return sb.Status()

// IP returns the Tailscale IP address assigned to this magicStack.
// Something external needs to provide a NetworkMap and WireGuard
// configs to the magicStack in order for it to acquire an IP
// address. See meshStacks for one possible source of netmaps and IPs.
func (s *magicStack) IP(t *testing.T) netaddr.IP {
	for deadline := time.Now().Add(5 * time.Second); time.Now().Before(deadline); time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) {
		st := s.Status()
		if len(st.TailscaleIPs) > 0 {
			return st.TailscaleIPs[0]
	t.Fatal("timed out waiting for magicstack to get an IP assigned")
	panic("unreachable") // compiler doesn't know t.Fatal panics

// meshStacks monitors epCh on all given ms, and plumbs network maps
// and WireGuard configs into everyone to form a full mesh that has up
// to date endpoint info. Think of it as an extremely stripped down
// and purpose-built Tailscale control plane.
// meshStacks only supports disco connections, not legacy logic.
func meshStacks(logf logger.Logf, ms []*magicStack) (cleanup func()) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())

	// Serialize all reconfigurations globally, just to keep things
	// simpler.
	var (
		mu  sync.Mutex
		eps = make([][]string, len(ms))

	buildNetmapLocked := func(myIdx int) *controlclient.NetworkMap {
		me := ms[myIdx]
		nm := &controlclient.NetworkMap{
			PrivateKey: me.privateKey,
			NodeKey:    tailcfg.NodeKey(me.privateKey.Public()),
			Addresses:  []wgcfg.CIDR{{IP: wgcfg.IPv4(1, 0, 0, byte(myIdx+1)), Mask: 32}},
		for i, peer := range ms {
			if i == myIdx {
			addrs := []wgcfg.CIDR{{IP: wgcfg.IPv4(1, 0, 0, byte(i+1)), Mask: 32}}
			peer := &tailcfg.Node{
				ID:         tailcfg.NodeID(i + 1),
				Name:       fmt.Sprintf("node%d", i+1),
				Key:        tailcfg.NodeKey(peer.privateKey.Public()),
				DiscoKey:   peer.conn.DiscoPublicKey(),
				Addresses:  addrs,
				AllowedIPs: addrs,
				Endpoints:  eps[i],
				DERP:       "",
			nm.Peers = append(nm.Peers, peer)

		return nm

	updateEps := func(idx int, newEps []string) {
		defer mu.Unlock()

		eps[idx] = newEps

		for i, m := range ms {
			netmap := buildNetmapLocked(i)
			peerSet := make(map[key.Public]struct{}, len(netmap.Peers))
			for _, peer := range netmap.Peers {
				peerSet[key.Public(peer.Key)] = struct{}{}
			wg, err := netmap.WGCfg(logf, controlclient.AllowSingleHosts, nil)
			if err != nil {
				// We're too far from the *testing.T to be graceful,
				// blow up. Shouldn't happen anyway.
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to construct wgcfg from netmap: %v", err))
			if err := m.dev.Reconfig(wg); err != nil {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("device reconfig failed: %v", err))

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for i := range ms {
		go func(myIdx int) {
			defer wg.Done()

			for {
				select {
				case <-ctx.Done():
				case eps := <-ms[myIdx].epCh:
					logf("conn%d endpoints update", myIdx+1)
					updateEps(myIdx, eps)

	return func() {

func TestNewConn(t *testing.T) {
	rc := tstest.NewResourceCheck()
	defer rc.Assert(t)

	epCh := make(chan string, 16)
	epFunc := func(endpoints []string) {
		for _, ep := range endpoints {
			epCh <- ep

	stunAddr, stunCleanupFn := stuntest.Serve(t)
	defer stunCleanupFn()

	port := pickPort(t)
	conn, err := NewConn(Options{
		Port:          port,
		EndpointsFunc: epFunc,
		Logf:          t.Logf,
	if err != nil {
	defer conn.Close()

	go func() {
		var pkt [64 << 10]byte
		for {
			_, _, _, err := conn.ReceiveIPv4(pkt[:])
			if err != nil {

	timeout := time.After(10 * time.Second)
	var endpoints []string
	suffix := fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port)
	for {
		select {
		case ep := <-epCh:
			endpoints = append(endpoints, ep)
			if strings.HasSuffix(ep, suffix) {
				break collectEndpoints
		case <-timeout:
			t.Fatalf("timeout with endpoints: %v", endpoints)

