3.0: deleted '3.0' directory

This commit is contained in:
Jordi Sanfeliu 2013-01-04 09:17:18 +01:00
parent 7905e5d4ca
commit 252417ead9
29 changed files with 0 additions and 21206 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- Complete rewrite.
- Added a new option in 'port' to define the number of graphs per row.
- Fixed a missing description in the first entry of each network interface in
the options list.
- Fixed a missing argument on each *_init() function preventing show an "Ok"
message when debugging is enabled.
- Fixed some bugs in Groups.
- Fixed a typo in the percentage variable in FS alert.
- Fixed variables naming in 'mail' graph when using Postfix MTA that prevented
to see the values bounced, discarded and forwarded.
- Fixed a number of small bugs.
- Fixed a bad naming of the bitrate variables when creating the Bitrate graph
of the Icecast Streaming Media Server.

View File

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package Monitorix;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(logger trim get_nvidia_data flush_accounting_rules);
sub logger {
my ($msg) = @_;
$msg = localtime() . " - " . $msg;
sub trim {
my $str = shift;
if($str) {
$str =~ s/^\s+//;
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
return $str;
sub get_nvidia_data {
my ($gpu) = @_;
my $total = 0;
my $used = 0;
my $mem = 0;
my $cpu = 0;
my $temp = 0;
my $check_mem = 0;
my $check_cpu = 0;
my $check_temp = 0;
my $l;
open(IN, "nvidia-smi -q -i $gpu -d MEMORY,UTILIZATION,TEMPERATURE |");
my @data = <IN>;
for($l = 0; $l < scalar(@data); $l++) {
if($data[$l] =~ /Memory Usage/) {
$check_mem = 1;
if($check_mem) {
if($data[$l] =~ /Total/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$total = int($value);
if($data[$l] =~ /Used/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$used = int($value);
$check_mem = 0;
if($data[$l] =~ /Utilization/) {
$check_cpu = 1;
if($check_cpu) {
if($data[$l] =~ /Gpu/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$cpu = int($value);
if($data[$l] =~ /Memory/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$mem = int($value);
$check_cpu = 0;
if($data[$l] =~ /Temperature/) {
$check_temp = 1;
if($check_temp) {
if($data[$l] =~ /Gpu/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$temp = int($value);
$check_temp = 0;
# NVIDIA driver v285.+ not supported (needs new output parsing).
# This is to avoid a divide by zero message.
if($total) {
$mem = ($used * 100) / $total;
} else {
$mem = $used = $total = 0;
return join(" ", $mem, $cpu, $temp);
# flushes out all Monitorix iptables/ipfw rules
sub flush_accounting_rules {
my ($config, $debug) = @_;
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
my $num = 0;
logger("Flushing out iptables rules.") if $debug;
if(open(IN, "iptables -nxvL INPUT --line-numbers |")) {
my @rules;
my @names;
while(<IN>) {
my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_);
if($name =~ /monitorix_IN/ || /monitorix_nginx_IN/) {
push(@rules, $rule);
push(@names, $name);
@rules = reverse(@rules);
foreach(@rules) {
system("iptables -D INPUT $_");
foreach(@names) {
system("iptables -X $_");
if(open(IN, "iptables -nxvL OUTPUT --line-numbers |")) {
my @rules;
my @names;
while(<IN>) {
my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_);
if($name =~ /monitorix_OUT/ || /monitorix_nginx_OUT/) {
push(@rules, $rule);
push(@names, $name);
@rules = reverse(@rules);
foreach(@rules) {
system("iptables -D OUTPUT $_");
foreach(@names) {
system("iptables -X $_");
logger("$num iptables rules have been flushed.") if $debug;
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
logger("Flushing out ipfw rules.") if $debug;
system("ipfw delete $config->{port}->{rule} 2>/dev/null");
system("ipfw delete $config->{nginx}->{rule} 2>/dev/null");

View File

@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package apache;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(apache_init apache_update apache_cgi);
sub apache_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $apache = $config->{apache};
my $info;
my @ds;
my @tmp;
my $n;
if(!scalar(my @al = split(',', $apache->{list}))) {
logger("$myself: ERROR: missing or not defined 'list' option.");
return 0;
if(-e $rrd) {
$info = RRDs::info($rrd);
for my $key (keys %$info) {
if(index($key, 'ds[') == 0) {
if(index($key, '.type') != -1) {
push(@ds, substr($key, 3, index($key, ']') - 3));
if(scalar(@ds) / 5 != scalar(my @al = split(',', $apache->{list}))) {
logger("Detected size mismatch between 'list' option (" . scalar(my @al = split(',', $apache->{list})) . ") and $rrd (" . scalar(@ds) / 5 . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historic data will be lost. Backup file created.");
rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @al = split(',', $apache->{list})); $n++) {
push(@tmp, "DS:apache" . $n . "_acc:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:apache" . $n . "_kb:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:apache" . $n . "_cpu:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:apache" . $n . "_busy:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:apache" . $n . "_idle:GAUGE:120:0:U");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
$config->{apache_hist} = ();
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub apache_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $apache = $config->{apache};
my $str;
my $rrdata = "N";
my $n = 0;
foreach(my @al = split(',', $apache->{list})) {
my $url = trim($_) . "/server-status?auto";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 30);
my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url));
my $acc = 0;
my $kb = 0;
my $cpu = 0;
my $busy = 0;
my $idle = 0;
foreach(split('\n', $response->content)) {
if(/^Total Accesses:\s+(\d+)$/) {
$str = $n . "acc";
$acc = $1 - ($config->{apache_hist}->{$str} || 0);
$acc = 0 unless $acc != $1;
$acc /= 60;
$config->{apache_hist}->{$str} = $1;
if(/^Total kBytes:\s+(\d+)$/) {
$str = $n . "kb";
$kb = $1 - ($config->{apache_hist}->{$str} || 0);
$kb = 0 unless $kb != $1;
$config->{apache_hist}->{$str} = $1;
if(/^CPULoad:\s+(\d*\.\d+)$/) {
$cpu = abs($1) || 0;
if(/^BusyWorkers:\s+(\d+)/ || /^BusyServers:\s+(\d+)/) {
$busy = int($1) || 0;
if(/^IdleWorkers:\s+(\d+)/ || /^IdleServers:\s+(\d+)/) {
$idle = int($1) || 0;
$rrdata .= ":$acc:$kb:$cpu:$busy:$idle";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub apache_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $apache = $config->{apache};
my @rigid = split(',', $apache->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $apache->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @PNG;
my @PNGz;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $e;
my $e2;
my $n;
my $n2;
my $str;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $line1;
my $line2;
my $line3;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" ");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @al = split(',', $apache->{list})); $n++) {
$line1 = " ";
$line2 .= " Acceses kbytes CPU Busy Idle";
$line3 .= "------------------------------------------";
if($line1) {
my $i = length($line1);
printf(sprintf("%${i}s", sprintf("%s", trim($al[$n]))));
print("----$line3 \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
my $from;
my $to;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc}", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @al = split(',', $apache->{list})); $n2++) {
$from = $n2 * 5;
$to = $from + 5;
push(@row, @$line[$from..$to]);
printf(" %7d %9d %4.2f%% %3d %3d", @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @al = split(',', $apache->{list})); $n++) {
for($n2 = 1; $n2 <= 3; $n2++) {
$str = $u . $package . $n . $n2 . "." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNG, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
$str = $u . $package . $n . $n2 . "z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNGz, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
$e = 0;
foreach my $url (my @al = split(',', $apache->{list})) {
if($e) {
print(" <br>\n");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:apache" . $e . "_idle#4444EE:Idle");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_idle:LAST: Current\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_idle:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_idle:MIN: Min\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_idle:MAX: Max\\: %3.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:apache" . $e . "_busy#44EEEE:Busy");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_busy:LAST: Current\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_busy:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_busy:MIN: Min\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_busy:MAX: Max\\: %3.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:apache" . $e . "_idle#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:apache" . $e . "_busy#00EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:apache" . $e . "_tot#EE0000");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:apache" . $e . "_idle#4444EE:Idle");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:apache" . $e . "_busy#44EEEE:Busy");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:apache" . $e . "_idle#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:apache" . $e . "_busy#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:apache" . $e . "_tot#EE0000");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_apache1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:apache" . $e . "_busy=$rrd:apache" . $e . "_busy:AVERAGE",
"DEF:apache" . $e . "_idle=$rrd:apache" . $e . "_idle:AVERAGE",
"CDEF:apache" . $e . "_tot=apache" . $e . "_busy,apache" . $e . "_idle,+",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_apache1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:apache" . $e . "_busy=$rrd:apache" . $e . "_busy:AVERAGE",
"DEF:apache" . $e . "_idle=$rrd:apache" . $e . "_idle:AVERAGE",
"CDEF:apache" . $e . "_tot=apache" . $e . "_busy,apache" . $e . "_idle,+",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 1;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /apache$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:apache" . $e . "_cpu#44AAEE:CPU");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_cpu:LAST: Current\\: %5.2lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:apache" . $e . "_cpu#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:apache" . $e . "_cpu#44AAEE:CPU");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:apache" . $e . "_cpu#00EEEE");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 1]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_apache2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"--vertical-label=Percent (%)",
"DEF:apache" . $e . "_cpu=$rrd:apache" . $e . "_cpu:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 1]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_apache2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:apache" . $e . "_cpu=$rrd:apache" . $e . "_cpu:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 2;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /apache$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:apache" . $e . "_acc#44EE44:Accesses");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:apache" . $e . "_acc:LAST: Current\\: %5.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:apache" . $e . "_acc#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:apache" . $e . "_acc#44EE44:Accesses");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:apache" . $e . "_acc#00EE00");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 2]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_apache3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:apache" . $e . "_acc=$rrd:apache" . $e . "_acc:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 2]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_apache3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:apache" . $e . "_acc=$rrd:apache" . $e . "_acc:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 3;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /apache$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <tr>\n");
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' colspan='2'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n";
print " <font size='-1'>\n";
print " <b style='{color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . "}'>&nbsp;&nbsp;$url<b>\n";
print " </font></font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package disk;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(disk_init disk_update disk_cgi);
sub disk_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $disk = $config->{disk};
my $info;
my @ds;
my @tmp;
my $n;
if(-e $rrd) {
$info = RRDs::info($rrd);
for my $key (keys %$info) {
if(index($key, 'ds[') == 0) {
if(index($key, '.type') != -1) {
push(@ds, substr($key, 3, index($key, ']') - 3));
if(scalar(@ds) / 24 != keys(%{$disk->{list}})) {
logger("Detected size mismatch between <list>...</list> (" . keys(%{$disk->{list}}) . ") and $rrd (" . scalar(@ds) / 24 . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historic data will be lost. Backup file created.");
rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
for($n = 0; $n < keys(%{$disk->{list}}); $n++) {
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd0_temp:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd0_smart1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd0_smart2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd1_temp:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd1_smart1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd1_smart2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd2_temp:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd2_smart1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd2_smart2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd3_temp:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd3_smart1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd3_smart2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd4_temp:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd4_smart1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd4_smart2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd5_temp:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd5_smart1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd5_smart2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd6_temp:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd6_smart1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd6_smart2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd7_temp:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd7_smart1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:disk" . $n . "_hd7_smart2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub disk_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $disk = $config->{disk};
my $temp;
my $smart1;
my $smart2;
my $n;
my $rrdata = "N";
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$disk->{list}}) {
my @dsk = split(',', $disk->{list}->{$k});
for($n = 0; $n < 8; $n++) {
$temp = 0;
$smart1 = 0;
$smart2 = 0;
if($dsk[$n]) {
my $d = trim($dsk[$n]);
open(IN, "smartctl -A $d |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^ 5/ && /Reallocated_Sector_Ct/) {
my @tmp = split(' ', $_);
$smart1 = $tmp[9];
if(/^194/ && /Temperature_Celsius/) {
my @tmp = split(' ', $_);
$temp = $tmp[9];
if(/^197/ && /Current_Pending_Sector/) {
my @tmp = split(' ', $_);
$smart2 = $tmp[9];
if(/^Current Drive Temperature: /) {
my @tmp = split(' ', $_);
$temp = $tmp[3] unless $temp;
$temp = `hddtemp -wqn $d` unless $temp;
$rrdata .= ":$temp";
$rrdata .= ":$smart1";
$rrdata .= ":$smart2";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub disk_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $disk = $config->{disk};
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @PNG;
my @PNGz;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $n;
my $n2;
my $e;
my $e2;
my $str;
my $err;
my @LC = (
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $line1;
my $line2;
my $line3;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$disk->{list}}) {
my @d = split(',', $disk->{list}->{$k});
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@d); $n++) {
$str = sprintf(" DISK %d ", $n + 1);
$line1 .= $str;
$str = sprintf(" Temp Realloc Pending ");
$line2 .= $str;
$line3 .= "----------------------";
print(" $line1\n");
print("Time $line2\n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $from;
my $to;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} ", $time);
$e = 0;
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$disk->{list}}) {
my @d = split(',', $disk->{list}->{$k});
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(@d); $n2++) {
$from = ($e * 8 * 3) + ($n2 * 3);
$to = $from + 3;
my ($temp, $realloc, $pending) = @$line[$from..$to];
@row = ($temp, $realloc, $pending);
printf(" %4.0f %7.0f %7.0f ", @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
for($n = 0; $n < keys(%{$disk->{list}}); $n++) {
for($n2 = 1; $n2 <= 8; $n2++) {
$str = $u . $package . $n . $n2 . "." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNG, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
$str = $u . $package . $n . $n2 . "z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNGz, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
$e = 0;
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$disk->{list}}) {
my @d = split(',', $disk->{list}->{$k});
if($e) {
print(" <br>\n");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
for($n = 0; $n < 8; $n++) {
if($d[$n]) {
my ($dstr) = (split /\s+/, trim($d[$n]));
$str = sprintf("%-20s", $dstr);
push(@tmp, "LINE2:hd" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:hd" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$dstr");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:hd" . $n . ":LAST: Current\\: %2.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:hd" . $n . ":AVERAGE: Average\\: %2.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:hd" . $n . ":MIN: Min\\: %2.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:hd" . $n . ":MAX: Max\\: %2.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
if(scalar(@d) && (scalar(@d) % 2)) {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_disk1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:hd0=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd0_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd1=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd1_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd2=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd2_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd3=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd3_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd4=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd4_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd5=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd5_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd6=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd6_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd7=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd7_temp:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_disk1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:hd0=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd0_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd1=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd1_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd2=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd2_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd3=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd3_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd4=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd4_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd5=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd5_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd6=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd6_temp:AVERAGE",
"DEF:hd7=$rrd:disk" . $e ."_hd7_temp:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 1;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /disk$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
for($n = 0; $n < 8; $n += 2) {
if($d[$n]) {
$str = sprintf("%-17s", substr($d[$n], 0, 17));
push(@tmp, "LINE2:rsc" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:rsc" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$d[$n]\\g");
if($d[$n + 1]) {
$str = sprintf("%-17s", substr($d[$n + 1], 0, 17));
push(@tmp, "LINE2:rsc" . ($n + 1) . $LC[$n + 1] . ":$str\\n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:rsc" . ($n + 1) . $LC[$n + 1] . ":$d[$n + 1]\\g");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 1]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_disk2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:rsc0=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd0_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc1=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd1_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc2=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd2_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc3=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd3_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc4=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd4_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc5=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd5_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc6=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd6_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc7=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd7_smart1:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 1]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_disk2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:rsc0=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd0_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc1=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd1_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc2=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd2_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc3=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd3_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc4=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd4_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc5=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd5_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc6=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd6_smart1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:rsc7=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd7_smart1:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 2;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /disk$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "'>\n");
for($n = 0; $n < 8; $n += 2) {
if($d[$n]) {
$str = sprintf("%-17s", substr($d[$n], 0, 17));
push(@tmp, "LINE2:cps" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:cps" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$d[$n]\\g");
if($d[$n + 1]) {
$str = sprintf("%-17s", substr($d[$n + 1], 0, 17));
push(@tmp, "LINE2:cps" . ($n + 1) . $LC[$n + 1] . ":$str\\n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:cps" . ($n + 1) . $LC[$n + 1] . ":$d[$n + 1]\\g");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 2]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_disk3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:cps0=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd0_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps1=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd1_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps2=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd2_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps3=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd3_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps4=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd4_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps5=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd5_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps6=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd6_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps7=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd7_smart2:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 2]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_disk3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:cps0=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd0_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps1=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd1_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps2=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd2_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps3=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd3_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps4=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd4_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps5=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd5_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps6=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd6_smart2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:cps7=$rrd:disk" . $e . "_hd7_smart2:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 3;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /disk$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package fail2ban;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(fail2ban_init fail2ban_update fail2ban_cgi);
sub fail2ban_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $fail2ban = $config->{fail2ban};
my $info;
my @ds;
my @tmp;
my $n;
if(-e $rrd) {
$info = RRDs::info($rrd);
for my $key (keys %$info) {
if(index($key, 'ds[') == 0) {
if(index($key, '.type') != -1) {
push(@ds, substr($key, 3, index($key, ']') - 3));
if(scalar(@ds) / 9 != scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list}))) {
logger("Detected size mismatch between 'list' (" . scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list})) . ") and $rrd (" . scalar(@ds) / 9 . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historic data will be lost. Backup file created.");
rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list})); $n++) {
push(@tmp, "DS:fail2ban" . $n . "_j1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:fail2ban" . $n . "_j2:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:fail2ban" . $n . "_j3:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:fail2ban" . $n . "_j4:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:fail2ban" . $n . "_j5:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:fail2ban" . $n . "_j6:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:fail2ban" . $n . "_j7:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:fail2ban" . $n . "_j8:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:fail2ban" . $n . "_j9:GAUGE:120:0:U");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
$config->{fail2ban_hist} = 0;
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub fail2ban_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $fail2ban = $config->{fail2ban};
my $seek_pos;
my $logsize;
my @jails;
my $n;
my $str;
my $rrdata = "N";
if(! -r $config->{fail2ban_log}) {
logger("Couldn't find file '$config->{fail2ban_log}': $!");
$seek_pos = $config->{fail2ban_hist} || 0;
$seek_pos = defined($seek_pos) ? int($seek_pos) : 0;
open(IN, $config->{fail2ban_log});
if(!seek(IN, 0, 2)) {
logger("Couldn't seek to the end of '$config->{fail2ban_log}': $!");
$logsize = tell(IN);
if($logsize < $seek_pos) {
$seek_pos = 0;
if(!seek(IN, $seek_pos, 0)) {
logger("Couldn't seek to $seek_pos in '$config->{fail2ban_log}': $!");
if($config->{fail2ban_hist} > 0) { # avoids initial spike
my $date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime);
while(<IN>) {
if(/^$date/) {
my $e = 0;
while($e < scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list}))) {
foreach my $i (split(',', $fail2ban->{desc}->{$e})) {
my $e2 = 0;
($str = trim($i)) =~ s/\[/\\[/;
$str =~ s/\]/\\]/;
$jails[$e][$e2] = 0 unless defined $jails[$e][$e2];
if(/ $str Ban /) {
my $e = 0;
while($e < scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list}))) {
for($n = 0; $n < 9; $n++) {
$jails[$e][$n] = 0 unless defined $jails[$e][$n];
$rrdata .= ":" . $jails[$e][$n];
$config->{fail2ban_hist} = $logsize;
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub fail2ban_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $fail2ban = $config->{fail2ban};
my @rigid = split(',', $fail2ban->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $fail2ban->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @PNG;
my @PNGz;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $n;
my $n2;
my $str;
my $err;
my @LC = (
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $line1;
my $line2;
my $line3;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" ");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list})); $n++) {
$line1 = "";
foreach my $i (split(',', $fail2ban->{desc}->{$n})) {
$str = sprintf("%20s", substr(trim($i), 0, 20));
$line1 .= " ";
$line2 .= sprintf(" %20s", $str);
$line3 .= "---------------------";
if($line1) {
my $i = length($line1);
printf(sprintf("%${i}s", sprintf("%s", trim($fl[$n]))));
print("----$line3 \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
my $n3;
my $from;
my $to;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} ", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list})); $n2++) {
$n3 = 0;
foreach my $i (split(',', $fail2ban->{desc}->{$n2})) {
$from = $n2 * 9 + $n3++;
$to = $from + 1;
my ($j) = @$line[$from..$to];
@row = ($j);
printf("%20d ", @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list})); $n++) {
$str = $u . $package . $n . "." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNG, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
$str = $u . $package . $n . "z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNGz, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
$n = 0;
while($n < scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list}))) {
if($title) {
if($n == 0) {
main::graph_header($title, $fail2ban->{graphs_per_row});
print(" <tr>\n");
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < $fail2ban->{graphs_per_row}; $n2++) {
last unless $n < scalar(my @fl = split(',', $fail2ban->{list}));
if($title) {
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
my $e = 0;
foreach my $i (split(',', $fail2ban->{desc}->{$n})) {
$str = sprintf("%-25s", substr(trim($i), 0, 25));
push(@tmp, "LINE1:j" . ($e + 1) . $LC[$e] . ":$str");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:j" . ($e + 1) . ":LAST: Cur\\:%2.0lf\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:j" . ($e + 1) . ":AVERAGE: Avg\\:%2.0lf\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:j" . ($e + 1) . ":MIN: Min\\:%2.0lf\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:j" . ($e + 1) . ":MAX: Max\\:%2.0lf\\n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:j" . ($e + 1) . $LC[$e] . ":$str");
while($e < 9) {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{medium});
$str = substr(trim($fl[$n]), 0, 25);
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$n]",
"--title=$str ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:j1=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j2=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j3=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j3:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j4=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j4:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j5=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j5:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j6=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j6:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j7=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j7:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j8=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j8:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j9=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j9:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$n]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$n]",
"--title=$str ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:j1=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j1:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j2=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j2:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j3=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j3:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j4=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j4:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j5=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j5:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j6=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j6:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j7=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j7:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j8=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j8:AVERAGE",
"DEF:j9=$rrd:fail2ban" . $n . "_j9:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$n]: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /fail2ban$n/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$n] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$n] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$n] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$n] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$n] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </tr>\n");
if($title) {
print(" <br>\n");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package hptemp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(hptemp_init hptemp_update hptemp_cgi);
