redirect all the output into an array to support parallelizing in ''

This commit is contained in:
Jordi Sanfeliu 2017-08-02 19:19:29 +02:00
parent 045967fa8f
commit d77d35f29b
1 changed files with 85 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -572,6 +572,7 @@ sub mongodb_update {
sub mongodb_cgi {
my ($package, $config, $cgi) = @_;
my @output;
my $mongodb = $config->{mongodb};
my @rigid = split(',', ($mongodb->{rigid} || ""));
@ -628,16 +629,16 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
if(lc($config->{iface_mode}) eq "text") {
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
push(@output, main::graph_header($title, 2));
push(@output, " <tr>\n");
push(@output, " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
my (undef, undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrd",
"-r $tf->{res}");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while fetching $rrd: $err\n") if $err;
my $line0;
my $line1;
my $line2;
@ -647,8 +648,8 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
my $host;
my $port;
my $m;
print(" <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
print(" ");
push(@output, " <pre style='font-size: 12px; color: $colors->{fg_color}';>\n");
push(@output, " ");
for($n = 0; $n < scalar(my @ml = split(',', $mongodb->{list})); $n++) {
$line0 = " ";
$line1 .= " Asserts BgFl_Avg BgFl_Last Conn_Curr Conn_TotC Dur_Comm Dur_IO_MB EI_Heap_Usg EI_PgFlt Gbl_CurrQu Gbl_ActCli Net_Input Net_Output Net_Reqs OpCnt_Ins OpCnt_Que OpCnt_Upd OpCnt_Del OpCnt_Get OpCnt_Com MtDoc_del MtDoc_Ins MtDoc_Ret MtDoc_Upd";
@ -668,10 +669,10 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$line3 .= sprintf("%${i}s", sprintf("DB: %s", $db));
printf(sprintf("%${m}s\n", sprintf("%s - (%s:%s)", $mongo, $host, $port)));
print(" $line3\n");
print("----$line2 \n");
push(@output, sprintf(sprintf("%${m}s\n", sprintf("%s - (%s:%s)", $mongo, $host, $port))));
push(@output, " $line3\n");
push(@output, "Time$line1\n");
push(@output, "----$line2 \n");
my $line;
my @row;
my $time;
@ -685,7 +686,7 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$bf_avg /= 1000000;
$bf_lastms /= 1000000;
printf(" %2d$tf->{tc} %7d %9.6f %9.6f %9d %9d %8d %9d %10d %8d %10d %10d %10d %10d %8d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d X", $time, $asserts, $bf_avg, $bf_lastms, $conn_curr, $conn_totc, $dur_commi, $dur_io, $ei_heapus, $ei_pgfalt, $gbl_currq, $gbl_actcl, $net_in, $net_out, $net_req, $op_ins, $op_que, $op_upd, $op_del, $op_get, $op_com, $doc_del, $doc_ins, $doc_ret, $doc_upd);
push(@output, sprintf(" %2d$tf->{tc} %7d %9.6f %9.6f %9d %9d %8d %9d %10d %8d %10d %10d %10d %10d %8d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d X", $time, $asserts, $bf_avg, $bf_lastms, $conn_curr, $conn_totc, $dur_commi, $dur_io, $ei_heapus, $ei_pgfalt, $gbl_currq, $gbl_actcl, $net_in, $net_out, $net_req, $op_ins, $op_que, $op_upd, $op_del, $op_get, $op_com, $doc_del, $doc_ins, $doc_ret, $doc_upd));
for($n2 = 0; $n2 < scalar(my @ml = split(',', $mongodb->{list})); $n2++) {
$mongo = trim($ml[$n2]);
$from = (35 + 12) * $n2;
@ -694,19 +695,19 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$from += ($n3 * 12);
$to = $from + 12;
my ($colls, $objcs, $dsize, $ssize, $nexte, $index, $fsize) = @$line[$from..$to];
printf(" %4d %8d %9d %10d %6d %7d %11d", $colls, $objcs, $dsize, $ssize, $nexte, $index, $fsize);
push(@output, sprintf(" %4d %8d %9d %10d %6d %7d %11d", $colls, $objcs, $dsize, $ssize, $nexte, $index, $fsize));
push(@output, "\n");
print(" </pre>\n");
push(@output, " </pre>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
push(@output, " </td>\n");
push(@output, " </tr>\n");
push(@output, main::graph_footer());
print(" <br>\n");
push(@output, " <br>\n");
return @output;
@ -760,14 +761,14 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
my $mongo = trim($db);
if($e) {
print(" <br>\n");
push(@output, " <br>\n");
if($title) {
main::graph_header($title, 2);
push(@output, main::graph_header($title, 2));
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
push(@output, " <tr>\n");
push(@output, " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}'>\n");
@riglim = @{setup_riglim($rigid[0], $limit[0])};
@ -842,7 +843,7 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
$picz = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6]",
@ -866,13 +867,13 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 1;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /mongodb$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
if($version eq "new") {
$picz_width = $picz->{image_width} * $config->{global_zoom};
@ -881,10 +882,10 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$picz_width = $width + 115;
$picz_height = $height + 100;
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6] . "'>\n");
push(@output, " <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6] . "'>\n");
@ -947,7 +948,7 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
"COMMENT: \\n");
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
$picz = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 1]",
@ -969,13 +970,13 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 1]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 2;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /mongodb$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 1] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 1] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
if($version eq "new") {
$picz_width = $picz->{image_width} * $config->{global_zoom};
@ -984,16 +985,16 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$picz_width = $width + 115;
$picz_height = $height + 100;
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 1] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 1] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 1] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 1] . "'>\n");
push(@output, " <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 1] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
push(@output, " </td>\n");
push(@output, " <td valign='top' bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
@riglim = @{setup_riglim($rigid[2], $limit[2])};
@ -1037,7 +1038,7 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
$picz = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 2]",
@ -1058,13 +1059,13 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 2]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 3;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /mongodb$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
if($version eq "new") {
$picz_width = $picz->{image_width} * $config->{global_zoom};
@ -1073,10 +1074,10 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$picz_width = $width + 115;
$picz_height = $height + 100;
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 2] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 2] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 2] . "'>\n");
push(@output, " <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 2] . "'>\n");
@ -1122,7 +1123,7 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 3]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 3]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
$picz = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 3]",
@ -1143,13 +1144,13 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 3]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 3]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 4;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /mongodb$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 3] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 3] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
