// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

// The natc command is a work-in-progress implementation of a NAT based
// connector for Tailscale. It is intended to be used to route traffic to a
// specific domain through a specific node.
package main

import (


func main() {
	if !envknob.UseWIPCode() {
		log.Fatal("cmd/natc is a work in progress and has not been security reviewed;\nits use requires TAILSCALE_USE_WIP_CODE=1 be set in the environment for now.")

	// Parse flags
	fs := flag.NewFlagSet("natc", flag.ExitOnError)
	var (
		debugPort    = fs.Int("debug-port", 8893, "Listening port for debug/metrics endpoint")
		hostname     = fs.String("hostname", "", "Hostname to register the service under")
		siteID       = fs.Uint("site-id", 1, "an integer site ID to use for the ULA prefix which allows for multiple proxies to act in a HA configuration")
		v4PfxStr     = fs.String("v4-pfx", "", "comma-separated list of IPv4 prefixes to advertise")
		verboseTSNet = fs.Bool("verbose-tsnet", false, "enable verbose logging in tsnet")
		printULA     = fs.Bool("print-ula", false, "print the ULA prefix and exit")
	ff.Parse(fs, os.Args[1:], ff.WithEnvVarPrefix("TS_NATC"))

	if *printULA {

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()
	if *siteID == 0 {
		log.Fatalf("site-id must be set")
	} else if *siteID > 0xffff {
		log.Fatalf("site-id must be in the range [0, 65535]")

	var v4Prefixes []netip.Prefix
	for _, s := range strings.Split(*v4PfxStr, ",") {
		p := netip.MustParsePrefix(strings.TrimSpace(s))
		if p.Masked() != p {
			log.Fatalf("v4 prefix %v is not a masked prefix", p)
		v4Prefixes = append(v4Prefixes, p)
	if len(v4Prefixes) == 0 {
		log.Fatalf("no v4 prefixes specified")
	dnsAddr := v4Prefixes[0].Addr()
	ts := &tsnet.Server{
		Hostname: *hostname,
	defer ts.Close()
	if *verboseTSNet {
		ts.Logf = log.Printf

	// Start special-purpose listeners: dns, http promotion, debug server
	if *debugPort != 0 {
		mux := http.NewServeMux()
		dln, err := ts.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", *debugPort))
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed listening on debug port: %v", err)
		defer dln.Close()
		go func() {
			log.Fatalf("debug serve: %v", http.Serve(dln, mux))
	lc, err := ts.LocalClient()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("LocalClient() failed: %v", err)
	if _, err := ts.Up(ctx); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("ts.Up: %v", err)

	c := &connector{
		ts:       ts,
		lc:       lc,
		dnsAddr:  dnsAddr,
		v4Ranges: v4Prefixes,
		v6ULA:    ula(uint16(*siteID)),

type connector struct {
	// ts is the tsnet.Server used to host the connector.
	ts *tsnet.Server
	// lc is the LocalClient used to interact with the tsnet.Server hosting this
	// connector.
	lc *tailscale.LocalClient

	// dnsAddr is the IPv4 address to listen on for DNS requests. It is used to
	// prevent the app connector from assigning it to a domain.
	dnsAddr netip.Addr

	// v4Ranges is the list of IPv4 ranges to advertise and assign addresses from.
	// These are masked prefixes.
	v4Ranges []netip.Prefix
	// v6ULA is the ULA prefix used by the app connector to assign IPv6 addresses.
	v6ULA netip.Prefix

	perPeerMap syncs.Map[tailcfg.NodeID, *perPeerState]

// v6ULA is the ULA prefix used by the app connector to assign IPv6 addresses.
// The 8th and 9th bytes are used to encode the site ID which allows for
// multiple proxies to act in a HA configuration.
// mnemonic: a99c = appc
var v6ULA = netip.MustParsePrefix("fd7a:115c:a1e0:a99c::/64")

func ula(siteID uint16) netip.Prefix {
	as16 := v6ULA.Addr().As16()
	as16[8] = byte(siteID >> 8)
	as16[9] = byte(siteID)
	return netip.PrefixFrom(netip.AddrFrom16(as16), 64+16)