sub hptemp_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
# checks if 'hplog' does exists.
if(!open(IN, "hplog -t |")) {
logger("$myself: unable to execute 'hplog'. $!");
# save the output of 'hplog -t' since only 'root' is able to run it
my @data = <IN>;
open(OUT, "> $config->{base_dir}/cgi-bin/monitorix.hplog");
print(OUT @data);
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub hptemp_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $hptemp = $config->{hptemp};
my @hptemp1;
my @hptemp2;
my @hptemp3;
my $l;
my $n;
my $rrdata = "N";
if(!open(IN, "hplog -t |")) {
logger("$myself: unable to execute 'hplog'. $!");
my @data = <IN>;
my $str;
for($l = 0; $l < scalar(@data); $l++) {
foreach my $t (split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{0})) {
$str = sprintf("%2d", trim($t));
if($data[$l] =~ m/^$str /) {
my $temp = trim(substr($data[$l], 47, 3));
push(@hptemp1, map {$_ eq "---" ? 0 : $_} ($temp));
foreach my $t (split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{1})) {
$str = sprintf("%2d", trim($t));
if($data[$l] =~ m/^$str /) {
my $temp = trim(substr($data[$l], 47, 3));
push(@hptemp2, map {$_ eq "---" ? 0 : $_} ($temp));
foreach my $t (split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{2})) {
$str = sprintf("%2d", trim($t));
if($data[$l] =~ m/^$str /) {
my $temp = trim(substr($data[$l], 47, 3));
push(@hptemp3, map {$_ eq "---" ? 0 : $_} ($temp));
for($n = 0; $n < 8; $n++) {
$hptemp1[$n] = 0 unless $hptemp1[$n];
$rrdata .= ":$hptemp1[$n]";
for($n = 0; $n < 6; $n++) {
$hptemp2[$n] = 0 unless $hptemp2[$n];
$rrdata .= ":$hptemp2[$n]";
for($n = 0; $n < 6; $n++) {
$hptemp3[$n] = 0 unless $hptemp3[$n];
$rrdata .= ":$hptemp3[$n]";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub hptemp_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $hptemp = $config->{hptemp};
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $n;
my $id;
my $str;
my $err;
my @LC = (
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
open(IN, "monitorix.hplog");
my @hplog = <IN>;
if(!scalar(@hplog)) {
print("WARNING: 'hplog' command output is empty.");
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $str;
my $line1;
my $line2;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
foreach my $t (split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{0}), split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{1}), split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{2})) {
$id = sprintf("%2d", trim($t));
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@hplog); $n++) {
$_ = $hplog[$n];
if(/^$id /) {
$str = substr($_, 17, 8);
$str = sprintf("%8s", $str);
$line1 .= " ";
$line1 .= $str;
$line2 .= "----------";
print("Time $line1 \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} ", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @hp = split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{0})); $n2++) {
my $temp = @$line[$n2];
push(@row, $temp);
$line1 .= " %8.0f ";
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @hp = split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{1})); $n2++) {
my $temp = @$line[8 + $n2];
push(@row, $temp);
$line1 .= " %8.0f ";
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @hp = split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{2})); $n2++) {
my $temp = @$line[8 + 3 + $n2];
push(@row, $temp);
$line1 .= " %8.0f ";
print(sprintf($line1, @row));
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
my $PNG1 = $u . $package . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2 = $u . $package . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3 = $u . $package . "3." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG1z = $u . $package . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2z = $u . $package . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3z = $u . $package . "3z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3");
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
if(scalar(my @hptemp0 = split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{0}))) {
for($n = 0; $n < 8; $n++) {
if($hptemp0[$n]) {
foreach(@hplog) {
$id = sprintf("%2d", trim($hptemp0[$n]));
if(/^$id /) {
$str = substr($_, 17, 8);
$str = sprintf("%-20s", $str);
push(@tmp, "LINE2:temp" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":LAST:Current\\: %2.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":AVERAGE: Average\\: %2.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":MIN: Min\\: %2.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":MAX: Max\\: %2.0lf\\n");
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:temp" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
} else {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_hptemp1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_hptemp1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /hptemp1/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(scalar(my @hptemp1 = split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{1}))) {
for($n = 0; $n < 6; $n++) {
if($hptemp1[$n]) {
foreach(@hplog) {
$id = sprintf("%2d", trim($hptemp1[$n]));
if(/^$id /) {
$str = substr($_, 17, 8);
$str = sprintf("%-8s", $str);
push(@tmp, "LINE2:temp" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":LAST:\\: %2.0lf");
if(!(($n + 1) % 2)) {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
} else {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: ");
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:temp" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
} else {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n") unless ($n + 1) % 2;
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_hptemp2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_hptemp2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /hptemp2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "'>\n");
if(scalar(my @hptemp2 = split(',', $hptemp->{list}->{2}))) {
for($n = 0; $n < 6; $n++) {
if($hptemp2[$n]) {
foreach(@hplog) {
$id = sprintf("%2d", trim($hptemp2[$n]));
if(/^$id /) {
$str = substr($_, 17, 8);
$str = sprintf("%-8s", $str);
push(@tmp, "LINE2:temp" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":LAST:\\: %2.0lf");
if(!(($n + 1) % 2)) {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
} else {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: ");
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:temp" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
} else {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n") unless ($n + 1) % 2;
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_hptemp3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_hptemp3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /hptemp3/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package icecast;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(icecast_init icecast_update icecast_cgi);
sub icecast_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $icecast = $config->{icecast};
my $info;
my @ds;
my @tmp;
my $n;
if(-e $rrd) {
$info = RRDs::info($rrd);
for my $key (keys %$info) {
if(index($key, 'ds[') == 0) {
if(index($key, '.type') != -1) {
push(@ds, substr($key, 3, index($key, ']') - 3));
if(scalar(@ds) / 36 != scalar(my @il = split(',', $icecast->{list}))) {
logger("Detected size mismatch between 'list' (" . scalar(my @il = split(',', $icecast->{list})) . ") and $rrd (" . scalar(@ds) / 36 . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historic data will be lost. Backup file created.");
rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @il = split(',', $icecast->{list})); $n++) {
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp0_ls:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp0_br:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp0_v0:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp0_v1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp1_ls:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp1_br:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp1_v0:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp1_v1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp2_ls:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp2_br:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp2_v0:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp2_v1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp3_ls:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp3_br:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp3_v0:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp3_v1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp4_ls:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp4_br:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp4_v0:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp4_v1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp5_ls:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp5_br:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp5_v0:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp5_v1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp6_ls:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp6_br:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp6_v0:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp6_v1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp7_ls:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp7_br:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp7_v0:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp7_v1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp8_ls:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp8_br:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp8_v0:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:icecast" . $n . "_mp8_v1:GAUGE:120:0:U");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub icecast_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $icecast = $config->{icecast};
my @ls;
my @br;
my $n;
my $rrdata = "N";
my $e = 0;
foreach(my @il = split(',', $icecast->{list})) {
my $ils = trim($il[$e]);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 30);
my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', trim($_)));
my $data = $response->content;
$data =~ s/\n//g;
foreach my $i (split(',', $icecast->{desc}->{$ils})) {
my $m = "Mount Point " . trim($i);
my ($l) = ($data =~ m/$m.*?<tr><td>Current Listeners:<\/td><td class=\"streamdata\">(\d*?)<\/td>/g);
my ($b) = ($data =~ m/$m.*?<tr><td>Bitrate:<\/td><td class=\"streamdata\">(\d*?)<\/td><\/tr>/g);
$l = 0 unless defined($l);
$b = 0 unless defined($b);
push(@ls, $l);
push(@br, $b);
for($n = 0; $n < 9; $n++) {
$ls[$n] = 0 unless defined($ls[$n]);
$br[$n] = 0 unless defined($br[$n]);
$rrdata .= ":" . $ls[$n];
$rrdata .= ":" . $br[$n];
$rrdata .= ":" . "0";
$rrdata .= ":" . "0";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub icecast_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $icecast = $config->{icecast};
my @rigid = split(',', $icecast->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $icecast->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @PNG;
my @PNGz;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $e;
my $n;
my $str;
my $stack;
my $err;
my @AC = (
my @LC = (
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $line1;
my $line2;
my $line3;
my $line4;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" ");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @il = split(',', $icecast->{list})); $n++) {
my $l = trim($il[$n]);
$line1 = " ";
$line2 .= " ";
$line3 .= " ";
$line4 .= "--";
foreach my $i (split(',', $icecast->{desc}->{$l})) {
$line1 .= " ";
$line2 .= sprintf(" %10s", trim($i));
$line3 .= " List BitR";
$line4 .= "-----------";
if($line1) {
my $i = length($line1);
printf(sprintf("%${i}s", sprintf("Icecast Server %2d", $n)));
print(" $line2");
print("----$line4 \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
my $n3;
my $from;
my $to;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc}", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @il = split(',', $icecast->{list})); $n2++) {
my $ls = trim($il[$n2]);
print(" ");
$n3 = 0;
foreach my $i (split(',', $icecast->{desc}->{$ls})) {
$from = $n2 * 36 + ($n3++ * 4);
$to = $from + 4;
my ($l, $b, undef, undef) = @$line[$from..$to];
@row = ($l, $b);
printf(" %4d %4d", @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @il = split(',', $icecast->{list})); $n++) {
$str = $u . $package . $n . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNG, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
$str = $u . $package . $n . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNG, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
$str = $u . $package . $n . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNGz, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
$str = $u . $package . $n . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNGz, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
$e = 0;
foreach my $url (my @il = split(',', $icecast->{list})) {
$url = trim($url);
if($e) {
print(" <br>\n");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
$n = 0;
foreach my $i (split(',', $icecast->{desc}->{$url})) {
$i = trim($i);
$str = sprintf("%-15s", substr($i, 0, 15));
$stack = "";
if(lc($icecast->{graph_mode}) eq "s") {
$stack = ":STACK";
push(@tmp, "AREA:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . $AC[$n] . ":$str" . $stack);
push(@tmpz, "AREA:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . $AC[$n] . ":$i" . $stack);
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . ":LAST: Cur\\:%4.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . ":AVERAGE: Avg\\:%4.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . ":MIN: Min\\:%4.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . ":MAX: Max\\:%4.0lf\\n");
if(lc($icecast->{graph_mode}) ne "s") {
foreach my $i (split(',', $icecast->{desc}->{$url})) {
push(@tmp, "LINE1:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . $LC[$n]);
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . $LC[$n]);
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{medium});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 2]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_icecast1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp0=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp0_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp1=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp1_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp2=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp2_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp3=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp3_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp4=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp4_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp5=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp5_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp6=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp6_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp7=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp7_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp8=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp8_ls:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 2]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 2]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_icecast1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp0=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp0_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp1=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp1_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp2=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp2_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp3=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp3_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp4=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp4_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp5=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp5_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp6=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp6_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp7=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp7_ls:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp8=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp8_ls:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 2]: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /icecast$e/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 2] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 2] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
$n = 0;
foreach my $i (split(',', $icecast->{desc}->{$url})) {
$i = trim($i);
$str = sprintf("%-15s", $i);
push(@tmp, "LINE1:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . $LC[$n] . ":$str");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . $LC[$n] . ":$i");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . ":LAST: Cur\\:%3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . ":AVERAGE: Avg\\:%3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . ":MIN: Min\\:%3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ice" . $e . "_mp$n" . ":MAX: Max\\:%3.0lf\\n");
if($title) {
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{medium});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . $PNG[$e * 2 + 1],
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_icecast2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp0=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp0_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp1=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp1_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp2=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp2_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp3=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp3_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp4=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp4_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp5=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp5_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp6=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp6_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp7=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp7_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp8=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp8_br:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . $PNG[$e * 2 + 1] . ": $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . $PNGz[$e * 2 + 1],
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_icecast2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp0=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp0_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp1=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp1_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp2=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp2_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp3=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp3_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp4=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp4_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp5=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp5_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp6=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp6_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp7=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp7_br:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ice" . $e . "_mp8=$rrd:icecast" . $e . "_mp8_br:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . $PNGz[$e * 2 + 1] . ": $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /icecast$e/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 2 + 1] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 2 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 2 + 1] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 2 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 2 + 1] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <tr>\n");
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' colspan='2'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n";
print " <font size='-1'>\n";
print " <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" . $url . "' style='{color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . "}'>$url</a><b>\n";
print " </font></font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,892 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package kern;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(kern_init kern_update kern_cgi);
sub kern_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
$config->{kern_hist} = ();
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub kern_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $user;
my $nice;
my $sys;
my $idle;
my $iow;
my $irq;
my $sirq;
my $steal;
my $guest;
my $cs = "U";
my $dentry;
my $file;
my $inode;
my $forks = "U";
my $vforks = "U";
my $val03 = 0;
my $val04 = 0;
my $val05 = 0;
my $lastuser = 0;
my $lastnice = 0;
my $lastsys = 0;
my $lastidle = 0;
my $lastiow = 0;
my $lastirq = 0;
my $lastsirq = 0;
my $laststeal = 0;
my $lastguest = 0;
my $rrdata = "N";
if($config->{kern_hist}->{kernel}) {
(undef, $lastuser, $lastnice, $lastsys, $lastidle, $lastiow, $lastirq, $lastsirq, $laststeal, $lastguest) = split(' ', $config->{kern_hist}->{kernel});
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
open(IN, "/proc/stat");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^cpu /) {
(undef, $user, $nice, $sys, $idle, $iow, $irq, $sirq, $steal, $guest) = split(' ', $_);
$config->{kern_hist}->{kernel} = $_;
if(/^ctxt (\d+)$/) {
# avoid initial spike
$cs = int($1) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{cs};
$config->{kern_hist}->{cs} = int($1) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{cs};
if(/^processes (\d+)$/) {
# avoid initial spike
$forks = int($1) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{forks};
$config->{kern_hist}->{forks} = int($1) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{forks};
$vforks = 0;
open(IN, "/proc/sys/fs/dentry-state");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+/) {
$dentry = ($1 * 100) / ($1 + $2);
open(IN, "/proc/sys/fs/file-nr");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^(\d+)\s+\d+\s+(\d+)$/) {
$file = ($1 * 100) / $2;
open(IN, "/proc/sys/fs/inode-nr");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) {
$inode = ($1 * 100) / ($1 + $2);
} elsif($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD") {
my $max;
my $num;
my $data;
my $cptime = `sysctl -n kern.cp_time`;
my @tmp = split(' ', $cptime);
($user, $nice, $sys, $iow, $idle) = @tmp;
$config->{kern_hist}->{kernel} = join(' ', "cpu", $user, $nice, $sys, $idle, $iow);
$data = `sysctl -n vm.stats.sys.v_swtch`;
$cs = int($data) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{cs};
$config->{kern_hist}->{cs} = int($data) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{cs};
$data = `sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_forks`;
$forks = int($data) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{forks};
$config->{kern_hist}->{forks} = int($data) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{forks};
$data = `sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_vforks`;
$vforks = int($data) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{vforks};
$config->{kern_hist}->{vforks} = int($data) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{vforks};
$max = `sysctl -n kern.maxfiles`;
$num = `sysctl -n kern.openfiles`;
$file = ($num * 100) / $max;
$max = `sysctl -n kern.maxvnodes`;
$num = `sysctl -n vfs.numvnodes`;
$inode = ($num * 100) / $max;
} elsif($config->{os} eq "OpenBSD") {
my $max;
my $num;
my $data;
my $cptime = `sysctl -n kern.cp_time`;
my @tmp = split(',', $cptime);
($user, $nice, $sys, $iow, $idle) = @tmp;
$config->{kern_hist}->{kernel} = join(' ', "cpu", $user, $nice, $sys, $idle, $iow);
open(IN, "vmstat -s |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^\s*(\d+) cpu context switches$/) {
$cs = int($1) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{cs};
$config->{kern_hist}->{cs} = int($1) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{cs};
$data = `sysctl -n kern.forkstat.forks`;
$forks = int($data) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{forks};
$config->{kern_hist}->{forks} = int($data) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{forks};
$data = `sysctl -n kern.forkstat.vforks`;
$vforks = int($data) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{vforks};
$config->{kern_hist}->{vforks} = int($data) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{vforks};
$max = `sysctl -n kern.maxfiles`;
$num = `sysctl -n kern.nfiles`;
$file = ($num * 100) / $max;
$max = `sysctl -n kern.maxvnodes`;
$data = `sysctl -n kern.malloc.kmemstat.vnodes`;
($num) = ($data =~ m/^\(inuse = (\d+), /);
$inode = ($num * 100) / $max;
} elsif($config->{os} eq "NetBSD") {
my $max;
my $num;
my $data;
my $cptime = `sysctl -n kern.cp_time`;
my @tmp = ($cptime =~ m/user = (\d+), nice = (\d+), sys = (\d+), intr = (\d+), idle = (\d+)/);
($user, $nice, $sys, $iow, $idle) = @tmp;
$config->{kern_hist}->{kernel} = join(' ', "cpu", $user, $nice, $sys, $idle, $iow);
open(IN, "vmstat -s |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^\s*(\d+) CPU context switches$/) {
$cs = int($1) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{cs};
$config->{kern_hist}->{cs} = int($1) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{cs};
if(/^\s*(\d+) forks total$/) {
$forks = int($1) unless !$config->{kern_hist}->{forks};
$config->{kern_hist}->{forks} = int($1) unless $config->{kern_hist}->{forks};
$vforks = 0;
open(IN, "pstat -T |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^(\d+)\/(\d+) files$/) {
$file = ($1 * 100) / $2;
$inode = 0;
