Improve naming

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Lorenzo Carletti 2020-08-22 05:31:33 +02:00
parent 73aae51c9d
commit 6564aae85f
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ beq @@next_found_the //Does this string have "the "? If it does, proceed acc
b @@end
@@next_found_the: //A starting "The " or "the " has been found
//Assumes the maiuscule and minuscule characters are 0x20 apart
//Assumes the uppercase and lowercase characters are 0x20 apart
ldr r0,=m2_cstm_last_printed
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
cmp r0,#0x70 //Is the previous character an @?
beq @@Maius
beq @@Upper
mov r0,#0x20
sub r2,r0,r2 //Is this "t"? If it is, this will be 0. Otherwise, it will be 0x20
@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ add r0,r0,r2 //Ensure it is the
strb r0,[r1,#0]
b @@end
ldr r0,[r1,#0]
sub r0,r0,r2 //Ensure it is The
strb r0,[r1,#0]