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397 lines
18 KiB
397 lines
18 KiB
** Meta object code from reading C++ file 'mainwindow.h'
** Created by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler version 67 (Qt 5.7.0)
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
#include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
#error "The header file 'mainwindow.h' doesn't include <QObject>."
#error "This file was generated using the moc from 5.7.0. It"
#error "cannot be used with the include files from this version of Qt."
#error "(The moc has changed too much.)"
struct qt_meta_stringdata_MainWindow_t {
QByteArrayData data[67];
char stringdata0[1505];
#define QT_MOC_LITERAL(idx, ofs, len) \
qptrdiff(offsetof(qt_meta_stringdata_MainWindow_t, stringdata0) + ofs \
- idx * sizeof(QByteArrayData)) \
static const qt_meta_stringdata_MainWindow_t qt_meta_stringdata_MainWindow = {
QT_MOC_LITERAL(0, 0, 10), // "MainWindow"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(1, 11, 26), // "on_actionGain0_5_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(2, 38, 0), // ""
QT_MOC_LITERAL(3, 39, 24), // "on_actionGain1_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(4, 64, 24), // "on_actionGain2_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(5, 89, 24), // "on_actionGain4_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(6, 114, 24), // "on_actionGain8_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(7, 139, 25), // "on_actionGain16_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(8, 165, 25), // "on_actionGain32_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(9, 191, 25), // "on_actionGain64_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(10, 217, 27), // "on_actionGainAuto_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(11, 245, 31), // "on_actionCursor_Stats_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(12, 277, 7), // "checked"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(13, 285, 21), // "connectDisplaySignals"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(14, 307, 20), // "on_action300_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(15, 328, 4), // "arg1"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(16, 333, 20), // "on_action600_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(17, 354, 21), // "on_action1200_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(18, 376, 21), // "on_action2400_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(19, 398, 21), // "on_action4800_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(20, 420, 21), // "on_action9600_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(21, 442, 22), // "on_action14400_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(22, 465, 22), // "on_action19200_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(23, 488, 22), // "on_action28800_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(24, 511, 22), // "on_action38400_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(25, 534, 22), // "on_action57600_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(26, 557, 23), // "on_action115200_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(27, 581, 22), // "on_action300_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(28, 604, 22), // "on_action600_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(29, 627, 23), // "on_action1200_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(30, 651, 23), // "on_action2400_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(31, 675, 23), // "on_action4800_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(32, 699, 23), // "on_action9600_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(33, 723, 24), // "on_action14400_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(34, 748, 24), // "on_action19200_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(35, 773, 24), // "on_action28800_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(36, 798, 24), // "on_action38400_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(37, 823, 24), // "on_action57600_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(38, 848, 25), // "on_action115200_2_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(39, 874, 17), // "cycleBaudRate_CH1"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(40, 892, 26), // "cycleBaudRateBackwards_CH1"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(41, 919, 17), // "cycleBaudRate_CH2"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(42, 937, 26), // "cycleBaudRateBackwards_CH2"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(43, 964, 21), // "timeBaseNeedsChanging"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(44, 986, 8), // "positive"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(45, 995, 31), // "on_actionForce_Square_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(46, 1027, 16), // "arrowUpTriggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(47, 1044, 18), // "arrowDownTriggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(48, 1063, 20), // "ctrlArrowUpTriggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(49, 1084, 22), // "ctrlArrowDownTriggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(50, 1107, 14), // "cycleDelayLeft"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(51, 1122, 15), // "cycleDelayRight"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(52, 1138, 45), // "on_actionAutomatically_Enable..."
QT_MOC_LITERAL(53, 1184, 22), // "on_action60FPS_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(54, 1207, 7), // "enabled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(55, 1215, 22), // "on_action30FPS_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(56, 1238, 22), // "on_action20FPS_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(57, 1261, 22), // "on_action15FPS_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(58, 1284, 22), // "on_action10FPS_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(59, 1307, 21), // "on_action5FPS_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(60, 1329, 26), // "on_actionAuto_Lock_toggled"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(61, 1356, 34), // "on_actionSnap_to_Cursors_trig..."
QT_MOC_LITERAL(62, 1391, 33), // "on_actionEnter_Manually_trigg..."