# Linux 2.4, early Linux 2.6 versions and other systems don't have
# these values.
$iow = 0 unless $iow;
$irq = 0 unless $irq;
$sirq = 0 unless $sirq;
$steal = 0 unless $sirq;
$guest = 0 unless $guest;
$lastiow = 0 unless $lastiow;
$lastirq = 0 unless $lastirq;
$lastsirq = 0 unless $lastsirq;
$laststeal = 0 unless $lastsirq;
$lastguest = 0 unless $lastguest;
if($user >= $lastuser && $nice >= $lastnice && $sys >= $lastsys && $idle >= $lastidle && $iow >= $lastiow && $irq >= $lastirq && $sirq >= $lastsirq && $steal >= $laststeal && $guest >= $lastguest) {
my $user_ = $user - $lastuser;
my $nice_ = $nice - $lastnice;
my $sys_ = $sys - $lastsys;
my $idle_ = $idle - $lastidle;
my $iow_ = $iow - $lastiow;
my $irq_ = $irq - $lastirq;
my $sirq_ = $sirq - $lastsirq;
my $steal_ = $steal - $laststeal;
my $guest_ = $guest - $lastguest;
my $total = $user_ + $nice_ + $sys_ + $idle_ + $iow_ + $irq_ + $sirq_ + $steal_ + $guest_;
$user = ($user_ * 100) / $total;
$nice = ($nice_ * 100) / $total;
$sys = ($sys_ * 100) / $total;
$idle = ($idle_ * 100) / $total;
$iow = ($iow_ * 100) / $total;
$irq = ($irq_ * 100) / $total;
$sirq = ($sirq_ * 100) / $total;
$steal = ($steal_ * 100) / $total;
$guest = ($guest_ * 100) / $total;
} else {
$user = "nan";
$nice = "nan";
$sys = "nan";
$idle = "nan";
$iow = "nan";
$irq = "nan";
$sirq = "nan";
$steal = "nan";
$guest = "nan";
$rrdata .= ":$user:$nice:$sys:$idle:$iow:$irq:$sirq:$steal:$guest:$cs:$dentry:$file:$inode:$forks:$vforks:$val03:$val04:$val05";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub kern_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $kern = $config->{kern};
my @rigid = split(',', $kern->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $kern->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $vlabel;
my $n;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" Kernel usage VFS usage\n");
print("Time User Nice Sys Idle I/Ow IRQ sIRQ Steal Guest Ctxt.Sw Forks VForks dentry file inode\n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
my ($usr, $nic, $sys, $idle, $iow, $irq, $sirq, $steal, $guest, $cs, $dentry, $file, $inode, $forks, $vforks) = @$line;
@row = ($usr, $nic, $sys, $idle, $iow, $irq, $sirq, $steal, $guest, $cs, $forks, $vforks, $dentry, $file, $inode);
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %7d %6d %6d %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% \n", $time, @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
my $PNG1 = $u . $package . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2 = $u . $package . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3 = $u . $package . "3." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG1z = $u . $package . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2z = $u . $package . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3z = $u . $package . "3z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3");
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if(lc($kern->{graph_mode}) eq "r") {
$vlabel = "Percent (%)";
if(lc($kern->{list}->{user}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:user#4444EE:user");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:user#4444EE:user");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{nice}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:nice#EEEE44:nice");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:nice#EEEE44:nice");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{sys}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:sys#44EEEE:system");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:sys#44EEEE:system");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{iow}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:iow#EE44EE:I/O wait");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:iow#EE44EE:I/O wait");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
if(lc($kern->{list}->{irq}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:irq#888888:IRQ");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:irq#888888:IRQ");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{sirq}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:sirq#E29136:softIRQ");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:sirq#E29136:softIRQ");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{steal}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:steal#44EE44:steal");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:steal#44EE44:steal");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{guest}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:guest#448844:guest");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:guest#448844:guest");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:guest#1F881F") unless lc($kern->{list}->{guest} ne "y");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:guest#1F881F") unless lc($kern->{list}->{guest} ne "y");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:steal#00EE00") unless lc($kern->{list}->{steal} ne "y");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:steal#00EE00") unless lc($kern->{list}->{steal} ne "y");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:sirq#D86612") unless lc($kern->{list}->{sirq} ne "y");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:sirq#D86612") unless lc($kern->{list}->{sirq} ne "y");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:irq#CCCCCC") unless lc($kern->{list}->{irq} ne "y");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:irq#CCCCCC") unless lc($kern->{list}->{irq} ne "y");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:iow#EE00EE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{iow} ne "y");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:iow#EE00EE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{iow} ne "y");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:sys#00EEEE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{sys} ne "y");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:sys#00EEEE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{sys} ne "y");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:nice#EEEE00") unless lc($kern->{list}->{nice} ne "y");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:nice#EEEE00") unless lc($kern->{list}->{nice} ne "y");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:user#0000EE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{user} ne "y");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:user#0000EE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{user} ne "y");
} else {
$vlabel = "Stacked Percent (%)";
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_nice=user,nice,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_nice=user,nice,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_sys=s_nice,sys,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_sys=s_nice,sys,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_iow=s_sys,iow,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_iow=s_sys,iow,+");
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_irq=s_iow,irq,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_irq=s_iow,irq,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_sirq=s_irq,sirq,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_sirq=s_irq,sirq,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_steal=s_sirq,steal,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_steal=s_sirq,steal,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_guest=s_steal,guest,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_guest=s_steal,guest,+");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{guest}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_guest#448844:guest");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_guest#448844:guest");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{steal}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_steal#44EE44:steal");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_steal#44EE44:steal");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{sirq}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_sirq#E29136:softIRQ");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_sirq#E29136:softIRQ");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{irq}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_irq#888888:IRQ");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_irq#888888:IRQ");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{iow}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_iow#EE44EE:I/O wait");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_iow#EE44EE:I/O wait");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{sys}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_sys#44EEEE:system");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_sys#44EEEE:system");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{nice}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_nice#EEEE44:nice");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_nice#EEEE44:nice");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{user}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:user#4444EE:user");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:user#4444EE:user");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_guest#1F881F");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_guest#1F881F");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_steal#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_steal#00EE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_sirq#D86612");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_sirq#D86612");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_irq#CCCCCC");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_irq#CCCCCC");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_iow#EE00EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_iow#EE00EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_sys#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_sys#00EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_nice#EEEE00");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_nice#EEEE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:user#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:user#0000EE");
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_kern1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_kern1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /kern1/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:cs#44AAEE:Context switches");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:cs#44AAEE:Context switches");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:cs:LAST: Current\\: %6.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:forks#4444EE:Forks");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:forks#4444EE:Forks");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:forks:LAST: Current\\: %6.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:cs#00EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:forks#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:cs#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:forks#0000EE");
if($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD" || $config->{os} eq "OpenBSD") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:vforks#EE4444:VForks");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:vforks#EE4444:VForks");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:vforks:LAST: Current\\: %6.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:vforks#EE0000");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:vforks#EE0000");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_kern2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"--vertical-label=CS & forks/s",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_kern2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"--vertical-label=CS & forks/s",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /kern2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "'>\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:inode#4444EE:inode");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:inode#4444EE:inode");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:inode:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:dentry#EEEE44:dentry");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:dentry#EEEE44:dentry");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:dentry:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:file#EE44EE:file");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:file#EE44EE:file");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:file:LAST: Current\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:inode#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:inode#0000EE");
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
push(@tmp, "LINE2:dentry#EEEE00");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:dentry#EEEE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:file#EE00EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:file#EE00EE");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_kern3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"--vertical-label=Percent (%)",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_kern3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"--vertical-label=Percent (%)",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /kern3/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package lighttpd;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(lighttpd_init lighttpd_update lighttpd_cgi);
sub lighttpd_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $lighttpd = $config->{lighttpd};
my $info;
my @ds;
my @tmp;
my $n;
if(!scalar(my @ll = split(',', $lighttpd->{list}))) {
logger("$myself: ERROR: missing or not defined 'list' option.");
return 0;
if(-e $rrd) {
$info = RRDs::info($rrd);
for my $key (keys %$info) {
if(index($key, 'ds[') == 0) {
if(index($key, '.type') != -1) {
push(@ds, substr($key, 3, index($key, ']') - 3));
if(scalar(@ds) / 9 != scalar(my @ll = split(',', $lighttpd->{list}))) {
logger("Detected size mismatch between 'list' option (" . scalar(my @ll = split(',', $lighttpd->{list})) . ") and $rrd (" . scalar(@ds) / 9 . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historic data will be lost. Backup file created.");
rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @ll = split(',', $lighttpd->{list})); $n++) {
push(@tmp, "DS:lighttpd" . $n . "_acc:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:lighttpd" . $n . "_kb:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:lighttpd" . $n . "_busy:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:lighttpd" . $n . "_idle:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:lighttpd" . $n . "_val01:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:lighttpd" . $n . "_val02:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:lighttpd" . $n . "_val03:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:lighttpd" . $n . "_val04:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:lighttpd" . $n . "_val05:GAUGE:120:0:U");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
$config->{lighttpd_hist} = ();
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub lighttpd_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $lighttpd = $config->{lighttpd};
my $str;
my $rrdata = "N";
my $n = 0;
foreach(my @ll = split(',', $lighttpd->{list})) {
my $url = trim($_) . "/server-status?auto";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 30);
my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url));
my $acc = 0;
my $kb = 0;
my $busy = 0;
my $idle = 0;
foreach(split('\n', $response->content)) {
if(/^Total Accesses:\s+(\d+)$/) {
$str = $n . "acc";
$acc = $1 - ($config->{lighttpd_hist}->{$str} || 0);
$acc = 0 unless $acc != $1;
$acc /= 60;
$config->{lighttpd_hist}->{$str} = $1;
if(/^Total kBytes:\s+(\d+)$/) {
$str = $n . "kb";
$kb = $1 - ($config->{lighttpd_hist}->{$str} || 0);
$kb = 0 unless $kb != $1;
$config->{lighttpd_hist}->{$str} = $1;
if(/^BusyServers:\s+(\d+)/) {
$busy = int($1);
if(/^IdleServers:\s+(\d+)/) {
$idle = int($1);
$rrdata .= ":$acc:$kb:$busy:$idle:0:0:0:0:0";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub lighttpd_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $lighttpd = $config->{lighttpd};
my @rigid = split(',', $lighttpd->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $lighttpd->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @PNG;
my @PNGz;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my @CDEF;
my $vlabel = "bytes/s";
my $e;
my $e2;
my $n;
my $n2;
my $str;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
$vlabel = "bits/s";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $line1;
my $line2;
my $line3;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" ");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @ll = split(',', $lighttpd->{list})); $n++) {
$line1 = " ";
$line2 .= " Acceses k$vlabel Busy Idle";
$line3 .= "------------------------------------";
if($line1) {
my $i = length($line1);
printf(sprintf("%${i}s", sprintf("%s", trim($ll[$n]))));
print("----$line3 \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
my $from;
my $to;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc}", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @ll = split(',', $lighttpd->{list})); $n2++) {
$from = $n2 * 9;
$to = $from + 9;
push(@row, @$line[$from..$to]);
printf(" %7d %9d %3d %3d", @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @ll = split(',', $lighttpd->{list})); $n++) {
for($n2 = 1; $n2 <= 3; $n2++) {
$str = $u . $package . $n . $n2 . "." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNG, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
$str = $u . $package . $n . $n2 . "z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNGz, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
$e = 0;
foreach my $url (my @ll = split(',', $lighttpd->{list})) {
if($e) {
print(" <br>\n");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle#4444EE:Idle");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle:LAST: Current\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle:MIN: Min\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle:MAX: Max\\: %3.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy#44EEEE:Busy");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy:LAST: Current\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy:MIN: Min\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy:MAX: Max\\: %3.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy#00EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:lighttpd" . $e . "_tot#EE0000");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle#4444EE:Idle");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy#44EEEE:Busy");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:lighttpd" . $e . "_tot#EE0000");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_lighttpd1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy=$rrd:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy:AVERAGE",
"DEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle=$rrd:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle:AVERAGE",
"CDEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_tot=lighttpd" . $e . "_busy,lighttpd" . $e . "_idle,+",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_lighttpd1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy=$rrd:lighttpd" . $e . "_busy:AVERAGE",
"DEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle=$rrd:lighttpd" . $e . "_idle:AVERAGE",
"CDEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_tot=lighttpd" . $e . "_busy,lighttpd" . $e . "_idle,+",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 1;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /lighttpd$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:Bytes#44AAEE:KBytes");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_kb:LAST: Current\\: %6.1lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:lighttpd" . $e . "_kb#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:Bytes#44AAEE:Bytes");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:lighttpd" . $e . "_kb#00EEEE");
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:Bytes=lighttpd" . $e . "_kb,8,*,1024,*");
} else {
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:Bytes=lighttpd" . $e . "_kb,1024,*");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 1]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_lighttpd2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_kb=$rrd:lighttpd" . $e . "_kb:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 1]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_lighttpd2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_kb=$rrd:lighttpd" . $e . "_kb:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 2;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /lighttpd$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:lighttpd" . $e . "_acc#44EE44:Accesses");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:lighttpd" . $e . "_acc:LAST: Current\\: %5.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:lighttpd" . $e . "_acc#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:lighttpd" . $e . "_acc#44EE44:Accesses");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:lighttpd" . $e . "_acc#00EE00");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 2]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_lighttpd3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_acc=$rrd:lighttpd" . $e . "_acc:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 2]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_lighttpd3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:lighttpd" . $e . "_acc=$rrd:lighttpd" . $e . "_acc:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 3;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /lighttpd$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <tr>\n");
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' colspan='2'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n";
print " <font size='-1'>\n";
print " <b style='{color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . "}'>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . trim($url) . "<b>\n";
print " </font></font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package net;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(net_init net_update net_cgi);
sub net_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub net_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $net = $config->{net};
my @net_bytes_in;
my @net_bytes_out;
my @net_packs_in;
my @net_packs_out;
my @net_error_in;
my @net_error_out;
my $n;
my $rrdata = "N";
for($n = 0; $n < 10 ; $n++) {
$net_bytes_in[$n] = 0;
$net_bytes_out[$n] = 0;
$net_packs_in[$n] = 0;
$net_packs_out[$n] = 0;
$net_error_in[$n] = 0;
$net_error_out[$n] = 0;
if($n < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $net->{list}))) {
$nl[$n] = trim($nl[$n]);
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
open(IN, "/proc/net/dev");
while(<IN>) {
my ($dev, $data) = split(':', $_);
if($dev =~ /$nl[$n]/) {
($net_bytes_in[$n], $net_packs_in[$n], $net_error_in[$n], undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $net_bytes_out[$n], $net_packs_out[$n], $net_error_out[$n]) = split(' ', $data);
} elsif($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD") {
open(IN, "netstat -nibd |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/Link/ && /$nl[$n]/) {
# Idrop column added in 8.0
if($config->{kernel} > 7.2) {
(undef, undef, undef, undef, $net_packs_in[$n], $net_error_in[$n], undef, $net_bytes_in[$n], $net_packs_out[$n], $net_error_out[$n], $net_bytes_out[$n]) = split(' ', $_);
} else {
(undef, undef, undef, undef, $net_packs_in[$n], $net_error_in[$n], $net_bytes_in[$n], $net_packs_out[$n], $net_error_out[$n], $net_bytes_out[$n]) = split(' ', $_);
} elsif($config->{os} eq "OpenBSD" || $config->{os} eq "NetBSD") {
open(IN, "netstat -nibd |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/Link/ && /^$nl[$n]/) {
(undef, undef, undef, undef, $net_bytes_in[$n], $net_bytes_out[$n]) = split(' ', $_);
$net_packs_in[$n] = 0;
$net_error_in[$n] = 0;
$net_packs_out[$n] = 0;
$net_error_out[$n] = 0;
$rrdata .= ":$net_bytes_in[$n]:$net_bytes_out[$n]:$net_packs_in[$n]:$net_packs_out[$n]:$net_error_in[$n]:$net_error_out[$n]";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub net_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $net = $config->{net};
my @rigid = split(',', $net->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $net->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my $netname;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my @CDEF;
my $T = "B";
my $vlabel = "bytes/s";
my $n;
my $str;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
$T = "b";
$vlabel = "bits/s";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" ");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $net->{list})); $n++) {
$nl[$n] = trim($nl[$n]);
my $nd = trim((split(',', $net->{desc}->{$nl[$n]}))[0]);
print(trim($nl[$n]) . " ($nd) ");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $net->{list})); $n++) {
print(" K$T/s_I K$T/s_O Pk/s_I Pk/s_O Er/s_I Er/s_O");
print(" \n----");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $net->{list})); $n++) {
print " \n";
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
my $from;
my $to;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc}", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $net->{list})); $n2++) {
$from = $n2 * 6;
$to = $from + 6;
my ($ki, $ko, $pi, $po, $ei, $eo) = @$line[$from..$to];
$ki /= 1024;
$ko /= 1024;
$pi /= 1024;
$po /= 1024;
$ei /= 1024;
$eo /= 1024;
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
$ki *= 8;
$ko *= 8;
@row = ($ki, $ko, $pi, $po, $ei, $eo);
printf(" %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d", @row);
print(" \n");
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
my $PNG1;
my $PNG2;
my $PNG3;
my $PNG1z;
my $PNG2z;
my $PNG3z;
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $net->{list})); $n++) {
$PNG1 = $u . $package . $n . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
$PNG2 = $u . $package . $n . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
$PNG3 = $u . $package . $n . "3." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $PNG1);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $PNG2);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $PNG3);
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
$PNG1z = $u . $package . $n . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
$PNG2z = $u . $package . $n . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
$PNG3z = $u . $package . $n . "3z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $PNG1z);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $PNG2z);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $PNG3z);
$nl[$n] = trim($nl[$n]);
my $nd = trim((split(',', $net->{desc}->{$nl[$n]}))[0]);
if($title) {
if($n) {
print(" <br>\n");
main::graph_header($nl[$n] . " " . $title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:K$T/s Input");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:K_in:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:K_in:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:K_in:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:K_in:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:K$T/s Output");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:K_out:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:K_out:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:K_out:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:K_out:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:B_out#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:B_in#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:Input");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:Output");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:B_out#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:B_in#00EE00");
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_in=in,8,*");
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_out=out,8,*");
} else {
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_in=in");
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_out=out");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"--title=$nl[$n] $nd ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:in=$rrd:net" . $n . "_bytes_in:AVERAGE",
"DEF:out=$rrd:net" . $n . "_bytes_out:AVERAGE",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"--title=$nl[$n] $nd ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:in=$rrd:net" . $n . "_bytes_in:AVERAGE",
"DEF:out=$rrd:net" . $n . "_bytes_out:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z: $err\n") if $err;
$netname="net" . $n . "1";
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /$netname/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:p_in#44EE44:Input");
push(@tmp, "AREA:p_out#4444EE:Output");
push(@tmp, "AREA:p_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmp, "AREA:p_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:p_out#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:p_in#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:p_in#44EE44:Input");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:p_out#4444EE:Output");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:p_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:p_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:p_out#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:p_in#00EE00");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"--title=$nl[$n] $config->{graphs}->{_net2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:p_in=$rrd:net" . $n . "_packs_in:AVERAGE",
"DEF:p_out=$rrd:net" . $n . "_packs_out:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"--title=$nl[$n] $config->{graphs}->{_net2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:p_in=$rrd:net" . $n . "_packs_in:AVERAGE",
"DEF:p_out=$rrd:net" . $n . "_packs_out:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z: $err\n") if $err;
$netname="net" . $n . "2";
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /$netname/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:e_in#44EE44:Input");
push(@tmp, "AREA:e_out#4444EE:Output");