func pickPort(t *testing.T) uint16 {
	conn, err := net.ListenPacket("udp4", ":0")
	if err != nil {
	defer conn.Close()
	return uint16(conn.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr).Port)

func TestDerpIPConstant(t *testing.T) {
	rc := tstest.NewResourceCheck()
	defer rc.Assert(t)

	if DerpMagicIP != derpMagicIP.String() {
		t.Errorf("str %q != IP %v", DerpMagicIP, derpMagicIP)
	if len(derpMagicIP) != 4 {
		t.Errorf("derpMagicIP is len %d; want 4", len(derpMagicIP))

func TestPickDERPFallback(t *testing.T) {
	rc := tstest.NewResourceCheck()
	defer rc.Assert(t)

	c := newConn()
	c.derpMap = derpmap.Prod()
	a := c.pickDERPFallback()
	if a == 0 {
		t.Fatalf("pickDERPFallback returned 0")

	// Test that it's consistent.
	for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
		b := c.pickDERPFallback()
		if a != b {
			t.Fatalf("got inconsistent %d vs %d values", a, b)

	// Test that that the pointer value of c is blended in and
	// distribution over nodes works.
	got := map[int]int{}
	for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
		c = newConn()
		c.derpMap = derpmap.Prod()
	t.Logf("distribution: %v", got)
	if len(got) < 2 {
		t.Errorf("expected more than 1 node; got %v", got)

	// Test that stickiness works.
	const someNode = 123456
	c.myDerp = someNode
	if got := c.pickDERPFallback(); got != someNode {
		t.Errorf("not sticky: got %v; want %v", got, someNode)

	// But move if peers are elsewhere.
	const otherNode = 789
	c.addrsByKey = map[key.Public]*AddrSet{
		key.Public{1}: &AddrSet{addrs: []net.UDPAddr{{IP: derpMagicIP, Port: otherNode}}},
	if got := c.pickDERPFallback(); got != otherNode {
		t.Errorf("didn't join peers: got %v; want %v", got, someNode)

func makeConfigs(t *testing.T, addrs []netaddr.IPPort) []wgcfg.Config {

	var privKeys []wgcfg.PrivateKey
	var addresses [][]wgcfg.CIDR

	for i := range addrs {
		privKey, err := wgcfg.NewPrivateKey()
		if err != nil {
		privKeys = append(privKeys, privKey)

		addresses = append(addresses, []wgcfg.CIDR{
			parseCIDR(t, fmt.Sprintf("1.0.0.%d/32", i+1)),

	var cfgs []wgcfg.Config
	for i, addr := range addrs {
		cfg := wgcfg.Config{
			Name:       fmt.Sprintf("peer%d", i+1),
			PrivateKey: privKeys[i],
			Addresses:  addresses[i],
			ListenPort: addr.Port,
		for peerNum, addr := range addrs {
			if peerNum == i {
			peer := wgcfg.Peer{
				PublicKey:  privKeys[peerNum].Public(),
				AllowedIPs: addresses[peerNum],
				Endpoints: []wgcfg.Endpoint{{
					Host: addr.IP.String(),
					Port: addr.Port,
				PersistentKeepalive: 25,
			cfg.Peers = append(cfg.Peers, peer)
		cfgs = append(cfgs, cfg)
	return cfgs

func parseCIDR(t *testing.T, addr string) wgcfg.CIDR {
	cidr, err := wgcfg.ParseCIDR(addr)
	if err != nil {
	return cidr

// TestDeviceStartStop exercises the startup and shutdown logic of
// wireguard-go, which is intimately intertwined with magicsock's own
// lifecycle. We seem to be good at generating deadlocks here, so if
// this test fails you should suspect a deadlock somewhere in startup
// or shutdown. It may be an infrequent flake, so run with
// -count=10000 to be sure.
func TestDeviceStartStop(t *testing.T) {
	rc := tstest.NewResourceCheck()
	defer rc.Assert(t)

	conn, err := NewConn(Options{
		EndpointsFunc: func(eps []string) {},
		Logf:          t.Logf,
	if err != nil {
	defer conn.Close()

	tun := tuntest.NewChannelTUN()
	dev := device.NewDevice(tun.TUN(), &device.DeviceOptions{
		Logger: &device.Logger{
			Debug: logger.StdLogger(t.Logf),
			Info:  logger.StdLogger(t.Logf),
			Error: logger.StdLogger(t.Logf),
		CreateEndpoint: conn.CreateEndpoint,
		CreateBind:     conn.CreateBind,
		SkipBindUpdate: true,

func makeNestable(t *testing.T) (logf logger.Logf, setT func(t *testing.T)) {
	var mu sync.RWMutex
	cur := t

	setT = func(t *testing.T) {
		cur = t

	logf = func(s string, args ...interface{}) {
		t := cur

		t.Logf(s, args...)

