Plugins should be installed in this directory, and should have purely alphanumeric names. Plugins can, as with all munin-node implementations I've seen, be written in any supported language, however as this munin-node implementation specifically targets OpenWRT, sh-compatible/ash-specific shellscript is recommended.
Plugins in this directory may be enabled/disabled as needed by either adding or removing the executable permission (chmod +x, chmod -x).
The following plugins were originally provided with muninlite ( and have been altered to varying degrees to act as generic plugins. These plugins and the muninlite project are licensed under the GPLv2 and are included for completion's sake.
- df
- if
- interrupts
- irqstats
- memory
The following plugins were originally provided with muninlite, but have been largely rewritten and may resemble their original in graph configuration only:
- cpu
- uptime
The following plugins have been written to more specifically monitor the functions of an OpenWRT router installation, and are licensed under the 3-clause BSD license:
- dhcp - Tracks the current count of valid DHCP leases.
- dns - Tracks caching/forwarding statistics in the dnsmasq caching resolver
- load - Tracks system load for the past one, five and fifteen minutes, as well as active and running processes.
- netstats - Tracks currently-open TCP, UDP, ICMP and other connections. A netstats plugin is provided with muninlite, however it is related only in name to this.
- ping - Tracks outbound latency and packet loss to a single host, intended to measure outbound connection quality/uptime through an ISP.
- skysr102 - Tracks ADSL line attenuation/noise and sync speeds. This plugin is specific to the Sky SR102 modem-router and may not work on other devices.
- upnp - Tracks the current count of valid UPnP forward leases
- wireless - Tracks total connected stations across all wireless interfaces, as well as signal and noise levels for each interface/AP.