
2264 lines
62 KiB

; object.asm
; 1.2.2000 by Abe Pralle
; defines and handles the objects (data of classes) of FGB
;see map.asm for location definitions of object RAM
;object data:
;each object is 16 bytes long
; Byte Name Description
; ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------
; 0 i_pos i index of left of object within map
; 1 j_pos j index of top of object within map
; 2 frame bits[2:0] - facing/frame of object. See (1) below.
; bits[4:3] - copy of timer's 2 LSB on upon last move
; bits[6:5] - index 0-3 on current path
; bit[7] - 1 if obj is currently a sprite, 0 if not
; 3 move Next move info
; bits[7:0] - counter 'till next move
; 4 limit Moves until AI switch + moves until fire again
; bits[3:0] - moveLimit. Decremented every move and
; sometimes used to switch states ("well this
; direction's not working").
; - Used as direction of fire by hero
; - Used as bullet color by bullet.
; bits[7-4] - special flags
; 7 = travel straight, speed=1 (OBJBIT_THROWN)
; 5 health Amount of health left
; bits[5:0] - Amount of health / hit points left
; bits[7:6] - desired direction. When the AI is sliding
; to the side looking for forward progress
; these bits tell the original direction.
; bits[7:6] - Fire timer. When not equal to classes
; 6 destzone bits [7:4] Destination zone (0-15) (no zone zero)
; [3:0] Number of dandelion puffs on me
; 7 misc bits[7:0] - Used for class-specific AI
; 8 state Current state of movement/ai
; bits[5:0] - state. Commonly:
; 0 - Reset. Figure out from scratch what
; to do.
; 1 - Move straightforwardly towards waypoint.
; 2 - Move up to "moveLimit" (see byte 4
; following) parallel to right of major
; axis, each time switching to state 3 to
; check for forward movement
; 3 - If can move forward along major axis do
; do and go back to state 1. If not go back
; to state 2.
; 4 - Same as (2) but moving left of major axis.
; 5 - Same as 3.
; 6 - Wander randomly.
; For heroes is spark timer
; bits[7:6] - attack dir state (direction to scan for
; attacking)
; 9 group bits[3:0] - group. Values:
; 0 - Free for all (shoot anything)
; 1 - Hero group
; 2-15 Monster A - Monster N
; 10 DESTL - actor dest low byte
; - eater low index
; - bullet damage
; - explosion initial frame
; 11 DESTH - actor dest high byte
; - eater high byte
; 12 SPRITELO - low ptr to sprite when obj is sprite
; 13 FIRETIMER - ticks before can fire again
; 14 unused
; 15 NEXT - index of next object or 0 for null
; (1) Frames have the following definitions:
; 0 (%000) - Facing north, frame0
; 1 (%001) - East, frame0
; 2 (%010) - South, frame0
; 3 (%011) - West, frame0
; 4 (%100) - Facing north, frame1 (top of two tiles)
; 5 (%101) - East, frame1 (left of two tiles)
; 6 (%110) - South, frame1 (top of two tiles)
; 7 (%111) - West, frame1 (left of two tiles)
; The object list works as follows:
; - All objects of the same class are stored as consecutive nodes in the
; linked list.
; - The following variables are used to keep track of the linked list:
; firstFree[1]: Index of first free object in objectExists[].
; node is linked to the next free node and so on (stored
; in bank0 instead of bank3 like the others)
; headTable[256]: Indices of head of list of a certain class. Every two
; bytes marks the start of a LowByte, HighByte address
; tailTable[256]: Indices of tail of list of a certain class.
INCLUDE "Source/defs.inc"
INCLUDE "Source/start.inc"
; Routine: AddObjectsToObjList
; Arguments: none
; Description: Parses through the map (just loaded) and creates an
; object for each creature and adds it to the objList.
push bc
push de
push hl
;initialize outer loop (b=0...mapHeight-1)
ld hl,map ;set hl to point to first tile in map
ld b,0
;initialize inner loop (c=0...mapWidth-1)
.outer ld c,0
ldio a,[firstMonster]
ld d,a
.inner ld a,MAPBANK ;switch to map RAM bank
ld [$ff00+$70],a
ld a,[hl] ;get a class index from map
cp d ;is it < first monster index?
jr c,.notAnObject
;create an object for d monsta
push bc
push de
;hl is ptr to location in map
ld c,a ;class index
call CreateObject ;returns de as ptr to object
pop de
pop bc
;termination test for inner loop (is c==mapWidth?)
inc hl
inc c
ld a,[mapWidth]
cp c
jr nz,.inner
;skip excess width to make power of 2 pitch
ld a,[mapSkip]
ld d,0
ld e,a
add hl,de
;termination test for outer loop (is b==mapHeight?)