	return logf, setT

func TestTwoDevicePing(t *testing.T) {
	l, ip := nettype.Std{}, netaddr.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1)
	n := &devices{
		m1:     l,
		m1IP:   ip,
		m2:     l,
		m2IP:   ip,
		stun:   l,
		stunIP: ip,
	testTwoDevicePing(t, n)

func TestActiveDiscovery(t *testing.T) {
	t.Run("simple_internet", func(t *testing.T) {
		mstun := &natlab.Machine{Name: "stun"}
		m1 := &natlab.Machine{Name: "m1"}
		m2 := &natlab.Machine{Name: "m2"}
		inet := natlab.NewInternet()
		sif := mstun.Attach("eth0", inet)
		m1if := m1.Attach("eth0", inet)
		m2if := m2.Attach("eth0", inet)

		n := &devices{
			m1:     m1,
			m1IP:   m1if.V4(),
			m2:     m2,
			m2IP:   m2if.V4(),
			stun:   mstun,
			stunIP: sif.V4(),
		testActiveDiscovery(t, n)

	t.Run("facing_firewalls", func(t *testing.T) {
		mstun := &natlab.Machine{Name: "stun"}
		m1 := &natlab.Machine{
			Name:          "m1",
			PacketHandler: &natlab.Firewall{},
		m2 := &natlab.Machine{
			Name:          "m2",
			PacketHandler: &natlab.Firewall{},
		inet := natlab.NewInternet()
		sif := mstun.Attach("eth0", inet)
		m1if := m1.Attach("eth0", inet)
		m2if := m2.Attach("eth0", inet)

		n := &devices{
			m1:     m1,
			m1IP:   m1if.V4(),
			m2:     m2,
			m2IP:   m2if.V4(),
			stun:   mstun,
			stunIP: sif.V4(),
		testActiveDiscovery(t, n)

	t.Run("facing_nats", func(t *testing.T) {
		mstun := &natlab.Machine{Name: "stun"}
		m1 := &natlab.Machine{
			Name:          "m1",
			PacketHandler: &natlab.Firewall{},
		nat1 := &natlab.Machine{
			Name: "nat1",
		m2 := &natlab.Machine{
			Name:          "m2",
			PacketHandler: &natlab.Firewall{},
		nat2 := &natlab.Machine{
			Name: "nat2",

		inet := natlab.NewInternet()
		lan1 := &natlab.Network{
			Name:    "lan1",
			Prefix4: mustPrefix(""),
		lan2 := &natlab.Network{
			Name:    "lan2",
			Prefix4: mustPrefix(""),

		sif := mstun.Attach("eth0", inet)
		nat1WAN := nat1.Attach("wan", inet)
		nat1LAN := nat1.Attach("lan1", lan1)
		nat2WAN := nat2.Attach("wan", inet)
		nat2LAN := nat2.Attach("lan2", lan2)
		m1if := m1.Attach("eth0", lan1)
		m2if := m2.Attach("eth0", lan2)

		nat1.PacketHandler = &natlab.SNAT44{
			Machine:           nat1,
			ExternalInterface: nat1WAN,
			Firewall: &natlab.Firewall{
				TrustedInterface: nat1LAN,
		nat2.PacketHandler = &natlab.SNAT44{
			Machine:           nat2,
			ExternalInterface: nat2WAN,
			Firewall: &natlab.Firewall{
				TrustedInterface: nat2LAN,

		n := &devices{
			m1:     m1,
			m1IP:   m1if.V4(),
			m2:     m2,
			m2IP:   m2if.V4(),
			stun:   mstun,
			stunIP: sif.V4(),
		testActiveDiscovery(t, n)

func mustPrefix(s string) netaddr.IPPrefix {
	pfx, err := netaddr.ParseIPPrefix(s)
	if err != nil {
	return pfx

