
116 lines
3.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using LibUsbDotNet;
using LibUsbDotNet.Main;
namespace libpaperang.Interfaces {
public class USB : IPrinter {
// constants
private const ushort iV = 0x4348;
private const ushort iP = 0x5584;
public uint MaximumDataSize => 1008;
// types
private struct UsbComms {
public UsbDevice handle;
public IUsbDevice iface;
public UsbEndpointReader rx;
public UsbEndpointWriter tx;
private UsbComms Printer;
public short LineWidth {
get {
switch(PrinterVariant) {
case BaseTypes.Model.P1:
return 48;
case BaseTypes.Model.P2:
return 72;
case BaseTypes.Model.T1:
throw new PrinterVariantNotSupportedException();
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public short BasePrintDelay {
get {
switch(PrinterVariant) {
//A delay when actually -printing- is necessary; moreso with the P2 model, as higher DPI means more packets for the same physical length of paper
// and when faced with a print data buffer exhaustion, the printer will simply discard what's in the buffer and start printing whatever data is received after
case BaseTypes.Model.P1:
return 100;
case BaseTypes.Model.P2:
return 170;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public BaseTypes.Connection ConnectionMethod => BaseTypes.Connection.USB;
public BaseTypes.Model PrinterVariant { get; private set; }
public BaseTypes.State Status => BaseTypes.State.Offline;
public List<BaseTypes.Printer> AvailablePrinters {
get {
List<BaseTypes.Printer> _=new List<BaseTypes.Printer>();
(from d in UsbDevice.AllDevices
where d.Vid == iV &&
d.Pid == iP
select d).ToList().ForEach(d => _.Add(new BaseTypes.Printer {
Id = d.DeviceInterfaceGuids.First(),
CommsMethod = BaseTypes.Connection.USB,
Address = d.DeviceProperties["Address"].ToString(),
Instance = d
return _;
public bool PrinterAvailable => AvailablePrinters.Count > 0;
public bool PrinterInitialised { get; private set; } = false;
public bool PrinterOpen => Printer.handle?.IsOpen ?? false;
public void OpenPrinter(BaseTypes.Printer printer) {
bool res;
try {
res = ((UsbRegistry)printer.Instance).Open(out Printer.handle);
} catch(Exception) {
throw new PrinterNotAvailableException();
throw new PrinterNotAvailableException();
public void ClosePrinter() => Printer.handle?.Close();
public void Initialise() {
throw new PrinterNotInitialisedException();
Printer.iface = Printer.handle as IUsbDevice;
_ = Printer.iface?.SetConfiguration(1);
_ = Printer.iface?.ClaimInterface(0);
Printer.rx = Printer.handle.OpenEndpointReader(ReadEndpointID.Ep01);
Printer.tx = Printer.handle.OpenEndpointWriter(WriteEndpointID.Ep02);
PrinterInitialised = true;
public void Deinitialise() {
_ = Printer.iface?.ReleaseInterface(0);
_ = Printer.iface?.Close();
public byte[] ReadBytes() {
byte[] readbuf=new byte[1024];
_ = Printer.rx.Read(readbuf, 100, out int _);
return readbuf;
public bool WriteBytes(byte[] packet) => Printer.tx.Write(packet, 500, out int _) == ErrorCode.None;
public bool WriteBytes(byte[] packet, int delay) {
bool _=WriteBytes(packet);
return _;
public USB(BaseTypes.Model model) => PrinterVariant = model;