push(@tmp, "AREA:e_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmp, "AREA:e_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:e_out#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:e_in#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:e_in#44EE44:Input");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:e_out#4444EE:Output");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:e_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:e_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:e_out#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:e_in#00EE00");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"--title=$nl[$n] $config->{graphs}->{_net3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:e_in=$rrd:net" . $n . "_error_in:AVERAGE",
"DEF:e_out=$rrd:net" . $n . "_error_out:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"--title=$nl[$n] $config->{graphs}->{_net3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:e_in=$rrd:net" . $n . "_error_in:AVERAGE",
"DEF:e_out=$rrd:net" . $n . "_error_out:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z: $err\n") if $err;
$netname="net" . $n . "3";
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /$netname/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,879 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package nfsc;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(nfsc_init nfsc_update nfsc_cgi);
sub nfsc_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
logger("$myself is not supported yet by your operating system ($config->{os}).");
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub nfsc_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $nfsc = $config->{nfsc};
my @rpc;
my @nfsc;
my $n;
my $rrdata = "N";
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
if(open(IN, "/proc/net/rpc/nfs")) {
while(<IN>) {
if(/^rpc\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/) {
@rpc = ($1, $2, $3);
if(/^proc$nfsc->{version} /) {
my @tmp = split(' ', $_);
(undef, undef, @nfsc) = @tmp;
} else {
logger("$myself: it doesn't seems you have a NFS client running in this machine.");
for($n = 0; $n < 50; $n++) {
if(!defined($nfsc[$n])) {
$nfsc[$n] = 0;
$rrdata .= ":" . $nfsc[$n];
$rrdata .= ":$rpc[0]:$rpc[1]:$rpc[2]:0:0";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub nfsc_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $nfsc = $config->{nfsc};
my @rigid = split(',', $nfsc->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $nfsc->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my @tmp1;
my @tmp2;
my @tmp1z;
my @tmp2z;
my @DEF;
my $n;
my $err;
my @AC = (
my @LC = (
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
my @nfsv2 = ("null", "getattr", "setattr", "root", "lookup", "readlink", "read", "wrcache", "write", "create", "remove", "rename", "link", "symlink", "mkdir", "rmdir", "readdir", "fsstat");
my @nfsv3 = ("null", "getattr", "setattr", "lookup", "access", "readlink", "read", "write", "create", "mkdir", "symlink", "mknod", "remove", "rmdir", "rename", "link", "readdir", "readdirplus", "fsstat", "fsinfo", "pathconf", "commit");
my @nfscv4 = ("null", "read", "write", "commit", "open", "open_conf", "open_noat", "open_dgrd", "close", "setattr", "fsinfo", "renew", "setclntid", "confirm", "lock", "lockt", "locku", "access", "getattr", "lookup", "lookup_root", "remove", "rename", "link", "symlink", "create", "pathconf", "statfs", "readlink", "readdir", "server_caps", "delegreturn", "getacl", "setacl", "fs_locations", "exchange_id", "create_ses", "destroy_ses", "sequence", "get_lease_t", "reclaim_comp", "layoutget", "layoutcommit", "layoutreturn", "getdevlist", "getdevinfo", "ds_write", "ds_commit");
my @nfsv;
# default version is NFS v3
if($nfsc->{version} eq "2") {
@nfsv = @nfsv2;
} elsif($nfsc->{version} eq "4") {
@nfsv = @nfscv4;
} else {
@nfsv = @nfsv3;
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
$title =~ s/NFS/NFS v$nfsc->{version}/;
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $str;
my $line1;
my $line2;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
foreach my $t (@nfsv) {
$str = sprintf("%12s ", $t);
$line1 .= $str;
$line2 .= "-------------";
$line1 .= sprintf("%12s %12s %12s", "calls", "retrans", "authrefrsh");
$line2 .= "-------------" . "-------------" . "-------------";
print("Time $line1\n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
my @nfs;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
(@nfs) = @$line[0..scalar(@nfsv) - 1];
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(@nfs);$n2++) {
push(@row, $nfs[$n2]);
$line1 .= "%12d ";
push(@row, @$line[50..52]);
$line1 .= "%12d %12d %12d ";
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} $line1\n", $time, @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
my $PNG1 = $u . $package . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2 = $u . $package . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3 = $u . $package . "3." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG4 = $u . $package . "4." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG5 = $u . $package . "5." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG6 = $u . $package . "6." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG1z = $u . $package . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2z = $u . $package . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3z = $u . $package . "3z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG4z = $u . $package . "4z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG5z = $u . $package . "5z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG6z = $u . $package . "6z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG4",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG5",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG6");
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG4z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG5z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG6z");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
for($n = 0; $n < 10; $n++) {
my $str = trim((split(',', $nfsc->{graph_0}))[$n]) || "";
if(grep { $_ eq $str } @nfsv) {
my ($i) = grep { $nfsv[$_] eq $str } 0..$#nfsv;
push(@DEF, "DEF:nfs_$i=$rrd:nfsc_$i:AVERAGE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:LAST: Cur\\: %6.1lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %6.1lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:MIN: Min\\: %6.1lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:MAX: Max\\: %6.1lf\\n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
} else {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nfsc1/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
for($n = 0; $n < 10; $n++) {
my $str = trim((split(',', $nfsc->{graph_1}))[$n]) || "";
if(grep { $_ eq $str } @nfsv) {
my ($i) = grep { $nfsv[$_] eq $str } 0..$#nfsv;
push(@DEF, "DEF:nfs_$i=$rrd:nfsc_$i:AVERAGE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:LAST: Cur\\: %6.1lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %6.1lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:MIN: Min\\: %6.1lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:MAX: Max\\: %6.1lf\\n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
} else {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nfsc2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
for($n = 0; $n < 4; $n++) {
my $str = trim((split(',', $nfsc->{graph_2}))[$n]) || "";
if(grep { $_ eq $str } @nfsv) {
my ($i) = grep { $nfsv[$_] eq $str } 0..$#nfsv;
push(@DEF, "DEF:nfs_$i=$rrd:nfsc_$i:AVERAGE");
push(@tmp1, "AREA:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
push(@tmp1, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:LAST: Current\\: %6.1lf\\n");
push(@tmp2, "LINE1:nfs_$i$LC[$n]");
push(@tmp1z, "AREA:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
push(@tmp2z, "LINE1:nfs_$i$LC[$n]");
} else {
push(@tmp1, "COMMENT: \\n");
@tmp = (@tmp1, @tmp2);
@tmpz = (@tmp1z, @tmp2z);
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nfsc3/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[3]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[3]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[3]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[3]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
for($n = 0; $n < 4; $n++) {
my $str = trim((split(',', $nfsc->{graph_3}))[$n]) || "";
if(grep { $_ eq $str } @nfsv) {
my ($i) = grep { $nfsv[$_] eq $str } 0..$#nfsv;
push(@DEF, "DEF:nfs_$i=$rrd:nfsc_$i:AVERAGE");
push(@tmp1, "AREA:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
push(@tmp1, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:LAST: Current\\: %6.1lf\\n");
push(@tmp2, "LINE1:nfs_$i$LC[$n]");
push(@tmp1z, "AREA:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
push(@tmp2z, "LINE1:nfs_$i$LC[$n]");
} else {
push(@tmp1, "COMMENT: \\n");
@tmp = (@tmp1, @tmp2);
@tmpz = (@tmp1z, @tmp2z);
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG4",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc4} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG4: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG4z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc4} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG4z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nfsc4/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG4z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG4 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG4z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG4 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG4 . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[4]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[4]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[4]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[4]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
for($n = 0; $n < 4; $n++) {
my $str = trim((split(',', $nfsc->{graph_4}))[$n]);
if(grep { $_ eq $str } @nfsv) {
my ($i) = grep { $nfsv[$_] eq $str } 0..$#nfsv;
push(@DEF, "DEF:nfs_$i=$rrd:nfsc_$i:AVERAGE");
push(@tmp1, "AREA:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
push(@tmp1, "GPRINT:nfs_$i:LAST: Current\\: %6.1lf\\n");
push(@tmp2, "LINE1:nfs_$i$LC[$n]");
push(@tmp1z, "AREA:nfs_$i$AC[$n]:" . sprintf("%-12s", $str));
push(@tmp2z, "LINE1:nfs_$i$LC[$n]");
} else {
push(@tmp1, "COMMENT: \\n");
@tmp = (@tmp1, @tmp2);
@tmpz = (@tmp1z, @tmp2z);
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG5",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc5} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG5: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG5z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc5} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG5z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nfsc5/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG5z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG5 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG5z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG5 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG5 . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[5]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[5]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[5]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[5]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:calls#44EEEE:Calls");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:calls:LAST: Current\\: %7.1lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:retrans#EEEE44:Retransmissions");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:retrans:LAST: Current\\: %7.1lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:authref#EE4444:Auth Refresh");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:authref:LAST: Current\\: %7.1lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:calls#00EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:retrans#EEEE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:authref#EE0000");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:calls#44EEEE:Calls");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:retrans#EEEE44:Retransmissions");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:authref#EE4444:Auth Refresh");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:calls#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:retrans#EEEE00");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:authref#EE0000");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG6",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc6} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG6: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG6z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nfsc6} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG6z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nfsc6/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG6z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG6 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG6z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG6 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG6 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package nginx;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(nginx_init nginx_update nginx_cgi);
sub nginx_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $nginx = $config->{nginx};
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
if(!defined($rrd)) {
logger("$myself: ERROR: undefined 'port' option.");
return 0;
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
system("iptables -N nginx_IN 2>/dev/null");
system("iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport $nginx->{port} -j nginx_IN -c 0 0");
system("iptables -N nginx_OUT 2>/dev/null");
system("iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport $nginx->{port} -j nginx_OUT -c 0 0");
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
system("ipfw delete $nginx->{rule} 2>/dev/null");
system("ipfw -q add $nginx->{rule} count tcp from me $nginx->{port} to any");
system("ipfw -q add $nginx->{rule} count tcp from any to me $nginx->{port}");
$config->{nginx_hist} = ();
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub nginx_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $nginx = $config->{nginx};
my $reqs;
my $tot;
my $reads;
my $writes;
my $waits;
my $in;
my $out;
my $val;
my $url = "" . $nginx->{port} . "/nginx_status";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 30);
my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url));
my $rrdata = "N";
foreach(split('\n', $response->content)) {
if(/^Active connections:\s+(\d+)\s*/) {
$tot = $1;
if(/^\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*/) {
$reqs = $3 - ($config->{nginx_hist}->{'requests'} || 0);
$reqs = 0 unless $reqs != $3;
$config->{nginx_hist}->{'requests'} = $3;
if(/^Reading:\s+(\d+).*Writing:\s+(\d+).*Waiting:\s+(\d+)\s*/) {
$reads = $1;
$writes = $2;
$waits = $3;
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
open(IN, "iptables -nxvL INPUT |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/ nginx_IN /) {
(undef, $val) = split(' ', $_);
$in = $val - ($config->{nginx_hist}->{'in'} || 0);
$in = 0 unless $in != $val;
$config->{nginx_hist}->{'in'} = $val;
$in /= 60;
open(IN, "iptables -nxvL OUTPUT |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/ nginx_OUT /) {
(undef, $val) = split(' ', $_);
$out = $val - ($config->{nginx_hist}->{'out'} || 0);
$out = 0 unless $out != $val;
$config->{nginx_hist}->{'out'} = $val;
$out /= 60;
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
open(IN, "ipfw show $nginx->{rule} 2>/dev/null |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/ from any to me dst-port $nginx->{port}$/) {
(undef, undef, $val) = split(' ', $_);
$in = $val - ($config->{nginx_hist}->{'in'} || 0);
$in = 0 unless $in != $val;
$config->{nginx_hist}->{'in'} = $val;
$in /= 60;
if(/ from me $nginx->{port} to any$/) {
(undef, undef, $val) = split(' ', $_);
$out = $val - ($config->{nginx_hist}->{'out'} || 0);
$out = 0 unless $out != $val;
$config->{nginx_hist}->{'out'} = $val;
$out /= 60;
$rrdata .= ":$reqs:$tot:$reads:$writes:$waits:$in:$out";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub nginx_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $nginx = $config->{nginx};
my @rigid = split(',', $nginx->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $nginx->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @warning;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my @CDEF;
my $T = "B";
my $vlabel = "bytes/s";
my $n;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
$T = "b";
$vlabel = "bits/s";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print("Time Total Reading Writing Waiting Requests K$T/s_I K$T/s_O\n");
print("------------------------------------------------------------------ \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
my ($req, $tot, $rea, $wri, $wai, $ki, $ko) = @$line;
$ki /= 1024;
$ko /= 1024;
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
$ki *= 8;
$ko *= 8;
@row = ($tot, $rea, $wri, $wai, $req, $ki, $ko);
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", $time, @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
my $PNG1 = $u . $package . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2 = $u . $package . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3 = $u . $package . "3." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG1z = $u . $package . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2z = $u . $package . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3z = $u . $package . "3z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3");
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:total#44EEEE:Total");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:total:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:total:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:total:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:total:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:reading#44EE44:Reading");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:reading:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:reading:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:reading:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:reading:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:writing#4444EE:Writing");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:writing:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:writing:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:writing:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:writing:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:waiting#EE44EE:Waiting");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:waiting:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:waiting:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:waiting:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:waiting:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:total#00EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:reading#00EE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:writing#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:waiting#EE00EE");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:total#44EEEE:Total");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:reading#44EE44:Reading");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:writing#4444EE:Writing");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:waiting#EE44EE:Waiting");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:total#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:reading#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:writing#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:waiting#EE00EE");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nginx1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nginx1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nginx1/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:requests#44EEEE:Requests");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:requests:LAST: Current\\: %5.1lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:requests#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:requests#44EEEE:Requests");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:requests#00EEEE");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nginx2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nginx2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nginx2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "'>\n");
my $pnum;
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
open(IN, "netstat -nl --tcp |");
while(<IN>) {
(undef, undef, undef, $pnum) = split(' ', $_);
$pnum =~ s/.*://;
if($pnum eq $nginx->{port}) {
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
open(IN, "netstat -anl -p tcp |");
my $stat;
while(<IN>) {
(undef, undef, undef, $pnum, undef, $stat) = split(' ', $_);
if($stat eq "LISTEN") {
($pnum) = ($pnum =~ m/^.*?(\.\d+$)/);
$pnum =~ s/\.//;
if($pnum eq $nginx->{port}) {
if($pnum ne $nginx->{port}) {
push(@warning, $colors->{warning_color});
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:Input");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:Output");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:B_out#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:B_in#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:Input");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:Output");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:B_out#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:B_in#00EE00");
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_in=in,8,*");
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_out=out,8,*");
} else {
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_in=in");
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_out=out");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nginx3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nginx3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nginx3/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package ntp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(ntp_init ntp_update ntp_cgi);
sub ntp_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $ntp = $config->{ntp};
my $info;
my @ds;
my @tmp;
my $n;
if(-e $rrd) {
$info = RRDs::info($rrd);
for my $key (keys %$info) {
if(index($key, 'ds[') == 0) {
if(index($key, '.type') != -1) {
push(@ds, substr($key, 3, index($key, ']') - 3));
if(scalar(@ds) / 14 != scalar(my @nl = split(',', $ntp->{list}))) {
logger("Detected size mismatch between 'list' (" . scalar(my @nl = split(',', $ntp->{list})) . ") and $rrd (" . scalar(@ds) / 14 . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historic data will be lost. Backup file created.");
rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $ntp->{list})); $n++) {
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_del:GAUGE:120:U:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_off:GAUGE:120:U:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_jit:GAUGE:120:U:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_str:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c01:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c02:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c03:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c04:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c05:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c06:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c07:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c08:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c09:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:ntp" . $n . "_c10:GAUGE:120:0:U");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub ntp_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $ntp = $config->{ntp};
my @data;
my $del;
my $off;
my $jit;
my $str;
my $cod;
my $n;
my $rrdata = "N";
my $e = 0;
foreach my $h (split(',', $ntp->{list})) {
$h = trim($h);
open(IN, "ntpq -pn $h |");
@data = <IN>;
$cod = $str = $del = $off = $jit = 0;
foreach(@data) {
if(/^\*/) {
(undef, $cod, $str, undef, undef, undef, undef, $del, $off, $jit) = split(' ', $_);
$cod =~ s/\.//g;
$del = 0 unless defined($del);
$off = 0 unless defined($off);
$jit = 0 unless defined($jit);
$str = 0 unless defined($str);
$del /= 1000;
$off /= 1000;
$jit /= 1000;
$rrdata .= ":$del:$off:$jit:$str";
my @i = split(',', $ntp->{desc}->{$h});
for($n = 0; $n < 10; $n++) {
if($cod eq trim($i[$n])) {
$rrdata .= ":1";
} else {
$rrdata .= ":0";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub ntp_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $ntp = $config->{ntp};
my @rigid = split(',', $ntp->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $ntp->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @PNG;
my @PNGz;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $e;
my $e2;
my $n;
my $n2;
my $str;
my $err;
my @AC = (
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $line1;
my $line2;
my $line3;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" ");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $ntp->{list})); $n++) {
my $l = trim($nl[$n]);
$line1 = " ";
$line2 .= " Delay Offset Jitter Str";
$line3 .= "----------------------------------";
foreach (split(',', $ntp->{desc}->{$l})) {
$line1 .= " ";
$line2 .= sprintf(" %4s", trim($_));
$line3 .= "-----";
if($line1) {
my $i = length($line1);
printf(sprintf("%${i}s", sprintf("NTP Server: %s", $l)));
print("----$line3 \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
my $n3;
my $from;
my $to;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc}", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $ntp->{list})); $n2++) {
my $l = trim($nl[$n2]);
$from = $n2 * 14;
$to = $from + 4;
push(@row, @$line[$from..$to]);
printf(" %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %2d ", @row);
for($n3 = 0; $n3 < scalar(my @i = (split(',', $ntp->{desc}->{$l}))); $n3++) {
$from = $n2 * 14 + 4 + $n3;
my ($c) = @$line[$from] || 0;
printf(" %4d", $c);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $ntp->{list})); $n++) {
for($n2 = 1; $n2 <= 3; $n2++) {
$str = $u . $package . $n . $n2 . "." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNG, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
$str = $u . $package . $n . $n2 . "z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNGz, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
$e = 0;
foreach my $host (split(',', $ntp->{list})) {
$host = trim($host);
if($e) {
print(" <br>\n");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_del#4444EE:Delay");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_del" . ":LAST: Current\\:%6.3lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_del" . ":AVERAGE: Average\\:%6.3lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_del" . ":MIN: Min\\:%6.3lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_del" . ":MAX: Max\\:%6.3lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_off#44EEEE:Offset");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_off" . ":LAST: Current\\:%6.3lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_off" . ":AVERAGE: Average\\:%6.3lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_off" . ":MIN: Min\\:%6.3lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_off" . ":MAX: Max\\:%6.3lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_jit#EE4444:Jitter");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_jit" . ":LAST: Current\\:%6.3lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_jit" . ":AVERAGE: Average\\:%6.3lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_jit" . ":MIN: Min\\:%6.3lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_jit" . ":MAX: Max\\:%6.3lf\\n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_del#4444EE:Delay");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_off#44EEEE:Offset");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_jit#EE4444:Jitter");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_ntp1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_del=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_del:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_off=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_off:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_jit=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_jit:AVERAGE",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n",);
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$e * 3]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_ntp1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_del=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_del:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_off=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_off:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_jit=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_jit:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$e * 3]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 1;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /ntp$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_str#44EEEE:Stratum");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:ntp" . $e . "_str" . ":LAST: Current\\:%2.0lf\\n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_str#44EEEE:Stratum");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1],
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_ntp2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_str=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_str:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . ": $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1],
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_ntp2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_str=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_str:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1] . ": $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 2;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /ntp$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 1] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 1] . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
my @i = split(',', $ntp->{desc}->{$host});
for($n = 0; $n < 10; $n++) {
if(trim($i[$n])) {
$str = sprintf("%-4s", trim($i[$n]));