// run runs the connector.
// The passed in context is only used for the initial setup. The connector runs
// forever.
func (c *connector) run(ctx context.Context) {
	if _, err := c.lc.EditPrefs(ctx, &ipn.MaskedPrefs{
		AdvertiseRoutesSet: true,
		Prefs: ipn.Prefs{
			AdvertiseRoutes: append(c.v4Ranges, c.v6ULA),
	}); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to advertise routes: %v", err)

func (c *connector) serveDNS() {
	pc, err := c.ts.ListenPacket("udp", net.JoinHostPort(c.dnsAddr.String(), "53"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed listening on port 53: %v", err)
	defer pc.Close()
	log.Printf("Listening for DNS on %s", pc.LocalAddr().String())
	for {
		buf := make([]byte, 1500)
		n, addr, err := pc.ReadFrom(buf)
		if err != nil {
			if errors.Is(err, net.ErrClosed) {
			log.Printf("serveDNS.ReadFrom failed: %v", err)
		go c.handleDNS(pc, buf[:n], addr.(*net.UDPAddr))

// handleDNS handles a DNS request to the app connector.
// It generates a response based on the request and the node that sent it.
// Each node is assigned a unique pair of IP addresses for each domain it
// queries. This assignment is done lazily and is not persisted across restarts.
// A per-peer assignment allows the connector to reuse a limited number of IP
// addresses across multiple nodes and domains. It also allows for clear
// failover behavior when an app connector is restarted.
// This assignment later allows the connector to determine where to forward
// traffic based on the destination IP address.
func (c *connector) handleDNS(pc net.PacketConn, buf []byte, remoteAddr *net.UDPAddr) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
	defer cancel()
	who, err := c.lc.WhoIs(ctx, remoteAddr.String())
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("HandleDNS: WhoIs failed: %v\n", err)

	var msg dnsmessage.Message
	err = msg.Unpack(buf)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("HandleDNS: dnsmessage unpack failed: %v\n ", err)

	resp, err := c.generateDNSResponse(&msg, who.Node.ID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("HandleDNS: connector handling failed: %v\n", err)
	if len(resp) == 0 {
	// This connector handled the DNS request
	_, err = pc.WriteTo(resp, remoteAddr)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("HandleDNS: write failed: %v\n", err)

// tsMBox is the mailbox used in SOA records.
// The convention is to replace the @ symbol with a dot.
// So in this case, the mailbox is support.tailscale.com. with the trailing dot
// to indicate that it is a fully qualified domain name.
var tsMBox = dnsmessage.MustNewName("support.tailscale.com.")

// generateDNSResponse generates a DNS response for the given request. The from
// argument is the NodeID of the node that sent the request.
func (c *connector) generateDNSResponse(req *dnsmessage.Message, from tailcfg.NodeID) ([]byte, error) {
	pm, _ := c.perPeerMap.LoadOrStore(from, &perPeerState{c: c})
	b := dnsmessage.NewBuilder(nil,
			ID:            req.Header.ID,
			Response:      true,
			Authoritative: true,

	if len(req.Questions) == 0 {
		return b.Finish()
	q := req.Questions[0]
	if err := b.StartQuestions(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := b.Question(q); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := b.StartAnswers(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var err error
	switch q.Type {
	case dnsmessage.TypeAAAA, dnsmessage.TypeA:
		var addrs []netip.Addr
		addrs, err = pm.ipForDomain(q.Name.String())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		want6 := q.Type == dnsmessage.TypeAAAA
		found := false
		for _, ip := range addrs {
			if want6 != ip.Is6() {
			found = true
			if want6 {
				err = b.AAAAResource(
					dnsmessage.ResourceHeader{Name: q.Name, Class: q.Class, TTL: 5},
					dnsmessage.AAAAResource{AAAA: ip.As16()},
			} else {
				err = b.AResource(
					dnsmessage.ResourceHeader{Name: q.Name, Class: q.Class, TTL: 5},
					dnsmessage.AResource{A: ip.As4()},
		if !found {
			err = errors.New("no address found")
	case dnsmessage.TypeSOA:
		err = b.SOAResource(
			dnsmessage.ResourceHeader{Name: q.Name, Class: q.Class, TTL: 120},
			dnsmessage.SOAResource{NS: q.Name, MBox: tsMBox, Serial: 2023030600,
				Refresh: 120, Retry: 120, Expire: 120, MinTTL: 60},
	case dnsmessage.TypeNS:
		err = b.NSResource(
			dnsmessage.ResourceHeader{Name: q.Name, Class: q.Class, TTL: 120},
			dnsmessage.NSResource{NS: tsMBox},
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return b.Finish()

