Add Goods VWF
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,6 +35,16 @@ org $80CA448; push {lr}; bl m2_vwf.main; b $80CA46C
// Status entry
org $80C9116; push {lr}; bl m2_vwf.status; b $80C9144
// Goods entry
org $80BFB3E; bl m2_vwf.goods; b $80BFB78
org $80BFB98; b $80BFBCC // skip drawing equip symbol
// Goods -- dirty flags
org $80BF91E; bl m2_vwf.goods_dirty1
org $80BF8FA; bl m2_vwf.goods_dirty2
org $80B8540; bl m2_vwf.goods_dirty3
org $80BFC0E; bl m2_vwf.goods_clean
// Menu select entry
org $80B7FC6; bl m2_vwf.print_string_relative
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
// m2_custom_wram range:
// 00-03: saved tilebase
// 04-0F: pixel X values
// 10-13: temp LR copy
// 14: goods dirty flag
@ -1253,6 +1259,46 @@ b .clear_tilemap_loop
pop {r0-r7,pc}
// void string_width(char* chr, byte font)
// In:
// r0: chr
// r1: font
// Out:
// r0: width (pixels)
// r1: chars read
print "m2vwf.string_width: $",pc
push {r2-r5,lr}
ldr r2,=#m2_widths_table
lsl r1,r1,#2 // Font number * 4
ldr r2,[r2,r1]
mov r4,#0
mov r5,#0
ldrb r3,[r0,#1]
cmp r3,#0xFF
beq +
ldrb r3,[r0,#0]
sub r3,#0x50
lsl r3,r3,#1
ldrb r1,[r2,r3] // Virtual width
add r4,r4,r1
add r0,r0,#1
add r5,r5,#1
b -
mov r0,r4
mov r1,r5
pop {r2-r5,pc}
// void main(WINDOW* window, char* chr, TILEDATA* tileData)
// In:
@ -1315,6 +1361,244 @@ pop {r0-r2}
pop {pc}
// void goods(char* chr, TILEDATA* tileData)
// In:
// r3: chr
// r6: tileData
print "m2vwf.goods: $",pc
push {lr}
// Check if the item is equipped
push {r1-r3}
mov r0,r8
add r0,r0,#1
bl $80BC670
pop {r1-r3}
cmp r0,#0
beq +
// Write the equip symbol
push {r2}
mov r0,r10
ldrh r0,[r0,#0] // tile offset (0x100)
ldr r1,=#0x8B1B6AC // equip tile number (0x1DE)
ldrh r1,[r1,#0]
add r0,r0,r1
mov r1,r9
ldrh r2,[r1,#0] // mask (0xE000)
mov r1,r2
orr r1,r0
strh r1,[r6,#0]
mov r1,r6
add r1,#0x40
add r0,#0x20
orr r0,r2
strh r0,[r1,#0]
add r6,r6,#2
lsl r0,r4,#0x10
ldr r4,=#0xFFFF0000
add r0,r0,r4
lsr r4,r0,#0x10
pop {r2}
// Check if the dirty flag is set
ldr r0,=#m2_custom_wram
add r0,#0x14
ldrb r1,[r0,#0]
cmp r1,#1
bne +
// Just get the string width instead (don't need to render)
mov r0,r3
mov r1,#0
bl .string_width
add r3,r3,r1
b .goods_skip
// Get x and y from tilebase
mov r0,r6
bl .get_coords
// Print string
push {r6,r7}
mov r6,#0
mov r5,r3
mov r3,#0
ldrb r2,[r5,#1]
cmp r2,#0xFF
beq +
ldrb r2,[r5,#0]
sub r2,#0x50
mov r7,r0
bl .print_character
add r6,r0,r6
add r0,r0,r7
add r5,r5,#1
b -
mov r3,r5
mov r0,r6
pop {r6,r7}
// Advance r4 and r6
sub r1,r0,#1
asr r0,r0,#3
add r1,r0,#1
ldr r2,=#0xFFFF0000
cmp r1,#0
beq +
lsl r0,r4,#0x10
add r0,r0,r2
lsr r4,r0,#0x10
add r6,r6,#2
sub r1,r1,#1
b -
pop {pc}
// void goods_clean()
print "m2vwf.goods_clean: $",pc}
push {lr}
ldr r0,=#m2_custom_wram
add r0,#0x14
mov r1,#1
strb r1,[r0,#0]
ldr r0,=#0x3002504 // Clobbered code
ldrh r1,[r0,#0]
pop {pc}
// void goods_dirty1()
print "m2vwf.goods_dirty1: $",pc
push {lr}
// Set the dirty flag
ldr r5,=#m2_custom_wram
add r5,#0x14
mov r0,#0
strb r0,[r5,#0]
// Clear the window
mov r0,r7
bl .clear_window
// Clobbered code
ldrh r0,[r4,#0]
sub r0,#0x1
pop {pc}
// void goods_dirty2()
print "m2vwf.goods_dirty2: $",pc
push {lr}
// Set the dirty flag
ldr r1,=#m2_custom_wram
add r1,#0x14
mov r0,#0
strb r0,[r1,#0]
// Clear the window
mov r0,r7
bl .clear_window
// Clobbered code
mov r0,r4
add r0,#0x1
pop {pc}
// void goods_dirty3()
print "m2vwf.goods_dirty3: $",pc
push {r3,lr}
// Set the dirty flag
ldr r2,=#m2_custom_wram
add r2,#0x14
mov r3,#0
strb r3,[r2,#0]
// Clobbered code
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
strh r0,[r1,#0]
pop {r3,pc}
// void get_coords(TILEMAP* map)
// In:
// r0: tilemap
// Out:
// r0: x (pixel)
// r1: y (pixel)
print "m2vwf.get_coords: $",pc
push {r2-r3,lr}
ldr r1,=#0x3005270
ldr r3,[r1,#0]
sub r1,r0,r3
lsl r2,r1,#26
lsr r0,r2,#24
lsr r2,r1,#6
lsl r1,r2,#3
pop {r2-r3,pc}
// void menu_select(WINDOW* window, char* chr, TILEDATA* tileData)
// In:
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.7 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.7 KiB |
Reference in New Issue