type devices struct {
	m1   nettype.PacketListener
	m1IP netaddr.IP

	m2   nettype.PacketListener
	m2IP netaddr.IP

	stun   nettype.PacketListener
	stunIP netaddr.IP

// newPinger starts continuously sending test packets from srcM to
// dstM, until cleanup is invoked to stop it. Each ping has 1 second
// to transit the network. It is a test failure to lose a ping.
func newPinger(t *testing.T, logf logger.Logf, src, dst *magicStack) (cleanup func()) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	done := make(chan struct{})
	one := func() bool {
		// TODO(danderson): requiring exactly zero packet loss
		// will probably be too strict for some tests we'd like to
		// run (e.g. discovery switching to a new path on
		// failure). Figure out what kind of thing would be
		// acceptable to test instead of "every ping must
		// transit".
		pkt := tuntest.Ping(dst.IP(t).IPAddr().IP, src.IP(t).IPAddr().IP)
		src.tun.Outbound <- pkt
		select {
		case <-dst.tun.Inbound:
			return true
		case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
			// Very generous timeout here because depending on
			// magicsock setup races, the first handshake might get
			// eaten by the receiving end (if wireguard-go hasn't been
			// configured quite yet), so we have to wait for at least
			// the first retransmit from wireguard before we declare
			// failure.
			t.Errorf("timed out waiting for ping to transit")
			return true
		case <-ctx.Done():
			// Try a little bit longer to consume the packet we're
			// waiting for. This is to deal with shutdown races, where
			// natlab may still be delivering a packet to us from a
			// goroutine.
			select {
			case <-dst.tun.Inbound:
			case <-time.After(time.Second):
			return false

	cleanup = func() {

	// Synchronously transit one ping to get things started. This is
	// nice because it means that newPinger returning means we've
	// worked through initial connectivity.
	if !one() {

	go func() {
		logf("sending ping stream from %s (%s) to %s (%s)", src, src.IP(t), dst, dst.IP(t))
		defer close(done)
		for one() {

	return cleanup

func testActiveDiscovery(t *testing.T, d *devices) {
	rc := tstest.NewResourceCheck()
	defer rc.Assert(t)

	tlogf, setT := makeNestable(t)

	start := time.Now()
	logf := func(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
		msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", time.Since(start), msg)
		tlogf(msg, args...)

	derpMap, cleanup := runDERPAndStun(t, logf, d.stun, d.stunIP)
	defer cleanup()

	m1 := newMagicStack(t, logger.WithPrefix(logf, "conn1: "), d.m1, derpMap)
	defer m1.Close()
	m2 := newMagicStack(t, logger.WithPrefix(logf, "conn2: "), d.m2, derpMap)
	defer m2.Close()

	cleanup = meshStacks(logf, []*magicStack{m1, m2})
	defer cleanup()

	m1IP := m1.IP(t)
	m2IP := m2.IP(t)
	logf("IPs: %s %s", m1IP, m2IP)

	cleanup = newPinger(t, logf, m1, m2)
	defer cleanup()

	// Everything is now up and running, active discovery should find
	// a direct path between our peers. Wait for it to switch away
	// from DERP.

	mustDirect := func(m1, m2 *magicStack) {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
		defer cancel()
		for ctx.Err() == nil {
			pst := m1.Status().Peer[m2.Public()]
			if pst.CurAddr != "" {
				logf("direct link %s->%s found with addr %s", m1, m2, pst.CurAddr)
			logf("no direct path %s->%s yet, addrs %v", m1, m2, pst.Addrs)
			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
		t.Errorf("magicsock did not find a direct path from %s to %s", m1, m2)

	mustDirect(m1, m2)
	mustDirect(m2, m1)

	logf("starting cleanup")

func testTwoDevicePing(t *testing.T, d *devices) {
	rc := tstest.NewResourceCheck()
	defer rc.Assert(t)