inc b
ld a,[mapHeight]
cp b
jr nz,.outer
;call the INIT method of each object
call IterateAllLists
;call the DRAW method of each object
call IterateAllLists
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routines: PointerDEToIndex
; PointerHLToIndex
; Arguments: de/hl - pointer $d010-$dff0 to object
; Returns: a - index 1-255 of object
push de
ld a,d
and %00001111
ld d,a
ld a,e
and %11110000
or d
swap a
pop de
push hl
ld a,h
and %00001111
ld h,a
ld a,l
and %11110000
or h
swap a
pop hl
; Routine: ResetList
; Arguments: none
; Description: Sets all elements of headTable[] and tailTable[] to
; point to null. Sets up all 256 objExists flags to
; zero and [firstFreeObj] to 1. A few other misc things
push af
push bc
push de
push hl
;Switch to the objectList RAM bank
ld [$ff00+$70],a
;Set object zero (which should never be accessed) to
;all-null to help ID infinite loops.
ld hl,objects
ld b,16
xor a
ld [hl+],a
dec b
jr nz,.setObjNullLoop
;Clear all elements of headTable[] and tailTable[] to
;point to null. tailTable[] follows headTable[] in memory so
;in total that's 512 bytes we need to set (or 256*2)
ld hl,headTable
xor a
ld c,0 ;e.g. counter of 256
.loop1 ld [hl+],a
ld [hl+],a
dec c
jr nz,.loop1
;Switch to the object RAM bank
ld [$ff00+$70],a
;Set firstFreeObj to point to the first object, 1 ($d010)
ld a,1
ld [firstFreeObj],a
;255 objExists flags to zero
ld bc,255
ld d,0
ld hl,objExists+1
call MemSet
;set objExists[0] to 1 to prevent it from being allocated
ld a,1
ld [objExists],a
ld a,((objExists+1) & $ff)
ld [iterateNext],a
ld a,(((objExists+1)>>8) & $ff)
ld [iterateNext+1],a
ld a,255
ld [numFreeObjects],a
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop af
; Routine: ClearFGBGFlags
; Arguments: None.
; Returns: Nothing.
; Alters: af
; Description: Clears bgAttributes and fgAttributes
push bc
push de
push hl
ld bc,256
ld d,0
ld hl,bgAttributes
call MemSet
ld bc,256
ld d,0
ld hl,fgAttributes
call MemSet
IF 0
;set all bgAttribute flags to zero
ld c,0
ld hl,bgAttributes
xor a
ld [hl+],a
dec c
jr nz,.bgAttrLoop
;set all fgAttribute flags to zero
ld c,0
ld hl,fgAttributes
xor a
ld [hl+],a
dec c
jr nz,.attrLoop
ld bc,256
ld d,0
ld hl,associatedIndex
call MemSet
ld bc,512
ld d,0
ld hl,classLookup
call MemSet
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: CreateObject
; Arguments: c - class index of object to create
; hl - ptr to location in map
; Returns: de - address of object
; Alters: af,de
; Description: Creates and adds the specified object into the list
; providing there's room. Equivalent to the following
; C code:
; if(!firstFreeObj) return 0;
; newObj = firstFreeObj;
; firstFreeObj = (next free obj index);
; if(!headTable[c]){
; headTable[c] = tailTable[c] = newObj;
; }else{
; tailTable[c]->nextItem = newObj;
; tailTable[c] = newObj;
; }
; return newObj;
push af
push bc
push hl
ld a,OBJBANK ;switch in Object RAM
ld [$ff00+$70],a
;see if there's room for a new object
;if(!firstFreeObj) return 0;
ld a,[firstFreeObj]
or a ;check it out
jr nz,.freeNodeExists
ld de,0 ;return null
jp .doneHL
push bc ;save class index for a bit
;newObj = firstFreeObj
;setup de to point to free node
ld [curObjIndex],a
call IndexToPointerDE ;de is now ptr to free node
;store location ptr (hl)
ld a,l
ld [de],a ;OBJ_IPOS
inc de
ld a,h
ld [de],a ;OBJ_JPOS
dec de
ld hl,numFreeObjects
dec [hl]
;firstFreeObj = (next free object index)
ld [$ff70],a
ld a,[firstFreeObj]
ld h,((objExists>>8) & $ff)
inc a
jr z,.foundNextFree ;no free objects
ld l,a
ld a,[hl+]
or a
jr nz,.thisObjNotFree
dec hl
ld a,l
jr .foundNextFree
ld a,l
or a
jr nz,.lookAtNextObj
;no free objects (1st is zero)
ld [firstFreeObj],a
ld h,((headTable>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld a,[hl] ;get object index
or a
jr nz,.headExists
.noHead ;headTable[c] = curObjIndex
ld a,[curObjIndex]
ld [hl],a
;tailTable[c] = curObjIndex
ld h,((tailTable>>8) & $ff) ;hl is tailTable[c]
ld [hl],a
;switch in object RAM
ld [$ff00+$70],a
jr .setNextToNull
;oldTail = tailTable[c]
ld h,((tailTable>>8) & $ff)
ld a,[hl] ;old tail index
push de
call IndexToPointerDE
ld b,d
ld c,e ;bc = oldTail
pop de
;tailTable[c] = curObjIndex
ld a,[curObjIndex]
ld [hl],a
;switch in object RAM
ld [$ff00+$70],a
;oldTail->nextItem = newObj
ld hl,OBJ_NEXT ;offset to get to nextItem
add hl,bc ;hl = &oldTail->nextItem
ld a,[curObjIndex]
ld [hl],a ;oldTail->nextItem = newObj
;newObj->nextItem = null
ld hl,OBJ_NEXT ;offset to get to nextItem low byte
add hl,de ;hl = &newObj->nextItem
xor a
ld [hl],a ;newObj->nextItem = null
;objExists[objectIndex] = 1;
ld [$ff00+$70],a
call GetObjectIndex ;sets up hl
ld a,1
ld [hl],a
;objClassLookup[objIndex] = classIndex
ld h,((objClassLookup>>8) & $ff)
pop bc ;get class lookup in c
ld [hl],c
.doneHL pop hl
;de is return value
pop bc
pop af
; Routine: CreateInitAndDrawObject
; Arguments: c - class index to create
; hl - ptr to location in map
; Returns: de - address of object
; Alters: af,de
; Description: Creates and adds the specified object into the list
; providing there's room.