push(@tmp, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_c" . sprintf("%02d", ($n + 1)) . $AC[$n] . ":$str");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\g");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:ntp" . $e . "_c" . sprintf("%02d", ($n + 1)) . $AC[$n] . ":$str");
if(!(($n + 1) % 5)) {
push(@tmp, ("COMMENT: \\n"));
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2],
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_ntp3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c01=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c01:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c02=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c02:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c03=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c03:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c04=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c04:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c05=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c05:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c06=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c06:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c07=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c07:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c08=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c08:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c09=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c09:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c10=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c10:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . ": $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2],
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_ntp3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c01=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c01:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c02=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c02:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c03=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c03:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c04=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c04:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c05=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c05:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c06=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c06:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c07=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c07:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c08=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c08:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c09=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c09:AVERAGE",
"DEF:ntp" . $e . "_c10=$rrd:ntp" . $e . "_c10:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2] . ": $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 3;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /ntp$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$e * 3 + 2] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$e * 3 + 2] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <tr>\n");
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' colspan='2'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n";
print " <font size='-1'>\n";
print " <b style='{color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . "}'>&nbsp;&nbsp;$host<b>\n";
print " </font></font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package nvidia;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(nvidia_init nvidia_update nvidia_cgi);
sub nvidia_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub nvidia_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $nvidia = $config->{nvidia};
my @temp;
my @gpu;
my @mem;
my @data;
my $utilization;
my $l;
my $n;
my $rrdata = "N";
for($n = 0; $n < 9; $n++) {
$temp[$n] = 0;
$gpu[$n] = 0;
$mem[$n] = 0;
if($n < $nvidia->{max}) {
($mem[$n], $gpu[$n], $temp[$n]) = split(' ', get_nvidia_data($n));
if(!$temp[$n] && !$gpu[$n] && !$mem[$n]) {
# attempt to get data using the old driver version
$utilization = 0;
open(IN, "nvidia-smi -g $n |");
@data = <IN>;
for($l = 0; $l < scalar(@data); $l++) {
if($data[$l] =~ /Temperature/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$temp[$n] = int($value);
if($data[$l] =~ /Utilization/) {
$utilization = 1;
if($utilization == 1) {
if($data[$l] =~ /GPU/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$gpu[$n] = int($value);
if($data[$l] =~ /Memory/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$mem[$n] = int($value);
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@temp); $n++) {
$rrdata .= ":$temp[$n]";
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@gpu); $n++) {
$rrdata .= ":$gpu[$n]";
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@mem); $n++) {
$rrdata .= ":$mem[$n]";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub nvidia_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $nvidia = $config->{nvidia};
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $n;
my $err;
my @LC = (
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $line1;
my $line2;
my $line3;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" ");
for($n = 0; $n < $nvidia->{max}; $n++) {
print(" NVIDIA card $n");
for($n = 0; $n < $nvidia->{max}; $n++) {
$line2 .= " Temp GPU Mem";
$line3 .= "-----------------";
print("----$line3 \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} ", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < $nvidia->{max}; $n2++) {
push(@row, @$line[$n2]);
push(@row, @$line[$n2 + 9]);
push(@row, @$line[$n2 + 18]);
$line1 .= " %3d %3d%% %3d%%";
print(sprintf($line1, @row));
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
my $PNG1 = $u . $package . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2 = $u . $package . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3 = $u . $package . "3." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG1z = $u . $package . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2z = $u . $package . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3z = $u . $package . "3z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3");
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
for($n = 0; $n < 9; $n++) {
if($n < $nvidia->{max}) {
push(@tmp, "LINE2:temp" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":Card $n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:temp" . $n . $LC[$n] . ":Card $n");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":LAST: Current\\: %2.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":AVERAGE: Average\\: %2.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":MIN: Min\\: %2.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:temp" . $n . ":MAX: Max\\: %2.0lf\\n");
} else {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nvidia1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nvidia1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nvidia1/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:gpu0#FFA500:Card 0\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:gpu0:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:gpu3#4444EE:Card 3\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:gpu3:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:gpu6#EE44EE:Card 6\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:gpu6:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:gpu1#44EEEE:Card 1\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:gpu1:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:gpu4#448844:Card 4\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:gpu4:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:gpu7#EEEE44:Card 7\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:gpu7:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:gpu2#44EE44:Card 2\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:gpu2:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:gpu5#EE4444:Card 5\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:gpu5:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:gpu8#963C74:Card 8\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:gpu8:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%\\n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:gpu0#FFA500:Card 0");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:gpu3#4444EE:Card 3");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:gpu6#EE44EE:Card 6");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:gpu1#44EEEE:Card 1");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:gpu4#448844:Card 4");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:gpu7#EEEE44:Card 7");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:gpu2#44EE44:Card 2");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:gpu5#EE4444:Card 5");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:gpu8#963C74:Card 8");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nvidia2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"COMMENT: \\n",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nvidia2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nvidia2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "'>\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:mem0#FFA500:Card 0\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mem0:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:mem3#4444EE:Card 3\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mem3:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:mem6#EE44EE:Card 6\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mem6:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:mem1#44EEEE:Card 1\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mem1:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:mem4#448844:Card 4\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mem4:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:mem7#EEEE44:Card 7\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mem7:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:mem2#44EE44:Card 2\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mem2:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:mem5#EE4444:Card 5\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mem5:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:mem8#963C74:Card 8\\g");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mem8:LAST:\\:%3.0lf%%\\n");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mem0#FFA500:Card 0");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mem3#4444EE:Card 3");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mem6#EE44EE:Card 6");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mem1#44EEEE:Card 1");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mem4#448844:Card 4");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mem7#EEEE44:Card 7");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mem2#44EE44:Card 2");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mem5#EE4444:Card 5");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mem8#963C74:Card 8");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nvidia3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"COMMENT: \\n",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_nvidia3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /nvidia3/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package port;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(port_init port_update port_cgi);
sub port_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $port = $config->{port};
my $info;
my @ds;
my @tmp;
my $n;
if(-e $rrd) {
$info = RRDs::info($rrd);
for my $key (keys %$info) {
if(index($key, 'ds[') == 0) {
if(index($key, '.type') != -1) {
push(@ds, substr($key, 3, index($key, ']') - 3));
if(scalar(@ds) / 2 != $port->{max}) {
logger("Detected size mismatch between 'max = $port->{max}' and $rrd (" . scalar(@ds) / 2 . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historic data will be lost. Backup file created.");
rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
for($n = 0; $n < $port->{max}; $n++) {
push(@tmp, "DS:port" . $n . "_in:GAUGE:120:0:U");
push(@tmp, "DS:port" . $n . "_out:GAUGE:120:0:U");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
my $num;
my @line;
# set the iptables rules for each defined port
my @pl = split(',', $port->{list});
for($n = 0; $n < $port->{max}; $n++) {
$pl[$n] = trim($pl[$n]);
if($pl[$n]) {
my $p = lc((split(',', $port->{desc}->{$pl[$n]}))[1]) || "all";
system("iptables -N monitorix_IN_$n 2>/dev/null");
system("iptables -I INPUT -p $p --dport $pl[$n] -j monitorix_IN_$n -c 0 0");
system("iptables -N monitorix_OUT_$n 2>/dev/null");
system("iptables -I OUTPUT -p $p --sport $pl[$n] -j monitorix_OUT_$n -c 0 0");
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
# set the ipfw rules for each defined port
my @pl = split(',', $port->{list});
for($n = 0; $n < $port->{max}; $n++) {
$pl[$n] = trim($pl[$n]);
if($pl[$n]) {
my $p = lc((split(',', $port->{desc}->{$pl[$n]}))[1]) || "all";
system("ipfw -q add $port->{rule} count $p from me $pl[$n] to any");
system("ipfw -q add $port->{rule} count $p from any to me $pl[$n]");
$config->{port_hist_in} = ();
$config->{port_hist_out} = ();
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub port_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $port = $config->{port};
my @in;
my @out;
my $n;
my $rrdata = "N";
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
open(IN, "iptables -nxvL INPUT |");
while(<IN>) {
for($n = 0; $n < $port->{max}; $n++) {
$in[$n] = 0 unless $in[$n];
if(/ monitorix_IN_$n /) {
my (undef, $bytes) = split(' ', $_);
$in[$n] = $bytes - ($config->{port_hist_in}[$n] || 0);
$in[$n] = 0 unless $in[$n] != $bytes;
$config->{port_hist_in}[$n] = $bytes;
$in[$n] /= 60;
open(IN, "iptables -nxvL OUTPUT |");
while(<IN>) {
for($n = 0; $n < $port->{max}; $n++) {
$out[$n] = 0 unless $out[$n];
if(/ monitorix_OUT_$n /) {
my (undef, $bytes) = split(' ', $_);
$out[$n] = $bytes - ($config->{port_hist_out}[$n] || 0);
$out[$n] = 0 unless $out[$n] != $bytes;
$config->{port_hist_out}[$n] = $bytes;
$out[$n] /= 60;
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
my @pl = split(',', $port->{list});
open(IN, "ipfw show $port->{rule} 2>/dev/null |");
while(<IN>) {
for($n = 0; $n < $port->{max}; $n++) {
$in[$n] = 0 unless $in[$n];
$pl[$n] = trim($pl[$n]);
if(/ from any to me dst-port $pl[$n]$/) {
my (undef, undef, $bytes) = split(' ', $_);
$in[$n] = $bytes;
$out[$n] = 0 unless $out[$n];
if(/ from me $pl[$n] to any$/) {
my (undef, undef, $bytes) = split(' ', $_);
$out[$n] = $bytes;
for($n = 0; $n < $port->{max}; $n++) {
$rrdata .= ":$in[$n]:$out[$n]";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub port_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $port = $config->{port};
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @warning;
my @PNG;
my @PNGz;
my $name;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my @CDEF;
my $T = "B";
my $vlabel = "bytes/s";
my $n;
my $n2;
my $str;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
$T = "b";
$vlabel = "bits/s";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $line1;
my $line2;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" ");
for($n = 0; $n < $port->{max} && $n < scalar(my @pl = split(',', $port->{list})); $n++) {
$pl[$n] = trim($pl[$n]);
my $pn = trim((split(',', $port->{desc}->{$pl[$n]}))[0]);
printf(" %-5s %-8s", $pl[$n], $pn);
$line1 .= " K$T/s_I K$T/s_O";
$line2 .= "-----------------";
print("----$line2 \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $n2;
my $from;
my $to;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} ", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < $port->{max} && $n2 < scalar(my @pl = split(',', $port->{list})); $n2++) {
$from = $n2 * 2;
$to = $from + 1;
my ($kin, $kout) = @$line[$from..$to];
$kin /= 1024;
$kout /= 1024;
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
$kin *= 8;
$kout *= 8;
@row = ($kin, $kout);
printf(" %6d %6d ", @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
for($n = 0; $n < $port->{max}; $n++) {
$str = $u . $package . $n . "." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNG, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
$str = $u . $package . $n . "z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNGz, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
$n = 0;
while($n < $port->{max} && $n < scalar(my @pl = split(',', $port->{list}))) {
if($title) {
if($n == 0) {
main::graph_header($title, $port->{graphs_per_row});
print(" <tr>\n");
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < $port->{graphs_per_row}; $n2++) {
last unless ($n < $port->{max} && $n < scalar(@pl));
if($title) {
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
my $pnum;
$pl[$n] = trim($pl[$n]);
my $pn = trim((split(',', $port->{desc}->{$pl[$n]}))[0]);
my $pp = trim((split(',', $port->{desc}->{$pl[$n]}))[1]);
my $prig = trim((split(',', $port->{desc}->{$pl[$n]}))[2]);
my $plim = trim((split(',', $port->{desc}->{$pl[$n]}))[3]);
if(trim($prig) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($plim));
} else {
if(trim($prig) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($plim));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
open(IN, "netstat -nl --$pp |");
while(<IN>) {
(undef, undef, undef, $pnum) = split(' ', $_);
$pnum =~ s/.*://;
if($pnum eq $pl[$n]) {
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD")) {
open(IN, "netstat -anl -p $pp |");
while(<IN>) {
my $stat;
(undef, undef, undef, $pnum, undef, $stat) = split(' ', $_);
if($stat eq "LISTEN") {
($pnum) = ($pnum =~ m/^.*?(\.\d+$)/);
$pnum =~ s/\.//;
if($pnum eq $pl[$n]) {
if($pnum ne $pl[$n]) {
push(@warning, $colors->{warning_color});
$name = substr($pn, 0, 15);
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:Input");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:Output");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmp, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:B_out#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:B_in#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:Input");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:Output");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_out#4444EE:");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:B_in#44EE44:");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:B_out#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:B_in#00EE00");
if(lc($config->{netstats_in_bps}) eq "y") {
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_in=in,8,*");
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_out=out,8,*");
} else {
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_in=in");
push(@CDEF, "CDEF:B_out=out");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{mini});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$n]",
"--title=$name traffic ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:in=$rrd:port" . $n . "_in:AVERAGE",
"DEF:out=$rrd:port" . $n . "_out:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$n]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$n]",
"--title=$name traffic ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:in=$rrd:port" . $n . "_in:AVERAGE",
"DEF:out=$rrd:port" . $n . "_out:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$n]: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /port$n/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$n] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$n] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$n] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$n] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$n] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </tr>\n");
if($title) {
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package proc;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(proc_init proc_update proc_cgi);
sub proc_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $proc = $config->{proc};
my $info;
my @ds;
my @tmp;
my $n;
if(!grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("Linux", "FreeBSD")) {
logger("$myself is not supported yet by your operating system ($config->{os}).");
if(-e $rrd) {
$info = RRDs::info($rrd);
for my $key (keys %$info) {
if(index($key, 'ds[') == 0) {
if(index($key, '.type') != -1) {
push(@ds, substr($key, 3, index($key, ']') - 3));
if(scalar(@ds) / 9 != $proc->{max}) {
logger("Detected size mismatch between 'max = $proc->{max}' and $rrd (" . scalar(@ds) / 9 . "). Resizing it accordingly. All historic data will be lost. Backup file created.");
rename($rrd, "$rrd.bak");
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
for($n = 0; $n < $proc->{max}; $n++) {
push(@tmp, "DS:proc" . $n . "_user:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:proc" . $n . "_nice:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:proc" . $n . "_sys:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:proc" . $n . "_idle:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:proc" . $n . "_iow:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:proc" . $n . "_irq:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:proc" . $n . "_sirq:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:proc" . $n . "_steal:GAUGE:120:0:100");
push(@tmp, "DS:proc" . $n . "_guest:GAUGE:120:0:100");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
$config->{proc_hist} = ();
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub proc_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $proc = $config->{proc};
my @procs;
my $total;
my $n;
my @lastproc;
my @p;
my @l;
my $rrdata = "N";
# Read last processor usage data
my $str;
for($n = 0; $n < $proc->{max}; $n++) {
$str = "cpu" . $n;
if($config->{proc_hist}->{$str}) {
push(@lastproc, $config->{proc_hist}->{$str});
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
open(IN, "/proc/stat");
while(<IN>) {
for($n = 0; $n < $proc->{max}; $n++) {
$str = "cpu" . $n;
if(/^cpu$n /) {
$config->{proc_hist}->{$str} = $_;
push(@procs, $config->{proc_hist}->{$str});
} elsif($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD") {
my $cptimes;
my @tmp;
my $from;
my $to;
my $ncpu = `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`;
open(IN, "sysctl -n kern.cp_times |");
my @data = split(' ', <IN>);
for($n = 0; $n < $proc->{max}; $n++) {
$str = "cpu" . $n;
$from = $n * 5;
$to = $from + 4;
@tmp = @data[$from..$to];
@tmp[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] = @tmp[0, 1, 2, 4, 3];
$cptimes = join(' ', @tmp);
$cptimes = $str . " " . $cptimes;
$config->{proc_hist}->{$str} = $cptimes;
push(@procs, $cptimes);
my @deltas;
for($n = 0; $n < $proc->{max}; $n++) {
if($procs[$n]) {
@p = split(' ', $procs[$n]);
@l = (0) x 10;
@l = split(' ', $lastproc[$n]) if $lastproc[$n];
@deltas = (
# $p[0] and $l[0] are the 'cpu' word
$p[1] - $l[1], # user
$p[2] - $l[2], # nice
$p[3] - $l[3], # sys
$p[4] - $l[4], # idle
$p[5] - $l[5], # iow
$p[6] - $l[6], # irq
$p[7] - $l[7], # sirq
$p[8] - $l[8], # steal
$p[9] - $l[9], # guest
$total = $deltas[0] + $deltas[1] + $deltas[2] + $deltas[3] + $deltas[4] + $deltas[5] + $deltas[6] + $deltas[7] + $deltas[8];
push(@p, $deltas[0] ? ($deltas[0] * 100) / $total : 0);
push(@p, $deltas[1] ? ($deltas[1] * 100) / $total : 0);
push(@p, $deltas[2] ? ($deltas[2] * 100) / $total : 0);
push(@p, $deltas[3] ? ($deltas[3] * 100) / $total : 0);
push(@p, $deltas[4] ? ($deltas[4] * 100) / $total : 0);
push(@p, $deltas[5] ? ($deltas[5] * 100) / $total : 0);
push(@p, $deltas[6] ? ($deltas[6] * 100) / $total : 0);
push(@p, $deltas[7] ? ($deltas[7] * 100) / $total : 0);
push(@p, $deltas[8] ? ($deltas[8] * 100) / $total : 0);
$procs[$n] = join(' ', @p);
} else {
$procs[$n] = join(' ', (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
for($n = 0; $n < $proc->{max}; $n++) {
@p = split(' ', $procs[$n]);
$rrdata .= ":$p[0]:$p[1]:$p[2]:$p[3]:$p[4]:$p[5]:$p[6]:$p[7]:$p[8]";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub proc_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $proc = $config->{proc};
my $kern = $config->{kern};
my @rigid = split(',', $proc->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $proc->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @PNG;
my @PNGz;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $vlabel;
my $ncpu;
my $n;
my $n2;
my $str;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
$ncpu = `grep -w processor /proc/cpuinfo | tail -1 | awk '{ print \$3 }'`;
} elsif($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD") {
$ncpu = `/sbin/sysctl -n hw.ncpu`;
$ncpu = $ncpu > $proc->{max} ? $proc->{max} : $ncpu;
return unless $ncpu > 1;
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
for($n = 0; $n < $ncpu; $n++) {
print(" Processor " . sprintf("%3d", $n) . " ");
for($n = 0; $n < $ncpu; $n++) {
print(" User Nice Sys Idle I/Ow IRQ sIRQ Steal Guest");
print(" \n----");
for($n = 0; $n < $ncpu; $n++) {
print(" \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $from;
my $to;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} ", $time);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < $ncpu; $n2++) {
$from = $n2 * $ncpu;
$to = $from + $ncpu;
my ($usr, $nic, $sys, $idle, $iow, $irq, $sirq, $steal, $guest,) = @$line[$from..$to];
@row = ($usr, $nic, $sys, $idle, $iow, $irq, $sirq, $steal, $guest);
printf(" %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% ", @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
for($n = 0; $n < $ncpu; $n++) {
$str = $u . $package . $n . "." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNG, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
$str = $u . $package . $n . "z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
push(@PNGz, $str);
unlink("$PNG_DIR" . $str);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
$n = 0;
while($n < $ncpu) {
if($title) {
if($n == 0) {
main::graph_header($title, $proc->{graphs_per_row});
print(" <tr>\n");
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < $proc->{graphs_per_row}; $n2++) {
last unless $n < $ncpu;
if($title) {
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(lc($kern->{graph_mode}) eq "r") {
$vlabel = "Percent (%)";
if(lc($kern->{list}->{user}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:user#4444EE:user");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:user#4444EE:user");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{nice}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:nice#EEEE44:nice");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:nice#EEEE44:nice");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{sys}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:sys#44EEEE:system");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:sys#44EEEE:system");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{iow}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:iow#EE44EE:I/O wait");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:iow#EE44EE:I/O wait");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:LAST:Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{irq}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:irq#888888:IRQ");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:irq#888888:IRQ");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{sirq}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:sirq#E29136:softIRQ");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:sirq#E29136:softIRQ");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{steal}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:steal#44EE44:steal");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:steal#44EE44:steal");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{guest}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:guest#448844:guest");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:guest#448844:guest");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:guest#1F881F") unless lc($kern->{list}->{guest}) ne "y";
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:guest#1F881F") unless lc($kern->{list}->{guest}) ne "y";
push(@tmp, "LINE1:steal#00EE00") unless lc($kern->{list}->{steal}) ne "y";
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:steal#00EE00") unless lc($kern->{list}->{steal}) ne "y";
push(@tmp, "LINE1:sirq#D86612") unless lc($kern->{list}->{sirq}) ne "y";
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:sirq#D86612") unless lc($kern->{list}->{sirq}) ne "y";
push(@tmp, "LINE1:irq#CCCCCC") unless lc($kern->{list}->{irq}) ne "y";
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:irq#CCCCCC") unless lc($kern->{list}->{irq}) ne "y";
push(@tmp, "LINE1:iow#EE00EE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{iow}) ne "y";
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:iow#EE00EE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{iow}) ne "y";
push(@tmp, "LINE1:sys#00EEEE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{sys}) ne "y";
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:sys#00EEEE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{sys}) ne "y";
push(@tmp, "LINE1:nice#EEEE00") unless lc($kern->{list}->{nice}) ne "y";
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:nice#EEEE00") unless lc($kern->{list}->{nice}) ne "y";
push(@tmp, "LINE1:user#0000EE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{user}) ne "y";
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:user#0000EE") unless lc($kern->{list}->{user}) ne "y";
} else {
$vlabel = "Stacked Percent (%)";
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_nice=user,nice,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_nice=user,nice,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_sys=s_nice,sys,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_sys=s_nice,sys,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_iow=s_sys,iow,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_iow=s_sys,iow,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_irq=s_iow,irq,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_irq=s_iow,irq,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_sirq=s_irq,sirq,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_sirq=s_irq,sirq,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_steal=s_sirq,steal,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_steal=s_sirq,steal,+");
push(@tmp, "CDEF:s_guest=s_steal,guest,+");
