
317 lines
9.7 KiB

# Monitorix - A lightweight system monitoring tool.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2020 by Jordi Sanfeliu <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package HTTPServer;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Monitorix qw(trim);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI;
use base qw(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI);
use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64);
use Socket;
sub logger {
my ($url, $type) = @_;
if($main::config{httpd_builtin}->{log_file}) {
if(open(OUT, ">> $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{log_file}")) {
if($type eq "OK") {
print OUT localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] \"$ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} $url - " . ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || "") . "\"\n";
} elsif($type eq "NOTEXIST") {
print OUT localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] File does not exist: $url\n";
} elsif($type eq "AUTHERR") {
print OUT localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] Authentication error: $url\n";
} elsif($type eq "NOTALLOWED") {
print OUT localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] Access not allowed: $url\n";
} else {
print OUT localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] $url\n";
} else {
print STDERR localtime() . " - ERROR: unable to open logfile '$main::config{httpd_builtin}->{log_file}'.\n";
} else {
my $msg;
if($type eq "OK") {
$msg = localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] \"$ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} $url - " . ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || "") . "\"\n";
} elsif($type eq "NOTEXIST") {
$msg = localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] File does not exist: $url\n";
} elsif($type eq "AUTHERR") {
$msg = localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] Authentication error: $url\n";
} elsif($type eq "NOTALLOWED") {
$msg = localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] Access not allowed: $url\n";
} else {
$msg = localtime() . " - $type - [$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}] $url\n";
sub check_passwd {
my ($user, $pass) = @_;
if(open(IN, $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{htpasswd})) {
while(<IN>) {
my $line = trim($_);
# append character ':' if not exist
if(index($line, ":") < 0) {
logger("Malformed line in " . $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{htpasswd}, "ERROR");
$line .= ":" if index($line, ":") < 0;
# discard that line if password is missing
if(length($line) == index($line, ":") + 1) {
logger("Malformed line in " . $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{htpasswd}, "ERROR");
my %pair = split(':', $line);
if($pair{$user || ""}) {
if(crypt($pass, $pair{$user}) ne $pair{$user}) {
return 0;
} else {
print STDERR localtime() . " - ERROR: can't open file '$main::config{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{htpasswd}'.\n";
return 1;
sub ip_validity {
my ($myip, $hosts) = @_;
my $valid = 0;
foreach my $address (split(',', $hosts)) {
my $myip_bin = inet_aton($myip);
$address = "" if $address eq "all";
my ($ip, $netmask) = split('/', trim($address) . "/");
my $ip_bin = inet_aton($ip);
$netmask = "" if $netmask eq "";
$netmask = unpack("%32b*", inet_aton($netmask)) if length($netmask) > 2;
my $netmask_bin = ~pack("N", (2**(32-$netmask))-1);
my $first_valid = unpack("N", $ip_bin & $netmask_bin) + ($netmask eq "32" ? 0 : 1);
my $last_valid = unpack("N", $ip_bin | ~$netmask_bin) - ($netmask eq "32" ? 0 : 1);
$myip_bin = unpack("N", $myip_bin);
if($myip_bin >= $first_valid && $myip_bin <= $last_valid) {
return $valid;
sub http_header {
my ($code, $mimetype) = @_;
my $msg = $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{msg} || "";
my $hosts_deny = $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{hosts_deny} || "";
my $hosts_allow = $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{hosts_allow} || "";
if($code eq "200") {
print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
} elsif($code eq "401") {
# check if the IP address is forced to auth
my $denied;
my $allowed = ip_validity($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, $hosts_allow);
# specific behavior
$hosts_deny = "all" if !$hosts_deny;
$denied = ip_validity($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, $hosts_deny) if !$allowed;
if(!$allowed && $denied) {
my (undef, $encoded_str) = split(' ', $ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION} || "");
my ($user, $pass) = split(':', decode_base64($encoded_str || ":"));
if(check_passwd($user, $pass)) {
print "HTTP/1.0 401 Access Denied\r\n";
print "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"$msg\"\r\n";
