
491 lines
12 KiB

# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2020 by Jordi Sanfeliu <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package Monitorix;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
use POSIX qw(setuid setgid setsid getgid getuid);
use Socket;
our @EXPORT = qw(logger trim min max celsius_to picz_js_link uptime2str setup_riglim httpd_setup get_nvidia_data get_ati_data flush_accounting_rules);
sub logger {
my ($msg) = @_;
$msg = localtime() . " - " . $msg;
sub trim {
my $str = shift;
if($str) {
$str =~ s/^\s+//;
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
return $str;
sub min {
my ($min, @args) = @_;
foreach(@args) {
$min = $_ if $_ < $min;
return $min;
sub max {
my ($max, @args) = @_;
foreach(@args) {
$max = $_ if $_ > $max;
return $max;
sub celsius_to {
my ($config, $celsius) = @_;
$celsius = $celsius || 0;
if(lc($config->{temperature_scale}) eq "f") {
return ($celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32;
return $celsius;
sub picz_js_link {
my %params = @_;
my $zoom = ($params{config}->{image_format} eq "SVG") ? (4 / 3) : 1;
my $picz_width = POSIX::ceil($params{width} * $zoom + 0.5);
my $picz_height = POSIX::ceil($params{height} * $zoom + 0.5);
return " <a href=\"javascript:void('" . $params{config}->{url} . "/" . $params{config}->{imgs_dir} . $params{IMGz} . "','','width=" . $picz_width . ",height=" . $picz_height . ",scrollbars=0,resizable=0'))\"><img src='" . $params{config}->{url} . "/" . $params{config}->{imgs_dir} . $params{IMG} . "' border='0'></a>\n";
sub uptime2str {
my $uptime = shift || 0;
my $str;
my $d = int($uptime / (60 * 60 * 24));
my $h = int($uptime / (60 * 60)) % 24;
my $m = int($uptime / 60) % 60;
my $d_string = $d ? sprintf("%d days,", $d) : "";
my $h_string = $h ? sprintf("%d", $h) : "";
my $m_string = $h ? sprintf("%sh %dm", $h, $m) : sprintf("%d min", $m);
return "$d_string $m_string";
sub setup_riglim {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($rigid, $limit) = @_;
my @riglim;
my ($upper, $lower) = split(':', trim($limit) || "0:0");
if(trim($rigid || 0) eq 0) {
push(@riglim, "--lower-limit=$lower") if defined($lower);
} else {
push(@riglim, "--upper-limit=" . ($upper || 0));
push(@riglim, "--lower-limit=" . ($lower || 0));
push(@riglim, "--rigid") if trim($rigid || 0) eq 2;
return \@riglim;
sub httpd_setup {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($config, $reguser) = @_;
my $pid;
my ($uid, $gid);
my $host = $config->{httpd_builtin}->{host};
my $port = $config->{httpd_builtin}->{port};
if($reguser) {
(undef, undef, $uid, $gid ) = getpwuid($<);
} else {
(undef, undef, $uid) = getpwnam($config->{httpd_builtin}->{user});
(undef, undef, $gid) = getgrnam($config->{httpd_builtin}->{group});
if(!defined($uid)) {
logger("$myself: ERROR: invalid user defined.");
if(!defined($gid)) {
logger("$myself: ERROR: invalid group defined.");
if(!defined($port)) {
logger("$myself: ERROR: invalid port defined.");
if($pid = fork()) {
$config->{httpd_pid} = $pid;
return; # parent returns
# create the HTTPd logfile
if($config->{log_file}) {
open(OUT, ">> " . $config->{httpd_builtin}->{log_file});
chown($uid, $gid, $config->{httpd_builtin}->{log_file});
chmod(0600, $config->{httpd_builtin}->{log_file});
if(getgid() != $gid) {
logger("WARNING: $myself: unable to setgid($gid).");
if(getuid() != $uid) {
logger("WARNING: $myself: unable to setuid($uid).");
$SIG{$_} = 'DEFAULT' for keys %SIG; # reset all sighandlers
$0 = "monitorix-httpd listening on $port"; # change process' name
# check if 'htpasswd' file does exists and it's accessible
if(lc($config->{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{enabled}) eq "y") {
if(! -r ($config->{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{htpasswd} || "")) {
logger("$myself: '$config->{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{htpasswd}' $!");
} else {
if(!grep {$_ eq $config->{httpd_builtin}->{host}} ("localhost", "")) {
logger("WARNING: the HTTP built-in server has authentication disabled.");
my $server = HTTPServer->new();
sub get_nvidia_data {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($gpu) = @_;
my $total = 0;
my $used = 0;
my $mem = 0;
my $cpu = 0;
my $temp = 0;
my $check_mem = 0;
my $check_cpu = 0;
my $check_temp = 0;
my $l;
my @data = ();
if(open(IN, "nvidia-smi -q -i $gpu -d MEMORY,UTILIZATION,TEMPERATURE |")) {
@data = <IN>;
} else {
logger("$myself: ERROR: 'nvidia-smi' command is not installed.");
for($l = 0; $l < scalar(@data); $l++) {
if($data[$l] =~ /Memory Usage/) {
if($data[$l] !~ /BAR1 Memory Usage/) {
$check_mem = 1;
if($check_mem) {
if($data[$l] =~ /Total/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$total = int($value);
if($data[$l] =~ /Used/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$used = int($value);
$check_mem = 0;
if($data[$l] =~ /Utilization/) {
$check_cpu = 1;
if($check_cpu) {
if($data[$l] =~ /Gpu/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
$value ||= 0; # zero if not numeric
if(int($value) > 0) {
$cpu = int($value);
# not used
if($data[$l] =~ /Memory/) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
$value ||= 0; # zero if not numeric
if(int($value) > 0) {
$mem = int($value);
$check_cpu = 0;
if($data[$l] =~ /Temperature/) {
$check_temp = 1;
if($check_temp) {
if($data[$l] =~ /Gpu.*?(?:Current Temp)?/i) {
my (undef, $tmp) = split(':', $data[$l]);
if($tmp eq "\n") {
$tmp = $data[$l];
my ($value, undef) = split(' ', $tmp);
$value =~ s/[-]/./;
$value =~ s/[^0-9.]//g;
if(int($value) > 0) {
$temp = int($value);
$check_temp = 0;
