@ -482,82 +482,82 @@
^L487^[1C FF C1 00 _L2156_][BC FF 01 00][86 FF _L2177_][81 FF _L2380_][C4 FF 00 9B]@You finally got here.[02 FF]@This is the third <Your[01 FF] Sanctuary> location.[1B FF 14 00] But it's[01 FF] mine now.[02 FF]@Take it from me,[1B FF 1E 00] if you dare...[02 FF][86 FF _L2876_][81 FF _L2161_][85 FF C1 02 08 00][1B FF 78 00][08 FF C1 00][00 FF]
^L488^[7B FF]@I escaped.[02 FF]@Zoom![02 FF]@Buurp![02 FF]@Boing![02 FF]@Goody![02 FF]@Buuurp![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L489^[7B FF]@You worn[01 FF] down?[02 FF]@Ahhh...[01 FF] Boing![83 FF 75 02][82 FF _L2936_][83 FF D6 00][82 FF _L2937_]^L2936^[1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L490^[86 FF _L2877_][00 FF]
^L491^[7B FF][1C FF 0A 00 _L2880_]@Do you want[01 FF] slumber?[7C FF][03 FF 03 00][04 FF _L2881_][05 FF _L2882_]^L2882^[7B FF]@Kay-o.[1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]^L2881^[7B FF]@Kay-o.[02 FF][C6 FF][7C FF][86 FF _L2883_][86 FF _L2185_][14 FF 6D 00][08 FF 0A 00][00 FF]
^L492^[86 FF _L2884_][00 FF]
^L493^[86 FF _L2885_][00 FF]
^L494^[08 FF F9 00][86 FF _L4325_][09 FF F9 00][00 FF]
^L495^[86 FF _L5295_][00 FF]
^L496^[7B FF][1C FF 4A 00 _L2886_][1C FF 47 00 _L2887_]@We feel[01 FF] groove![02 FF]@Hi ho.[01 FF] Me[01 FF] Mr. Saturn.[02 FF]@This place,[01 FF] all are[01 FF] Mr. Saturn.[1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L497^[7B FF][1C FF 4A 00 _L2888_][1C FF 47 00 _L2889_]@Once upon[01 FF] a time,[02 FF]@we were[01 FF] many, many.[02 FF]@Everyday,[01 FF] slowly[02 FF]@are[01 FF] less, less.[02 FF]@Why? Hmmmm...[01 FF] Boing![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L498^[7B FF][1C FF 4A 00 _L2890_][1C FF 47 00 _L2891_]@Hot springs[01 FF] make happy...![02 FF]@Happy happy![01 FF] Ding ding![02 FF]@Jump in[01 FF] hot spring![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L499^[7B FF][1C FF 4A 00 _L2902_][1C FF 47 00 _L2903_]@Lots of[01 FF] friends...[02 FF]@Taken[01 FF] behind falls...[02 FF]@Why? Why?[01 FF] Boing![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L500^[7B FF][1C FF 49 00 _L2904_][1C FF 4A 00 _L2905_][1C FF 47 00 _L2906_]@Threed is[01 FF] zombie full![02 FF]@I saw![01 FF] Bad stink[01 FF] behind falls![02 FF]@Zoom![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L501^[7B FF]@Drink coffee[01 FF] before go?[02 FF]@Say yes[01 FF] to me?[02 FF]@Say no[01 FF] to me?[7C FF][03 FF 00 00][04 FF _L2909_][05 FF _L2910_]^L2910^[7B FF]@Why you[01 FF] say no?[1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]^L2909^[7B FF]@Why you[01 FF] say no?[1D FF][7C FF][C6 FF][1C FF DC 00 _L2197_][86 FF _L2911_][C4 FF 00 5C][FC FF 01 00][C5 FF][00 FF]