push bc
push hl
call CreateObject
ld a,d
or a
jr z,.done
call CallMethod
call CallMethod
pop hl
pop bc
; Routine: DeleteObject
; Arguments: c - class index of object to delete
; de - address of object
; Alters: af
; Description: Deletes the specified object from the class index's
; object list and returns it to the free node list.
; Equivalent to the following C code:
; //find the object
; prev = 0;
; for(cur=headTable[c]; cur; cur=cur->nextItem){
; if(cur==obj) break;
; prev = cur;
; }
; if(!cur) goto addToFreeList; //object not found
; //handle special cases of head and tail
; if(cur==headTable[c]){
; headTable[c] = cur->nextItem;
; }else{
; prev->nextItem = cur->nextItem;
; }
; if(cur==tailTable[c]){
; tailTable[c] = prev;
; }
; addToFreeList:
; firstFreeObj = min(firstFreeObj, curIndex);
; objExists[objIndex] = 0;
push bc
push de
push hl
ld hl,numFreeObjects
inc [hl]
;retrieve & save index of next object
ld [$ff70],a
ld hl,OBJ_NEXT
add hl,de
ld a,[hl]
ld [nextObjIndex],a
;switch in objectList RAM
ld [$ff00+$70],a
;hl = &headTable[c]
ld h,((headTable>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
;c = object index to remove
call PointerDEToIndex
ld [curObjIndex],a
ld c,a
;push de ;save original ptr to object
; prev = 0
; for(cur=headTable[c]; cur!=obj; cur=cur->nextItem){
; prev = cur;
; }
;b is prev index, a is cur index
ld b,0 ; prev = 0;
ld a,[hl] ; cur=headTable[c]
push hl ; save headTable
push hl ; save headTable again
push af
ld [$ff70],a
pop af
;cur equal to desired?
cp c
jr z,.foundIt
;prev = cur
ld b,a
call IndexToPointerHL
ld de,OBJ_NEXT
add hl,de
ld a,[hl]
jr .findIt
pop hl ;retrieve headTable[c]
ld [$ff70],a
;check value of prev to determine if cur is head or not
ld a,b
or a
;is head, set headTable[c] = cur->nextObj
jr z,.afterCheckHead
;prev->nextObj = cur->nextObj
call IndexToPointerHL ;'a' is prevObj
ld de,OBJ_NEXT
add hl,de
ld [$ff70],a
ld a,[nextObjIndex]
ld [hl],a
;-------------------------check tail-----------------
; if(cur==tailTable[c]){
; tailTable[c] = prev;
; }
ld [$ff70],a
pop hl ;retrieve headTable[c]
ld h,((tailTable>>8) & $ff) ;make it tailTable[c]
ld a,c ;c is cur (found) obj
cp [hl]
jr nz,.afterCheckTail
ld [hl],b ;change tail = prev
;objExists[objIndex] = 0;
ld h,((objExists>>8) & $ff) ;hl = &objExists[objIndex]
ld a,[curObjIndex]
ld l,a
xor a
ld [hl],a
;firstFreeObj = min(firstFreeObj, curObjIndex)
ld a,[firstFreeObj]
cp l ;compare to curObjIndex
jr c,.afterSetFirstFree ;no change
ld a,l
ld [firstFreeObj],a
;pop de ;retrieve original pointer to object
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: IterateAllLists
; Arguments: b - offset of method to call on a given object
; Description: Loops through all the objects in each class calling a
; specified method on each. Makes use of the IterateList
; routine to do so.