push(@tmpz, "CDEF:s_guest=s_steal,guest,+");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{guest}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_guest#E29136:guest");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_guest#E29136:guest");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:guest:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{steal}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_steal#888888:steal");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_steal#888888:steal");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:steal:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{sirq}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_sirq#448844:softIRQ");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_sirq#448844:softIRQ");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sirq:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{irq}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_irq#44EE44:IRQ");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_irq#44EE44:IRQ");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:irq:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{iow}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_iow#EE44EE:I/O wait");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_iow#EE44EE:I/O wait");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:LAST:Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:iow:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{sys}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_sys#44EEEE:system");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_sys#44EEEE:system");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{nice}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:s_nice#EEEE44:nice");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:s_nice#EEEE44:nice");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:nice:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
if(lc($kern->{list}->{user}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:user#4444EE:user");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:user#4444EE:user");
if(lc($proc->{data}) eq "y") {
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:LAST: Cur\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:MIN: Min\\: %4.1lf%%");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:user:MAX: Max\\: %4.1lf%%\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_guest#D86612");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_guest#D86612");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_steal#CCCCCC");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_steal#CCCCCC");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_sirq#1F881F");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_sirq#1F881F");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_irq#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_irq#00EE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_iow#EE00EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_iow#EE00EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_sys#00EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_sys#00EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:s_nice#EEEE00");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:s_nice#EEEE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:user#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:user#0000EE");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{$proc->{size}});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$n]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_proc} $n ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:user=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_user:AVERAGE",
"DEF:nice=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_nice:AVERAGE",
"DEF:sys=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_sys:AVERAGE",
"DEF:iow=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_iow:AVERAGE",
"DEF:irq=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_irq:AVERAGE",
"DEF:sirq=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_sirq:AVERAGE",
"DEF:steal=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_steal:AVERAGE",
"DEF:guest=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_guest:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG[$n]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$n]",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_proc} $n ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"DEF:user=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_user:AVERAGE",
"DEF:nice=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_nice:AVERAGE",
"DEF:sys=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_sys:AVERAGE",
"DEF:iow=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_iow:AVERAGE",
"DEF:irq=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_irq:AVERAGE",
"DEF:sirq=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_sirq:AVERAGE",
"DEF:steal=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_steal:AVERAGE",
"DEF:guest=$rrd:proc" . $n . "_guest:AVERAGE",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNGz[$n]: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /proc$n/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$n] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$n] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNGz[$n] . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$n] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG[$n] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </tr>\n");
if($title) {
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,976 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package serv;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(serv_init serv_update serv_cgi);
sub serv_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
$config->{serv_hist} = ();
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub serv_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $ssh = 0;
my $ftp = 0;
my $telnet = 0;
my $imap = 0;
my $smb = 0;
my $fax = 0;
my $cups = 0;
my $pop3 = 0;
my $smtp = 0;
my $spam = 0;
my $virus = 0;
my $f2b = 0;
my $val02 = 0;
my $val03 = 0;
my $val04 = 0;
my $val05 = 0;
my $date;
my $rrdata = "N";
# This graph is refreshed only every 5 minutes
my (undef, $min) = localtime(time);
return if($min % 5);
if(-r $config->{secure_log}) {
$date = strftime("%b %e", localtime);
open(IN, "$config->{secure_log}");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^$date/) {
if(/ sshd\[/ && /Accepted /) {
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
if(/START: pop3/) {
if(/START: ftp/ ||
(/ proftpd\[/ && /Login successful./)) {
if(/START: telnet/) {
} elsif($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD") {
if(/login:/ && /login from /) {
if(-r $config->{imap_log}) {
$config->{imap_date_log_format} = $config->{imap_date_log_format} || "%b %d";
my $date_dovecot = strftime($config->{imap_date_log_format}, localtime);
my $date_uw = strftime("%b %e %T", localtime);
open(IN, "$config->{imap_log}");
while(<IN>) {
# UW-IMAP log
if(/$date_uw/) {
if(/ imapd\[/ && / Login user=/) {
# Dovecot log
if(/$date_dovecot /) {
if(/ imap-login: / && / Login: /) {
if(/ pop3-login: / && / Login: /) {
my $smb_L = 0;
open(IN, "smbstatus -L 2>/dev/null |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^----------/) {
if($smb_L) {
$smb_L++ unless !$_;
my $smb_S = 0;
open(IN, "smbstatus -S 2>/dev/null |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^----------/) {
if($smb_S) {
$smb_S++ unless !$_;
$smb = $smb_L + $smb_S;
if(-r $config->{hylafax_log}) {
$date = strftime("%m/%d/%y", localtime);
open(IN, "$config->{hylafax_log}");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^$date/ && /SEND/) {
if(-r $config->{cups_log}) {
$date = strftime("%d/%b/%Y", localtime);
open(IN, "$config->{cups_log}");
while(<IN>) {
if(/\[$date:/) {
if(-r $config->{fail2ban_log}) {
$date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime);
open(IN, $config->{fail2ban_log});
while(<IN>) {
if(/^$date/ && / fail2ban/ && / WARNING / && / Ban /) {
if(-r $config->{mail_log}) {
$date = strftime("%b %e", localtime);
open(IN, "$config->{mail_log}");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^$date/) {
if(/to=/ && /stat(us)?=sent/i) {
if(/MailScanner/ && /Spam Checks:/ && /Found/ && /spam messages/) {
if(/MailScanner/ && /Virus Scanning:/ && /Found/ && /viruses/) {
$date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime);
if(-r "$config->{cg_logdir}/$date.log") {
open(IN, "$config->{cg_logdir}/$date.log");
while(<IN>) {
if(/DEQUEUER \[\d+\] (LOCAL\(.+\) delivered|SMTP.+ relayed)\:/) {
if(/IMAP/ && / connected from /) {
if(/POP/ && / connected from /) {
if(-r $config->{spamassassin_log}) {
$date = strftime("%b %e", localtime);
open(IN, $config->{spamassassin_log});
while(<IN>) {
if(/^$date/ && /spamd: identified spam/) {
if(-r $config->{clamav_log}) {
$date = strftime("%a %b %e", localtime);
open(IN, $config->{clamav_log});
while(<IN>) {
if(/^$date/ && / FOUND/) {
# I data (incremental)
$rrdata .= ":$ssh:$ftp:$telnet:$imap:$smb:$fax:$cups:$pop3:$smtp:$spam:$virus:$f2b:$val02:$val03:$val04:$val05";
# L data (load)
my $l_ssh = 0;
my $l_ftp = 0;
my $l_telnet = 0;
my $l_imap = 0;
my $l_smb = 0;
my $l_fax = 0;
my $l_cups = 0;
my $l_pop3 = 0;
my $l_smtp = 0;
my $l_spam = 0;
my $l_virus = 0;
my $l_f2b = 0;
my $l_val02 = 0;
my $l_val03 = 0;
my $l_val04 = 0;
my $l_val05 = 0;
$l_ssh = $ssh - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'ssh'} || 0);
$l_ssh = 0 unless $l_ssh != $ssh;
$l_ssh /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'ssh'} = $ssh;
$l_ftp = $ftp - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'ftp'} || 0);
$l_ftp = 0 unless $l_ftp != $ftp;
$l_ftp /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'ftp'} = $ftp;
$l_telnet = $telnet - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'telnet'} || 0);
$l_telnet = 0 unless $l_telnet != $telnet;
$l_telnet /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'telnet'} = $telnet;
$l_imap = $imap - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'imap'} || 0);
$l_imap = 0 unless $l_imap != $imap;
$l_imap /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'imap'} = $imap;
$l_smb = $smb - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'smb'} || 0);
$l_smb = 0 unless $l_smb != $smb;
$l_smb /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'smb'} = $smb;
$l_fax = $fax - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'fax'} || 0);
$l_fax = 0 unless $l_fax != $fax;
$l_fax /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'fax'} = $fax;
$l_cups = $cups - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'cups'} || 0);
$l_cups = 0 unless $l_cups != $cups;
$l_cups /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'cups'} = $cups;
$l_pop3 = $pop3 - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'pop3'} || 0);
$l_pop3 = 0 unless $l_pop3 != $pop3;
$l_pop3 /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'pop3'} = $pop3;
$l_smtp = $smtp - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'smtp'} || 0);
$l_smtp = 0 unless $l_smtp != $smtp;
$l_smtp /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'smtp'} = $smtp;
$l_spam = $spam - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'spam'} || 0);
$l_spam = 0 unless $l_spam != $spam;
$l_spam /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'spam'} = $spam;
$l_virus = $virus - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'virus'} || 0);
$l_virus = 0 unless $l_virus != $virus;
$l_virus /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'virus'} = $virus;
$l_f2b = $f2b - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'f2b'} || 0);
$l_f2b = 0 unless $l_f2b != $f2b;
$l_f2b /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'f2b'} = $f2b;
$l_val02 = $val02 - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'val02'} || 0);
$l_val02 = 0 unless $l_val02 != $val02;
$l_val02 /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'val02'} = $val02;
$l_val03 = $val03 - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'val03'} || 0);
$l_val03 = 0 unless $l_val03 != $val03;
$l_val03 /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'val03'} = $val03;
$l_val04 = $val04 - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'val04'} || 0);
$l_val04 = 0 unless $l_val04 != $val04;
$l_val04 /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'val04'} = $val04;
$l_val05 = $val05 - ($config->{serv_hist}->{'val05'} || 0);
$l_val05 = 0 unless $l_val05 != $val05;
$l_val05 /= 300;
$config->{serv_hist}->{'val05'} = $val05;
$rrdata .= ":$l_ssh:$l_ftp:$l_telnet:$l_imap:$l_smb:$l_fax:$l_cups:$l_pop3:$l_smtp:$l_spam:$l_virus:$l_f2b:$l_val02:$l_val03:$l_val04:$l_val05";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub serv_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $serv = $config->{serv};
my @rigid = split(',', $serv->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $serv->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my $vlabel;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $n;
my $str;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
if(lc($serv->{mode}) eq "i") {
print "Values expressed as incremental or cumulative hits.\n";
print("Time SSH FTP Telnet Samba Fax CUPS F2B IMAP POP3 SMTP Spam Virus\n");
print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
my $from = 0;
my $to;
if(lc($serv->{mode}) eq "l") {
$from = 15;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
$to = $from + 10;
my ($ssh, $ftp, $telnet, $imap, $smb, $fax, $cups, $pop3, $smtp, $spam, $virus, $f2b) = @$line[$from..$to];
@row = ($ssh, $ftp, $telnet, $imap, $smb, $fax, $cups, $f2b, $pop3, $smtp, $spam, $virus);
if(lc($serv->{mode}) eq "i") {
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", $time, @row);
} elsif(lc($serv->{mode}) eq "l") {
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n", $time, @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
my $PNG1 = $u . $package . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2 = $u . $package . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3 = $u . $package . "3." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG1z = $u . $package . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2z = $u . $package . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3z = $u . $package . "3z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3");
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if(lc($serv->{mode}) eq "l") {
$vlabel = "Accesses/s";
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_ssh#4444EE:SSH");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_ssh:LAST: Current\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_ssh:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_ssh:MIN: Min\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_ssh:MAX: Max\\: %3.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_ftp#44EE44:FTP");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_ftp:LAST: Current\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_ftp:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_ftp:MIN: Min\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_ftp:MAX: Max\\: %3.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_telnet#EE44EE:Telnet");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_telnet:LAST: Current\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_telnet:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_telnet:MIN: Min\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_telnet:MAX: Max\\: %3.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_smb#EEEE44:Samba");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_smb:LAST: Current\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_smb:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_smb:MIN: Min\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_smb:MAX: Max\\: %3.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_fax#FFA500:Fax");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_fax:LAST: Current\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_fax:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_fax:MIN: Min\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_fax:MAX: Max\\: %3.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_cups#444444:CUPS");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_cups:LAST: Current\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_cups:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_cups:MIN: Min\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_cups:MAX: Max\\: %3.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_f2b#EE4444:Fail2ban");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_f2b:LAST: Current\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_f2b:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_f2b:MIN: Min\\: %3.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_f2b:MAX: Max\\: %3.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_ssh#4444EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_ftp#44EE44");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_telnet#EE44EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_smb#EEEE44");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_fax#FFA500");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_cups#444444");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_f2b#EE4444");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_ssh#4444EE:SSH");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_ftp#44EE44:FTP");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_telnet#EE44EE:Telnet");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_smb#EEEE44:Samba");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_fax#FFA500:Fax");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_cups#444444:CUPS");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_f2b#EE4444:Fail2ban");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_ssh#4444EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_ftp#44EE44");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_telnet#EE44EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_smb#EEEE44");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_fax#FFA500");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_cups#444444");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_f2b#EE4444");
} else {
$vlabel = "Incremental hits";
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_ssh#4444EE:SSH");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_ssh:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_ssh:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_ssh:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_ssh:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_ftp#44EE44:FTP");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_ftp:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_ftp:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_ftp:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_ftp:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_telnet#EE44EE:Telnet");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_telnet:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_telnet:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_telnet:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_telnet:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_smb#EEEE44:Samba");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_smb:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_smb:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_smb:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_smb:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_fax#FFA500:Fax");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_fax:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_fax:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_fax:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_fax:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_cups#444444:CUPS");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_cups:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_cups:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_cups:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_cups:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_f2b#EE4444:Fail2ban");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_f2b:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_f2b:AVERAGE: Average\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_f2b:MIN: Min\\: %5.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_f2b:MAX: Max\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_ssh#4444EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_ftp#44EE44");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_telnet#EE44EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_smb#EEEE44");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_fax#FFA500");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_cups#444444");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_f2b#EE4444");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_ssh#4444EE:SSH");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_ftp#44EE44:FTP");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_telnet#EE44EE:Telnet");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_smb#EEEE44:Samba");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_fax#FFA500:Fax");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_cups#444444:CUPS");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_f2b#EE4444:Fail2ban");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_ssh#4444EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_ftp#44EE44");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_telnet#EE44EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_smb#EEEE44");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_fax#FFA500");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_cups#444444");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_f2b#EE4444");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_serv1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_serv1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /serv1/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if(lc($serv->{mode}) eq "l") {
$vlabel = "Accesses/s";
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_imap#4444EE:IMAP");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_imap:LAST: Current\\: %4.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_pop3#44EE44:POP3");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_pop3:LAST: Current\\: %4.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:l_imap#4444EE:");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:l_pop3#44EE44:");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_imap#4444EE:IMAP");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_pop3#44EE44:POP3");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_imap#4444EE:");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_pop3#44EE44:");
} else {
$vlabel = "Incremental hits";
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_imap#4444EE:IMAP");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_imap:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_pop3#44EE44:POP3");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_pop3:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:i_imap#4444EE:");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:i_pop3#44EE44:");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_imap#4444EE:IMAP");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_pop3#44EE44:POP3");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_imap#4444EE:");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_pop3#44EE44:");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_serv2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_serv2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /serv2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if(lc($serv->{mode}) eq "l") {
$vlabel = "Accesses/s";
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_smtp#44EEEE:SMTP");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_smtp:LAST: Current\\: %4.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_spam#EEEE44:Spam");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_spam:LAST: Current\\: %4.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:l_virus#EE4444:Virus");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:l_virus:LAST: Current\\: %4.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_smtp#44EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_spam#EEEE44");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:l_virus#EE4444");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_smtp#44EEEE:SMTP");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_spam#EEEE44:Spam");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:l_virus#EE4444:Virus");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_smtp#44EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_spam#EEEE44");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:l_virus#EE4444");
} else {
$vlabel = "Incremental hits";
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_smtp#44EEEE:SMTP");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_smtp:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_spam#EEEE44:Spam");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_spam:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:i_virus#EE4444:Virus");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:i_virus:LAST: Current\\: %5.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_smtp#44EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_spam#EEEE44");
push(@tmp, "LINE2:i_virus#EE4444");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_smtp#44EEEE:SMTP");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_spam#EEEE44:Spam");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:i_virus#EE4444:Virus");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_smtp#44EEEE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_spam#EEEE44");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:i_virus#EE4444");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_serv3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_serv3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /serv3/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,744 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package system;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(system_init system_update system_cgi);
sub system_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
# check dependencies
if(lc($config->{enable_alerts}) eq "y") {
if(! -x $config->{alert_loadavg_script}) {
logger("$myself: ERROR: script '$config->{alert_loadavg_script}' doesn't exist or don't has execution permissions.");
$config->{system_hist} = 0;
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub system_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $load1;
my $load5;
my $load15;
my $nproc;
my $npslp;
my $nprun;
my $npwio;
my $npzom;
my $npstp;
my $npswp;
my $mtotl;
my $mbuff;
my $mcach;
my $mfree;
my $macti;
my $minac;
my $val01 = 0;
my $val02 = 0;
my $val03 = 0;
my $val04 = 0;
my $val05 = 0;
my $rrdata = "N";
$npwio = $npzom = $npstp = $npswp = 0;
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
open(IN, "/proc/loadavg");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^(\d+\.\d+) (\d+\.\d+) (\d+\.\d+) (\d+)\/(\d+)/) {
$load1 = $1;
$load5 = $2;
$load15 = $3;
$nprun = $4;
$npslp = $5;
$nproc = $npslp + $nprun;
open(IN, "/proc/meminfo");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^MemTotal:\s+(\d+) kB$/) {
$mtotl = $1;
if(/^MemFree:\s+(\d+) kB$/) {
$mfree = $1;
if(/^Buffers:\s+(\d+) kB$/) {
$mbuff = $1;
if(/^Cached:\s+(\d+) kB$/) {
$mcach = $1;
$macti = $minac = "";
} elsif($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD") {
my $page_size;
open(IN, "sysctl -n vm.loadavg |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^\{ (\d+\.\d+) (\d+\.\d+) (\d+\.\d+) \}$/) {
$load1 = $1;
$load5 = $2;
$load15 = $3;
open(IN, "sysctl vm.vmtotal |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^Processes:\s+\(RUNQ:\s+(\d+) Disk.*? Sleep:\s+(\d+)\)$/) {
$nprun = $1;
$npslp = $2;
if(/^Free Memory Pages:\s+(\d+)K$/) {
$mfree = $1;
$nproc = $npslp + $nprun;
$mtotl = `sysctl -n hw.realmem`;
$mbuff = `sysctl -n vfs.bufspace`;
$mcach = `sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count`;
$mbuff = $mbuff / 1024;
$mtotl = $mtotl / 1024;
$page_size = `sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_page_size`;
$macti = `sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_active_count`;
$minac = `sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count`;
chomp($page_size, $mcach, $macti, $minac);
$mcach = ($page_size * $mcach) / 1024;
$macti = ($page_size * $macti) / 1024;
$minac = ($page_size * $minac) / 1024;
} elsif($config->{os} eq "OpenBSD" || $config->{os} eq "NetBSD") {
open(IN, "sysctl -n vm.loadavg |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^(\d+\.\d+) (\d+\.\d+) (\d+\.\d+)$/) {
$load1 = $1;
$load5 = $2;
$load15 = $3;
open(IN, "top -b |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/ processes:/) {
$_ =~ s/:/,/;
my (@tmp) = split(',', $_);
foreach(@tmp) {
my ($num, $desc) = split(' ', $_);
$nproc = $num unless $desc ne "processes";
if(grep {$_ eq $desc} ("idle", "sleeping", "stopped", "zombie")) {
$npslp += $num;
if($desc eq "running" || $desc eq "on") {
$nprun += $num;
if($config->{os} eq "OpenBSD") {
if(/^Memory: Real: (\d+)\w\/\d+\w act\/tot Free: (\d+)\w /) {
$macti = $1;
$mfree = $2;
$macti = int($macti) * 1024;
$mfree = int($mfree) * 1024;
if($config->{os} eq "NetBSD") {
if(/^Memory: (\d+)\w Act, .*, (\d+)\w Free/) {
$macti = $1;
$mfree = $2;
$macti = int($macti) * 1024;
$mfree = int($mfree) * 1024;
$mtotl = `sysctl -n hw.physmem`;
$mtotl = $mtotl / 1024;
# SYSTEM alert
if(lc($config->{enable_alerts}) eq "y") {
if(!$config->{alert_loadavg_threshold} || $load15 < $config->{alert_loadavg_threshold}) {
$config->{system_hist} = 0;
} else {
if(!$config->{system_hist}) {
$config->{system_hist} = time;
if($config->{system_hist} > 0 && (time - $config->{system_hist}) > $config->{alert_loadavg_timeintvl}) {
if(-x $config->{alert_loadavg_script}) {
system($config->{alert_loadavg_script} . " " .$config->{alert_loadavg_timeintvl} . " " . $config->{alert_loadavg_threshold} . " " . $load15);
$config->{system_hist} = time;