^L502^[7B FF][1C FF 47 00 _L2912_]@Why? Why?[02 FF]@You no[01 FF] go to[01 FF] hot springs...[02 FF]@Boo boo's.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L503^[7B FF]@Oh! Oh![01 FF] *wheeze*[02 FF]@Breathe is[01 FF] sooooo[01 FF] good![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L504^[7B FF]@I think[01 FF] new things...[02 FF]@Difficult[01 FF] things...[01 FF] from now...[1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L505^[1C FF 49 00 _L2913_][1C FF 86 00 _L2914_][1C FF 84 00 _L2915_][1C FF 4A 00 _L2916_][8D FF 01 00][A8 FF 00]@Ah, [90 FF 00][1A FF 01 00].[02 FF]^L2915^@The Phase Distorter will[01 FF] certainly be completed[01 FF] someday,[02 FF]@in my humble opinion.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L506^[1C FF 49 00 _L2917_][1C FF FD 02 _L2918_][1C FF 86 00 _L2919_][1C FF 84 00 _L2920_]@Yahah! The Mr. Saturns are[01 FF] incredible folk.[02 FF]@And the Apple Kid... He is a[01 FF] most exceptional young man,[02 FF]@very different from other kids.[02 FF]@...Well, anyway...[1B FF 14 00] The prototype[01 FF] Phase Distorter has been[01 FF] stolen.[02 FF]@Someone resembling a pig[01 FF] wearing clothes took Mr.[01 FF] Saturn captive[02 FF]@and stole the device![1D FF][C6 FF][1B FF 01 00][A1 FF E5 02 4F 02][00 FF]
^L507^[1C FF 49 00 _L2925_][1C FF 4A 00 _L2926_]^L2927^@The Apple Kid was lost, and he[01 FF] was just wandering around, so[01 FF] I brought him here.[02 FF]@That was quite a while ago...[1B FF 14 00][01 FF] Would you like some tea? [02 FF]@Ah,[1B FF 0F 00] I see that you're busy.[02 FF]@It looks like things are pretty[01 FF] rough.[1B FF 14 00] You take care now...[1D FF][08 FF 9C 02][00 FF]
^L508^[7B FF]@Happy.[01 FF] Boing.[02 FF]@More happy.[01 FF] Ding[01 FF] ding.[02 FF]@Much more[01 FF] Happy.[01 FF] Boo boo's.[02 FF]@Big big[01 FF] happy.[01 FF] Zooooom![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L509^[7B FF]@Was scared.[02 FF]@Now kay-o.[01 FF] I strong.[02 FF]@Boing![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L510^[7B FF][1C FF 49 00 _L2938_]@Longer[01 FF] ladder![02 FF]@Can[01 FF] go to[01 FF] hot springs![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L511^@It was in Winters that we last[01 FF] met?[02 FF]@I just got here. Tee tee tee.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L512^@It was fun hanging out[01 FF] together.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L513^[7B FF][1C FF 4A 00 _L2892_][1C FF AD 00 _L2893_][1C FF 47 00 _L2894_]@We look[01 FF] like same![02 FF]@I give you[01 FF] special[01 FF] thing.[02 FF]@Not now,[01 FF] Zoom![02 FF]@I give you[01 FF] on the way[01 FF] back, boing![02 FF]@Bye later![80 FF _L2895_]
^L514^[7B FF][1C FF 4A 00 _L2900_][1C FF 47 00 _L2901_]@Scary, scary[01 FF] guy, boing![02 FF]@Grapefruit[01 FF] Falls![02 FF]@Scary, sick,[01 FF] barfy...[02 FF]@Go and...[01 FF] la la la![02 FF]@Ding![01 FF] Scary![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L515^[7B FF][1C FF 49 00 _L2907_][1C FF 47 00 _L2908_]@Base...[01 FF] secret.[02 FF]@Base behind[01 FF] Grapefruit[01 FF] Falls.[02 FF]@Password?[01 FF] I tell.[02 FF]@Belch man[01 FF] say[02 FF]@"Say[01 FF] password."[02 FF]@Then[01 FF] stand still,[02 FF]@wait for[01 FF] three[01 FF] minutes.[D4 FF 72 00][1B FF 78 00][1D FF][08 FF 83 00][7C FF][00 FF]
