
508 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
// with this program. If not, see
/* $Header: /counterstrike/EXTERNS.H 2 3/10/97 6:23p Steve_tall $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : EXTERNS.H *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : May 27, 1994 *
* *
* Last Update : May 27, 1994 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef EXTERNS_H
#define EXTERNS_H
#include "cell.h"
#include "mapedit.h"
#include "techno.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "building.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "credits.h"
#include "goptions.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "infantry.H"
#include "DSOUND.H"
extern char _staging_buffer[32000];
extern "C" {
void _PRO(void);
** Convenient alias for MixFileClass<CDFileClass> object. This allows
** easier entry into the code and less clutter.
typedef MixFileClass<CCFileClass> MFCD;
extern bool IsVQ640;
extern unsigned long GameVersion;
extern bool Debug_MotionCapture;
extern bool Debug_Rotate;
extern bool Debug_Quiet;
extern bool Debug_Cheat;
extern bool Debug_Remap;
extern bool Debug_Flag;
extern bool Debug_Lose;
extern bool Debug_Map;
extern bool Debug_Win;
extern bool Debug_Icon;
extern bool Debug_Passable;
extern bool Debug_Unshroud;
extern bool Debug_Threat;
extern bool Debug_Find_Path;
extern bool Debug_Check_Map;
extern bool Debug_Playtest;
extern bool Debug_Heap_Dump;
extern bool Debug_Smart_Print;
extern bool Debug_Trap_Check_Heap;
extern bool Debug_Modem_Dump;
extern bool Debug_Print_Events;
extern bool Debug_Force_Crash;
extern void const *LightningShapes;
extern int NewINIFormat;
extern bool AntsEnabled;
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern bool NewUnitsEnabled;
extern bool SecretUnitsEnabled;
extern int MTankDistance;
extern bool OverrideNewUnitsEnabled; // ST - 12/13/2019 12:19PM
#ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern int CarrierLaunchDelay;
extern char const * NameOverride[25];
extern int NameIDOverride[25];
#ifdef WIN32
extern bool GameInFocus;
extern unsigned char *InterpolatedPalettes[100];
extern BOOL PalettesRead;
extern unsigned PaletteCounter;
extern int AllDone;
extern HANDLE hInstance;
extern bool InMovie;
extern WinTimerClass * WindowsTimer;
extern WWMouseClass * WWMouse;
extern GraphicBufferClass HiddenPage;
#define SeenPage SeenBuff
extern GraphicBufferClass VisiblePage;
extern GraphicViewPortClass SeenBuff;
extern GraphicBufferClass SysMemPage;
extern LPDIRECTSOUND SoundObject;
extern LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER PrimaryBufferPtr;
extern int ScreenWidth;
extern int ScreenHeight;
extern GraphicBufferClass ModeXBuff;
extern VideoBufferClass SeenPage;
extern GraphicBufferClass SeenBuff;
extern GraphicBufferClass & VisiblePage;
** Dynamic global variables (these change or are initialized at run time).
extern MissionControlClass MissionControl[MISSION_COUNT];
extern char const * TutorialText[225];
extern Buffer * TheaterBuffer;
extern GetCDClass CDList;
extern CCINIClass RuleINI;
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern CCINIClass AftermathINI;
//extern Benchmark * Benches;
extern int MapTriggerID;
extern int LogicTriggerID;
extern PKey FastKey;
extern PKey SlowKey;
extern RulesClass Rule;
extern KeyboardClass * Keyboard;
extern RandomStraw CryptRandom;
extern RandomClass NonCriticalRandomNumber;
extern CarryoverClass * Carryover;
extern ScenarioClass Scen;
extern RemapControlType ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_COUNT];
extern RemapControlType MetalScheme;
extern RemapControlType GreyScheme;
extern VersionClass VerNum;
extern bool SlowPalette;
extern bool ScoresPresent;
extern bool AllowVoice;
extern NewConfigType NewConfig;
extern VoxType SpeakQueue;
extern bool PlayerWins;
extern bool PlayerLoses;
extern bool PlayerRestarts;
extern long Frame;
extern VoxType SpeechRecord[2];
extern void * SpeechBuffer[2];
extern int PreserveVQAScreen;
extern bool BreakoutAllowed;
extern bool Brokeout;
extern GameOptionsClass Options;
extern LogicClass Logic;
extern MapEditClass Map;
extern MouseClass Map;
extern ScoreClass Score;
extern MonoClass MonoArray[DMONO_COUNT];
extern MFCD * TheaterData;
extern MFCD * MoviesMix;
extern MFCD * GeneralMix;
extern MFCD * ScoreMix;
extern MFCD * MainMix;
extern MFCD * ConquerMix;
extern ThemeClass Theme;
extern SpecialClass Special;