; Equivalent to the following C code:
; void IterateAllLists(void *fnptr()){
; for(i=0; i<256; i++){
; IterateList(headTable[i],fnptr);
; }
; }
push bc
push de
push hl
ld hl,headTable ;start of array of ptrs to heads of list
ld c,0 ;loop 0...numClasses - 1
.loop ld a,OBJLISTBANK ;switch in objectList RAM
ld [$ff00+$70],a
ld a,[hl+] ;de = headTable[i]
or a
jr z,.afterIterate
call IndexToPointerDE
call IterateList
inc c
jr nz,.loop
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: IterateList
; Arguments: b - offset of method to call on a given object
; c - class index of object
; de - ptr to current object
; Description: Given a pointer to a list node (presumably the head),
; loops though all linked nodes calling a specified method
; on each object.
; Equivalent to the following C code:
; void IterateList(Node*cur, void *fnptr()){
; if(!cur) return;
; do{
; cur->fnptr(); //not really a C cmd I know!
; cur = cur->nextItem;
; }while(cur);
; }
push bc
push de
push hl
ldio a,[curObjWidthHeight]
push af
;pre-test curPtr to avoid unnecessary work if null
ld a,d ;test high byte of ptr
or a
jr z,.done
;save class index
ld a,c
ld [delTempL],a
ld a,b
ld [delTempH],a ;and method type
ld [$ff70],a
;convert offset into actual address of class method to call
ld a,b ;save function offset
ld b,0 ;clear high byte of bc
sla c ;shift c one left
rl b ;bit shifted out of c into b
ld hl,classLookup
add hl,bc ;hl is &classLookup[classIndex*2]
ld c,a ;method offset into c
ld a,[hl+]
ld b,a ;store LOW byte of addr in b
ld h,[hl] ;get high byte
ld l,b ;hl is now ptr to class
ld b,0 ;clear high byte of bc
add hl,bc ;hl is now ptr to ptr to class method
call GetMethodAddrFromPointer
.loop ;get ptr to next before calling method
ld a,OBJBANK ;switch in object RAM
ld [$ff00+$70],a
push hl
ld hl,OBJ_NEXT
add hl,de
ld a,[hl]
call IndexToPointerHL
ld b,h
ld c,l
pop hl
push bc ;save ptr to next on stack
push hl
ld bc,.returnAddress ;save return address on stack
push bc
ld a,[delTempL] ;class index into c
ld c,a
;----call super methods
push bc
push de
ld a,[delTempH] ;method index
jr nz,.checkSuperDie
call SuperInit
jr .afterSuperDie
jr nz,.afterSuperDie
call SuperDie
ld a,b
jr nz,.afterCheckIdle
ld a,[allIdle]
or a
jr z,.afterCheckIdle
;can't be explosion
pop de
pop bc
ld a,c
cp $ff
jr z,.returnAddress
jr .afterPopDEBC
pop de
pop bc
push hl
call SetObjWidthHeight
pop hl
jp hl ;start class method (de is cur)
pop hl
pop de ;de = de->nextItem
ld a,d
or a ;we done?
jr nz,.loop
.done pop af
ldio [curObjWidthHeight],a
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: FindObject
; Arguments: c - class index of object to find
; de - location of object
; Returns: de - ptr to object
; a - non-zero if object was found
; Alters: af,de
; Description: Given a class and a location, finds the corresponding
; object.
; Note: Leaves the RAM bank set to OBJECT mem
; cur = headTable[c];
; while(cur){
; if(cur->loc == loc) return cur;
; cur = cur->nextItem;
; }
push bc
;de is return value
push hl
;find the head of the list
ld a,OBJLISTBANK ;switch in objectList RAM
ld [$ff00+$70],a
;find byte index into headTable array
ld h,((headTable>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld a,[hl]
call IndexToPointerHL ;hl is head of list
ld bc,OBJ_NEXT-1 ;offset to add to hl during loop
;loop while our pointer is non-null
ld a,OBJBANK ;switch in object RAM
ld [$ff00+$70],a
ld a,h ;high byte of ptr
or a ;null?
jr nz,.pointerOkay
ld de,0 ;return null
jr .done
;test to see if object->loc == loc
ld a,[hl+] ;compare low byte
cp e
jr nz,.continue
ld a,[hl] ;compare high byte
cp d
jr nz,.continue
dec hl
jr .returnMatch
add hl,bc ;add offset to get to nextItem
ld a,[hl]
call IndexToPointerHL ;cur = cur->nextItem
jr .terminationTest
ld d,h
ld e,l
.done pop hl
;de is return value
pop bc
; Routine: CallMethod
; Arguments: b - offset of method to call
; c - class index of object
; de - ptr to object
; Returns: a - return value
; Alters: af
; Description: Calls the a class method passing in the location of an
; associated object.
