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<img width="256" height="256" src="" alt="Logo Shaark" />
**Shaark is a self-hosted platform to keep and share your content: web links, posts, passwords and pictures.**
All of your data can be **private, public or both** and can be browsed by **tags** or **all-in-one search**.
**Shaark** is production ready, inspired by [Shaarli](, built with [Laravel]( and [Vue.js](
📌 [Roadmap for the next version]( is available, we'd like to hear your feedback!
## Summary
[Features](#features) / [Demo](#demo) / [Documentation](#documentation) / [Contribute](#contribute) / [Security](#security) / [Tests](#tests) / [Licence](#licence)
## Features
- [x] Links : to keep your bookmarks (with health-checks)
- [x] Stories : posts with markdown flavored content
- [x] Chests : to save your passwords
- [x] Albums : to host your pictures
- [x] Rapid sharing extension and **P**rogressive **W**eb **A**pp
- [x] Tagging system, walls, search and RSS feeds
- [x] Private content or entirely private (with temp sharing)
- [x] Theming (dark mode, background)
- [x] i18n (🇬🇧, 🇫🇷, 🇩🇪, 🇯🇵 and 🇳🇱)
- [x] [Archiving]( (as pdf, as media)
- [x] DB encryption, 2-FA, Multi-users, [backup](
## Demo
![Homepage](/resources/screenshots/home.jpg?raw=true "Homepage")
A public demo is available at []( Credentials are **** and **secret**.
This demo is resetted hourly.
## Documentation
- [Installation]( How to install Shaark
- [Troubleshooting]( Common issues
- [Changelog]( Extensive changelog
- [Archiving]( How to run PDF and Media archiving
- [Backup]( How to set up automatic backup
- [Comments]( How comment system work
- [Dependencies]( Dependencies used by Shaark
## Contribute
### Features and bugs
All contributions are welcome! Please use the `dev` branch for your pull requests.
If you make changes to JS, don't compile assets in production, I'll manually compile them when merging for security reasons.
### Translation
Shaark is actually available in 🇬🇧, 🇫🇷, 🇩🇪, 🇯🇵 and 🇳🇱. Feel free to make a pull request to add or update a localization.
You can see laravel base localizations [on this repo](
## Security
If you find any **security issues**, please send me an email (can be found in composer.json).
### Global privacy
If you don't want your content being publicy accessible, you can update this preference once application is installed from settings section.
### 2-FA
You're able to active 2-FA (2 factors authentication). By default 2-FA is disabled but you can update it from your app settings.
Code length and code expiration are also configurable. **Test if you application can send emails before enabling this feature**.
### Auth monitoring
Shaark logs all successful and failed auths with their associated devices.
### Chests encryption
Since `1.2.9`, all chests data are encrypted in your database using AES-256-CBC and your app key.
### Multi-users
Others users can be admin or non-admin. Admin users are like the main user and have an access to the entire content.
Non-admin users can't access the settings section and can only see their own private content.
## Tests
1. Be sure to have a testing database with `touch database/testing.sqlite` and have composer `require-dev` dependencies installer.
2. Run testing server `php artisan serve --env=testing`.
3. Run tests ```php artisan dusk --env=testing```
## Licence