Un-GPLing the project by removing some fairly important plugins.

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Connelly 2015-02-20 02:54:22 +00:00
parent e4fa714acf
commit 4b44665072
9 changed files with 3 additions and 328 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
openwrt-oriented munin-node implementation inspired by muninlite
## Quick installation guide
Install `munin-node`:
Install `munin-node` and the bundled plugins:
mkdir -p /usr/local/bin /etc/munin-node

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@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
Plugins should be installed in this directory, and should have purely alphanumeric names. Plugins can, as with all munin-node implementations I've seen, be written in any supported language, however as this munin-node implementation specifically targets OpenWRT, sh-compatible/ash-specific shellscript is recommended.
Plugins in this directory may be enabled/disabled as needed by either adding or removing the executable permission (chmod +x, chmod -x).
The following plugins were originally provided with muninlite (http://sourceforge.net/projects/muninlite/) and have been altered to varying degrees to act as generic plugins. These plugins and the muninlite project are licensed under the GPLv2 and are included for completion's sake.
The following plugins were originally provided with muninlite (http://sourceforge.net/projects/muninlite/) and have been altered to varying degrees to act as generic plugins. These plugins were originally bundled with this project, however due to license incompatibilities (GPLv2 doesn't seem to permit me to license my project under BSD 3-Clause while including GPLv2-licensed plugins, even modified to some degree, thus there will be no non-BSD code). They will be re-included once original replacements have been written:
- cpu
- df
- if
- interrupts
- irqstats
- memory
The following plugins were originally provided with muninlite, but have been largely rewritten and may resemble their original in graph configuration only:
- cpu
- uptime
The following plugins have been written to more specifically monitor the functions of an OpenWRT router installation, and are licensed under the 3-clause BSD license:

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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
# this is kinda eh but i rewrote what i could
[ `/bin/grep '^cpu ' /proc/stat|/usr/bin/awk '{print NF}'` -ge 8 ] && extinfo="iowait irq softirq"
if [ "$1" == "config" ];then
NCPU=`/bin/grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo`
PERCENT=$(($NCPU * 100))
SYSWARNING=$(($PERCENT * 30 / 100))
SYSCRITICAL=$(($PERCENT * 50 / 100))
USRWARNING=$(($PERCENT * 80 / 100))
echo "graph_title CPU usage
graph_order system user nice idle $extinfo
graph_args --base 1000 -r --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit $graphlimit
graph_vlabel %
graph_scale no
graph_info This graph shows how CPU time is spent.
graph_category system
graph_period second
system.label system
system.draw AREA
system.max 5000
system.min 0
system.type DERIVE
system.warning $SYSWARNING
system.critical $SYSCRITICAL
system.info CPU time spent by the kernel in system activities
user.label user
user.draw STACK
user.min 0
user.max 5000
user.warning $USRWARNING
user.type DERIVE
user.info CPU time spent by normal programs and daemons
nice.label nice
nice.draw STACK
nice.min 0
nice.max 5000
nice.type DERIVE
nice.info CPU time spent by nice(1)d programs
idle.label idle
idle.draw STACK
idle.min 0
idle.max 5000
idle.type DERIVE
idle.info Idle CPU time"
[ ! -z "$extinfo" ] && echo "iowait.label iowait
iowait.draw STACK
iowait.min 0
iowait.max 5000
iowait.type DERIVE
iowait.info CPU time spent waiting for I/O operations to finish
irq.label irq
irq.draw STACK
irq.min 0
irq.max 5000
irq.type DERIVE
irq.info CPU time spent handling interrupts
softirq.label softirq
softirq.draw STACK
softirq.min 0
softirq.max 5000
softirq.type DERIVE
softirq.info CPU time spent handling 'batched' interrupts"
exit 0
/bin/grep '^cpu ' /proc/stat|/usr/bin/awk '{print "user.value "$2"\nnice.value "$3"\nsystem.value "$4"\nidle.value "$5}'
[ ! -z "$extinfo" ] && /bin/grep '^cpu ' /proc/stat|/usr/bin/awk '{print "iowait.value "$6"\nirq.value "$7"\nsoftirq.value "$8}'

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# this is pretty bad really but eh
PARTS=`/bin/df -P|/bin/grep '^rootfs'|/bin/sed '/\/[a-z0-9]*$/!d;s/.* \([a-z0-9\/]\{1,\}\)$/\1/g'`
if [ "$1" == "config" ];then
echo "graph_title Disk usage (percent)
graph_args --upper-limit 100 -l 0
graph_vlabel percent
graph_category disk
graph_info This graph shows disk usage on the machine."
for PART in $PARTS;do
PINFO=`/bin/df -P $PART|/usr/bin/tail -1`
PNAME=`echo $PINFO|/usr/bin/cut -d\ -f1|/bin/sed 's/\//_/g'`
echo "$PNAME.label $PART
$PNAME.warning 92
$PNAME.critical 98"
exit 0
for PART in $PARTS;do
PINFO=`/bin/df -P $PART|/usr/bin/tail -1`
PNAME=`echo $PINFO|/usr/bin/cut -d\ -f1|/bin/sed 's/[\/.-]/_/g'`
echo "$PNAME.value `echo $PINFO|/usr/bin/cut -d\ -f5|/bin/sed -e 's/\%//g'`"