; If calling Init or Die then calls SuperInit or
; or SuperDie first.
ld a,b
jr nz,.afterCheckIdle
ld a,[allIdle]
or a
jr z,.afterCheckIdle
;can't be explosion
ld a,c
cp $ff
ret nz
push bc
push de
push hl
ldio a,[curObjWidthHeight]
push af
call SetObjWidthHeight
ld a,b
jr nz,.checkSuperDie
call SuperInit
jr .afterSuperDie
jr nz,.afterSuperDie
call SuperDie
;find the base address of class and add method offset
;get offset into classLookup
ld l,c
ld [$ff70],a
xor a
sla l
add ((classLookup>>8) & $ff)
ld h,a ;hl is &classLookup[c]
ld a,[hl+]
add b ;add offset of method
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ;hl is addr of class methods
ld a,0
adc h
ld h,a ;hl is addr of specific method
call GetMethodAddrFromPointer
ld a,c ;store class index in A temporarily
ld bc,.returnAddress ;save return address on stack
push bc
ld c,a ;class index into c
jp hl ;start class method (de is cur)
ld h,a ;save return value
pop af
ldio [curObjWidthHeight],a
ld a,h ;restore return value
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: SetObjWidthHeight
; Arguments: c - class index
; Returns: Nothing.
; Alters: af,hl
; Description: Sets up [curObjWidthHeight] with either 1 (for 1x1)
; or 2 (2x2)
;set the tile width and height to either 1x1 or 2x2
ld [$ff70],a
ld h,((fgAttributes>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld a,[hl]
swap a
and 1
inc a ;one or two
ldio [curObjWidthHeight],a
; Routine: GetObjectIndex
; Arguments: de - ptr to object
; Returns: hl - &objExists[objIndex]
; Alters: af,hl
call PointerDEToIndex
ld h,((objExists>>8) & $ff)
ld l,a
; Routine: IterateMaxObjects
; Arguments: b - offset of method to call on a given object
; c - max objects to iterate through
; Alters: af
; Description: Loops through the next 256 objects indices. If an
; object exists then the specified method is called on
; it and one is added to the maxObjects counter. When
; "maxObjects" have been handled the routine returns
; and picks up again next time where it left off. Each
; time the counter wraps around the object timers are
; incremented
push bc
push de
push hl
ld [$ff00+$70],a
ld a,[iterateNext]
ld l,a
ld a,[iterateNext+1]
ld h,a
.outer ld e,0
.inner ld a,[hl+] ;pick up the next flag
or a ;non-zero?
jr z,.continue
;found an existing object
push de
push hl
dec hl ;go back to where we found it
;convert objIndex hl into objAddress de
ld a,l
call IndexToPointerDE
;get the class index
;hl = &objClassLookup[objIndex]
ld h,((objClassLookup>>8) & $ff)
ld a,[hl] ;what's the class index?
ld h,c ;stow c for a sec
ld c,a
call CallMethod
ld c,h ;retrieve c from storage
pop hl
pop de
dec c ;used one of our max checks
ld a,OBJLISTBANK ;be sure & point back to our
ld [$ff00+$70],a ;list RAM
;wrap around hl
ld a,h ;is hl < objExists + 256?
cp (((objExists>>8)&$ff)+1)
jr c,.hlOkay
ld hl,objExists+1 ;wrap around to beginning
call UpdateObjTimers ;update timers
xor a
cp c
jr z,.skipUnused ;bust out if we've checked enough
dec e
jr nz,.inner
;save current value of hl
ld a,l
ld [iterateNext],a
ld a,h
ld [iterateNext+1],a
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: DeleteObjectsOfClass
; Arguments: bc - class to delete objects
; Alters: af
; Description:
push de
push hl
ld [$ff70],a
ld e,1
ld hl,classLookup+2
.loop ld a,[hl+]
cp c
jr nz,.afterCheck
ld a,[hl]
cp b
jr nz,.afterCheck
ld a,e
call DeleteObjectsOfClassIndex
inc hl
inc e
jr nz,.loop
pop hl
pop de
; Routine: DeleteObjectsOfClassIndex
; Arguments: a - class index to delete objects
; Alters: af,hl
; Description: Deletes all objects of the specified class index type
push bc
push de
push hl
ld c,a ;class index in c
ldio [$ff70],a
ld h,((headTable>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
.loop ld a,[hl] ;get head object in de
or a
jr z,.done
call IndexToPointerDE
call IterateList
ld [$ff70],a
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: GetFirst
; Arguments: c - class index
; Returns: de - head of list or null
; a - null if no first object
; zflag - or a
; Alters: af,de
call GetHead
call IndexToPointerDE
; Routine: GetNextObject
; Arguments: de - current object
; Returns: a - null if no next object
; de - next object
; zflag - or a
; Alters: af,de
call GetNext
call IndexToPointerDE
ld a,d
or a
; Routine: GetNext
; Arguments: de - current object
; Returns: a - index of next object or null
; Alters: af
push hl
ld [$ff70],a
ld hl,OBJ_NEXT
add hl,de
ld a,[hl]
pop hl
or a
; Routine: SetNext
; Arguments: a - index of next object
; de - current object
; Returns: Nothing.
; Alters: Nothing.
push hl
push af
ldio [$ff70],a
pop af
ld hl,OBJ_NEXT
add hl,de
ld [hl],a
pop hl
; Routine: SetHead
; Arguments: a - index to set head to
; c - class index
; Returns: None.