** Game object allocation and tracking classes.
extern TFixedIHeapClass<AircraftClass> Aircraft;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<AnimClass> Anims;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<BuildingClass> Buildings;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<BulletClass> Bullets;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<FactoryClass> Factories;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<HouseClass> Houses;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<InfantryClass> Infantry;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<OverlayClass> Overlays;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<SmudgeClass> Smudges;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TeamClass> Teams;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TeamTypeClass> TeamTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TemplateClass> Templates;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TerrainClass> Terrains;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TriggerClass> Triggers;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<UnitClass> Units;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<VesselClass> Vessels;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TriggerTypeClass> TriggerTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<HouseTypeClass> HouseTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<BuildingTypeClass> BuildingTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<AircraftTypeClass> AircraftTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<InfantryTypeClass> InfantryTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<BulletTypeClass> BulletTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<AnimTypeClass> AnimTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<UnitTypeClass> UnitTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<VesselTypeClass> VesselTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TemplateTypeClass> TemplateTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TerrainTypeClass> TerrainTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<OverlayTypeClass> OverlayTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<SmudgeTypeClass> SmudgeTypes;
extern FixedIHeapClass * HeapPointers[RTTI_COUNT];
extern TFixedIHeapClass<WeaponTypeClass> Weapons;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<WarheadTypeClass> Warheads;
extern QueueClass<EventClass, MAX_EVENTS> OutList;
extern QueueClass<EventClass, (MAX_EVENTS * 64)> DoList;
extern QueueClass<EventClass, (MAX_EVENTS * 64)> MirrorList;
typedef DynamicVectorArrayClass<ObjectClass *, HOUSE_COUNT, HOUSE_FIRST> SelectedObjectsType;
extern SelectedObjectsType CurrentObject;
extern DynamicVectorClass<TriggerClass *> LogicTriggers;
extern DynamicVectorClass<TriggerClass *> MapTriggers;
extern DynamicVectorClass<TriggerClass *> HouseTriggers[HOUSE_COUNT];
extern BaseClass Base;
/* These variables are used to keep track of the slowest speed of a team */
Command & Conquer Remastered post-launch patch Improvements to harvester resource finding logic. Don't allow the Advanced Comm Center to be capturable in skirmish or multiplayer. Increased failed pathfinding fudge factor. Buildings accept the Guard command if they can attack. Don't allow force capturing of ally structures. Fixes for laser Orcas in S3cr3t M1ss10n. Properly restore them after save. Reset Orcas after loads. Fixed flag animation rendering in CTF. Potentially fix a crash if aircraft are destroyed outside the map bounds. Fixed legacy Obelisk line rendering. Fix out-of-bounds crash in TD; issue was already fixed in RA. Disable capture flag on Commandos. Drop the flag when entering the limbo state. Fixed end game race condition, winning team ID is always sent before individual player win/lose messages. Fixed Chan spawn on SCB10EA. Don't show enter cursor for enemy units on refineries and repair pads. Changing right-click support for first put building on hold, and then subsequenct right-clicks to decrement that queue count for 1x or 5x; Then, 1x or 5x Left click will resume from hold. Don't debug reveal legacy rendering when a player is defeated. Fixed crash when loading saves of custom campaign maps. Reset harvester archived target when given a direct harvest order. Prevent NOD cargo planes from being force attacked. Fixed unit selection on load. Migrated queued repair pad functionality from RA to TD. Randomly animate infantry in area guard mode. Fixed crash accessing inactive objects. Added some walls in SCG08EB to prevent civilians from killing themselves. TD + RA: Audio: Overiding "Our base is under attack" cooldown timing from legacy from 2 minutes to 30 seconds, so it will be heard 4x as often. Fixed adjacent cell out-of-bounds crash issues. Kill player on disconnect Fixed and improved build time calculations to be consistent between TD and RA. Don't show health bars for cloaked Stealth Tanks in the legacy renderer. Fix selection of individual control groups after mixed selection. More adjustments to SCG08EB; switch C7 to C5, and add civilian AI to avoid Tiberium. Extra safety checks for units that have no weapons and aircraft that can't hunt. Fix loading of multiple infantry onto an APC. Additional safety checks for invalid coordinates. Prevent units from being instantly repaired. Fix map passability. Fail Allied mission 5B if the spy re-boards the starting transport (matches 5A and 5C behavior). Fixed multiplayer formation move causing units to move at light speed. Ignore movement destination checks if a unit is part of a mission-driven team. Fix buffer overrun crash. Ignore mines when determining win conditions. Fixed river passability in Blue Lakes.
