29 lines
1.6 KiB
29 lines
1.6 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use feature "say";
use Regexp::Common;
use Term::ANSIColor qw/:constants/;
my $lp=0; #stores last printed thing, for tracking of script state
my $locals=""; #stores all local addresses to be printed after all non-locals have been printed
open IFCFG, 'ifconfig|'; #opens a handle for the output of ifconfig
while(<IFCFG>) {
my $if=$1 if /^([a-z0-9\.]+(:[0-9]+)?)/;
say RED." no addrs".RESET if defined $if and !length $locals and $lp==1;
#backspace a character and create a newline in the rare event that an interface has routed IPs but no link-locals or anything
print STDOUT "\b\033[K" and say "" if defined $if and $lp==2 and !length $locals;
$locals =~ s/,$// and say $locals and $locals="" if length $locals and defined $if;
print BLUE,"$if:",RESET and $lp=1 if defined $if;
my $ip=$1 if /($RE{net}{IPv4}|$RE{net}{IPv6})/;
#colourise the IP blue, mark it local and pop it into the locals pile if it's a link-local, multicast or zeroconf IP
$locals.=BLUE." $ip <L>".RESET."," and undef $ip if $ip =~ /^(::|fcce|fe80|0\.|127\.|169\.254|22[0-9]\.|2[3-4][0-9]\.|25[0-5]\.)/;
#colourise the IP yellow and mark it if it's a temporary v6 or NAT v4 address
$ip=YELLOW."$ip <T>".RESET if /$RE{net}{IPv6}.*temporary/;
$ip=YELLOW."$ip <N>".RESET if $ip =~ /^(10\.|100\.(6[4-9]|[7-9][0-9]|1[01][0-9]|12[0-7])\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])\.|192\.168\.)/;
print " " if defined $ip and $lp;
print GREEN,$ip,RESET,"," and $lp=2 if defined $ip;
print RED," no addrs",RESET if $lp==1 and !length $locals;
$locals =~ s/,$// and print BLUE,$locals,RESET if length $locals;
say "";