^L516^[7B FF]@So Boing![01 FF] You have[01 FF] 380 dollars,[02 FF]@we trade[01 FF] <Secret[01 FF] herb.>[02 FF]@So Boing![02 FF]@You have[01 FF] 1780 dollars,[02 FF]@we trade[01 FF] <Horn of life.>[1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L517^[7B FF]@(Hot[01 FF] springs...[01 FF] Rest here.)[1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L518^[7B FF]@Hole[01 FF] <Milky Well.>[02 FF]@What this...[01 FF] Ding![02 FF]@Ding![1D FF][7C FF][00 FF]
^L519^[8D FF 01 00][87 FF][86 FF _L5500_][D4 FF 10 00][CE FF E8 02 01 00][02 FF][1C FF 99 02 _L5508_][BC FF F7 00][A8 FF 01][86 FF _L5492_][91 FF FF][82 FF _L5514_][87 FF][86 FF _L5495_][93 FF 00 00][87 FF][D4 FF 74 00][1B FF 1E 00][08 FF 99 02][00 FF]
^L520^[8D FF 01 00][87 FF][86 FF _L5500_][D4 FF 10 00][CE FF E9 02 01 00][02 FF][1C FF 9A 02 _L5508_][BC FF F8 00][A8 FF 01][86 FF _L5492_][91 FF FF][82 FF _L5515_][87 FF][86 FF _L5495_][93 FF 00 00][87 FF][D4 FF 74 00][1B FF 1E 00][08 FF 9A 02][00 FF]
^L521^[8D FF 01 00][87 FF][86 FF _L5500_][D4 FF 10 00][CE FF EA 02 01 00][02 FF][1C FF 9B 02 _L5508_][BC FF F9 00][A8 FF 01][86 FF _L5492_][91 FF FF][82 FF _L5516_][87 FF][86 FF _L5495_][93 FF 00 00][87 FF][D4 FF 74 00][1B FF 1E 00][08 FF 9B 02][00 FF]
^L522^[86 FF _L2943_][00 FF]
^L523^[1C FF 7F 01 _L5089_][BB FF 46][87 FF]@We are also running an inn,[01 FF] mister.[02 FF]@It's $[B8 FF 00][1A FF 04 00] a night if[01 FF] you want to stay here.[02 FF]@Do you want to stay?[86 FF _L2492_][04 FF _L5090_][05 FF _L5091_]^L5091^@That's probably for the best.[02 FF]@You see... our beds are really[01 FF] old and dusty.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L524^[86 FF _L5296_][00 FF]
^L525^@It's a small house, but please[01 FF] stay the night.[02 FF][86 FF _L2883_][86 FF _L2184_][86 FF _L2185_][14 FF 35 00][1C FF F5 02 _L2944_][00 FF]
^L526^@This traffic jam is taking[01 FF] forever.[02 FF]@...Man, do I need to go...[1D FF][00 FF]
^L527^@I heard that a little ways ahead[01 FF] a herd of buffalo is running[01 FF] across the road.[02 FF]@I can't move an inch![1D FF][00 FF]
^L528^@I feel sorry for the guys behind[01 FF] me, but I'm so bent,[02 FF]@I'm leaving my car here and[01 FF] walking instead![1D FF][00 FF]
^L529^@I was going to see my girlfriend[01 FF] in Fourside...[02 FF]@At this pace I'll be 100 years[01 FF] old by the time I get there![1D FF][00 FF]
^L530^@We sleep in the desert, so[01 FF] we're often mistaken for[01 FF] corpses.[02 FF]@But a corpse doesn't usually[01 FF] wear a bathing suit, right?[02 FF]@...Hey,[1B FF 0F 00] stop staring at my tan[01 FF] lines...[1B FF 14 00] Go away.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L531^@Annoying kids...[1B FF 14 00] What a group[01 FF] of brats!...[02 FF]@Scat, you little monsters![1D FF][00 FF]