2020-06-22 17:43:21 +01:00
extern TeamFormDataStruct TeamFormData[HOUSE_COUNT];
extern bool FormMove;
extern SpeedType FormSpeed;
extern MPHType FormMaxSpeed;
extern bool IsTanyaDead;
extern bool SaveTanya;
extern bool TimeQuake;
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern bool PendingTimeQuake;
extern TARGET TimeQuakeCenter;
extern fixed QuakeUnitDamage;
extern fixed QuakeBuildingDamage;
extern int QuakeInfantryDamage;
extern int QuakeDelay;
extern fixed ChronoTankDuration; // chrono override for chrono tanks
#ifdef FIXIT_ENGINEER // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern fixed EngineerDamage; // Amount of damage an engineer does
extern fixed EngineerCaptureLevel; // Building damage level before engineer can capture
** Loaded data file pointers.
extern void const * Metal12FontPtr;
extern void const * MapFontPtr;
extern void const * VCRFontPtr;
extern void const * TypeFontPtr;
extern void const * Font3Ptr;
extern void const * Font6Ptr;
extern void const * EditorFont;
extern void const * Font8Ptr;
extern void const * FontLEDPtr;
extern void const * ScoreFontPtr;
extern void const * GradFont6Ptr;
extern char const * SystemStrings;
extern char const * DebugStrings;
** Miscellaneous globals.
extern ChronalVortexClass ChronalVortex;
extern TTimerClass<SystemTimerClass> TickCount;
extern bool PassedProximity; // used in display.cpp
extern HousesType Whom;
//extern _VQAConfig AnimControl;
extern long SpareTicks;
extern long PathCount;
extern long CellCount;
extern long TargetScan;
extern long SidebarRedraws;
extern DMonoType MonoPage;
extern bool GameActive;
extern bool SpecialFlag;
extern int ScenarioInit;
extern HouseClass * PlayerPtr;
extern PaletteClass CCPalette;
extern PaletteClass BlackPalette;
extern PaletteClass WhitePalette;
extern PaletteClass GamePalette;
//extern PaletteClass InGamePalette;
#define InGamePalette GamePalette
extern PaletteClass OriginalPalette;
extern PaletteClass ScorePalette;
extern int BuildLevel;
extern unsigned long ScenarioCRC;
extern bool bAftermathMultiplayer; // Is multiplayer game being played with Aftermath rules?
extern unsigned long PlayingAgainstVersion; // Negotiated version number
extern bool Version107InMix; // Is there a v1.07 in the game
#ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // For endgame auto-sonar pulse.
extern bool bAutoSonarPulse;
extern CELL CurrentCell;
extern SessionClass Session;
//extern NullModemClass NullModem;
extern IPXManagerClass Ipx;
extern TenConnManClass *Ten;
extern MPlayerManClass *MPath;
extern int NewMaxAheadFrame1;
extern int NewMaxAheadFrame2;
extern int Seed;
extern int CustomSeed;
extern GroundType Ground[LAND_COUNT];