; Alters: af
push hl
push af
ld [$ff70],a
pop af
ld h,((headTable>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld [hl],a
pop hl
; Routine: GetHead
; Arguments: c - class index
; Returns: a - index of object at head or null if empty list
; Alters: af
push hl
ld [$ff70],a
ld h,((headTable>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld a,[hl] ;get head object index
pop hl
; Routine: GetTail
; Arguments: c - class index
; Returns: a - index of object at tail or null if empty list
; de - list
; Alters: af
push hl
ld [$ff70],a
ld h,((tailTable>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld a,[hl] ;get tail object index
pop hl
; Routine: SetTail
; Arguments: a - index to set head to
; c - class index
; Returns: Nothing.
; Alters: Nothing.
push hl
push af
ld [$ff70],a
pop af
ld h,((tailTable>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld [hl],a
pop hl
; Routine: GetNumObjects
; Arguments: c - class index
; Returns: a - object count for class
; zflag - or a
; Alters: af
push bc
push de
push hl
ld b,0
call GetFirst
jr z,.countFinished
inc b
call GetNextObject
jr z,.countFinished
jr .getNext
ld a,b
or a
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: GetAssociated
; Arguments: c - class index
; Returns: a - associated class index
; Alters: af
push hl
ld [$ff70],a
ld h,((associatedIndex>>8)&$ff)
ld l,c
ld a,[hl]
pop hl
SECTION "ObjListHome",ROM0
; Routine: InitFOF
; Arguments: none
; Returns: nothing
; Alters: af
; Description: Initializes the Friend Or Foe Table so that each group
; is friends only with itself except for:
; - FFA group friends with no one (not even selves)
; - MONSTERM/N (groups M&N) set to friends with all
; but FFA
; - MONSTERB set to friends with hero
push bc
push de
push hl
ld [$ff70],a
ld c,0 ;loop 256 times
ld hl,FOFTable
xor a
.loop1 ld [hl+],a
dec c
jr nz,.loop1
ld hl,FOFTable+17
ld c,15
ld a,1
ld de,16 ;offset
.loop2 ld [hl+],a
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.loop2
;set monster N to be friends with all but FFA
ld hl,FOFTable+30 ;row 2, second to last column
ld c,15 ;set next 15 rows
.loop30 ld [hl],a
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.loop30
ld hl,FOFTable+(14*16)+1
ld c,15
.loop40 ld [hl+],a
dec c
jr nz,.loop40
;set monster N to be friends with all but FFA
ld hl,FOFTable+31 ;row 2, last column
ld c,15 ;set next 15 rows
.loop3 ld [hl],a
add hl,de
dec c
jr nz,.loop3
ld hl,FOFTable+(15*16)+1
ld c,15
.loop4 ld [hl+],a
dec c
jr nz,.loop4
ld a,1
call SetFOF
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: SetFOF
; Arguments: a - value to set to (0=enemies or 1=friends)
; b - group 1
; c - group 2
; Returns: nothing
; Alters: af
; Description: Sets an entry in the FOF table
push hl
;combine b and c in l
push af
ld [$ff70],a
ld a,b
swap a
or c
ld l,a
ld h,((FOFTable>>8) & $ff)
pop af
;set the one entry
ld [hl],a
;set the reverse entry
swap l
ld [hl],a
pop hl
; Routine: GetFOF
; Arguments: b - group 1
; c - group 2
; Returns: a - 1=friend, 0=foe
; Alters: af
; Description: Sets an entry in the FOF table
push hl
ld [$ff70],a
ld a,b
swap a
or c
ld l,a
ld h,((FOFTable>>8) & $ff)
ld a,[hl]
pop hl
; Routine: LinkRemakeLists
; Arguments: None.
; Alters: af
; Returns: Nothing.
; Description: Initializes some values.
; objTimerBase = 0
; objTimer60ths = 0
; heroTimerBase = 0
; heroTimer60ths = 0
; oamFindPos = 0
; baMoved = 0
; bsMoved = 0
; iterateNext = objExists + 1
; Remakes the tailTable.
; Waits for a VBLANK
; Resets $ff+vblankTimer to zero
; Resets updateTimer to zero
push bc
push de
push hl
;initialize some values
xor a
ld [objTimerBase],a
ld [objTimer60ths],a
ld [heroTimerBase],a
ld [heroTimer60ths],a
ld [oamFindPos],a
ld [baMoved],a
ld [bsMoved],a
ld de,objExists+1
ld hl,iterateNext
ld [hl],e
inc hl
ld [hl],d
ld [$ff70],a
;----remake tailTable-----------------------------------------
;first go through and zero out contents of tailTable
ld hl,tailTable
ld c,0 ;loop 256 times
xor a
ld [hl+],a
dec c
jr nz,.zeroTailTable
;start at the head of each list and follow each link until
;a null link is found. That will be the tail.
ld de,headTable
ld a,[de]
or a ;this linked list null?