	// This gets reassigned inside every test, so that the connections
	// all log using the "current" t.Logf function. Sigh.
	logf, setT := makeNestable(t)

	derpMap, cleanup := runDERPAndStun(t, logf, d.stun, d.stunIP)
	defer cleanup()

	m1 := newMagicStack(t, logf, d.m1, derpMap)
	defer m1.Close()
	m2 := newMagicStack(t, logf, d.m2, derpMap)
	defer m2.Close()

	addrs := []netaddr.IPPort{
		{IP: d.m1IP, Port: m1.conn.LocalPort()},
		{IP: d.m2IP, Port: m2.conn.LocalPort()},
	cfgs := makeConfigs(t, addrs)

	if err := m1.dev.Reconfig(&cfgs[0]); err != nil {
	if err := m2.dev.Reconfig(&cfgs[1]); err != nil {

	ping1 := func(t *testing.T) {
		msg2to1 := tuntest.Ping(net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP(""))
		m2.tun.Outbound <- msg2to1
		t.Log("ping1 sent")
		select {
		case msgRecv := <-m1.tun.Inbound:
			if !bytes.Equal(msg2to1, msgRecv) {
				t.Error("ping did not transit correctly")
		case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
			t.Error("ping did not transit")
	ping2 := func(t *testing.T) {
		msg1to2 := tuntest.Ping(net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP(""))
		m1.tun.Outbound <- msg1to2
		t.Log("ping2 sent")
		select {
		case msgRecv := <-m2.tun.Inbound:
			if !bytes.Equal(msg1to2, msgRecv) {
				t.Error("return ping did not transit correctly")
		case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
			t.Error("return ping did not transit")

	outerT := t
	t.Run("ping", func(t *testing.T) {
		defer setT(outerT)

	t.Run("ping", func(t *testing.T) {
		defer setT(outerT)

	t.Run("ping via SendPacket", func(t *testing.T) {
		defer setT(outerT)
		msg1to2 := tuntest.Ping(net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP(""))
		if err := m1.tsTun.InjectOutbound(msg1to2); err != nil {
		t.Log("SendPacket sent")
		select {
		case msgRecv := <-m2.tun.Inbound:
			if !bytes.Equal(msg1to2, msgRecv) {
				t.Error("return ping did not transit correctly")
		case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
			t.Error("return ping did not transit")

	t.Run("no-op dev1 reconfig", func(t *testing.T) {
		defer setT(outerT)
		if err := m1.dev.Reconfig(&cfgs[0]); err != nil {

	// TODO: Remove this once the following tests are reliable.
	if os.Getenv("RUN_CURSED_TESTS") == "" {
		t.Skip("skipping following tests because RUN_CURSED_TESTS is not set.")

	pingSeq := func(t *testing.T, count int, totalTime time.Duration, strict bool) {
		msg := func(i int) []byte {
			b := tuntest.Ping(net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP(""))
			b[len(b)-1] = byte(i) // set seq num
			return b

		// Space out ping transmissions so that the overall
		// transmission happens in totalTime.
		// We do this because the packet spray logic in magicsock is
		// time-based to allow for reliable NAT traversal. However,
		// for the packet spraying test further down, there needs to
		// be at least 1 sprayed packet that is not the handshake, in
		// case the handshake gets eaten by the race resolution logic.
		// This is an inherent "race by design" in our current
		// magicsock+wireguard-go codebase: sometimes, racing
		// handshakes will result in a sub-optimal path for a few
		// hundred milliseconds, until a subsequent spray corrects the
		// issue. In order for the test to reflect that magicsock
		// works as designed, we have to space out packet transmission
		// here.
		interPacketGap := totalTime / time.Duration(count)
		if interPacketGap < 1*time.Millisecond {
			interPacketGap = 0

		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
			b := msg(i)
			m1.tun.Outbound <- b

		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
			b := msg(i)
			select {
			case msgRecv := <-m2.tun.Inbound:
				if !bytes.Equal(b, msgRecv) {
					if strict {
						t.Errorf("return ping %d did not transit correctly: %s", i, cmp.Diff(b, msgRecv))
			case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
				if strict {
					t.Errorf("return ping %d did not transit", i)

	t.Run("ping x50", func(t *testing.T) {
		defer setT(outerT)
		pingSeq(t, 50, 0, true)

	// Add DERP relay.
	derpEp := wgcfg.Endpoint{Host: "", Port: 1}
	ep0 := cfgs[0].Peers[0].Endpoints
	ep0 = append([]wgcfg.Endpoint{derpEp}, ep0...)
	cfgs[0].Peers[0].Endpoints = ep0
	ep1 := cfgs[1].Peers[0].Endpoints
	ep1 = append([]wgcfg.Endpoint{derpEp}, ep1...)
	cfgs[1].Peers[0].Endpoints = ep1
	if err := m1.dev.Reconfig(&cfgs[0]); err != nil {
	if err := m2.dev.Reconfig(&cfgs[1]); err != nil {

	t.Run("add DERP", func(t *testing.T) {
		defer setT(outerT)
		pingSeq(t, 20, 0, true)