^L532^[1C FF F5 02 _L2947_][1C FF 5A 00 _L2947_][1C FF 48 00 _L2948_][1C FF 89 00 _L2949_]@This hole's great![1B FF 14 00] Good hole, [01 FF] good hole, good hole...[02 FF]@First,[1B FF 0F 00] someone asked me to dig[01 FF] for buried gold.[02 FF]@I began to feel like I was[01 FF] obligated to find it.[02 FF]@Man, am I starving.[02 FF]@Do you have any food you can[01 FF] spare?[86 FF _L2485_][04 FF _L2950_][05 FF _L2951_]^L2951^@The humanitarian thing is to[01 FF] help people out when they're[01 FF] hungry.[02 FF]@Although I hate it, Pizza would[01 FF] work for me...[80 FF _L2952_]
^L533^[1C FF 5A 00 _L2955_]@I've been watching them dig for[01 FF] a while...[1B FF 14 00] I wonder what they'll[01 FF] find.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L534^[1C FF 5A 00 _L2955_]@If they have a live broadcast[01 FF] from the dig,[02 FF]@I can check out the dig while[01 FF] relaxing on the floor.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L535^[1C FF 5A 00 _L2955_]@I think he should dig somewhere[01 FF] else.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L536^[1C FF 5A 00 _L2955_]@I have lots of work to do, but I[01 FF] can't seem to move.[02 FF]@I'm so curious about the dig.[1B FF 14 00][01 FF] I can't help it.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L537^@I'm big brother Pancho.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L538^@I'm kid brother Pincho.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L539^@I'm Tomas Jefferson.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L540^@As sea monkeys live in the[01 FF] sea...[1B FF 14 00] desert monkeys live in[01 FF] the dessert.[02 FF]@I mean desert, not dessert![02 FF]@I am happy that there are[01 FF] animals in the desert, aren't[01 FF] you?[1D FF][00 FF]
^L541^[86 FF _L2984_][00 FF]
^L542^[BC FF 01 00][86 FF _L2177_][81 FF _L4149_]@[0D FF]! Greetings![02 FF]^L4151^@I'm George,[1B FF 0F 00] Gerardo[01 FF] Montague's brother.[02 FF]@Gerardo is in his mine,[02 FF]@but he hasn't found any buried[01 FF] treasure yet.[02 FF]@We did, however,[1B FF 0F 00] find a[01 FF] Diamond instead.[02 FF]@Gerardo told me to give it to[01 FF] [0D FF].[02 FF]@Here it is... please take it.[02 FF][91 FF FF][82 FF _L4150_][01 FF][93 FF 00 A8][86 FF _L2238_][02 FF][08 FF 5A 00]@Well, I've got to go...[02 FF]@I'm busy working at the other[01 FF] mine...[1B FF 0F 00] busy, busy, busy![02 FF][C6 FF]^L4152^[09 FF 10 01][A3 FF 02 03][9E FF][9E FF][C4 FF 00 55][A1 FF 1B 03 81 01][9E FF][C5 FF][09 FF 0B 00][09 FF 37 00][FC FF 34 00][00 FF]
^L543^@Kukkukukku[02 FF]@(Welcome!)[02 FF]@Kikikiykki[02 FF]@(Our paradise exists beneath[01 FF] that hole.)[02 FF]@Kuykku kikki...[02 FF]@(Talah Rama is great and[01 FF] kind...)[02 FF]@Kikki Kuykku[02 FF]@(and he knows everything,[01 FF] Talah Rama does...)[02 FF]@Kikku Kuekki[02 FF]@(He made us the underground[01 FF] rooms...)[1D FF][00 FF]
^L544^@Hikikki.[02 FF]@(Follow me,[1B FF 0F 00] like this way.)[1D FF][C6 FF][A1 FF 04 03 29 02][00 FF]