jr z,.afterMakeTail
ld b,a
ld [$ff70],a
ld a,b ;index of object
ld bc,OBJ_NEXT
call IndexToPointerHL ;convert into object pointer
add hl,bc ;set HL to point to link
ld a,[hl] ;get link
or a
jr nz,.followLink
;HL is the tail + OBJ_NEXT
;convert HL to obj index and use that to set up
;entry into tailTable
ld [$ff70],a
ld a,l ;align hl on 16-byte boundary
and %11110000
ld l,a
call PointerHLToIndex
ld d,((tailTable>>8) & $ff) ;de is &tailTable[class]
ld [de],a
ld d,((headTable>>8) & $ff) ;de is &headTable[class]
inc de
ld a,e
or a
jr nz,.getNextListHead
xor a
ldio [vblankTimer],a
ldio [updateTimer],a
;count the number of free objects
ld c,$ff
ld hl,objExists+1
ld a,[hl+]
or a
jr z,.countContinue
dec c
ld a,h
cp $d5
jr nz,.countFree
ld a,c
ld [numFreeObjects],a
call SetBGSpecialFlags
call IterateAllLists
call ClearBackBuffer
call RestrictCameraToBounds
call ScrollToCamera
call DrawMapToBackBuffer
;turn on sound master control
ld a,$80
ld [$ff26],a
ld a,$ff
ld [$ff24],a ;full volume both channels
ld [$ff25],a ;all sounds to both channels
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: GetClass
; Arguments: de - current object
; Returns: c - class index of object
; Alters: af,c
push hl
ldio [$ff70],a
call PointerDEToIndex
ld h,((objClassLookup>>8) & $ff)
ld l,a
ld c,[hl] ;obj class
pop hl
; Routine: InstanceOf
; Arguments: c - class index of object
; hl - class (e.g. classWallCreature)
; Returns: a - 1 if this instanceof, 0 if not instanceof
; Alters: af,hl
push de
ld d,h
ld e,l
call GetClassMethodTable
ld a,d
cp h
jr nz,.false
ld a,e
cp l
jr nz,.false
ld a,1
pop de
pop de
xor a
; Routine: GetClassMethodTable
; Arguments: c - class index of object
; Returns: hl - ptr to method vector table
; Alters: af,hl
ldio [$ff70],a
ld h,0
ld l,c
sla l
rl h
push bc
ld bc,classLookup
add hl,bc
pop bc
ld a,[hl+]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
; Routine: GetFGMapping
; Arguments: c - class index
; Returns: a - tile index mapped to class
; Alters: af, hl
ldio [$ff70],a
ld h,((fgTileMap>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld a,[hl]
; Routine: SetFGMapping
; Arguments: a - tile index to set to
; c - class index
; Returns: Nothing.
; Alters: af, hl
push af
ldio [$ff70],a
pop af
ld h,((fgTileMap>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld [hl],a
; Routine: GetBGMapping
; Arguments: c - class index
; Returns: a - tile index mapped to class
; Alters: af, hl
ldio [$ff70],a
ld h,((bgTileMap>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld a,[hl]
; Routine: SetBGMapping
; Arguments: a - tile index to set to
; c - class index
; Returns: Nothing.
; Alters: af, hl
push af
ldio [$ff70],a
pop af
ld h,((bgTileMap>>8) & $ff)
ld l,c
ld [hl],a
; Routine: CheckEachHero
; Arguments: a - skip hero1 if hero0 return true (1=yes, 0=no)
; hl - routine to call
; Returns: a - 1 or 0 result of last function called
; Alters: all
; Description: loads {A} with hero0_index and then hero1_index,
; calling the routine pointer with each.
push af
ld a,[hero0_index]
or a
jr z,.checkHero1
push hl
ld de,.returnPoint0
push de ;return address
jp hl
pop hl
or a
jr z,.checkHero1
;second is optional
pop af
or a
ret nz ;optional okay
push af
pop af
ld a,[hero1_index]
or a
ret z
ld de,.returnAddress1
push de
jp hl ;will return to my parent
; Routine: RemoveHero
; Arguments: c - hero class index
; Returns: Nothing.
; Alters: af
; Description: Saving heroes current health etc into heroX_data.
; If its health is zero:
; - restores health to full (incorrect)
; - changes map to [respawnMap] if local hero, leaves
; map be if remote hero.
; Does nothing if class index is null.
; Removes the hero from the map.
