// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package ipn import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "log" "strings" "sync" "time" "github.com/tailscale/wireguard-go/wgcfg" "tailscale.com/control/controlclient" "tailscale.com/portlist" "tailscale.com/tailcfg" "tailscale.com/types/empty" "tailscale.com/types/logger" "tailscale.com/version" "tailscale.com/wgengine" "tailscale.com/wgengine/filter" ) // LocalBackend is the scaffolding between the Tailscale cloud control // plane and the local network stack, wiring up NetworkMap updates // from the cloud to the local WireGuard engine. type LocalBackend struct { ctx context.Context // valid until Close ctxCancel context.CancelFunc // closes ctx logf logger.Logf e wgengine.Engine store StateStore serverURL string // tailcontrol URL backendLogID string portpoll *portlist.Poller // may be nil newDecompressor func() (controlclient.Decompressor, error) // The mutex protects the following elements. mu sync.Mutex notify func(Notify) c *controlclient.Client // TODO: appears to be (inconsistently) guarded by mu stateKey StateKey prefs *Prefs state State hiCache *tailcfg.Hostinfo netMapCache *controlclient.NetworkMap engineStatus EngineStatus endpoints []string blocked bool authURL string interact int // statusLock must be held before calling statusChanged.Lock() or // statusChanged.Broadcast(). statusLock sync.Mutex statusChanged *sync.Cond } // NewLocalBackend returns a new LocalBackend that is ready to run, // but is not actually running. func NewLocalBackend(logf logger.Logf, logid string, store StateStore, e wgengine.Engine) (*LocalBackend, error) { if e == nil { panic("ipn.NewLocalBackend: wgengine must not be nil") } // Default filter blocks everything, until Start() is called. e.SetFilter(filter.NewAllowNone()) ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) portpoll, err := portlist.NewPoller() if err != nil { logf("skipping portlist: %s\n", err) } b := &LocalBackend{ ctx: ctx, ctxCancel: cancel, logf: logf, e: e, store: store, backendLogID: logid, state: NoState, portpoll: portpoll, } b.statusChanged = sync.NewCond(&b.statusLock) e.SetNetInfoCallback(b.SetNetInfo) if b.portpoll != nil { go b.portpoll.Run(ctx) go b.runPoller() } return b, nil } func (b *LocalBackend) Shutdown() { b.ctxCancel() b.c.Shutdown() b.e.Close() b.e.Wait() } // SetDecompressor sets a decompression function, which must be a zstd // reader. // // This exists because the iOS/Mac NetworkExtension is very resource // constrained, and the zstd package is too heavy to fit in the // constrained RSS limit. func (b *LocalBackend) SetDecompressor(fn func() (controlclient.Decompressor, error)) { b.newDecompressor = fn } func (b *LocalBackend) Start(opts Options) error { if opts.Prefs == nil && opts.StateKey == "" { return errors.New("no state key or prefs provided") } if opts.Prefs != nil { b.logf("Start: %v\n", opts.Prefs.Pretty()) } else { b.logf("Start\n") } hi := controlclient.NewHostinfo() hi.BackendLogID = b.backendLogID hi.FrontendLogID = opts.FrontendLogID b.mu.Lock() if b.c != nil { // TODO(apenwarr): avoid the need to reinit controlclient. // This will trigger a full relogin/reconfigure cycle every // time a Handle reconnects to the backend. Ideally, we // would send the new Prefs and everything would get back // into sync with the minimal changes. But that's not how it // is right now, which is a sign that the