# NVIDIA driver v285.+ not supported (needs new output parsing).
# This is to avoid a divide by zero message.
if($total) {
$mem = ($used * 100) / $total;
} else {
$mem = $used = $total = 0;
return join(" ", $mem, $cpu, $temp);
sub get_ati_data {
my $myself = (caller(0))[3];
my ($gpu) = @_;
my $temp = 0;
my @data = ();
if(open(IN, "aticonfig --odgt --adapter=$gpu |")) {
@data = <IN>;
} else {
logger("$myself: ERROR: 'aticonfig' command is not installed.");
foreach(@data) {
if(/Sensor \d: Temperature - (\d+\.\d+) C/) {
$temp = $1;
return $temp || 0;
# flushes out all Monitorix iptables/ipfw rules
sub flush_accounting_rules {
my ($config, $debug) = @_;
my $table = $config->{ip_default_table};
if($config->{os} eq "Linux") {
my $num = 0;
my $num6 = 0;
my $cmd = "iptables" . $config->{iptables_wait_lock};
my $cmd6 = "ip6tables" . $config->{iptables_wait_lock};
logger("Flushing out iptables rules.") if $debug;
my @names;
# IPv4
if(open(IN, "$cmd -t $table -nxvL INPUT --line-numbers |")) {
my @rules;
while(<IN>) {
my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_);
if(lc($config->{use_external_firewall} || "") eq "n") {
if($name =~ /monitorix_IN/ || /monitorix_OUT/ || /monitorix_nginx_IN/) {
push(@rules, $rule);
push(@names, $name);
@rules = reverse(@rules);
foreach(@rules) {
system("$cmd -t $table -D INPUT $_");
if(open(IN, "$cmd -t $table -nxvL OUTPUT --line-numbers |")) {
my @rules;
while(<IN>) {
my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_);
if(lc($config->{use_external_firewall} || "") eq "n") {
if($name =~ /monitorix_IN/ || /monitorix_OUT/ || /monitorix_nginx_IN/) {
push(@rules, $rule);
@rules = reverse(@rules);
foreach(@rules) {
system("$cmd -t $table -D OUTPUT $_");
foreach(@names) {
system("$cmd -t $table -X $_");
# IPv6
if(lc($config->{ipv6_disabled} || "") ne "y") {
if(open(IN, "$cmd6 -t $table -nxvL INPUT --line-numbers |")) {
my @rules;
while(<IN>) {
my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_);
if(lc($config->{use_external_firewall} || "") eq "n") {
if($name =~ /monitorix_IN/ || /monitorix_OUT/ || /monitorix_nginx_IN/) {
push(@rules, $rule);
push(@names, $name);
@rules = reverse(@rules);
foreach(@rules) {
system("$cmd6 -t $table -D INPUT $_");
if(open(IN, "$cmd6 -t $table -nxvL OUTPUT --line-numbers |")) {
my @rules;
while(<IN>) {
my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_);
if(lc($config->{use_external_firewall} || "") eq "n") {
if($name =~ /monitorix_IN/ || /monitorix_OUT/ || /monitorix_nginx_IN/) {
push(@rules, $rule);
@rules = reverse(@rules);
foreach(@rules) {
system("$cmd6 -t $table -D OUTPUT $_");
foreach(@names) {
system("$cmd6 -t $table -X $_");
if(open(IN, "$cmd -t $table -nxvL FORWARD --line-numbers |")) {
my @rules;
my @names;
while(<IN>) {
my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_);
if($name =~ /monitorix_daily_/ || /monitorix_total_/) {
push(@rules, $rule);
push(@names, $name);
@rules = reverse(@rules);
foreach(@rules) {
system("$cmd -t $table -D FORWARD $_");
foreach(@names) {
system("$cmd -t $table -F $_");
system("$cmd -t $table -X $_");
if(lc($config->{ipv6_disabled} || "") ne "y") {
if(open(IN, "$cmd6 -t $table -nxvL FORWARD --line-numbers |")) {
my @rules;
my @names;
while(<IN>) {
my ($rule, undef, undef, $name) = split(' ', $_);
if($name =~ /monitorix_daily_/ || /monitorix_total_/) {
push(@rules, $rule);
push(@names, $name);
@rules = reverse(@rules);
foreach(@rules) {
system("$cmd6 -t $table -D FORWARD $_");
foreach(@names) {
system("$cmd6 -t $table -F $_");
system("$cmd6 -t $table -X $_");
logger("$num iptables rules have been flushed.") if $debug;
if(lc($config->{ipv6_disabled} || "") ne "y") {
logger("$num6 ip6tables rules have been flushed.") if $debug;
if(grep {$_ eq $config->{os}} ("FreeBSD", "OpenBSD", "NetBSD")) {
logger("Flushing out ipfw rules.") if $debug;
system("ipfw delete $config->{port}->{rule} 2>/dev/null");
system("ipfw delete $config->{nginx}->{rule} 2>/dev/null");