if($version eq "new") {
$picz_width = $picz->{image_width} * $config->{global_zoom};
@ -1158,10 +1159,10 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$picz_width = $width + 115;
$picz_height = $height + 100;
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 3] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 3] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 3] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 3] . "'>\n");
push(@output, " <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 3] . "'>\n");
@ -1207,7 +1208,7 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 4]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 4]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
$picz = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 4]",
@ -1228,13 +1229,13 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 4]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 4]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 5;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /mongodb$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 4] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 4] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 4] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 4] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
if($version eq "new") {
$picz_width = $picz->{image_width} * $config->{global_zoom};
@ -1243,10 +1244,10 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$picz_width = $width + 115;
$picz_height = $height + 100;
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 4] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 4] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 4] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 4] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 4] . "'>\n");
push(@output, " <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 4] . "'>\n");
@ -1305,7 +1306,7 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 5]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + 5]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
$picz = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 5]",
@ -1326,13 +1327,13 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 5]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + 5]: $err\n") if $err;
$e2 = $e + 6;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /mongodb$e2/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 5] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 5] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 5] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 5] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
if($version eq "new") {
$picz_width = $picz->{image_width} * $config->{global_zoom};
@ -1341,10 +1342,10 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$picz_width = $width + 115;
$picz_height = $height + 100;
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 5] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 5] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + 5] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 5] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 5] . "'>\n");
push(@output, " <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + 5] . "'>\n");
@ -1352,17 +1353,17 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
# the following graphs will show the DBs monitored
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' colspan='2'>\n";
print " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n";
print " <font size='-1'>\n";
print " <b style='{color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . "}'>&nbsp;&nbsp;$mongo</b>\n";
print " </font></font>\n";
print " </td>\n";
print(" </tr>\n");
push(@output, " <tr>\n");
push(@output, " <td bgcolor='$colors->{title_bg_color}' colspan='2'>\n");
push(@output, " <font face='Verdana, sans-serif' color='$colors->{title_fg_color}'>\n");
push(@output, " <font size='-1'>\n");
push(@output, " <b style='{color: " . $colors->{title_fg_color} . "}'>&nbsp;&nbsp;$mongo</b>\n");
push(@output, " </font></font>\n");
push(@output, " </td>\n");
push(@output, " </tr>\n");
print(" </table>\n");
print(" <table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' width='1' bgcolor='$colors->{graph_bg_color}' border='1'>\n");
push(@output, " </table>\n");
push(@output, " <table cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' width='1' bgcolor='$colors->{graph_bg_color}' border='1'>\n");
my $e3 = 0;
@ -1371,8 +1372,8 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$str = trim($dbl[$e3]);
if($title) {
print(" <tr>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
push(@output, " <tr>\n");
push(@output, " <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
@riglim = @{setup_riglim($rigid[$e * 6 + $e2], $limit[$e * 6 + $e2])};
@ -1421,7 +1422,7 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + $e2]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + $e2]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
$picz = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2]",
@ -1443,12 +1444,12 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2]: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /mongodb/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
if($version eq "new") {
$picz_width = $picz->{image_width} * $config->{global_zoom};
@ -1457,16 +1458,16 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$picz_width = $width + 115;
$picz_height = $height + 100;
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "'>\n");
push(@output, " <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
push(@output, " </td>\n");
push(@output, " <td bgcolor='" . $colors->{title_bg_color} . "'>\n");
@ -1516,7 +1517,7 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + $e2]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMG[$e * 6 + $e2]: $err\n") if $err;
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
($width, $height) = split('x', $config->{graph_size}->{zoom});
$picz = $rrd{$version}->("$IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2]",
@ -1538,12 +1539,12 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$err = RRDs::error;
print("ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2]: $err\n") if $err;
push(@output, "ERROR: while graphing $IMG_DIR" . "$IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2]: $err\n") if $err;
if($title || ($silent =~ /imagetag/ && $graph =~ /mongodb/)) {
if(lc($config->{enable_zoom}) eq "y") {
if(lc($config->{disable_javascript_void}) eq "y") {
print(" <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2] . "\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
if($version eq "new") {
$picz_width = $picz->{image_width} * $config->{global_zoom};
@ -1552,15 +1553,15 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
$picz_width = $width + 115;
$picz_height = $height + 100;
print(" <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
push(@output, " <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMGz[$e * 6 + $e2] . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "' border='0'></a>\n");
} else {
print(" <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "'>\n");
push(@output, " <img src='" . $config->{url} . "/" . $config->{imgs_dir} . $IMG[$e * 6 + $e2] . "'>\n");
if($title) {
print(" </td>\n");
print(" </tr>\n");
push(@output, " </td>\n");
push(@output, " </tr>\n");
@ -1569,10 +1570,10 @@ sub mongodb_cgi {
if($title) {
push(@output, main::graph_footer());
print(" <br>\n");
push(@output, " <br>\n");
return @output;