Doing user/target strings differently

This commit is contained in:
jeffman 2017-03-26 15:16:09 -04:00
parent 3a7d1ae7d8
commit 05cafbcde8
2 changed files with 109 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -416,51 +416,37 @@ org $80E0A16; bl m2_vwf_entries.e06ec_redraw_bash_psi
// " and its cohorts" makes that 46
// Let's round it to a nice 64: we need to allocate that many bytes for user
// and target strings on the heap. The game only allocates 16 each.
// Goal: allocate an extra 96 bytes and fix all the offsets to the user/target
// strings and other data stored after the strings
// Due to the range of LDR/STR, we'll store:
// the user string from +0x00 to +0x3F,
// the misc variables from +0x40 to +0x57,
// the target string from +0x58 to +0x97,
// the tile data at +0x98,
org $80BD97A; mov r0,#0xA4 // malloc an extra 96 bytes for longer user/target strings
org $80BDB0E; add r0,#0x98
org $80BDB18; mov r5,#0xA3
org $80BDB60; dd $519
org $80C9954; add r1,#0x58
org $80D2AA2; add r0,#0x42
org $80D2B9E; add r3,#0x42
org $80D2CB2; add r0,#0x42
org $80D30F6; ldr r0,[r0,#0x48]
org $80D61E8; add r0,#0x43
org $80D61F6; add r0,#0x42
org $80D622C; add r0,#0x46
org $80D62B2; add r0,#0x46
org $80D6308; add r0,#0x46
org $80D63B8; add r0,#0x46
org $80D6404; add r1,#0x46
org $80D64AE; add r0,#0x42
org $80D666E; add r0,#0x45
org $80D6724; add r0,#0x44
org $80D6744; add r0,#0x43
org $80D6754; add r0,#0x45
org $80D6766; add r2,#0x45
org $80D676C; add r0,#0x43
org $80D7D02; add r1,#0x42
org $80D8826; add r0,#0x42
org $80D882C; add r0,#0x46
org $80DB3AE; add r0,#0x42
org $80EC01C; add r0,#0x58
org $80EC048; add r0,#0x58
org $80EC054; add r1,#0x41
org $80EC064; add r0,#0x41
org $80EC074; str r0,[r1,#0x48]
org $80EC080; ldr r0,[r0,#0x48]
org $80ED840; add r1,#0x98
org $80ED850; mov r3,#0xB6
org $80EF534; add r0,#0x42
org $80F1214; add r0,#0x42
org $80F1C22; add r0,#0x42
// Goal: allocate an extra 128 bytes and fix all the offsets to the user/target
// strings. We'll store the user string at +0x4C0 and the target string at +0x500.
org $80BD97A; mov r0,#0xA8 // malloc an extra 128 bytes for longer user/target strings
// Fix user/target pointers
org $80C9942; bl m2_vwf_entries.c980c_user_pointer
org $80C9954; bl m2_vwf_entries.c980c_target_pointer
org $80EBFDC; bl m2_vwf_entries.ebfd4_user_pointer; b $80EBFFA
org $80EC004; push {lr}; bl m2_vwf_entries.ec004_user_pointer
org $80EC018; bl m2_vwf_entries.ec010_target_pointer; b $80EC038
org $80EC046; push {lr}; bl m2_vwf_entries.ec046_target_pointer
// Length fixes
org $80DAE02; add sp,#-0x40
org $80DAE08; mov r2,#0x3E
org $80DAE38; mov r2,#0x3A
org $80DAEA2; mov r1,#0x3E
org $80DAEDE; add sp,#0x40
org $80DB04E; add sp,#-0x40
org $80DB058; mov r2,#0x3E
org $80DB08C; mov r2,#0x3A
org $80DB116; mov r1,#0x3E
org $80DB15A; add sp,#0x40
org $80DCD02; add sp,#-0x40
org $80DCD0C; mov r2,#0x3C
org $80DCD64; mov r2,#0x3A
org $80DCDA2; mov r1,#0x3E
org $80DCDA8; add sp,#0x40
// Data files

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@ -806,3 +806,81 @@ lsl r3,r3,#3 // tiles-to-pixels
bl m2_vwf.print_string_hlight_pixels
add sp,#4
pop {pc}
// Use new pointer for user/target strings
push {lr}
mov r4,#0x4C
lsl r4,r4,#4
add r0,r0,r4
mov r5,r0
lsl r4,r1,#0x10
asr r4,r4,#0x10
mov r1,r2
mov r2,r4
bl $80F4C78
add r0,r4,r5
mov r1,#0
strb r1,[r0,#0]
mov r1,#0xFF
strb r1,[r0,#1]
pop {pc}
push {r1}
ldr r1,[sp,#4]
mov lr,r1
pop {r1}
add sp,#4
ldr r0,=#0x3005220
ldr r0,[r0,#0]
mov r1,#0x4C
lsl r1,r1,#4
add r0,r0,r1
bx lr
push {lr}
mov r4,#0x50
lsl r4,r4,#4
add r0,r0,r4
mov r5,r0
lsl r4,r1,#0x10
asr r4,r4,#0x10
mov r1,r2
mov r2,r4
bl $80F4C78
add r0,r4,r5
mov r1,#0
strb r1,[r0,#0]
mov r1,#0xFF
strb r1,[r0,#1]
pop {pc}
push {r1}
ldr r1,[sp,#4]
mov lr,r1
pop {r1}
add sp,#4
ldr r0,[r0,#0]
mov r1,#0x50
lsl r1,r1,#4
add r0,r0,r1
bx lr
ldr r1,[r0,#0]
mov r0,#0x4C
lsl r0,r0,#4
add r1,r0,r1
ldr r0,[r5,#0x1C]
bx lr
ldr r0,[r0,#0]
mov r7,#0x50
lsl r7,r7,#4
add r0,r0,r7
bx lr