116 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File
116 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package Net::WHMCS::Integration::OSX;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw/experimental/;
use v5.14;
use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
use HTTP::Date;
use JSON::PP;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Maff::Common::OSX qw/nc_notify/;
use Maff::Common::Time qw/relative_time/;
# Configuration
our $username = "";
our $password = "";
our $apitoken = "";
$password = md5_hex $password;
my $whmcsinstall = "";
my $endpoint = "$whmcsinstall/includes/api.php";
my $maxsubjlen = 32;
my $knownpath = "$ENV{HOME}/.tnotifyd_known";
my $whmcs;
sub readknown {
open my $kn, "<$knownpath";
my $json = <$kn>;
$json = decode_json $json;
close $kn;
return $json;
sub writeknown {
open my $kn, ">$knownpath";
my $json = JSON::PP->new->encode(@_);
print $kn $json;
close $kn;
sub known {
my $k = readknown;
my ($id,$ts) = @_;
return 1 if defined $k->{$id} and $k->{$id} == $ts;
writeknown $k;
return 0;
sub fetchWaitingTickets {
my %pfields = (
"username" => $username,
"password" => $password,
"accesskey" => $apitoken,
"action" => "gettickets",
"status" => "Awaiting Reply",
#"status" => "All Active Tickets",
"limitnum" => 50,
"responsetype" => "json",
my $lwp = new LWP::UserAgent(timeout => 100);
my $response = $lwp->post($endpoint, \%pfields);
return $response->decoded_content;
sub build_single {
my $tnum = shift || 0;
my $ticket = $whmcs->{tickets}->{ticket}->[$tnum];
my ($tid,$tsubj,$ttime,$tstat);
$tid = $ticket->{tid}; $ttime = $ticket->{lastreply};
$tsubj = $ticket->{subject}; $tstat = $ticket->{status};
$tsubj = substr($tsubj,0,$maxsubjlen)."…" if length $tsubj > $maxsubjlen;
$ttime =~ s/$/ -0700/; $ttime = str2time $ttime;
return if known $tid, $ttime;
$ttime = relative_time $ttime;
$tstat = "opened" if $tstat eq "Open"; $tstat = "response" if $tstat eq "Customer-Reply";
return ("New ticket $tstat","#$tid: $tsubj ($ttime)");
sub build_many {
my ($openc,$replc,$esclc,$othc,$ltnum) = (0,0,0,0,0);
for(my $t=0;$t<$whmcs->{numreturned};$t++) {
my $ticket = $whmcs->{tickets}->{ticket}->[$t];
my $tid = $ticket->{tid};
my $ttime = $ticket->{lastreply}; $ttime =~ s/$/ -0700/; $ttime = str2time $ttime;
next if known $tid, $ttime;
for($ticket->{status}) {
$openc++ when /Open/;
$replc++ when /Customer-Reply/;
$esclc++ when /Escalated/i;
default { $othc++ }
my $tc = ($openc+$replc+$esclc+$othc);
return unless $tc;
return build_single $ltnum if $tc == 1;
my $tstr = "";
$openc and $tstr .= "$openc open";
$replc and $tstr .= (length $tstr? ', ' : '')."$replc replied to";
$esclc and $tstr .= (length $tstr? ', ' : '')."$esclc escalated";
$othc and $tstr .= (length $tstr? ', ' : '')."$othc misc.";
return ("New tickets waiting",$tstr);
sub build {
$whmcs = fetchWaitingTickets;
return ("Error","Failed to parse response from WHMCS: $whmcs") if $whmcs !~ /^{/;
$whmcs = decode_json $whmcs;
return ("Error","Failed to fetch tickets from WHMCS") if $whmcs->{result} ne "success";
return unless $whmcs->{numreturned};
return build_single if $whmcs->{numreturned} == 1;
return build_many;
my ($t,$m) = build or exit 0;
nc_notify $t, $m;