code and syntactic cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ use Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC qw/schema/;
use DateTime;
use Data::UUID;
my $nextexpunge = 0;
# Application startup
sub DeploySchema {
# we override sigwarn to prevent warnings from showing up when the schema has previously been deployed
# TODO: find a way to mute only the deploy warning here, should any other warnings somehow arise
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
eval { schema->deploy; };
# Data transformation
sub DateTimeToQueryable {
my $dt = DateTime->now(time_zone => config->{tz});
$dt->add(@_) if scalar @_;
@ -28,16 +29,25 @@ sub ExpirationToDate {
return undef if $expire and $expire->{never};
return DateTimeToQueryable(%{ $expire });
# Data generation
sub GetUUID {
my $uuid = Data::UUID->new->create_str;
$uuid =~ s/\-//g;
return lc $uuid;
# Data removal
my $nextexpunge = 0;
sub CheckExpiry {
return unless time > $nextexpunge;
$nextexpunge = time+30;
schema->resultset('Paste')->search({expiration => { '<' => DateTimeToQueryable() }})->delete_all;
$nextexpunge = time+15;
schema->resultset('Paste')->search( {
expiration => { '<' => DateTimeToQueryable() }
} )->delete_all;
# Data validation
sub ValidateParams {
my $params = shift;
return undef unless $params->{code};
@ -48,12 +58,22 @@ sub ValidateParams {
return undef unless $params->{expiration} =~ /^([a-z]+:[0-9]+)(:[a-z]+:[0-9]+)*$/ or not $params->{expiration};
return 1;
# Data retrieval
sub GetPaste {
my $params = shift;
my $id = lc $params->{id};
return undef unless $id =~ /^[a-f0-9]*$/;
return schema->resultset('Paste')->single( { id => $id } );
sub PresentPaste {
my $params = shift; my $tt = shift;
my $paste = GetPaste($params) or return undef;
content_type 'text/plain' and return $paste->code unless $tt;
return template "$", { paste => $paste };
# Data storage
sub StorePaste {
my $params = shift;
my ($lang,$html) = PygmentsHighlight(lang => $params->{lang}, code => $params->{code});
@ -69,26 +89,31 @@ sub StorePaste {
}) or return undef;
return $id;
sub ReceivePaste {
my $params = shift;
return send_error('Submitted paste is not valid. Check your post title and language, and try again.', 400)
unless ValidateParams $params;
return send_error('Unfortunately, the paste could not be saved.', 503)
unless my $id = StorePaste $params;
return redirect "/$id";
# Startup
# Hooks
hook 'before' => sub { CheckExpiry(); };
hook 'before' => sub { CheckExpiry; };
# Routes
get '/' => sub { template ''; };
get '/:id' => sub { my $paste=GetPaste(scalar params 'route') or pass; template '', { paste => $paste }; };
get '/:id/copy' => sub { my $paste=GetPaste(scalar params 'route') or pass; template '', { paste => $paste }; };
get '/:id/raw' => sub { my $paste=GetPaste(scalar params 'route') or pass; content_type 'text/plain'; return $paste->code; };
get '/:id' => sub { return PresentPaste scalar(params 'route'), 'show' || pass; };
get '/:id/copy' => sub { return PresentPaste scalar(params 'route'), 'index' || pass; };
get '/:id/raw' => sub { return PresentPaste scalar params 'route' || pass; };
post '/' => sub {
my $p = params 'body';
ValidateParams($p) or return send_error('Submitted paste is not valid. Check your post title and language, and try again.', 400);
my $id = StorePaste($p) or return redirect '/503.html';
return redirect "/$id";
post '/' => sub { return ReceivePaste scalar params 'body'; };
# Default catch-all route
any qr/.*/ => sub { return send_error('What you seek cannot be found here.', 404); };
Reference in New Issue