
113 lines
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package rulelist_test
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// testTimeout is the common timeout for tests.
const testTimeout = 1 * time.Second
// testURLFilterID is the common [rulelist.URLFilterID] for tests.
const testURLFilterID rulelist.URLFilterID = 1
// testTitle is the common title for tests.
const testTitle = "Test Title"
// Common rule texts for tests.
const (
testRuleTextBadTab = "||bad-tab-and-comment.example^\t# A comment.\n"
testRuleTextBlocked = "||blocked.example^\n"
testRuleTextBlocked2 = "||blocked-2.example^\n"
testRuleTextEtcHostsTab = " tab..example^\t# A comment.\n"
testRuleTextHTML = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
testRuleTextTitle = "! Title: " + testTitle + " \n"
// testRuleTextCosmetic is a cosmetic rule with a zero-width non-joiner.
// See
testRuleTextCosmetic = "||cosmetic.example## :has-text(/\u200c/i)\n"
// urlFilterIDCounter is the atomic integer used to create unique filter IDs.
var urlFilterIDCounter = &atomic.Int32{}
// newURLFilterID returns a new unique URLFilterID.
func newURLFilterID() (id rulelist.URLFilterID) {
return rulelist.URLFilterID(urlFilterIDCounter.Add(1))
// newFilter is a helper for creating new filters in tests. It does not
// register the closing of the filter using t.Cleanup; callers must do that
// either directly or by using the filter in an engine.
func newFilter(t testing.TB, u *url.URL, name string) (f *rulelist.Filter) {
f, err := rulelist.NewFilter(&rulelist.FilterConfig{
URL: u,
Name: name,
UID: rulelist.MustNewUID(),
URLFilterID: newURLFilterID(),
Enabled: true,
require.NoError(t, err)
return f
// newFilterLocations is a test helper that sets up both the filtering-rule list
// file and the HTTP-server. It also registers file removal and server stopping
// using t.Cleanup.
func newFilterLocations(
t testing.TB,
cacheDir string,
fileData string,
httpData string,
) (fileURL, srvURL *url.URL) {
filePath := filepath.Join(cacheDir, "initial.txt")
err := os.WriteFile(filePath, []byte(fileData), 0o644)
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, func() (err error) {
return os.Remove(filePath)
fileURL = &url.URL{
Scheme: "file",
Path: filePath,
srv := newStringHTTPServer(httpData)
srvURL, err = url.Parse(srv.URL)
require.NoError(t, err)
return fileURL, srvURL
// newStringHTTPServer returns a new HTTP server that serves s.
func newStringHTTPServer(s string) (srv *httptest.Server) {
return httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
pt := testutil.PanicT{}
_, err := io.WriteString(w, s)
require.NoError(pt, err)