; If local, sets [heroesPresent] to zero. If remote
; then remote hero flag is removed by RemoveRemoteHero
ld a,c
or a
ret z
push bc
push de
push hl
call GetFirst ;get the hero object in de
call GetHealth
or a
jr nz,.afterDeath
;----dead, create an explosion----
call GetFGAttributes
and %111 ;isolate color
ld [bulletColor],a
call GetCurLocation
ld a,l
ld [bulletLocation],a
ld a,h
ld [bulletLocation+1],a
ld b,16 ;initial frame
call CreateExplosion
ld a,[hero0_index]
cp c
jr nz,.handleHero1
;----hero 0 (local)-----
call GetPuffCount
ld [hero0_puffCount],a
call GetHealth
ld [hero0_health],a
ld b,a
ld hl,hero0_data
ld a,[amLinkMaster]
or a
jr z,.removeRemote
jr .removeLocal
;----hero 1 (remote)----
call GetPuffCount
ld [hero1_puffCount],a
call GetHealth
ld [hero1_health],a
ld b,a
ld hl,hero1_data
ld a,[amLinkMaster]
or a
jr z,.removeLocal
jr .removeRemote
push bc
push hl
call GetFacing
ld c,a
call RemoveFromMap
xor a
ld [heroesPresent],a
pop hl
pop bc
push bc
push de
push hl
ld de,classDoNothing
call GetClassMethodTable
ld b,h
ld c,l
call ChangeClass
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
ld a,b
or a
jr nz,.done ;wasn't dying, just leaving
;pause for a second
ld a,30
call Delay
;fade to black
;ld a,30
;call SetupFadeToBlack
;call WaitFade
;----respawn at the appropriate map----
add hl,de
ld a,EXIT_D
ld [hl],a
call UpdateState
ld hl,$1500
ld a,l
ld [curLevelIndex],a
ld a,h
ld [curLevelIndex+1],a
ld a,1
ld [timeToChangeLevel],a
jr .done
call RemoveRemoteHero
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: CallBGAction
; Arguments: a - action type (BGACTION_HIT)
; c - class
; hl - map location of bg tile
; Returns: 'a' zflag from action + a's zflag, normally:
; 0 - no explosion
; non-zero - explosion
; Alters: af
; Description:
push bc
push de
push hl
;ensure class IS a bg class
ld d,a
ldio a,[firstMonster]
ld e,a
ld a,c
or a
jr z,.returnAddress ;null tile
cp e
jr nc,.returnAddress ;is a monster (myself?)
ld a,d
;save return address on stack
ld de,.returnAddress
push de
;get tile class in c
push af
push hl
call GetClassMethodTable
ld d,h
ld e,l
pop hl
pop af
push de ;addr of method on stack
ret ;call method
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
or a
; Routine: ChangeMyClass
; ChangeMyClassAndRedraw
; ChangeMyClassToAssociatedAndRedraw
; Arguments: a - new class type
; c - old class type
; de - this
; Returns: c - new class type
; Alters: af,c
; Description: Changes this object from the old to new class type.
call GetAssociated
jp ChangeMyClassAndRedraw
call ChangeMyClass
jp CallMethod
push af
call RemoveObjectFromList
pop af
ld c,a
call AddObjectToList
; Routine: RemoveObjectFromList
; Arguments: c - class type
; de - this
; Returns: Nothing.
; Alters: af
; Description: Removes the object from its class's linked list but
; does not delete it.
push bc
push de
push hl
call PointerDEToIndex
ld b,a
;head of list?
call GetHead
cp b
jr nz,.notHead
;make next item new head of list
call IndexToPointerDE
call GetNext
call SetHead
jr .done
;search through list for item that points to that to remove
call IndexToPointerDE
call GetNext
cp b
jr nz,.search
;set prev->next = prev->next->next
call PointerDEToIndex
push af ;save index of prev
ld a,b ;get searchObj
call IndexToPointerDE
call GetNext ;searchObj->next
ld b,a
pop af
call IndexToPointerDE ;prev = searchObj->next
ld a,b
call SetNext
;if next is null then removed obj was tail. Reset tail
;to prev
;ld b,a redundant; A already == B
or a
jr nz,.done
call PointerDEToIndex
call SetTail
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: AddObjectToList
; Arguments: c - class type
; de - this
; Returns: Nothing.
; Alters: af
; Description:
push de
xor a
call SetNext ;obj->next = null in all cases
call PointerDEToIndex
push af
;objClassLookup[objIndex] = classIndex
ld d,((objClassLookup>>8) & $ff)
ld e,a
ldio [$ff70],a
ld a,c
ld [de],a
;head == null?
call GetHead
or a
jr nz,.addToTail
pop af
call SetHead
call SetTail
pop de
call GetTail
call IndexToPointerDE
pop af
call SetNext
call SetTail
pop de
; Routine: SetAssociated
; Arguments: b - class to associate
; c - current class
; Alters: af
push hl
ld [$ff70],a
ld h,((associatedIndex>>8)&$ff)
ld l,c
ld [hl],b
pop hl
; Routine: CountNumObjects
; Arguments: a - class index to count
; Returns: a - number of objects of this class
; Alters: af
push bc
push de
ld c,a
ld b,0
call GetFirst
or a
jr z,.done
inc b
.loop call GetNextObject
or a
jr z,.done
inc b
jr .loop
.done ld a,b
pop de
pop bc
; Routine: ClassIndexIsHeroType
; Arguments: a - hero flag e.g. HERO_BS_FLAG
; c - class index
; Returns: a - 1 if matches
; zflag - or a
; Alters: af
push bc
ld b,a
ld a,[hero0_index]
cp c
jr nz,.checkingHero1
ld a,[hero0_type]
jr .checkType
ld a,[hero1_type]
cp b
jr nz,.returnFalse
ld a,1 ;return true
or a
pop bc
xor a
pop bc