** Constant externs (data is not modified during game play).
extern char const * Missions[MISSION_COUNT];
extern char const Keys[];
extern char const * const VQName[VQ_COUNT];
extern int CrateData[CRATE_COUNT];
extern char const * const CrateNames[CRATE_COUNT];
extern int CrateShares[CRATE_COUNT];
extern AnimType CrateAnims[CRATE_COUNT];
extern char const * const SpecialWeaponName[SPC_COUNT];
extern int const SpecialWeaponHelp[SPC_COUNT];
extern char const * const SpecialWeaponFile[SPC_COUNT];
extern char const * const ArmorName[ARMOR_COUNT];
extern char const * const QuarryName[QUARRY_COUNT];
extern char const * const FormationName[FORMATION_COUNT];
extern unsigned long const PlayCodes[];
extern unsigned long const CheatCodes[];
//extern char const * const ProjectileNames[];
extern unsigned long const EditorCodes[];
extern char const * const SourceName[SOURCE_COUNT];
extern int const GroundColor[LAND_COUNT];
extern int const SnowColor[LAND_COUNT];
extern TheaterDataType const Theaters[THEATER_COUNT];
extern unsigned char const Facing32[256];
extern unsigned char const Facing16[256];
extern signed char const Rotation16[256];
extern unsigned char const Facing8[256];
extern unsigned char const Pixel2Lepton[24];
extern COORDINATE const StoppingCoordAbs[5];
extern CELL const AdjacentCell[FACING_COUNT];
extern COORDINATE const AdjacentCoord[FACING_COUNT];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv2[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv4[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv5[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv6[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv7[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv8[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv9[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv10[];
extern unsigned char const RemapEmber[];
extern int SoundOn;
#ifdef WIN32
extern GraphicViewPortClass HidPage;
extern GraphicBufferClass HidPage;
extern int MenuList[][8];
extern CDTimerClass<SystemTimerClass> FrameTimer;
extern CDTimerClass<SystemTimerClass> CountDownTimer;
extern SpecialDialogType SpecialDialog;
extern int RequiredCD;
extern int CurrentCD;
extern int MouseInstalled;
extern int LogLevel;
extern unsigned long LogLevelTime[ MAX_LOG_LEVEL ];
extern unsigned long LogLastTime;
extern class DynamicVectorClass<EventChoiceClass> test2;
extern class DynamicVectorClass<ActionChoiceClass> test3;
extern bool LogDump_Print;
extern "C"{
extern bool IsTheaterShape;
extern void Reset_Theater_Shapes(void);
extern TheaterType LastTheater;
void Coordinate_Remap ( GraphicViewPortClass *inbuffer, int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char *remap_table);
void Do_Vortex (int x, int y, int frame);
** Win32 specific externs
#ifdef WIN32
extern int ReadyToQuit; //Are we about to exit cleanly
extern bool InDebugger; //Are we being run from a debugger
void Memory_Error_Handler(void); //Memory error handler function
void WWDebugString (char *string);
extern bool IsTheaterShape;
#endif //WIN32
** Internet specific externs
#ifdef WIN32
extern char PlanetWestwoodHandle[]; //Planet WW user name
extern char PlanetWestwoodPassword[]; //Planet WW password
extern char PlanetWestwoodIPAddress[]; //IP of server or other player
extern long PlanetWestwoodPortNumber; //Port number to send to
extern bool PlanetWestwoodIsHost; //Flag true if player has control of game options
extern unsigned long PlanetWestwoodGameID; //Game ID
extern HWND WChatHWND; //Handle to Wchat window.
extern bool GameStatisticsPacketSent;
extern bool ConnectionLost;
extern void *PacketLater;
extern bool SpawnedFromWChat;
extern int ShowCommand;
void Register_Game_Start_Time(void);
void Register_Game_End_Time(void);
void Send_Statistics_Packet(void);
void Check_From_WChat(char *wchat_name);
bool Do_The_Internet_Menu_Thang (void);
bool Server_Remote_Connect(void);
bool Client_Remote_Connect(void);
extern int UnitBuildPenalty;
#endif //WIN32
** From SENDFILE.CPP - externs for scenario file transfers
bool Receive_Remote_File ( char *file_name, unsigned int file_length, unsigned int crc, int gametype);
bool Send_Remote_File ( char *file_name, int gametype );
bool Get_Scenario_File_From_Host(char *return_name, int gametype);
bool Find_Local_Scenario (char *description, char *filename, unsigned int length, char *digest, bool official);
#ifdef MPEGMOVIE // Denzil 6/15/98
#ifdef MCIMPEG
#include "mcimovie.h"
extern MCIMovie* MciMovie;
#include "mpgset.h"
extern MPGSettings* MpgSettings;
extern "C" bool MMXAvailable;
extern bool ShareAllyVisibility;