^L545^[1C FF 13 01 _L3059_][BC FF 01 00][86 FF _L2177_][81 FF _L3060_][1C FF 02 00 _L3061_]^L3062^@Kyakya Kyokyo[02 FF]@(Okay,[1B FF 0F 00] I'll do a teacher's[01 FF] demonstration.)[02 FF]@Kyakyakya Kyakkya[02 FF]@(If you can learn this,[1B FF 0F 00] you can[01 FF] go anywhere you've been[01 FF] previously.)[02 FF]@Kyakkyaki kiki[02 FF]@(You can go there instantly.)[02 FF]@Kyakki Kyaki[02 FF]@(This skill can't be used in a[01 FF] room or underground, though.)[02 FF][C6 FF][A1 FF 05 03 2A 02][9E FF][A4 FF 05 03][C4 FF 00 0D][A3 FF 05 03][9E FF][A4 FF 05 03][C5 FF][A3 FF 05 03][9E FF][A1 FF 05 03 0C 00][DB FF 05 03 01 00 FF 00][CE FF 05 03 00 00][1B FF 1E 00]@Ukkie[02 FF]@(I went to Fourside and[01 FF] returned.)[02 FF]@Kyaakyakkya[02 FF]@(I showed you the basic,[01 FF] straight course,[02 FF]@but you can also build up enough[01 FF] speed while turning, if you have[01 FF] enough room.)[02 FF]@Ukkikie[02 FF]@(Okay![1B FF 0F 00] Why don't you try it,[01 FF] young man!)[1D FF][C6 FF][08 FF 02 00][FC FF 1C 00][00 FF]
^L546^[08 FF E5 00][86 FF _L5392_][09 FF E5 00][00 FF]
^L547^[86 FF _L5299_][00 FF]
^L548^@(I lost a pair of contact lenses[01 FF] here in the Dusty Dunes Desert.[02 FF]@They were a momento from my[01 FF] grandma, and very important to[01 FF] me.[02 FF]@If you find them, bring them to[01 FF] me and I'll give you a reward.[02 FF]@I'm Penetella Giovanni.[02 FF]@Find me at the Fourside Bakery,[01 FF] second floor.)[1C FF E0 02 _L2946_][1D FF][00 FF]
^L549^[86 FF _L2956_][00 FF]
^L550^@(...I'm just a pile of bleached[01 FF] bones.[1B FF 14 00] I can't talk.)[1D FF][00 FF]
^L551^@(Even though I'm just a pile of[01 FF] bones,[02 FF]@I can talk and I'm lonely out[01 FF] here in the desert.)[1D FF][00 FF]
^L552^@(Why would you feel like talking[01 FF] to a tiny black sesame like me.[02 FF]@I wanna apologize to the white[01 FF] sesame that I hurt before.[02 FF]@If I could just see her.)[1C FF 8A 00 _L2981_][1D FF][C6 FF][08 FF 87 00][1C FF C6 02 _L2197_][1B FF 3C 00][86 FF _L1671_][00 FF]
^L553^@(I heard that the black sesame[01 FF] I used to love is somewhere in[01 FF] this desert.[02 FF]@If you see him,[1B FF 0F 00] please tell him[01 FF] that I still love him.)[1C FF 87 00 _L2982_][08 FF 8A 00][1D FF][00 FF]
^L554^@Welcome to the very end of the[01 FF] world's longest traffic jam![1D FF][00 FF]
^L555^[86 FF _L1859_][00 FF]
^L556^[83 FF 88 00][82 FF _L4091_][86 FF _L4092_][81 FF _L4068_][8D FF 01 00][A8 FF 00]@([90 FF 00][1A FF 01 00] checked[01 FF] the bus schedule.[02 FF][1C FF 0A 00 _L4069_]@It looks like the next bus will[01 FF] come pretty soon.)[02 FF][C6 FF][A0 FF 5F 01 58 01 01 00][9E FF][08 FF 0A 00][00 FF]
^L557^[83 FF 88 00][82 FF _L4091_][86 FF _L4094_][81 FF _L4068_][8D FF 01 00][A8 FF 00]@([90 FF 00][1A FF 01 00] checked[01 FF] the bus schedule.[02 FF][1C FF 0A 00 _L4069_]@It looks like the next bus will[01 FF] come pretty soon.)[02 FF][C6 FF][A0 FF 5F 01 4C 01 01 00][9E FF][08 FF 0A 00][00 FF]
^L558^@(Dusty Dunes Headquarters for[01 FF] finding buried gold.)[1D FF][00 FF]