print "Content-Length: 0\r\n";
print "\r\n";
return 1;
return 0;
} elsif($code eq "404") {
print "HTTP/1.0 404 Not found\r\n";
} else {
print "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden\r\n";
print "Date: " . strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime) . "\r\n";
print "Server: Monitorix HTTP Server\r\n";
print "Connection: close\r\n";
if (defined($mimetype)) {
if($mimetype =~ m/(html|cgi)/) {
print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
} elsif($mimetype eq "css") {
print "Content-Type: text/css; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
} elsif($mimetype eq "svg") {
print "Content-Type: image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
} else {
print "Content-Type: image/$mimetype;\r\n";
print "\r\n";
return 0;
sub handle_request {
my ($self, $cgi) = @_;
my $base_url = $main::config{base_url};
my $base_cgi = $main::config{base_cgi};
my $host = $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{host} || "localhost";
my $port = $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{port} || "8080";
my $hosts_deny = $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{hosts_deny} || "";
my $hosts_allow = $main::config{httpd_builtin}->{hosts_allow} || "";
my $auth = lc($main::config{httpd_builtin}->{auth}->{enabled});
my $mimetype;
my $target;
my $target_cgi;
my @data;
my $OK_CHARS='-a-zA-Z0-9_./'; # a restrictive list of valid chars
return if fork(); # parent returns
my $url = $cgi->path_info();
my $url_disarmed = $url;
# this should disarm all XSS and Cookie Injection attempts
$url_disarmed =~ s/\&/&amp;/g;
$url_disarmed =~ s/\</&lt;/g;
$url_disarmed =~ s/\>/&gt;/g;
$url_disarmed =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
$url_disarmed =~ s/\'/&#x27;/g;
$url_disarmed =~ s/\(/&#x28;/g;
$url_disarmed =~ s/\)/&#x29;/g;
$url_disarmed =~ s/\//&#x2F;/g;
$0 = "monitorix-httpd"; # change process' name
# check if the IP address is allowed to connect
my $denied;
my $allowed = ip_validity($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, $hosts_allow);
$denied = ip_validity($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, $hosts_deny) if !$allowed;
if(!$allowed && $denied) {
http_header("403", "html");
print("<!DOCTYPE html '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Final//EN'>\r\n");
print "<html><head>\r\n";
print "<title>403 Forbidden</title>\r\n";
print "</head><body>\r\n";
print "<h1>Forbidden</h1>\r\n";
print "<p>You don't have permission to access $url_disarmed\r\n";
print "on this server.</p>\r\n";
print "<hr>\r\n";
print "<address>Monitorix HTTP Server listening at $host Port $port</address>\r\n";
print "</body></html>\r\n";
logger($url, "NOTALLOWED");
# sanitizes the $target
$target = $url;
while() {
my $cur = length($target);
$target =~ s/\.\.\///;
$target =~ s/^\///;
$target =~ s/\/$//;
last unless $cur ne length($target);
$target = $target_cgi = "/$target";
$target =~ s/^$base_url//; # removes the 'base_url' part
$target_cgi =~ s/^$base_cgi//; # removes the 'base_cgi' part
if(!$target || $target eq $base_url) {
$target = "index.html" unless $target;
($mimetype) = ($target =~ m/.*\.(html|cgi|css|png|svg)$/);
$target =~ s/^\/*//; # removes leading slashes
$target_cgi =~ s/^\/*//; # removes leading slashes
$target =~ s/[^$OK_CHARS]/_/go; # only $OK_CHARS are allowed
$target_cgi =~ s/[^$OK_CHARS]/_/go; # only $OK_CHARS are allowed
if($target_cgi eq "monitorix.cgi") {
open(EXEC, "./$target_cgi |");
@data = <EXEC>;
} elsif($target) {
if(open(IN, $target)) {
@data = <IN>;
if($auth eq "y") {
if(http_header("401", $mimetype)) {
print("<!DOCTYPE html '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Final//EN'>\r\n");
print "<html><head>\r\n";
print "<title>401 Authorization Required</title>\r\n";
print "</head><body>\r\n";
print "<h1>Authorization Required</h1>\r\n";
print "<p>This server could not verify that you\r\n";
print "are authorized to access the document\r\n";
print "requested. Either you supplied the wrong\r\n";
print "credentials (e.g., bad password), or your\r\n";
print "browser doesn't understand how to supply\r\n";
print "the credentials required.</p>\r\n";
print "</body></html>\r\n";
logger($url, "AUTHERR");
if(scalar(@data)) {
http_header("200", $mimetype);
foreach(@data) {
print $_;
logger($url, "OK");
} else {
http_header("404", "html");
print("<!DOCTYPE html '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Final//EN'>\r\n");
print "<html><head>\r\n";
print "<title>404 Not Found</title>\r\n";
print "</head><body>\r\n";
print "<h1>Not Found</h1>\r\n";
print "The requested URL $url_disarmed was not found on this server.<p>\r\n";
print "<hr>\r\n";
print "<address>Monitorix HTTP Server listening at $host Port $port</address>\r\n";
print "</body></html>\r\n";
logger($url, "NOTEXIST");