	// Disable real route.
	cfgs[0].Peers[0].Endpoints = []wgcfg.Endpoint{derpEp}
	cfgs[1].Peers[0].Endpoints = []wgcfg.Endpoint{derpEp}
	if err := m1.dev.Reconfig(&cfgs[0]); err != nil {
	if err := m2.dev.Reconfig(&cfgs[1]); err != nil {
	time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond) // TODO remove

	t.Run("all traffic over DERP", func(t *testing.T) {
		defer setT(outerT)
		defer func() {
			if t.Failed() || true {
				uapi1, _ := cfgs[0].ToUAPI()
				logf("cfg0: %v", uapi1)
				uapi2, _ := cfgs[1].ToUAPI()
				logf("cfg1: %v", uapi2)
		pingSeq(t, 20, 0, true)


	// Give one peer a non-DERP endpoint. We expect the other to
	// accept it via roamAddr.
	cfgs[0].Peers[0].Endpoints = ep0
	if ep2 := cfgs[1].Peers[0].Endpoints; len(ep2) != 1 {
		t.Errorf("unexpected peer endpoints in dev2: %v", ep2)
	if err := m2.dev.Reconfig(&cfgs[1]); err != nil {
	if err := m1.dev.Reconfig(&cfgs[0]); err != nil {
	// Dear future human debugging a test failure here: this test is
	// flaky, and very infrequently will drop 1-2 of the 50 ping
	// packets. This does not affect normal operation of tailscaled,
	// but makes this test fail.
	// TODO(danderson): finish root-causing and de-flake this test.
	t.Run("one real route is enough thanks to spray", func(t *testing.T) {
		defer setT(outerT)
		pingSeq(t, 50, 700*time.Millisecond, false)

		ep2 := m2.dev.Config().Peers[0].Endpoints
		if len(ep2) != 2 {
			t.Error("handshake spray failed to find real route")

// TestAddrSet tests AddrSet appendDests and UpdateDst.
func TestAddrSet(t *testing.T) {
	rc := tstest.NewResourceCheck()
	defer rc.Assert(t)

	mustIPPortPtr := func(s string) *netaddr.IPPort {
		ipp, err := netaddr.ParseIPPort(s)
		if err != nil {
		return &ipp
	mustUDPAddr := func(s string) *net.UDPAddr {
		return mustIPPortPtr(s).UDPAddr()
	udpAddrs := func(ss ...string) (ret []net.UDPAddr) {
		for _, s := range ss {
			ret = append(ret, *mustUDPAddr(s))
		return ret
	joinUDPs := func(in []netaddr.IPPort) string {
		var sb strings.Builder
		for i, ua := range in {
			if i > 0 {
		return sb.String()
	var (
		regPacket   = []byte("some regular packet")
		sprayPacket = []byte("0000")
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(sprayPacket[:4], device.MessageInitiationType)
	if !shouldSprayPacket(sprayPacket) {
		t.Fatal("sprayPacket should be classified as a spray packet for testing")

	// A step is either a b+want appendDests tests, or an
	// UpdateDst call, depending on which fields are set.
	type step struct {
		// advance is the time to advance the fake clock
		// before the step.
		advance time.Duration

		// updateDst, if set, does an UpdateDst call and
		// b+want are ignored.
		updateDst *net.UDPAddr