$rrdata .= ":$load1:$load5:$load15:$nproc:$npslp:$nprun:$npwio:$npzom:$npstp:$npswp:$mtotl:$mbuff:$mcach:$mfree:$macti:$minac:$val01:$val02:$val03:$val04:$val05";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub system_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $system = $config->{system};
my @rigid = split(',', $system->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $system->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $n;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
my $total_mem;
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
$total_mem = `grep -w MemTotal: /proc/meminfo | awk '{print \$2}'`;
} elsif(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
$total_mem = `/sbin/sysctl -n hw.physmem`; # in bytes
$total_mem = int($total_mem / 1024); # in KB
$total_mem = int($total_mem / 1024); # in MB
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch($rrd,
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" CPU load average Memory usage in MB Processes\n");
print("Time 1min 5min 15min Used Cached Buffers Total Run\n");
print("------------------------------------------------------------- \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
my ($load1, $load5, $load15, $nproc, $npslp, $nprun, $mtotl, $buff, $cach, $free) = @$line;
$buff /= 1024;
$cach /= 1024;
$free /= 1024;
@row = ($load1, $load5, $load15, $total_mem - $free, $cach, $buff, $nproc, $nprun);
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} %4.1f %4.1f %4.1f %6d %6d %6d %5d %5d \n", $time, @row);
print(" system uptime: " . get_uptime($config) . "\n");
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
my $PNG1 = $u . $package . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2 = $u . $package . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3 = $u . $package . "3." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG1z = $u . $package . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2z = $u . $package . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3z = $u . $package . "3z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3");
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
my $uptimeline;
if($RRDs::VERSION > 1.2) {
$uptimeline = "COMMENT:system uptime\\: " . get_uptime($config) . "\\c";
} else {
$uptimeline = "COMMENT:system uptime: " . get_uptime($config) . "\\c";
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:load1#4444EE: 1 min average");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load1:LAST: Current\\: %4.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load1:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load1:MIN: Min\\: %4.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load1:MAX: Max\\: %4.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:load1#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:load5#EEEE00: 5 min average");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load5:LAST: Current\\: %4.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load5:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load5:MIN: Min\\: %4.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load5:MAX: Max\\: %4.2lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:load15#00EEEE:15 min average");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load15:LAST: Current\\: %4.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load15:AVERAGE: Average\\: %4.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load15:MIN: Min\\: %4.2lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:load15:MAX: Max\\: %4.2lf\\n");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:load1#4444EE: 1 min average");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:load1#0000EE");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:load5#EEEE00: 5 min average");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:load15#00EEEE:15 min average");
if($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD") {
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_system1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"--vertical-label=Load average",
"COMMENT: \\n",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_system1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"--vertical-label=Load average",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /system1/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:npslp#44AAEE:Sleeping");
push(@tmp, "AREA:nprun#EE4444:Running");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:nprun#EE0000");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:npslp#00EEEE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:nproc#EEEE00:Processes");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_system2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_system2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /system2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "'>\n");
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_mused#EE4444:Used");
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_mcach#44EE44:Cached");
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_mbuff#CCCCCC:Buffers");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_mbuff#888888");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_mcach#00EE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_mused#EE0000");
} elsif($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_mused#EE4444:Used");
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_mcach#44EE44:Cached");
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_mbuff#CCCCCC:Buffers");
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_macti#EEEE44:Active");
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_minac#4444EE:Inactive");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_minac#0000EE");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_macti#EEEE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_mbuff#888888");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_mcach#00EE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_mused#EE0000");
} elsif($config->{os} eq "OpenBSD" || $config->{os} eq "NetBSD") {
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_mused#EE4444:Used");
push(@tmp, "AREA:m_macti#44EE44:Active");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_macti#00EE00");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:m_mused#EE0000");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_system3} (${total_mem}MB) ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_system3} (${total_mem}MB) ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /system3/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
sub get_uptime {
my $config = shift;
my $str;
my $uptime;
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
open(IN, "/proc/uptime");
($uptime, undef) = split(' ', <IN>);
} elsif($config->{os} eq "FreeBSD") {
open(IN, "/sbin/sysctl -n kern.boottime |");
(undef, undef, undef, $uptime) = split(' ', <IN>);
$uptime =~ s/,//;
$uptime = time - int($uptime);
} elsif($config->{os} eq "OpenBSD" || $config->{os} eq "NetBSD") {
open(IN, "/sbin/sysctl -n kern.boottime |");
$uptime = <IN>;
$uptime = time - int($uptime);
my $d = int($uptime / (60 * 60 * 24));
my $h = int($uptime / (60 * 60)) % 24;
my $m = int($uptime / 60) % 60;
my $d_string = $d ? sprintf("%d days,", $d) : "";
my $h_string = $h ? sprintf("%d", $h) : "";
my $m_string = $h ? sprintf("%sh %dm", $h, $m) : sprintf("%d min", $m);
return "$d_string $m_string";

View File

@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package user;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix;
use RRDs;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(user_init user_update user_cgi);
sub user_init {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
if(!(-e $rrd)) {
logger("Creating '$rrd' file.");
eval {
my $err = RRDs::error;
if($@ || $err) {
logger("$@") unless !$@;
if($err) {
logger("ERROR: while creating $rrd: $err");
if($err eq "RRDs::error") {
logger("... is the RRDtool Perl package installed?");
push(@{$config->{func_update}}, $package);
logger("$myself: Ok") if $debug;
sub user_update {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($package, $config, $debug) = @_;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $sys;
my $smb;
my $mac;
my @data;
my $rrdata = "N";
open(IN, "who -q |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^#\s+\S+=(\d+)/) {
$sys = $1;
$smb = 0;
open(IN, "smbstatus -b 2>/dev/null |");
while(<IN>) {
if(/^----------/) {
if($smb) {
$smb++ unless !$_;
open(IN, "macusers 2>/dev/null |");
@data = <IN>;
$mac = scalar(@data) - 1;
$mac = 0 unless @data;
$rrdata .= ":$sys:$smb:$mac:0:0:0:0:0";
RRDs::update($rrd, $rrdata);
logger("$myself: $rrdata") if $debug;
my $err = RRDs::error;
logger("ERROR: while updating $rrd: $err") if $err;
sub user_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my $user = $config->{user};
my @rigid = split(',', $user->{rigid});
my @limit = split(',', $user->{limit});
my $tf = $cgi->{tf};
my $colors = $cgi->{colors};
my $graph = $cgi->{graph};
my $silent = $cgi->{silent};
my $u = "";
my $width;
my $height;
my @riglim;
my @tmp;
my @tmpz;
my $n;
my $err;
my $rrd = $config->{base_lib} . $package . ".rrd";
my $title = $config->{graph_title}->{$package};
my $PNG_DIR = $config->{base_dir} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir};
$title = !$silent ? $title : "";
# text mode
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print("Time Logged In Samba Netatalk\n");
print("------------------------------------- \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
for($n = 0, $time = $tf->{tb}; $n < ($tf->{tb} * $tf->{ts}); $n++) {
$line = @$data[$n];
my ($sys, $smb, $mac) = @$line;
@row = ($sys, $smb, $mac);
$time = $time - (1 / $tf->{ts});
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} %6d %6d %6d\n", $time, @row);
print(" </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
# graph mode
if($silent eq "yes" || $silent eq "imagetag") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "_";
if($silent eq "imagetagbig") {
$colors->{fg_color} = "#000000"; # visible color for text mode
$u = "";
my $PNG1 = $u . $package . "1." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2 = $u . $package . "2." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3 = $u . $package . "3." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG1z = $u . $package . "1z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG2z = $u . $package . "2z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
my $PNG3z = $u . $package . "3z." . $tf->{when} . ".png";
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3");
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
unlink ("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[0]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[0]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
push(@tmp, "AREA:sys#44EE44:Logged In");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:LAST: Current\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:AVERAGE: Average\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MIN: Min\\: %3.0lf");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:sys:MAX: Max\\: %3.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:sys#00EE00");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:sys#44EE44:Logged In");
push(@tmpz, "LINE1:sys#00EE00");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_user1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n",
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_user1} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG1z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /user1/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG1 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[1]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[1]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:smb#EEEE44:Samba");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:smb:LAST: Current\\: %3.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:smb#EEEE00");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:smb#EEEE44:Samba");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:smb#EEEE00");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_user2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_user2} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG2z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /user2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG2 . "'>\n");
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 1) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
} else {
if(trim($rigid[2]) eq 2) {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . trim($limit[2]));
push(@riglim, "--rigid");
push(@tmp, "AREA:mac#EE4444:Netatalk");
push(@tmp, "GPRINT:mac:LAST: Current\\: %3.0lf\\n");
push(@tmp, "LINE1:mac#EE0000");
push(@tmpz, "AREA:mac#EE4444:Netatalk");
push(@tmpz, "LINE2:mac#EE0000");
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{small});
if($silent =~ /imagetag/) {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{remote}) if $silent eq "imagetag";
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{main}) if $silent eq "imagetagbig";
@tmp = @tmpz;
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
push(@tmp, "COMMENT: \\n");
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_user3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
RRDs::graph("$PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z",
"--title=$config->{graphs}->{_user3} ($tf->{nwhen}$tf->{twhen})",
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $PNG_DIR" . "$PNG3z: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /user3/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
else {
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void(window.open('" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3z . "','','width=" . ($width + 115) . ",height=" . ($height + 100) . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . $config->{imgs_dir} . $PNG3 . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" <br>\n");

View File

@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
require 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib $Bin . '/lib';
use Monitorix;
use POSIX qw(WNOHANG LC_TIME setlocale uname pause);
use Config::General;
use Getopt::Std;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Data::Dumper;
# Force a standard locale
$ENV{LANG} = "";
setlocale(LC_TIME, "C");
$SIG{'INT' } = 'INT_handler';
$SIG{'ABRT'} = 'INT_handler';
$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'INT_handler';
$SIG{'TRAP'} = 'INT_handler';
$SIG{'STOP'} = 'INT_handler';
$SIG{'TERM'} = 'INT_handler';
$SIG{'CHLD'} = 'CHLD_handler';
$SIG{'HUP' } = 'HUP_handler';
$SIG{'ALRM'} = 'ALRM_handler';
use constant VERSION => "2.9.9";
use constant RELDATE => "31-Dec-2012";
my @suppsys = ("Linux", "FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD");
my %config;
our %options;
sub INT_handler {
my ($signal) = @_;
logger("SIG$signal caught.");
flush_accounting_rules(\%config, $options{d});
sub CHLD_handler {
my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
sub HUP_handler {
my ($signal) = @_;
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
logger("SIG$signal caught.");
# upon receiving a SIGHUP signal the logfile is re-opened
unless(open(STDOUT, ">> $config{log_file}")) {
logger("Can't write to LOG: $!");
unless(open(STDERR, ">> $config{log_file}")) { # >>&STDOUT XXX
logger("Can't write to LOG: $!");
logger("$myself: reopening log file.");
sub ALRM_handler {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday) = localtime(time);
# call all enabled graphs on every minute
if($sec == 0) {
foreach my $f (@{$config{func_update}}) {
my $update = $f . "_update";
my $d = $f;
logger("$myself: calling $update()") unless !$options{d};
undef($d) if(!grep {trim($_) eq $d} (@{$config{debug}}));
if(defined($options{d}) && $options{d} eq "all") {
$d = $f;
no strict "refs";
eval { &$update($f, \%config, $d); };
if($@) {
logger("$update(): $@");
if(lc($config{graph_enable}->{pc}) eq "y" && lc($config{pc_enable_monthly_reports}) eq "y") {
# collect traffic accounting every day at 00:00h
if($min == 0 && $hour == 0) {
# send reports every first day of a month at 00:00h
if($mday == 1) {
sub daemonize {
if(fork) {
exit(0); # parent exits
foreach(0 .. (sysconf(&POSIX::_SC_OPEN_MAX) || 1024)) {
unless(chdir("/")) {
die("Can't chdir to /: $!");
unless(umask(022)) {
die("Unable to umask 022: $!");
# unless(open(STDIN, "< /dev/null")) {
# die("Can't read /dev/null: $!");
# }
unless(open(STDOUT, ">> $config{log_file}")) {
die("Can't write to LOG: $!");
unless(open(STDERR, ">> $config{log_file}")) { # >>&STDOUT XXX
die("Can't write to LOG: $!");
sub usage {
print(STDERR << "EOF");
Usage: monitorix -c configfile [-p pidfile] [-d none | graph[,graph] | all ] [-v]
sub create_index {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my $n;
my $gname;
my $theme = $config{theme};
my %multihost = %{$config{multihost}};
my $bgcolor;
my $table_back_color;
my $title_back_color;
my $title_fore_color;
if($theme eq "black") {
$bgcolor = $config{$theme}->{main_bg};
$table_back_color = $config{$theme}->{graph_bg};
$title_back_color = $config{$theme}->{title_bg};
$title_fore_color = $config{$theme}->{title_fg};
} elsif(!$theme || $theme eq "white") {
$bgcolor = "#ffffff";
$table_back_color = "#CCCCCC";
$title_back_color = "#777777";
$title_fore_color = "#CCCC00";
} else {
logger("$myself: ERROR: invalid value in 'theme' option") unless !$options{d};
if(!open(OUT, "> $config{base_dir}/index.html")) {
die "unable to create '${config{base_dir}}index.html'. $!";
print(OUT <<EOF);
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="$config{base_url}/$config{favicon}">
<body bgcolor="$bgcolor" text="#888888" vlink="#888888" link="#888888">
<font face="Verdana, sans-serif">
<a href="http://www.monitorix.org/"><img src="logo_top.png" border="0"></a>
<h2 align="right">v@{[VERSION]}</h2>
<form action="$config{base_cgi}/monitorix.cgi" method="get">
<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="$table_back_color" border="1">
<td bgcolor="$title_back_color">
<font color="$title_fore_color">
<td bgcolor="$title_back_color">
<font color="$title_fore_color">
print(OUT " <td bgcolor='$bgcolor'>\n");
print(OUT " <select name='mode' size='1'>\n");
print(OUT " <option value='localhost'>Local Host</option>\n");
if(scalar(my @remotehost_list = split(',', $multihost{remotehost_list})) && lc($multihost{enabled}) eq "y") {
print(OUT " <optgroup label='Multihost'>\n");
print(OUT " <option value='multihost.all'>All Hosts</option>\n");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@remotehost_list); $n++) {
print(OUT " <option value='multihost.$n'>" . trim($remotehost_list[$n]) . "</option>\n");
print(OUT " </optgroup>\n");
if(lc($multihost{groups}) eq "y" ) {
my @remotegroup_list = split(',', $multihost{remotegroup_list});
print(OUT " <optgroup label='Multihost-Groups'>\n");
print(OUT " <option value='multihost.group'>All Groups</option>\n");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@remotegroup_list); $n++) {
print(OUT " <option value='multihost.group$n'>" . trim($remotegroup_list[$n]) . "</option>\n");
print(OUT " </optgroup>\n");
if(scalar(my @pc_list = split(',', $config{pc_list})) && lc($config{graph_enable}->{pc}) eq "y") {
print(OUT " <optgroup label='LAN PCs'>\n");
print(OUT " <option value='pc.all'>All LAN PCs</option>\n");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@pc_list); $n++) {
print(OUT " <option value='pc.$n'>" . trim($pc_list[$n]) . "</option>\n");
print(OUT " </optgroup>\n");
print(OUT " </select>\n");
print(OUT " </td>\n");
print(OUT " <td bgcolor='$bgcolor'>\n");
print(OUT " <select name='graph' size='1'>\n");
print(OUT " <option value='all'>All graphs</option>\n");
foreach (split(',', $config{graph_name})) {
my $g = trim($_);
if(lc($config{graph_enable}->{$g}) eq "y") {
print(OUT " <optgroup label='" . $config{graph_title}->{$g} . "'>\n");
if($g eq "proc") {
for($n = 0; $n < $config{proc}->{max}; $n++) {
$gname = "_" . $g;
print(OUT " <option value='" . $gname . $n . "'>" . $config{graphs}->{$gname} . " " . $n . "</option>\n");
if($g eq "net") {
my $n2;
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @nl = split(',', $config{net}->{list})); $n++) {
$gname = "_" . $g;
for($n2 = 1; $n2 <= 3; $n2++) {
my $str = trim($nl[$n]) . " " . $config{graphs}->{$gname . $n2};
print(OUT " <option value='" . $gname . $n . $n2 . "'>" . $str . "</option>\n");
if($g eq "port") {
for($n = 0; $n < $config{port}->{max} && $n < scalar(my @port_list = split(',', $config{port}->{list})); $n++) {
my $num = trim($port_list[$n]);
my ($name) = (split(',', $config{port}->{desc}->{$num}))[0];
$gname = "_" . $g;
print(OUT " <option value='" . $gname . $n . "'>" . $config{graphs}->{$gname} . " " . $num . " (" . trim($name) . ")" . "</option>\n");
if($g eq "fail2ban") {
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @fail2ban_list = split(',', $config{fail2ban}->{list})); $n++) {
my $name = trim($fail2ban_list[$n]);
$gname = "_" . $g;
print(OUT " <option value='" . $gname . $n . "'>" . $name . "</option>\n");
$n = 0;
foreach my $k (sort keys %{$config{graphs}}) {
if($k =~ m/$g/) {
$gname = "_" . $g . ++$n;
if($config{graphs}->{$gname}) {
print(OUT " <option value='" . $gname ."'>" . $config{graphs}->{$gname} . "</option>\n");
print(OUT " </optgroup>\n");
print(OUT " </select>\n");
print(OUT " </td>\n");
print(OUT <<EOF);
<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="$table_back_color" border="1">
<td bgcolor="$title_back_color">
<input type="radio" checked name="when" value="1day">
<font color="$title_fore_color"><b>Daily&nbsp;</b></font>
<td bgcolor="$title_back_color">
<input type="radio" name="when" value="1week">
<font color="$title_fore_color"><b>Weekly&nbsp;</b></font>
<td bgcolor="$title_back_color">
<input type="radio" name="when" value="1month">
<font color="$title_fore_color"><b>Monthly&nbsp;</b></font>
<td bgcolor="$title_back_color">
<input type="radio" name="when" value="1year">
<font color="$title_fore_color"><b>Yearly&nbsp;</b></font>
<input type="hidden" name="color" value="$theme">
<input type="submit" value=" Ok ">
# Main
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
getopts("d:vc:p:", \%options) || usage();
if($options{v}) {
print("Monitorix version " . VERSION . " (" . RELDATE . ")\n");
print("by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi\@fibranet.cat>\n");
if(!$options{c}) {
$options{c} = abs_path($options{c}) unless $^V lt 5.6.2;
if(!stat($options{c})) {
die("can't open file '$options{c}'.\n");
# load configuration file
my $conf = new Config::General(
-ConfigFile => $options{c},
%config = $conf->getall;
$config{debug} = ();
$config{func_update} = ();
# get the current OS and kernel version and check its support
my $release;
($config{os}, undef, $release) = uname();
my ($major, $minor) = split('\.', $release);
$config{kernel} = $major . "." . $minor;
if(!grep {$_ eq $config{os}} @suppsys) {
die("FATAL: your operating system ($config{os}) is not supported.\n");
if(grep {$_ eq $config{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
$0 = sprintf("%s %s%s%s%s",
$^V lt 5.6.2 ? "monitorix" : abs_path($0),
$options{c} ? "-c $options{c}" : "",
$options{p} ? " -p $options{p}" : "",
$options{d} ? " -d $options{d}" : "",
$options{v} ? " -v" : "");
logger("Starting Monitorix version " . VERSION . " (pid $$).");
if($options{p}) {
$options{p} = abs_path($options{p});
open(OUT, "> $options{p}")
|| die("could not open '$options{p}' for writing");
print(OUT "$$");
# change to a safety directory
unless(chdir("/tmp")) {
logger("can't chdir to /tmp: $!");
unless(chdir("/lost+found")) {
die("Can't chdir to /lost+found: $!");
if($options{d}) {
if($options{d} ne "none" && $options{d} ne "all") {
@{$config{debug}} = split(',', $options{d});
foreach my $t (@{$config{debug}}) {
if(!grep {trim($_) eq $t} (split(',', $config{graph_name}))) {
die("Invalid debug key '$t'");
logger("Entering in debug mode.");
logger("Changed process name to '$0'.");
# save the path of the configuration file
if(open(OUT, "> " . $config{base_dir} . "/cgi-bin/monitorix.conf.path")) {
print(OUT "$options{c}\n");
} else {
logger("Unable to create the file '$config{base_dir}/cgi-bin/monitorix.conf.path'.");
flush_accounting_rules(\%config, $options{d});
logger("Initializing graphs.") unless !$options{d};
foreach (split(',', $config{graph_name})) {
my $g = trim($_);
if(lc($config{graph_enable}->{$g}) eq "y") {
my $init = $g . "_init";
my $d = $g;
undef($d) if(!grep {trim($_) eq $d} (@{$config{debug}}));
if(defined($options{d}) && $options{d} eq "all") {
$d = $g;
eval "use $g qw(" . $init . " " . $g . "_update)";
if($@) {
logger("WARNING: unable to find module '$g'");
no strict "refs";
eval { &$init($g, \%config, $d); };
logger("WARNING: unexpected errors in function $init()") if($@);
print Dumper($config{func_update});
if(!scalar($config{func_update})) {
logger("nothing to do, exiting.");
logger("Generating the 'index.html' file.") unless !$options{d};
logger("Ok, done.") unless !$options{d};
while(1) {

View File

@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Jordi Sanfeliu <jordi@fibranet.cat>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib $Bin . '/lib';
use Monitorix;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Config::General;
use POSIX;
use RRDs;
my %config;
my %cgi;
my %colors;
my %tf;
my @version12;
my @version12_small;
sub multihost {
my ($config, $colors, $cgi) = @_;
my $n;
my $n2;
my @host;
my @url;
my $multihost = $config->{multihost};
if($cgi->{val} =~ m/group(\d*)/) {
my @remotegroup_desc;
# all groups
if($cgi->{val} eq "group") {
my @remotegroup_list = split(',', $multihost->{remotegroup_list});
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@remotegroup_list); $n++) {
scalar(my @tmp = split(',', $multihost->{remotegroup_desc}->{$n}));
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(@tmp); $n2++) {
push(@remotegroup_desc, trim($tmp[$n2]));
# specific group
if($cgi->{val} =~ m/group(\d+)/) {
my $gnum = int($1);
@remotegroup_desc = split(',', $multihost->{remotegroup_desc}->{$gnum});
my @remotehost_list = split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_list});
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@remotegroup_desc); $n++) {
my $h = trim($remotegroup_desc[$n]);
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(@remotehost_list); $n2++) {
my $h2 = trim($remotehost_list[$n2]);
if($h eq $h2) {
push(@host, $h);
push(@url, $multihost->{remotehost_url}->{$n2});
} else {
my @remotehost_list = split(',', $multihost->{remotehost_list});
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@remotehost_list); $n++) {
push(@host, trim($remotehost_list[$n]));
push(@url, $multihost->{remotehost_url}->{$n});
$multihost->{imgs_per_row} = 1 unless $multihost->{imgs_per_row} > 1;
my $graph = ($cgi->{graph} eq "all" || $cgi->{graph} =~ m/group\[0-9]*/) ? "_system1" : $cgi->{graph};
if($cgi->{val} eq "all" || $cgi->{val} =~ m/group[0-9]*/) {
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(@host); $n += $multihost->{imgs_per_row}) {
print "<table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' width='1' bgcolor='$colors->{graph_bg_color}' border='1'>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < $multihost->{imgs_per_row}; $n2++) {
if($n < scalar(@host)) {
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{fg_color}'>\n";
print " <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $host[$n] . "<b>\n";
print " </font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
for($n2 = 0, $n = $n - $multihost->{imgs_per_row}; $n2 < $multihost->{imgs_per_row}; $n2++) {
if($n < scalar(@host)) {
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' style='vertical-align: top; height: 10%; width: 10%;'>\n";
print " <iframe src=$url[$n]$config->{base_cgi}/monitorix.cgi?mode=localhost&when=$cgi->{when}&graph=$graph&color=$cgi->{color}&silent=imagetag height=201 width=397 frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no></iframe>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
for($n2 = 0, $n = $n - $multihost->{imgs_per_row}; $n2 < $multihost->{imgs_per_row}; $n2++) {
if($n < scalar(@host)) {
if(lc($multihost->{footer_url}) eq "y") {
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n";
print " <font size='-1'>\n";
print " <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" . $url[$n] . $config->{base_url} . "/' style='{color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . "}'>$url[$n]</a><b>\n";
print " </font></font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
$n = $n - $multihost->{imgs_per_row};
print " </tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
print "<br>\n";
} else {
print " <table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' width='1' bgcolor='$colors->{graph_bg_color}' border='1'>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{fg_color}'>\n";
print " <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $host[$cgi->{val}] . "<b>\n";
print " </font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' style='vertical-align: top; height: 10%; width: 10%;'>\n";
print " <iframe src=$url[$cgi->{val}]$config->{base_cgi}/monitorix.cgi?mode=localhost&when=$cgi->{when}&graph=$graph&color=$cgi->{color}&silent=imagetagbig height=249 width=545 frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling=no></iframe>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
if(lc($multihost->{footer_url}) eq "y") {
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n";
print " <font size='-1'>\n";
print " <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" . $url[$cgi->{val}] . "/monitorix/' style='{color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . "}'>$url[$cgi->{val}]</a><b>\n";
print " </font></font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " </table>\n";
print " <br>\n";
sub graph_header {
my ($title, $colspan) = @_;
print(" <table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' width='1' bgcolor='$colors{graph_bg_color}' border='1'>\n");
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors{title_bg_color}' colspan='$colspan'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors{title_fg_color}'>\n");
print(" <b>&nbsp;&nbsp;$title<b>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
sub graph_footer {
print(" </table>\n");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
open(IN, "< monitorix.conf.path");
my $config_path = <IN>;
if(! -f $config_path) {
print(<< "EOF");
Content-Type: text/plain
FATAL: Monitorix is unable to continue!