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
if [ "$1" == "config" ];then
echo "graph_order up down
graph_title $2 traffic
graph_args --base 1000
graph_vlabel bits in (+) / out (-) per \${graph_period}
graph_category network
down.label bps
down.type DERIVE
down.min 0
down.negative up
down.cdef down,8,*
up.label bps
up.type DERIVE
up.min 0
up.graph no
up.cdef up,8,*"
exit 0
# mh..
IINFO=`/bin/grep "$1:" /proc/net/dev|/usr/bin/cut -d: -f2|/bin/sed -e 's/ / /g'`
echo "down.value `echo $IINFO|/usr/bin/cut -d\ -f1`"
echo "up.value `echo $IINFO|/usr/bin/cut -d\ -f9`"

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
if [ "$1" == "config" ];then
echo "graph_title Interrupts & context switches
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel interrupts & ctx switches / \${graph_period}
graph_category system
graph_info This graph shows the number of interrupts and context switches on the system. These are typically high on a busy system.
intr.info Interrupts are events that alter sequence of instructions executed by a processor. They can come from either hardware (exceptions, NMI, IRQ) or software.
ctx.info A context switch occurs when a multitasking operatings system suspends the currently running process, and starts executing another.
intr.label interrupts
ctx.label context switches
intr.type DERIVE
ctx.type DERIVE
intr.max 100000
ctx.max 100000
intr.min 0
ctx.min 0"
exit 0
# ugh
IINFO=`/bin/cat /proc/stat`
echo "ctx.value `echo "$IINFO"|/bin/grep '^ctxt'|/usr/bin/cut -d\ -f2`"
echo "intr.value `echo "$IINFO"|/bin/grep '^intr'|/usr/bin/cut -d\ -f2`"

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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# this is just awful.
CPUS=`/bin/grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo`
IINFO=`/bin/sed -e 's/ \{1,\}/ /g;s/^ //' /proc/interrupts|/bin/grep '.:'`
IDS=`echo "$IINFO"|/usr/bin/cut -d: -f1`
if [ "$1" == "config" ];then
echo "graph_title Individual interrupts
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel interrupts / \${graph_period}
graph_category system"
for ID in $IDS;do
IDL=`echo "$IINFO"|/bin/grep "^$ID:"`
INFO=`echo "$IDL"|/usr/bin/cut -d\ -f$((3+$CPUS))-`
if [ "$INFO" = "" ];then
echo "i$ID.label $ID"
echo "i$ID.label $INFO"
echo "i$ID.info Interrupt $ID, for device(s): $INFO"
echo "i$ID.type DERIVE"
echo "i$ID.min 0"
exit 0
for ID in $IDS;do
IDL=`echo "$IINFO"|/bin/grep "^$ID:"`
VALS=`echo "$IDL"|/usr/bin/cut -d\ -f2-$((1+$CPUS))`
for VAL in $VALS;do VALUE=$(($VALUE + $VAL));done
echo "i$ID.value $VALUE"