code is still too // complicated. b.c.Shutdown() } if b.hiCache != nil { hi.Services = b.hiCache.Services // keep any previous session and netinfo hi.NetInfo = b.hiCache.NetInfo } b.hiCache = hi b.state = NoState if err := b.loadStateLocked(opts.StateKey, opts.Prefs, opts.LegacyConfigPath); err != nil { b.mu.Unlock() return fmt.Errorf("loading requested state: %v", err) } b.serverURL = b.prefs.ControlURL hi.RoutableIPs = append(hi.RoutableIPs, b.prefs.AdvertiseRoutes...) b.notify = opts.Notify b.netMapCache = nil persist := b.prefs.Persist wantDERP := !b.prefs.DisableDERP b.mu.Unlock() b.e.SetDERPEnabled(wantDERP) b.updateFilter(nil) var err error if persist == nil { // let controlclient initialize it persist = &controlclient.Persist{} } cli, err := controlclient.New(controlclient.Options{ Logf: logger.WithPrefix(b.logf, "control: "), Persist: *persist, ServerURL: b.serverURL, Hostinfo: hi, KeepAlive: true, NewDecompressor: b.newDecompressor, }) if err != nil { return err } b.mu.Lock() b.c = cli endpoints := b.endpoints b.mu.Unlock() if endpoints != nil { cli.UpdateEndpoints(0, endpoints) } cli.SetStatusFunc(func(newSt controlclient.Status) { if newSt.LoginFinished != nil { // Auth completed, unblock the engine b.blockEngineUpdates(false) b.authReconfig() b.send(Notify{LoginFinished: &empty.Message{}}) } if newSt.Persist != nil { persist := *newSt.Persist // copy b.mu.Lock() b.prefs.Persist = &persist prefs := b.prefs.Clone() stateKey := b.stateKey b.mu.Unlock() if stateKey != "" { if err := b.store.WriteState(stateKey, prefs.ToBytes()); err != nil { b.logf("Failed to save new controlclient state: %v", err) } } b.send(Notify{Prefs: prefs}) } if newSt.NetMap != nil { b.mu.Lock() if b.netMapCache != nil { diff := newSt.NetMap.ConciseDiffFrom(b.netMapCache) if strings.TrimSpace(diff) == "" { b.logf("netmap diff: (none)") } else { b.logf("netmap diff:\n%v\n", diff) } } b.netMapCache = newSt.NetMap b.mu.Unlock() b.send(Notify{NetMap: newSt.NetMap}) b.updateFilter(newSt.NetMap) } if newSt.URL != "" { b.logf("Received auth URL: %.20v...\n", newSt.URL) b.mu.Lock() interact := b.interact b.authURL = newSt.URL b.mu.Unlock() if interact > 0 { b.popBrowserAuthNow() } } if newSt.Err != "" { // TODO(crawshaw): display in the UI. log.Print(newSt.Err) return } if newSt.NetMap != nil { b.mu.Lock() if b.state == NeedsLogin { b.prefs.WantRunning = true } prefs := b.prefs b.mu.Unlock() b.SetPrefs(prefs) } b.stateMachine() }) b.e.SetStatusCallback(func(s *wgengine.Status, err error) { if err != nil { b.logf("wgengine status error: %#v", err) return } if s == nil { log.Fatalf("weird: non-error wgengine update with status=nil\n") } es := b.parseWgStatus(s) b.mu.Lock() c := b.c b.engineStatus = es b.endpoints = append([]string{}, s.LocalAddrs...) b.mu.Unlock() if c != nil { c.UpdateEndpoints(0, s.LocalAddrs) } b.stateMachine() b.statusLock.Lock() b.statusChanged.Broadcast() b.statusLock.Unlock() b.send(Notify{Engine: &es}) }) b.mu.Lock() prefs := b.prefs.Clone() b.mu.Unlock() blid := b.backendLogID b.logf("Backend: logs: be:%v fe:%v\n", blid, opts.FrontendLogID) b.send(Notify{BackendLogID: &blid}) b.send(Notify{Prefs: prefs}) cli.Login(nil, controlclient.LoginDefault) return nil } func (b *LocalBackend) updateFilter(netMap *controlclient.NetworkMap) { if !b.Prefs().UsePacketFilter { b.e.SetFilter(filter.NewAllowAll()) } else if netMap == nil { // Not configured yet, block everything