QT_MOC_LITERAL(63, 1425, 10), // "helloWorld"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(64, 1436, 25), // "on_actionRecord_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(65, 1462, 32), // "on_actionTake_Snapshot_triggered"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(66, 1495, 9) // "reinitUsb"
static const uint qt_meta_data_MainWindow[] = {
// content:
7, // revision
0, // classname
0, 0, // classinfo
61, 14, // methods
0, 0, // properties
0, 0, // enums/sets
0, 0, // constructors
0, // flags
0, // signalCount
// slots: name, argc, parameters, tag, flags
1, 0, 319, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
3, 0, 320, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
4, 0, 321, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
5, 0, 322, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
6, 0, 323, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
7, 0, 324, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
8, 0, 325, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
9, 0, 326, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
10, 0, 327, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
11, 1, 328, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
13, 0, 331, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
14, 1, 332, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
16, 1, 335, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
17, 1, 338, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
18, 1, 341, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
19, 1, 344, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
20, 1, 347, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
21, 1, 350, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
22, 1, 353, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
23, 1, 356, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
24, 1, 359, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
25, 1, 362, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
26, 1, 365, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
27, 1, 368, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
28, 1, 371, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
29, 1, 374, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
30, 1, 377, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
31, 1, 380, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
32, 1, 383, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
33, 1, 386, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
34, 1, 389, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
35, 1, 392, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
36, 1, 395, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
37, 1, 398, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
38, 1, 401, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
39, 0, 404, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
40, 0, 405, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
41, 0, 406, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
42, 0, 407, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
43, 1, 408, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
45, 1, 411, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
46, 0, 414, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
47, 0, 415, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
48, 0, 416, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
49, 0, 417, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
50, 0, 418, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
51, 0, 419, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
52, 1, 420, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
53, 1, 423, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
55, 1, 426, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
56, 1, 429, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
57, 1, 432, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
58, 1, 435, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
59, 1, 438, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
60, 1, 441, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
61, 0, 444, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
62, 0, 445, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
63, 0, 446, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
64, 1, 447, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
65, 0, 450, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
66, 0, 451, 2, 0x08 /* Private */,
// slots: parameters
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 12,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 44,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 12,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 54,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 54,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 54,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 54,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 54,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 54,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 15,
QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Bool, 12,
0 // eod
void MainWindow::qt_static_metacall(QObject *_o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
MainWindow *_t = static_cast<MainWindow *>(_o);
switch (_id) {
case 0: _t->on_actionGain0_5_triggered(); break;
case 1: _t->on_actionGain1_triggered(); break;
case 2: _t->on_actionGain2_triggered(); break;
case 3: _t->on_actionGain4_triggered(); break;
case 4: _t->on_actionGain8_triggered(); break;
case 5: _t->on_actionGain16_triggered(); break;
case 6: _t->on_actionGain32_triggered(); break;
case 7: _t->on_actionGain64_triggered(); break;
case 8: _t->on_actionGainAuto_triggered(); break;
case 9: _t->on_actionCursor_Stats_triggered((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 10: _t->connectDisplaySignals(); break;
case 11: _t->on_action300_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 12: _t->on_action600_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 13: _t->on_action1200_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 14: _t->on_action2400_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 15: _t->on_action4800_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 16: _t->on_action9600_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 17: _t->on_action14400_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 18: _t->on_action19200_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 19: _t->on_action28800_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 20: _t->on_action38400_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 21: _t->on_action57600_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 22: _t->on_action115200_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 23: _t->on_action300_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 24: _t->on_action600_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 25: _t->on_action1200_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 26: _t->on_action2400_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 27: _t->on_action4800_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 28: _t->on_action9600_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 29: _t->on_action14400_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 30: _t->on_action19200_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 31: _t->on_action28800_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 32: _t->on_action38400_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 33: _t->on_action57600_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 34: _t->on_action115200_2_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 35: _t->cycleBaudRate_CH1(); break;
case 36: _t->cycleBaudRateBackwards_CH1(); break;
case 37: _t->cycleBaudRate_CH2(); break;
case 38: _t->cycleBaudRateBackwards_CH2(); break;
case 39: _t->timeBaseNeedsChanging((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 40: _t->on_actionForce_Square_triggered((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 41: _t->arrowUpTriggered(); break;
case 42: _t->arrowDownTriggered(); break;
case 43: _t->ctrlArrowUpTriggered(); break;
case 44: _t->ctrlArrowDownTriggered(); break;
case 45: _t->cycleDelayLeft(); break;
case 46: _t->cycleDelayRight(); break;
case 47: _t->on_actionAutomatically_Enable_Cursors_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 48: _t->on_action60FPS_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 49: _t->on_action30FPS_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 50: _t->on_action20FPS_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 51: _t->on_action15FPS_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 52: _t->on_action10FPS_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 53: _t->on_action5FPS_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 54: _t->on_actionAuto_Lock_toggled((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 55: _t->on_actionSnap_to_Cursors_triggered(); break;
case 56: _t->on_actionEnter_Manually_triggered(); break;
case 57: _t->helloWorld(); break;
case 58: _t->on_actionRecord_triggered((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
case 59: _t->on_actionTake_Snapshot_triggered(); break;
case 60: _t->reinitUsb(); break;
default: ;
const QMetaObject MainWindow::staticMetaObject = {
{ &QMainWindow::staticMetaObject, qt_meta_stringdata_MainWindow.data,
qt_meta_data_MainWindow, qt_static_metacall, Q_NULLPTR, Q_NULLPTR}
const QMetaObject *MainWindow::metaObject() const
return QObject::d_ptr->metaObject ? QObject::d_ptr->dynamicMetaObject() : &staticMetaObject;
void *MainWindow::qt_metacast(const char *_clname)
if (!_clname) return Q_NULLPTR;
if (!strcmp(_clname, qt_meta_stringdata_MainWindow.stringdata0))
return static_cast<void*>(const_cast< MainWindow*>(this));
return QMainWindow::qt_metacast(_clname);
int MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
_id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
if (_id < 0)
return _id;
if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
if (_id < 61)
qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);
_id -= 61;
} else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) {
if (_id < 61)
*reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1;
_id -= 61;
return _id;