// handleTCPFlow handles a TCP flow from the given source to the given
// destination. It uses the source address to determine the node that sent the
// request and the destination address to determine the domain that the request
// is for based on the IP address assigned to the destination in the DNS
// response.
func (c *connector) handleTCPFlow(src, dst netip.AddrPort) (handler func(net.Conn), intercept bool) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
	defer cancel()
	who, err := c.lc.WhoIs(ctx, src.Addr().String())
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("HandleTCPFlow: WhoIs failed: %v\n", err)
		return nil, false

	from := who.Node.ID
	ps, ok := c.perPeerMap.Load(from)
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("handleTCPFlow: no perPeerState for %v", from)
		return nil, false
	domain, ok := ps.domainForIP(dst.Addr())
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("handleTCPFlow: no domain for IP %v\n", dst.Addr())
		return nil, false
	return func(conn net.Conn) {
		proxyTCPConn(conn, domain)
	}, true

func proxyTCPConn(c net.Conn, dest string) {
	addrPortStr := c.LocalAddr().String()
	_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addrPortStr)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("tcpRoundRobinHandler.Handle: bogus addrPort %q", addrPortStr)

	p := &tcpproxy.Proxy{
		ListenFunc: func(net, laddr string) (net.Listener, error) {
			return netutil.NewOneConnListener(c, nil), nil
	p.AddRoute(addrPortStr, &tcpproxy.DialProxy{
		Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", dest, port),

// perPeerState holds the state for a single peer.
type perPeerState struct {
	c *connector

	mu           sync.Mutex
	domainToAddr map[string][]netip.Addr
	addrToDomain *bart.Table[string]

// domainForIP returns the domain name assigned to the given IP address and
// whether it was found.
func (ps *perPeerState) domainForIP(ip netip.Addr) (_ string, ok bool) {
	defer ps.mu.Unlock()
	return ps.addrToDomain.Get(ip)

// ipForDomain assigns a pair of unique IP addresses for the given domain and
// returns them. The first address is an IPv4 address and the second is an IPv6
// address. If the domain already has assigned addresses, it returns them.
func (ps *perPeerState) ipForDomain(domain string) ([]netip.Addr, error) {
	fqdn, err := dnsname.ToFQDN(domain)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	domain = fqdn.WithoutTrailingDot()

	defer ps.mu.Unlock()
	if addrs, ok := ps.domainToAddr[domain]; ok {
		return addrs, nil
	addrs := ps.assignAddrsLocked(domain)
	return addrs, nil

// isIPUsedLocked reports whether the given IP address is already assigned to a
// domain.
// ps.mu must be held.
func (ps *perPeerState) isIPUsedLocked(ip netip.Addr) bool {
	_, ok := ps.addrToDomain.Get(ip)
	return ok

// unusedIPv4Locked returns an unused IPv4 address from the available ranges.
func (ps *perPeerState) unusedIPv4Locked() netip.Addr {
	// TODO: skip ranges that have been exhausted
	for _, r := range ps.c.v4Ranges {
		ip := randV4(r)
		for r.Contains(ip) {
			if !ps.isIPUsedLocked(ip) && ip != ps.c.dnsAddr {
				return ip
			ip = ip.Next()
	return netip.Addr{}

// randV4 returns a random IPv4 address within the given prefix.
func randV4(maskedPfx netip.Prefix) netip.Addr {
	bits := 32 - maskedPfx.Bits()
	randBits := rand.Uint32N(1 << uint(bits))

	ip4 := maskedPfx.Addr().As4()
	pn := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(ip4[:])
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(ip4[:], randBits|pn)
	return netip.AddrFrom4(ip4)

// assignAddrsLocked assigns a pair of unique IP addresses for the given domain
// and returns them. The first address is an IPv4 address and the second is an
// IPv6 address. It does not check if the domain already has assigned addresses.
// ps.mu must be held.
func (ps *perPeerState) assignAddrsLocked(domain string) []netip.Addr {
	if ps.addrToDomain == nil {
		ps.addrToDomain = &bart.Table[string]{}
	v4 := ps.unusedIPv4Locked()
	as16 := ps.c.v6ULA.Addr().As16()
	as4 := v4.As4()
	copy(as16[12:], as4[:])
	v6 := netip.AddrFrom16(as16)
	addrs := []netip.Addr{v4, v6}
	mak.Set(&ps.domainToAddr, domain, addrs)
	for _, a := range addrs {
		ps.addrToDomain.Insert(netip.PrefixFrom(a, a.BitLen()), domain)
	return addrs