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@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# this is just a complete fucking mess i tried my best to fix it
MINFO=`/bin/cat /proc/meminfo|/bin/sed 's/ \{1,\}/ /g;'`
MEMFREE=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^MemFree:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
BUFFERS=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Buffers:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
CACHED=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Cached:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
SWAP_TOTAL=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^SwapTotal:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
SWAP_FREE=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^SwapFree:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
MEMTOTAL=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^MemTotal:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
PAGETABLES=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^PageTables:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
SWAPCACHED=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^SwapCached:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
SWAPTOTAL=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^SwapTotal:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
VMALLOCUSED=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^VmallocUsed:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
SLAB=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Slab:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
MAPPED=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Mapped:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
COMMITTEDAS=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Committed_AS:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
ACTIVE=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Active:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
INACTIVE=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Inactive:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
ACTIVEANON=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^ActiveAnon:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
ACTIVECACHE=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^ActiveCache:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
INACTIVE=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Inactive:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
INACTDIRTY=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Inact_dirty:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
INACTLAUNDY=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Inact_laundry:"|/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
INACTCLEAN=`echo "$MINFO"|/bin/grep "^Inact_clean:" |/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
if [ "$1" == "config" ];then
test "$PAGETABLES" != "" && GRAPH_ORDER="$GRAPH_ORDER page_tables"
test "$SWAPCACHED" != "" && GRAPH_ORDER="$GRAPH_ORDER swap_cache"
test "$VMALLOCUSED" != "" && GRAPH_ORDER="$GRAPH_ORDER vmalloc_used"
test "$SLAB" != "" && GRAPH_ORDER="$GRAPH_ORDER slab"
GRAPH_ORDER="$GRAPH_ORDER cached buffers free swap"
echo "graph_args --base 1024 -l 0 --vertical-label Bytes --upper-limit $MEMTOTAL
graph_title Memory usage
graph_category system
graph_info This graph shows what the machine uses its memory for.
graph_order $GRAPH_ORDER
apps.label apps
apps.draw AREA
apps.info Memory used by user-space applications.
buffers.label buffers
buffers.draw STACK
buffers.info Block device (e.g. harddisk) cache. Also where 'dirty' blocks are stored until written.
swap.label swap
swap.draw STACK
swap.info Swap space used.
cached.label cache
cached.draw STACK
cached.info Parked file data (file content) cache.
free.label unused
free.draw STACK
free.info Wasted memory. Memory that is not used for anything at all."
[ ! -z "$SLAB" ] && echo "slab.label slab_cache
slab.draw STACK
slab.info Memory used by the kernel (major users are caches like inode, dentry, etc)."
[ ! -z "$SWAPCACHED" ] && echo "swap_cache.label swap_cache
swap_cache.draw STACK
swap_cache.info A piece of memory that keeps track of pages that have been fetched from swap but not yet been modified."
[ ! -z "$PAGETABLES" ] && echo "page_tables.label page_tables
page_tables.draw STACK
page_tables.info Memory used to map between virtual and physical memory addresses."
[ ! -z "$VMALLOCUSED" ] && echo "vmalloc_used.label vmalloc_used
vmalloc_used.draw STACK
vmalloc_used.info Virtual memory used by the kernel (used when the memory does not have to be physically contigious)."
[ ! -z "$COMMITTEDAS" ] && echo "committed.label committed
committed.draw LINE2
committed.warn $(($SWAPTOTAL + $MEMTOTAL))
committed.info The amount of memory that would be used if all the memory that's been allocated were to be used."
[ ! -z "$MAPPED" ] && echo "mapped.label mapped
mapped.draw LINE2
mapped.info All mmap()ed pages."
[ ! -z "$ACTIVE" ] && echo "active.label active
active.draw LINE2
active.info Memory recently used. Not reclaimed unless absolutely necessary."
[ ! -z "$ACTIVEANON" ] && echo "active_anon.label active_anon
active_anon.draw LINE1"
[ ! -z "$ACTIVECACHE" ] && echo "active_cache.label active_cache
active_cache.draw LINE1"
[ ! -z "$INACTIVE" ] && echo "inactive.label inactive
inactive.draw LINE2
inactive.info Memory not currently used."
[ ! -z "$INACTDIRTY" ] && echo "inact_dirty.label inactive_dirty
inact_dirty.draw LINE1
inact_dirty.info Memory not currently used, but in need of being written to disk."
[ ! -z "$INACTLAUNDRY" ] && echo "inact_laundry.label inactive_laundry
inact_laundry.draw LINE1"
[ ! -z "$INACTCLEAN" ] && echo "inact_clean.label inactive_clean
inact_clean.draw LINE1
inact_clean.info Memory not currently used."
exit 0
echo "buffers.value $(($BUFFERS * 1024))
swap.value $(($SWAP * 1024))
cached.value $(($CACHED * 1024))
free.value $(($MEMFREE * 1024))"
[ ! -z "$SLAB" ] && echo "slab.value $(($SLAB * 1024))" && APPS=$(($APPS - $SLAB))
[ ! -z "$SWAPCACHED" ] && echo "swap_cache.value $(($SWAPCACHED * 1024))" && APPS=$(($APPS - $SWAPCACHED))
[ ! -z "$PAGETABLES" ] && echo "page_tables.value $(($PAGETABLES * 1024))" && APPS=$(($APPS - $PAGETABLES))
[ ! -z "$VMALLOCUSED" ] && echo "vmalloc_used.value $(($VMALLOCUSED * 1024))" && APPS=$(($APPS - $VMALLOCUSED))
[ ! -z "$COMMITTEDAS" ] && echo "committed.value $(($COMMITTEDAS * 1024))"
[ ! -z "$MAPPED" ] && echo "mapped.value $(($MAPPED * 1024))"
[ ! -z "$ACTIVE" ] && echo "active.value $(($ACTIVE * 1024))"
[ ! -z "$ACTIVEANON" ] && echo "active_anon.value $(($ACTIVEANON * 1024))"
[ ! -z "$ACTIVECACHE" ] && echo "active_cache.value $(($ACTIVECACHE * 1024))"
[ ! -z "$INACTIVE" ] && echo "inactive.value $(($INACTIVE * 1024))"
[ ! -z "$INACTDIRTY" ] && echo "inact_dirty.value $(($INACTDIRTY * 1024))"
[ ! -z "$INACTLAUNDRY" ] && echo "inact_laundry.value $(($INACTLAUNDRY * 1024))"
[ ! -z "$INACTCLEAN" ] && echo "inact_clean.value $(($INACTCLEAN * 1024))"
echo "apps.value $(($APPS * 1024))"

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
if [ "$1" == "config" ]; then
echo "graph_title Uptime
graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
graph_vlabel uptime in days
uptime.label uptime
uptime.draw AREA
uptime.cdef uptime,86400,/"
exit 0
echo "uptime.value `/usr/bin/awk '{print $1}' /proc/uptime`"