b.e.SetFilter(filter.NewAllowNone()) } else { b.logf("netmap packet filter: %v\n", b.netMapCache.PacketFilter) b.e.SetFilter(filter.New(netMap.PacketFilter)) } } func (b *LocalBackend) runPoller() { for { ports, ok := <-b.portpoll.C if !ok { return } sl := []tailcfg.Service{} for _, p := range ports { var proto tailcfg.ServiceProto if p.Proto == "tcp" { proto = tailcfg.TCP } else if p.Proto == "udp" { proto = tailcfg.UDP } if p.Port == 53 || p.Port == 68 || p.Port == 5353 || p.Port == 5355 { // uninteresting system services continue } if p.Proto == "udp" && strings.EqualFold(p.Process, "tailscaled") { // Skip our own. continue } s := tailcfg.Service{ Proto: proto, Port: p.Port, Description: p.Process, } sl = append(sl, s) } b.mu.Lock() if b.hiCache == nil { // TODO(bradfitz): it's a little weird that this port poller // is started (by NewLocalBackend) before the Start call. b.hiCache = new(tailcfg.Hostinfo) } hi := b.hiCache hi.Services = sl b.hiCache = hi cli := b.c b.mu.Unlock() // b.c might not be started yet if cli != nil { cli.SetHostinfo(hi) } } } func (b *LocalBackend) send(n Notify) { b.mu.Lock() notify := b.notify b.mu.Unlock() if notify != nil { n.Version = version.LONG notify(n) } } func (b *LocalBackend) popBrowserAuthNow() { b.mu.Lock() url := b.authURL b.interact = 0 b.authURL = "" b.mu.Unlock() b.logf("popBrowserAuthNow: url=%v\n", url != "") b.blockEngineUpdates(true) b.stopEngineAndWait() b.send(Notify{BrowseToURL: &url}) if b.State() == Running { b.enterState(Starting) } } // b.mu must be held func (b *LocalBackend) loadStateLocked(key StateKey, prefs *Prefs, legacyPath string) error { if prefs == nil && key == "" { panic("state key and prefs are both unset") } if key == "" { // Frontend fully owns the state, we just need to obey it. b.logf("Using frontend prefs") b.prefs = prefs.Clone() b.stateKey = "" return nil } if prefs != nil { // Backend owns the state, but frontend is trying to migrate // state into the backend. b.logf("Importing frontend prefs into backend store") if err := b.store.WriteState(key, prefs.ToBytes()); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("store.WriteState: %v", err) } } b.logf("Using backend prefs") bs, err := b.store.ReadState(key) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, ErrStateNotExist) { if legacyPath != "" { b.prefs, err = LoadPrefs(legacyPath, true) if err != nil { b.logf("Failed to load legacy prefs: %v", err) b.prefs = NewPrefs() } else { b.logf("Imported state from relaynode for %q", key) } } else { b.prefs = NewPrefs() b.logf("Created empty state for %q", key) } b.stateKey = key return nil } return fmt.Errorf("store.ReadState(%q): %v", key, err) } b.prefs, err = PrefsFromBytes(bs, false) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("PrefsFromBytes: %v", err) } b.stateKey = key return nil } func (b *LocalBackend) State() State { b.mu.Lock() defer b.mu.Unlock() return b.state } func (b *LocalBackend) EngineStatus() EngineStatus { b.mu.Lock() defer b.mu.Unlock() return b.engineStatus } func (b *LocalBackend) StartLoginInteractive() { b.mu.Lock() b.assertClientLocked() b.interact++ url := b.authURL c := b.c b.mu.Unlock() b.logf("StartLoginInteractive: url=%v\n", url != "") if url != "" { b.popBrowserAuthNow() } else { c.Login(nil, controlclient.LoginInteractive) } } func (b *LocalBackend) FakeExpireAfter(x time.Duration) { b.logf("FakeExpireAfter: %v\n", x) if b.netMapCache != nil { e := b.netMapCache.Expiry if e.IsZero() || time.Until(e) > x { b.netMapCache.Expiry = time.Now().Add(x) } b.send(Notify{NetMap: b.netMapCache}) } } func (b *LocalBackend) LocalAddrs() []wgcfg.CIDR { if b.netMapCache != nil { return b.netMapCache.Addresses } else { return nil } } func (b *LocalBackend) Expiry() time.Time { if b.netMapCache != nil { return b.netMapCache.Expiry } else { return time.Time{} } } func (b *LocalBackend) parseWgStatus(s *wgengine.Status) EngineStatus { var ss []string var rx, tx wgengine.ByteCount peers := make(map[tailcfg.NodeKey]wgengine.PeerStatus) live := 0 for _, p := range s.Peers { if p.LastHandshake.IsZero() { ss = append(ss, "x") } else { ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", p.RxBytes, p.TxBytes)) live++ peers[p.NodeKey] = p } rx += p.RxBytes tx += p.TxBytes } b.logf("v%v peers: %v\n", version.LONG, strings.Join(ss, " ")) return EngineStatus{ RBytes: rx, WBytes: tx, NumLive: live, LiveDERPs: s.DERPs, LivePeers: peers, } } func (b *LocalBackend) AdminPageURL() string { return b.serverURL + "/admin/machines" } func (b *LocalBackend) Prefs() *Prefs { b.mu.Lock() defer b.mu.Unlock() return b.prefs } func (b *LocalBackend) SetPrefs(new *Prefs) { if new == nil { panic("SetPrefs got nil prefs") } b.mu.Lock() old := b.prefs new.Persist = old.Persist // caller isn't allowed to override this b.prefs = new if b.stateKey != "" { if err := b.store.WriteState(b.stateKey, b.prefs.ToBytes()); err != nil { b.logf("Failed to save new controlclient state: %v", err) } } oldHi := b.hiCache newHi := oldHi.Clone() newHi.RoutableIPs = append([]wgcfg.CIDR(nil), b.prefs.AdvertiseRoutes...) b.hiCache = newHi cli := b.c b.mu.Unlock() if cli != nil && !oldHi.Equal(newHi) { cli.SetHostinfo(newHi) } if old.WantRunning != new.WantRunning { b.stateMachine() } else { b.authReconfig() } b.logf("SetPrefs: %v\n", new.Pretty()) b.send(Notify{Prefs: new}) } // Note: return value may be nil, if we haven't received a netmap yet. func (b *LocalBackend) NetMap() *controlclient.NetworkMap { return b.netMapCache } func (b *LocalBackend) blockEngineUpdates(block bool) { // TODO(apenwarr): probably need mutex here (and several other places) b.logf("blockEngineUpdates(%v)\n", block) b.mu.Lock() b.blocked = block b.mu.Unlock() } func (b *LocalBackend) authReconfig() { b.mu.Lock() blocked := b.blocked uc := b.prefs nm := b.netMapCache b.mu.Unlock() if blocked { b.logf("authReconfig: blocked, skipping.\n") return } if nm == nil { b.logf("authReconfig: netmap not yet valid. Skipping.\n") return } if !uc.WantRunning { b.logf("authReconfig: skipping because !WantRunning.\n") return } b.logf("Configuring wireguard connection.\n") uflags := controlclient.UDefault if uc.RouteAll { uflags |= controlclient.UAllowDefaultRoute // TODO(apenwarr): Make subnet routes a different pref? uflags |= controlclient.UAllowSubnetRoutes // TODO(apenwarr): Remove this once we sort out subnet routes. // Right now default routes are broken in Windows, but // controlclient doesn't properly send subnet routes. So // let's convert a default route into a subnet route in order // to allow experimentation. uflags |= controlclient.UHackDefaultRoute } if uc.AllowSingleHosts { uflags |= controlclient.UAllowSingleHosts } b.logf("reconfig: ra=%v dns=%v 0x%02x\n", uc.RouteAll, uc.CorpDNS, uflags) if nm != nil { dns := nm.DNS dom := nm.DNSDomains if !uc.CorpDNS { dns = []wgcfg.IP{} dom = []string{} } cfg, err := nm.WGCfg(uflags, dns) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("WGCfg: %v\n", err) } err = b.e.Reconfig(cfg, dom) if err != nil { b.logf("reconfig: %v", err) } } } func (b *LocalBackend) enterState(newState State) { b.mu.Lock() state := b.state prefs := b.prefs notify := b.notify b.mu.Unlock() if state == newState { return } b.logf("Switching ipn state %v -> %v (WantRunning=%v)\n", state, newState, prefs.WantRunning) if notify != nil { b.send(Notify{State: &newState}) } b.state = newState switch newState { case NeedsLogin: b.blockEngineUpdates(true) fallthrough case Stopped: err := b.e.Reconfig(&wgcfg.Config{}, nil) if err != nil { b.logf("Reconfig(down): %v\n", err) } case Starting, NeedsMachineAuth: b.authReconfig() // Needed so that UpdateEndpoints can run b.e.RequestStatus() case Running: break default: b.logf("Weird: unknown newState %#v\n", newState) } } func (b *LocalBackend) nextState() State { b.mu.Lock() b.assertClientLocked() var ( c = b.c netMap = b.netMapCache state = b.state wantRunning = b.prefs.WantRunning ) b.mu.Unlock() if netMap == nil { if c.AuthCantContinue() { // Auth was interrupted or waiting for URL visit, // so it won't proceed without human help. return NeedsLogin } else { // Auth or map request needs to finish return state } } else if !wantRunning { return Stopped } else if e := netMap.Expiry; !e.IsZero() && time.Until(e) <= 0 { return NeedsLogin } else if netMap.MachineStatus != tailcfg.MachineAuthorized { // TODO(crawshaw): handle tailcfg.MachineInvalid return NeedsMachineAuth } else if state == NeedsMachineAuth { // (if we get here, we know MachineAuthorized == true) return Starting } else if state == Starting { if st := b.EngineStatus(); st.NumLive > 0 || st.LiveDERPs > 0 { return Running } else { return state } } else if state == Running { return Running } else { return Starting } } func (b *LocalBackend) RequestEngineStatus() { b.e.RequestStatus() } // TODO(apenwarr): use a channel or something to prevent re-entrancy? // Or maybe just call the state machine from fewer places. func (b *LocalBackend) stateMachine() { b.enterState(b.nextState()) } func (b *LocalBackend) stopEngineAndWait() { b.logf("stopEngineAndWait...\n") b.e.Reconfig(&wgcfg.Config{}, nil) b.requestEngineStatusAndWait() b.logf("stopEngineAndWait: done.\n") } // Requests the wgengine status, and does not return until the status // was delivered (to the usual callback). func (b *LocalBackend) requestEngineStatusAndWait() { b.logf("requestEngineStatusAndWait\n") b.statusLock.Lock() go b.e.RequestStatus() b.logf("requestEngineStatusAndWait: waiting...\n") b.statusChanged.Wait() // temporarily releases lock while waiting b.logf("requestEngineStatusAndWait: got status update.\n") b.statusLock.Unlock() } // NOTE(apenwarr): No easy way to persist logged-out status. // Maybe that's for the better; if someone logs out accidentally, // rebooting will fix it. func (b *LocalBackend) Logout() { b.mu.Lock() b.assertClientLocked() c := b.c b.netMapCache = nil b.mu.Unlock() c.Logout() b.mu.Lock() b.netMapCache = nil b.mu.Unlock() b.stateMachine() } func (b *LocalBackend) assertClientLocked() { if b.c == nil { panic("LocalBackend.assertClient: b.c == nil") } } func (b *LocalBackend) SetNetInfo(ni *tailcfg.NetInfo) { b.mu.Lock() c := b.c if b.hiCache != nil { b.hiCache.NetInfo = ni.Clone() } b.mu.Unlock() if c == nil { return } c.SetNetInfo(ni) }