		b    []byte
		want string // comma-separated
	tests := []struct {
		name     string
		as       *AddrSet
		steps    []step
		logCheck func(t *testing.T, logged []byte)
			name: "reg_packet_no_curaddr",
			as: &AddrSet{
				addrs:    udpAddrs("", "", ""),
				curAddr:  -1, // unknown
				roamAddr: nil,
			steps: []step{
				{b: regPacket, want: ""},
			name: "reg_packet_have_curaddr",
			as: &AddrSet{
				addrs:    udpAddrs("", "", ""),
				curAddr:  1, // global IP
				roamAddr: nil,
			steps: []step{
				{b: regPacket, want: ""},
			name: "reg_packet_have_roamaddr",
			as: &AddrSet{
				addrs:    udpAddrs("", "", ""),
				curAddr:  2, // should be ignored
				roamAddr: mustIPPortPtr(""),
			steps: []step{
				{b: regPacket, want: ""},
				{updateDst: mustUDPAddr("")}, // no more roaming
				{b: regPacket, want: ""},
			name: "start_roaming",
			as: &AddrSet{
				addrs:   udpAddrs("", "", ""),
				curAddr: 2,
			steps: []step{
				{b: regPacket, want: ""},
				{updateDst: mustUDPAddr("")},
				{b: regPacket, want: ""},
				{updateDst: mustUDPAddr("")},
				{b: regPacket, want: ""},
				{updateDst: mustUDPAddr("")}, // end roaming
				{b: regPacket, want: ""},
			name: "spray_packet",
			as: &AddrSet{
				addrs:    udpAddrs("", "", ""),
				curAddr:  2, // should be ignored
				roamAddr: mustIPPortPtr(""),
			steps: []step{
				{b: sprayPacket, want: ",,,"},
				{advance: 300 * time.Millisecond, b: regPacket, want: ",,,"},
				{advance: 300 * time.Millisecond, b: regPacket, want: ",,,"},
				{advance: 3, b: regPacket, want: ""},
				{advance: 2 * time.Millisecond, updateDst: mustUDPAddr("")},
				{advance: 3, b: regPacket, want: ""},
			name: "low_pri",
			as: &AddrSet{
				addrs:   udpAddrs("", "", ""),
				curAddr: 2,
			steps: []step{
				{updateDst: mustUDPAddr("")},
				{updateDst: mustUDPAddr("")},
			logCheck: func(t *testing.T, logged []byte) {
				if n := bytes.Count(logged, []byte(", keeping current ")); n != 1 {
					t.Errorf("low-prio keeping current logged %d times; want 1", n)

	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			faket := time.Unix(0, 0)
			var logBuf bytes.Buffer
			tt.as.Logf = func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
				fmt.Fprintf(&logBuf, format, args...)
				t.Logf(format, args...)
			tt.as.clock = func() time.Time { return faket }
			for i, st := range tt.steps {
				faket = faket.Add(st.advance)

				if st.updateDst != nil {
					if err := tt.as.UpdateDst(st.updateDst); err != nil {
				got, _ := tt.as.appendDests(nil, st.b)
				if gotStr := joinUDPs(got); gotStr != st.want {
					t.Errorf("step %d: got %v; want %v", i, gotStr, st.want)
			if tt.logCheck != nil {
				tt.logCheck(t, logBuf.Bytes())

// initAddrSet initializes fields in the provided incomplete AddrSet
// to satisfying invariants within magicsock.
func initAddrSet(as *AddrSet) {
	if as.roamAddr != nil && as.roamAddrStd == nil {
		as.roamAddrStd = as.roamAddr.UDPAddr()
	if len(as.ipPorts) == 0 {
		for _, ua := range as.addrs {
			ipp, ok := netaddr.FromStdAddr(ua.IP, ua.Port, ua.Zone)
			if !ok {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("bogus UDPAddr %+v", ua))
			as.ipPorts = append(as.ipPorts, ipp)

func TestDiscoMessage(t *testing.T) {
	c := newConn()
	c.logf = t.Logf

	peer1Pub := c.DiscoPublicKey()
	peer1Priv := c.discoPrivate
	c.endpointOfDisco = map[tailcfg.DiscoKey]*discoEndpoint{
		tailcfg.DiscoKey(peer1Pub): &discoEndpoint{
			// ... (enough for this test)
	c.nodeOfDisco = map[tailcfg.DiscoKey]*tailcfg.Node{
		tailcfg.DiscoKey(peer1Pub): &tailcfg.Node{
			// ... (enough for this test)

	const payload = "why hello"

	var nonce [24]byte

	pkt := append([]byte("TS💬"), peer1Pub[:]...)
	pkt = append(pkt, nonce[:]...)

	pkt = box.Seal(pkt, []byte(payload), &nonce, c.discoPrivate.Public().B32(), peer1Priv.B32())
	got := c.handleDiscoMessage(pkt, netaddr.IPPort{})
	if !got {
		t.Error("failed to open it")

// tests that having a discoEndpoint.String prevents wireguard-go's
// log.Printf("%v") of its conn.Endpoint values from using reflect to
// walk into read mutex while they're being used and then causing data
// races.
func TestDiscoStringLogRace(t *testing.T) {
	de := new(discoEndpoint)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()
		fmt.Fprintf(ioutil.Discard, "%v", de)
	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()