
96 lines
1.8 KiB

package App::BlogAlba::Publisher;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Text::Markdown::Hoedown;
use YAML;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use Date::Parse qw/str2time/;
use Unicode::Normalize;
=head1 NAME
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.1
our $VERSION = '0.1';
use Exporter::Easy (
EXPORT => [ qw// ],
OK => [ qw/ParseArticle, ParseArticles/ ],
Allows a fairly genericised "load files from given path with given regexp and turn them into a data structure" setup.
use App::BlogAlba::Publisher;
my @articles = ParseArticles('/your/path','^.*\.md$');
=head2 Article
In the context of this module, an "article" is any valid markdown document which contains a YAML preamble, of the format:
sub FindArticles {
my ($path,$regexp) = @_;
opendir ARTICLES, $path or carp "Couldn't open path '$path'!" and return undef;
my @articles;
while(readdir ARTICLES) {
push @articles, "$path/$_" if /$regexp/;
closedir ARTICLES;
return @articles;
=head2 ParseArticle
Allows a single file to be parsed. Returns a hashref of the resulting data structure.
Requires one argument, the path to a valid article.
my $article = ParseArticle('/path/to/your/');
sub ParseArticle {
my $file = shift;
return {};
=head2 ParseArticles
A wrapper around ParseArticle() for parsing all articles in a directory. Uses FindArticles() internally for retrieving the list of articles within the directory.
Requires two arguments; the path to a directory containing articles, and a regular expression with which to compare filenames against.
sub ParseArticles {
my @articles = FindArticles @_;
my @parsed_articles;
push @parsed_articles, ParseArticle $_ for @articles;