File 'monitorix.conf.path' not found.
Please make sure that 'base_dir' option is correctly configured and that
this CGI is located in the 'base_dir'/cgi-bin/ directory.
And don't forget to restart Monitorix for the changes to take effect.
die "FATAL: File 'monitorix.conf.path' not found!";
my $conf = new Config::General(
-ConfigFile => $config_path,
%config = $conf->getall;
$config{url} = $ENV{HTTPS} ? "https://" . $ENV{HTTP_HOST} : "http://" . $ENV{HTTP_HOST};
$config{hostname} = $ENV{SERVER_NAME};
if(!($config{hostname})) { # called from the command line
$config{hostname} = "";
$config{url} = "";
$config{url} .= $config{base_url} . "/";
# get the current OS and kernel version
my $release;
($config{os}, undef, $release) = uname();
my ($major, $minor) = split('\.', $release);
$config{kernel} = $major . "." . $minor;
our $mode = defined(param('mode')) ? param('mode') : '';
our $graph = param('graph');
our $when = param('when');
our $color = param('color');
our $val = defined(param('val')) ? param('val') : '';
our $silent = defined(param('silent')) ? param('silent') : '';
if($mode ne "localhost") {
($mode, $val) = split(/\./, $mode);
print("Content-Type: text/html\n");
# default white theme colors
$colors{graph_colors} = ();
$colors{warning_color} = "--color=CANVAS#880000";
$colors{bg_color} = "#FFFFFF";
$colors{fg_color} = "#000000";
$colors{title_bg_color} = "#777777";
$colors{title_fg_color} = "#CCCC00";
$colors{graph_bg_color} = "#CCCCCC";
if($color) {
if($color eq "black") {
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=CANVAS#" . $config{$color}->{canvas});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=BACK#" . $config{$color}->{back});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=FONT#" . $config{$color}->{font});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=MGRID#" . $config{$color}->{mgrid});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=GRID#" . $config{$color}->{grid});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=FRAME#" . $config{$color}->{frame});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=ARROW#" . $config{$color}->{arrow});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=SHADEA#" . $config{$color}->{shadea});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=SHADEB#" . $config{$color}->{shadeb});
push(@{$colors{graph_colors}}, "--color=AXIS#" . $config{$color}->{axis}) if defined($config{$color}->{axis});
$colors{bg_color} = $config{$color}->{main_bg};
$colors{fg_color} = $config{$color}->{main_fg};
$colors{title_bg_color} = $config{$color}->{title_bg};
$colors{title_fg_color} = $config{$color}->{title_fg};
$colors{graph_bg_color} = $config{$color}->{graph_bg};
($tf{twhen}) = ($when =~ m/(hour|day|week|month|year)$/);
($tf{nwhen} = $when) =~ s/$tf{twhen}// unless !$tf{twhen};
$tf{nwhen} = 1 unless $tf{nwhen};
$tf{twhen} = "day" unless $tf{twhen};
$tf{when} = $tf{nwhen} . $tf{twhen};
# toggle this to 1 if you want to maintain old (2.3-) Monitorix with Multihost
if($config{backwards_compat_old_multihost}) {
$tf{when} = $tf{twhen};
our ($res, $tc, $tb, $ts);
if($tf{twhen} eq "day") {
($tf{res}, $tf{tc}, $tf{tb}, $tf{ts}) = (3600, 'h', 24, 1);
if($tf{twhen} eq "week") {
($tf{res}, $tf{tc}, $tf{tb}, $tf{ts}) = (108000, 'd', 7, 1);
if($tf{twhen} eq "month") {
($tf{res}, $tf{tc}, $tf{tb}, $tf{ts}) = (216000, 'd', 30, 1);
if($tf{twhen} eq "year") {
($tf{res}, $tf{tc}, $tf{tb}, $tf{ts}) = (5184000, 'd', 365, 1);
if($RRDs::VERSION > 1.2) {
push(@version12, "--slope-mode");
push(@version12, "--font=LEGEND:7:");
push(@version12, "--font=TITLE:9:");
push(@version12, "--font=UNIT:8:");
if($RRDs::VERSION >= 1.3) {
push(@version12, "--font=DEFAULT:0:Mono");
if($tf{twhen} eq "day") {
push(@version12, "--x-grid=HOUR:1:HOUR:6:HOUR:6:0:%R");
push(@version12_small, "--font=TITLE:8:");
push(@version12_small, "--font=UNIT:7:");
if($RRDs::VERSION >= 1.3) {
push(@version12_small, "--font=DEFAULT:0:Mono");
if(!$silent) {
my $title;
my $str;
print(" <head>\n");
print(" <title>$config{title}</title>\n");
print(" <link rel='shortcut icon' href='" . $config{base_url} . "/" . $config{favicon} . "'>\n");
if($config{refresh_rate}) {
print(" <meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='" . $config{refresh_rate} . "'>\n");
print(" </head>\n");
print(" <body bgcolor='" . $colors{bg_color} . "' vlink='#888888' link='#888888'>\n");
print(" <center>\n");
print(" <table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='" . $colors{graph_bg_color} . "' border='1'>\n");
print(" <tr>\n");
if(($val ne "all" || $val ne "group") && $mode ne "multihost") {
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{title_fg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font size='5'><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Host:&nbsp;<b></font>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
if($val =~ m/group(\d+)/) {
my $gnum = $1;
my $gname = (split(',', $config{multihost}->{remotegroup_list}))[$gnum];
$gname = trim($gname);
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{title_fg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font size='5'><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;$gname&nbsp;<b></font>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors{bg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{fg_color} . "'>\n");
if($mode eq "localhost" || $mode eq "pc") {
$title = $config{hostname};
} elsif($mode eq "multihost") {
$graph = $graph eq "all" ? "_system1" : $graph;
if(substr($graph, 0, 4) eq "_net") {
$str = "_net" . substr($graph, 5, 1);
$title = $config{graphs}->{$str};
} elsif(substr($graph, 0, 5) eq "_port") {
$str = substr($graph, 0, 5);
my $p = substr($graph, 5, 1);
$title = $config{graphs}->{$str};
$p = (split(',', $config{port_list}))[$p];
$title .= " " . trim($p);
$p = (split(',', $config{port_desc}->{$p}))[0];
$title .= " (" . trim($p) . ")";
} else {
$title = $config{graphs}->{$graph};
$title =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
print(" <font size='5'><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;$title&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></font>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{title_fg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <font size='5'><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;last&nbsp;$tf{twhen}&nbsp;&nbsp;<b></font>\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
print(" </table>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{fg_color} . "'>\n");
print(" <h4><font color='#888888'>" . strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", localtime) . "</font></h4>\n");
$cgi{colors} = \%colors;
$cgi{tf} = \%tf;
$cgi{version12} = \@version12;
$cgi{version12_small} = \@version12_small;
$cgi{graph} = $graph;
$cgi{when} = $when;
$cgi{color} = $color;
$cgi{val} = $val;
$cgi{silent} = $silent;
if($mode eq "localhost") {
foreach (split(',', $config{graph_name})) {
my $g = trim($_);
if(lc($config{graph_enable}->{$g}) eq "y") {
my $cgi = $g . "_cgi";
eval "use $g qw(" . $cgi . ")";
if($@) {
print(STDERR "WARNING: unable to find module '$g'\n");
if($graph eq "all" || $graph =~ /_$g/) {
no strict "refs";
&$cgi($g, \%config, \%cgi);
} elsif($mode eq "multihost") {
multihost(\%config, \%colors, \%cgi);
} elsif($mode eq "pc") {
if(!$silent) {
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </center>\n");
print(" <p>\n");
print(" <a href='http://www.monitorix.org'><img src='" . $config{url} . "logo_bot.png' border='0'></a>\n");
print(" <br>\n");
print(" <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='" . $colors{fg_color} . "' size='-2'>\n");
print("Copyright &copy; 2005-2013 Jordi Sanfeliu\n");
print(" </font>\n");
print(" </body>\n");

View File

@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
# Monitorix - configuration file
# See monitorix.conf(5) manpage for a detailed description of each option.
title = Place a title here
hostname =
theme_color = black
refresh_rate = 150
iface_mode = graph
enable_zoom = y
netstats_in_bps = n
disable_javascript_void = n
base_dir = /usr/share/monitorix3/
base_lib = /var/lib/monitorix3/
base_url = /monitorix3
base_cgi = /monitorix-cgi3
# Log files pathnames
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
log_file = /var/log/monitorix3
secure_log = /var/log/secure
mail_log = /var/log/maillog
milter_gl = /var/milter-greylist/greylist.db
imap_log = /var/log/imap
hylafax_log = /var/spool/hylafax/etc/xferfaxlog
cups_log = /var/log/cups/page_log
fail2ban_log = /var/log/fail2ban.log
spamassassin_log = /var/log/maillog
clamav_log = /var/log/clamav/clamav.log
cg_logdir = /var/CommuniGate/SystemLogs/
squid_log = /var/log/squid/access.log
imap_date_log_format = %b %d
# Alert capabilities
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable_alerts = n
alert_loadavg_timeintvl = 3600
alert_loadavg_threshold = 5.0
alert_loadavg_script = /path/to/script.sh
alert_rootfs_timeintvl = 3600
alert_rootfs_threshold = 100
alert_rootfs_script = /path/to/script.sh
# Graphs (de)activation
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
system = y
kern = y
proc = y
hptemp = n
lmsens = n
nvidia = n
disk = n
fs = y
net = y
serv = y
mail = n
port = y
user = y
apache = n
nginx = n
lighttpd = n
mysql = n
squid = n
nfss = n
nfsc = n
bind = n
ntp = n
fail2ban = n
icecast = n
int = y
pc = n
# SYSTEM graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rigid = 1, 0
limit = 1, 100
# KERN graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
graph_mode = r
rigid = 2
limit = 100
user = y
nice = y
sys = y
iow = y
irq = y
sirq = y
steal = y
guest = y
# PROC graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
max = 4
graphs_per_row = 2
size = medium
data = y
rigid = 2
limit = 100
# HPTEMP graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 = 2, 3
1 = 1, 6
2 = 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
# LMSENS graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
core0 = Core 0
core1 = Core 1
mb0 = M/B Temp
cpu0 = CPU Temp
fan0 = fan1
fan1 = fan2
fan2 = fan3
volt0 = VCore 1
volt1 = VCore 2
volt2 = \+3.3V
volt3 = \+5V
volt4 = \+12V
volt5 = \-12V
volt6 = \-5V
volt7 = Battery
gpu0 = nvidia
# NVIDIA graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
max = 1
# DISK graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 = /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc
# FS graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 = /, swap, /boot
/ = rootfs
/boot = boot
rigid = 2, 0, 0
limit = 100, 1000, 1000
# NET graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
list = eth0
eth0 = FastEthernet LAN, 0, 10000000
gateway = eth0
rigid = 0, 0, 0
limit = 1000, 1000, 1000
# SERV graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mode = i
rigid = 0, 0, 0
limit = 1000, 1000, 1000
# MAIL graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mta = sendmail
greylist = milter-greylist
rigid = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
limit = 1, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000
# PORT graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
max = 9
rule = 24000
list = 25, 21, 80, 22, 110, 139, 3306, 53, 143
25 = SMTP, tcp, 0, 1000
21 = FTP, tcp, 0, 1000
80 = HTTP, tcp, 0, 1000
22 = SSH, tcp, 0, 1000
110 = POP3, tcp, 0, 1000
139 = NETBIOS, tcp, 0, 1000
3306 = MYSQL, tcp, 0, 1000
53 = DNS, udp, 0, 1000
143 = IMAP, tcp, 0, 1000
graphs_per_row = 3
# USER graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rigid = 0, 0, 0
limit = 1000, 1000, 1000
# APACHE graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
list = http://localhost/
rigid = 0, 2, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100
# NGINX graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
port = 80
rule = 24100
rigid = 0, 0, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100
# LIGHTTPD graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
list = http://localhost/
rigid = 0, 0, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100
# MYSQL graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
conn_type = host
list = localhost
# list = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
localhost = 3306, user, secret
rigid = 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
# SQUID graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmd = squidclient -h
graph_1 = 200, 403, 304, 204, 302, 000, 404, 301, 206
rigid = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
# NFSS graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
version = 3
graph_0 = readlink, create, mkdir, symlink, rmdir, remove, rename, link, readdir
graph_1 = mknod, readdirplus, fsstat, fsinfo, pathconf, access, lookup, commit, null
graph_2 = read, write, getattr, setattr
rigid = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
# NFSC graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
version = 3
graph_0 = readlink, create, mkdir, symlink, rmdir, remove, rename, link, readdir
graph_1 = mknod, readdirplus, fsstat, fsinfo, pathconf
graph_2 = read, write
graph_3 = getattr, setattr
graph_4 = access, lookup, commit, null
rigid = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
# BIND graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
list = http://localhost:8053/
http://localhost:8053/ = A, AAAA, ANY, DS, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, SRV, TXT, NAPTR, A6, CNAME, SPF, KEY, DNSKEY, HINFO, WKS, PX, NSAP
http://localhost:8053/ = A, AAAA, ANY, DS, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, SRV, TXT, NAPTR, A6, CNAME, SPF, KEY, DNSKEY, HINFO, WKS, PX, NSAP
http://localhost:8053/ = Requestv4, Requestv6, ReqEdns0, ReqBadEDNSVer, ReqTSIG, ReqSIG0, ReqBadSIG, ReqTCP, Response, QrySuccess, QryAuthAns, QryNoauthAns, QryReferral, QryNxrrset, QrySERVFAIL, QryNXDOMAIN, QryRecursion, QryDuplicate, QryDropped, QryFailure
http://localhost:8053/ = Queryv4, Queryv6, Responsev4, Responsev6, NXDOMAIN, SERVFAIL, FORMERR, OtherError, EDNS0Fail, Truncated, Lame, Retry, QueryTimeout, GlueFetchv4, GlueFetchv6, GlueFetchv4Fail, GlueFetchv6Fail, ValAttempt, ValOk, ValNegOk
http://localhost:8053/ = A, !A, AAAA, !AAAA, DLV, !DLV, DS, !DS, MX, NS, CNAME, !CNAME, SOA, !SOA, !ANY, PTR, RRSIG, NSEC, DNSKEY, NXDOMAIN
rigid = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
# NTP graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
list = localhost
rigid = 0, 0, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100
# FAIL2BAN graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
graphs_per_row = 2
list = Security, Overload / Abuse
0 = [apache], [apache-mod-security], [apache-overflows], [courierauth], [ssh], [pam-generic], [php-url-fopen], [vsftpd]
1 = [apache-imdbphp], [apache-evasive], [apache-badbots], [apache-robots-txt], [communigate], [named-refused-udp], [named-refused-tcp], [trac-ticketspam]
rigid = 0
limit = 100
# ICECAST graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
list = http://localhost:8000/status.xsl
http://localhost:8000/status.xsl = stream1, stream2, stream3
graph_mode = r
rigid = 0, 0
limit = 100, 100
# INT graph
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rigid = 0, 0, 0
limit = 100, 100, 100
# PC LAN Internet traffic accounting
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pc_max = 10
pc_rigid = 0
pc_limit = 1000
pc_imgs_per_row = 2
pc_enable_monthly_reports = n
pc_report_lang = en
pc_default_mail = root@localhost
pc_list = pc101, pc102, pc103, pc104
0 =, ace@example.com
1 =, gene@example.com
2 =, paul@example.com
3 =, peter@example.com
# Multihost
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enabled = n
footer_url = y
imgs_per_row = 2
remotehost_list = server 1, server 2, server 3
0 = http://www.example.com
1 =
2 =
groups = n
remotegroup_list = My Group
0 = server 2, server 3
# ========================================================================
# ====== Probably you don't need to touch anything below this line ======
# ========================================================================
theme = black
timeout = 15
imgs_dir = imgs/
usage_dir = usage/
report_dir = reports/
favicon = /monitorixico.png
canvas = 000000
back = 101010
font = C0C0C0
mgrid = 80C080
grid = 808020
frame = 808080
arrow = FFFFFF
shadea = 404040
shadeb = 404040
axis = 101010
main_bg = 000000
main_fg = FFFFFF
title_bg = 333333
title_fg = 888800
graph_bg = 888888
main = 450x150
medium = 325x150
medium2 = 325x70
small = 200x66
mini = 183x66
tiny = 110x40
zoom = 800x300
remote = 300x100
graph_name = system, kern, proc, hptemp, lmsens, nvidia, disk, fs, net, serv, mail, port, user, apache, nginx, lighttpd, mysql, squid, nfss, nfsc, bind, ntp, fail2ban, icecast, int
system = System load average and usage
kern = Global kernel usage
proc = Kernel usage per processor
hptemp = HP ProLiant System Health
lmsens = LM-Sensors and GPU temperatures
nvidia = NVIDIA temperatures and usage
disk = Disk drive temperatures and health
fs = Filesystem usage and I/O activity
net = Network traffic and usage
serv = System services demand
mail = Mail statistics
port = Network port traffic
user = Users using the system
apache = Apache statistics
nginx = Nginx statistics
lighttpd = Lighttpd statistics
mysql = MySQL statistics
squid = Squid statistics
nfss = NFS server statistics
nfsc = NFS client statistics
bind = BIND statistics
ntp = NTP statistics
fail2ban = Fail2ban statistics
icecast = Icecast Streaming Media Server
int = Devices interrupt activity
_system1 = System load
_system2 = Active processes
_system3 = Memory allocation
_kern1 = Kernel usage
_kern2 = Context switches and forks
_kern3 = VFS usage
_proc = Processor
_hptemp1 = Temperatures 1
_hptemp2 = Temperatures 2
_hptemp3 = Temperatures 3
_lmsens1 = Core temperatures
_lmsens2 = Voltages
_lmsens3 = MB and CPU temperatures
_lmsens4 = Fan speeds
_lmsens5 = GPU temperatures
_nvidia1 = NVIDIA temperatures
_nvidia2 = CPU usage
_nvidia3 = Memory usage
_disk1 = Disk drives temperatures
_disk2 = Reallocated sector count
_disk3 = Current pending sector
_fs1 = Filesystems usage
_fs2 = Disk I/O activity
_fs3 = Time spent in I/O activity
_net1 = Network traffic
_net2 = Network packets
_net3 = Network errors
_serv1 = System services demand
_serv2 = IMAP and POP3 services
_serv3 = SMTP service
_mail1 = Mail statistics
_mail2 = Network traffic
_mail3 = Mails in queue
_mail4 = Queue size
_mail5 = Greylisting
_port = Port
_user1 = Users logged in
_user2 = Samba users
_user3 = Netatalk users
_apache1 = Apache workers
_apache2 = Apache CPU usage
_apache3 = Apache requests
_nginx1 = Nginx connections
_nginx2 = Nginx requests
_nginx3 = Nginx traffic
_lighttpd1 = Lighttpd workers
_lighttpd2 = Lighttpd traffic
_lighttpd3 = Lighttpd requests
_mysql1 = MySQL query types
_mysql2 = MySQL overall stats
_mysql3 = Table saturation and MyISAM
_mysql4 = MySQL queries
_mysql5 = MySQL connections
_mysql6 = MySQL traffic
_squid1 = Squid statistics 1
_squid2 = Squid statistics 2
_squid3 = Overall I/O
_squid4 = Memory usage
_squid5 = Store directory stats
_squid6 = IP cache stats
_squid7 = Network protocols usage
_squid8 = Client traffic
_squid9 = Server traffic
_nfss1 = NFS server stats 1
_nfss2 = NFS server stats 2
_nfss3 = NFS server stats 3
_nfss4 = Overall I/O
_nfss5 = Network layer
_nfss6 = RPC
_nfss7 = Thread utilization
_nfss8 = Read cache
_nfss9 = File handle cache
_nfsc1 = NFS client stats 1
_nfsc2 = NFS client stats 2
_nfsc3 = NFS client stats 3
_nfsc4 = NFS client stats 4
_nfsc5 = NFS client stats 5
_nfsc6 = RPC client stats
_bind1 = Incoming queries
_bind2 = Outgoing queries (_default)
_bind3 = Name server statistics
_bind4 = Resolver statistics (_default)
_bind5 = Cache DB RRsets (_default)
_bind6 = Memory usage
_bind7 = Task manager
_ntp1 = NTP timing stats
_ntp2 = Stratum level
_ntp3 = Codes
_fail2ban = Fail2ban jails
_icecast1 = Current Listeners
_icecast2 = Bitrate
_int1 = Interrupt activity
_int2 = Core activity
_int3 = Interrupt activity