redoing things

This commit is contained in:
Maff 2018-08-27 00:08:16 +01:00
parent 0983d2c010
commit 6bdeb122d7
1 changed files with 113 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -1,48 +1,123 @@
import uPyConfig import uPyConfig
hw = uPyConfig.esp32() #hw = uPyConfig.esp32()
hw = uPyConfig.esp8266(variant='d1-r2')
import webrepl import webrepl
webrepl.start() webrepl.start()
#print family, variant and IP address (using oled, if available on-board) #print family, variant and IP address (using oled, if available on-board)
import init_sample #import init_sample
init_sample.PrintHWInfo(hw) #init_sample.PrintHWInfo(hw)
# Main app # Main app
from machine import Pin, TouchPad, SPI from uPySensor import *
hw.owc.__init__(hw.owc, 12)
bme280 = BME280 (hw.i2c.bus)
lm75a = LM75A (hw.i2c.bus)
sht21 = SHT21 (hw.i2c.bus)
ds18b20= DS18B20(hw.owc.bus)
from machine import unique_id
import ubinascii
from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient
def _bme280():
mqttc.publish(b'home/temp/indoor/bme280/1', "%0.2f" % bme280.temperature)
mqttc.publish(b'home/humidity/indoor/bme280/1', "%0.2f" % bme280.humidity)
mqttc.publish(b'home/pressure/indoor/bme280/1', "%0.2f" % bme280.pressure)
def _sht21():
mqttc.publish(b'home/temp/indoor/sht21/1', "%0.3f" % sht21.read_tempC())
mqttc.publish(b'home/humidity/indoor/sht21/1', "%0.3f" % sht21.read_hum())
def _lm75a(): mqttc.publish(b'home/temp/indoor/lm75a/1', "%0.1f" % lm75a.read_tempC())
#from machine import Pin, TouchPad, SPI
#from uPaper import epaper, fbuf #from uPaper import epaper, fbuf
from ST7735 import TFT #from ST7735 import TFT
from time import sleep_ms #from time import sleep_ms
tft_spibus=2 #display initialise
tft_mosi=Pin(23) #tft_spibus=2
tft_sck=Pin(5) #tft_mosi=Pin(23)
tft_dc=17 #tft_sck=Pin(5)
tft_rst=12 #tft_dc=17
tft_cs=16 #tft_rst=12
spi=SPI(tft_spibus,baudrate=20000000,polarity=0,phase=0,mosi=tft_mosi,sck=tft_sck) #
tft=TFT(spi,tft_dc,tft_rst,tft_cs) #spi=SPI(tft_spibus,baudrate=20000000,polarity=0,phase=0,mosi=tft_mosi,sck=tft_sck)
tft.on() #tft=TFT(spi,tft_dc,tft_rst,tft_cs)
tft.initg() ##turn display on, init green, blue, enable RGB, then init red.
tft.initb() ##i don't get it either, but this is the only way i've found to get the screen fully working
tft.rgb(True) ##anything else either doesn't display correct colours, or it does but there's a bar on the side of the screen
tft.initr() #tft.on()
sleep_ms(200) #tft.initg()
tft.fill(tft.RED) #tft.initb()
sleep_ms(40) #tft.rgb(True)
tft.fill(tft.BLUE) #tft.initr()
sleep_ms(40) #sleep_ms(200)
tft.fill(tft.GREEN) #tft.fill(tft.RED)
sleep_ms(40) #sleep_ms(40)
tft.fill(tft.PURPLE) #tft.fill(tft.BLUE)
sleep_ms(40) #sleep_ms(40)
tft.fill(tft.WHITE) #tft.fill(tft.GREEN)
sleep_ms(800) #sleep_ms(40)
from fonts import terminal #sleep_ms(40)
from network import WLAN as wlan, STA_IF as staif #tft.fill(tft.WHITE)
tft.text((4,6),,tft.BLACK, #
tft.text((4,16),hw.variant,tft.BLACK, #from fonts import terminal
tft.text((4,26),wlan(staif).ifconfig()[0],tft.BLACK, #from network import WLAN as wlan, STA_IF as staif
#import machine
#def buttonInterrupt(p):
# print(p)
# if p==buttonA:
# stateA=p.value()
# buttonChange(0)
# elif p==buttonB:
# stateB=p.value()
# buttonChange(1)
# elif p==buttonC:
# stateC=p.value()
# buttonChange(2)
# else:
# print("unrecognised button")
#def buttonChange(i):
# left=2+(w*i)+i
# c=tft.RED
# if i==0: c=(tft.GREEN if stateA==0 else tft.RED)
# elif i==1: c=(tft.GREEN if stateB==0 else tft.RED)
# elif i==2: c=(tft.GREEN if stateC==0 else tft.RED)
# else: return
# tft.rect((left,128-h),(w,h),c)
#buttonA.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=buttonInterrupt)
#buttonA.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=buttonInterrupt)
#buttonB.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=buttonInterrupt)
#buttonB.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=buttonInterrupt)
#buttonC.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=buttonInterrupt)
#buttonC.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=buttonInterrupt)