^L559^[8D FF 01 00][A8 FF 00][90 FF 00][1A FF 01 00] spotted something[01 FF] shiny.[02 FF]@It was a set of contact lenses![22 FF][91 FF FF][82 FF _L2983_][01 FF][93 FF FF 97][85 FF 1A 03 06 00][86 FF _L2233_][08 FF 81 01][1D FF][00 FF]
^L560^@.....[1D FF][00 FF]
^L561^@Kyakkyekyaekya Kyikkya[02 FF]@(Talah Rama is now fasting[01 FF] and)[02 FF]@Kyakkyakyekyakya[02 FF]@(practicing silent meditaion,[02 FF]@he is also abstaining from[01 FF] anything that would make him[01 FF] sick or smelly too.)[02 FF]@Kyapi Kyapi[02 FF]@(Please don't bother him.)[1D FF][00 FF]
^L562^[1C FF C4 01 _L3014_]@Kikiki Kiki![02 FF]@(I wanna eat a Picnic lunch!)[02 FF]@Kikiki Kiki[02 FF]@(If you grant my wish,[1B FF 0F 00] I might[01 FF] open the entrance.)[02 FF]@Kikiki Kiki?[02 FF]@(Will you give me a Picnic lunch?)[86 FF _L2485_][04 FF _L3015_][05 FF _L3016_]^L3016^@Kikiki Kiki![02 FF]@(I wanna eat a Picnic lunch!)[1D FF][00 FF]
@ -1002,12 +1002,12 @@
^L1004^[1C FF A5 00 _L3436_]@The Mani Mani Statue is up[01 FF] ahead,[1B FF 0F 00] but I'm going to stop you[01 FF] right here.[02 FF]@Don't even think about getting[01 FF] past me,[02 FF]@'cause you aren't with a guy[02 FF]@whose eyebrows are connected[01 FF] and who also has a gold tooth.[1D FF][08 FF 06 03][00 FF]
^L1005^@Hello![02 FF]@And...[1B FF 14 00] good-bye![02 FF][C6 FF][1B FF 01 00][D4 FF 81 00][14 FF 37 00][00 FF]
^L1006^@Hello![02 FF]@And...[1B FF 14 00] good-bye![02 FF][C6 FF][1B FF 01 00][D4 FF 81 00][14 FF 39 00][00 FF]
^L1007^@Hello![02 FF]@And...[1B FF 14 00] good-bye![02 FF][C6 FF][1B FF 01 00][D4 FF 81 00][14 FF 3B 00][00 FF]
^L1008^@Hello![02 FF]@And...[1B FF 14 00] good-bye![02 FF][C6 FF][1B FF 01 00][1C FF 06 03 _L3415_][D4 FF 81 00][14 FF 39 00][00 FF]
^L1009^@Hello![02 FF]@And...[1B FF 14 00] good-bye![02 FF][C6 FF][1B FF 01 00][D4 FF 81 00][14 FF 3C 00][00 FF]
^L1010^@Hello![02 FF]@And...[1B FF 14 00] good-bye![02 FF][C6 FF][1B FF 01 00][D4 FF 81 00][14 FF 3D 00][00 FF]
^L1011^@<Hotel Dark Moon>[02 FF]@75 dollars for one sleep period[01 FF] for a single room.[1D FF][00 FF]
^L1012^@(It is a golden statue that you[01 FF] have seen before.)[02 FF][86 FF _L3437_][81 FF _L2161_][1B FF 01 00][86 FF _L2200_][08 FF 3B 00][08 FF 4B 00][14 FF 41 00][FC FF 05 00][EA FF FF 00][1B FF 14 00]^L646^@(The Mani Mani statue was[01 FF] actually a device that created[01 FF] illusions.[02 FF]@The illusion device was[01 FF] destroyed.)[1D FF][C6 FF][7E FF 05 00][EB FF FF 00][00 FF]
^L1013^[08 FF E2 00][86 FF _L5487_][09 FF E2 00][00 FF]
^L1014^[08 FF E3 00][86 FF _L5487_][09 FF E3 00][00 FF]
^L1015^[08 FF E5 00][86 FF _L5487_][09 FF E5 00][00 FF]
@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
^L1040^[86 FF _L3287_][9A FF AA 00][82 FF _L2155_][86 FF _L4115_][85 FF 85 02 0A 00][C6 FF][08 FF 61 02][00 FF]
^L1042^[AB FF 00 00][87 FF][9A FF 8C 00][81 FF _L2921_][80 FF _L2288_]
^L1043^[AB FF 00 00][87 FF][9A FF F8 00][82 FF _L2288_][DB FF DE 02 01 00 01 00][CE FF DE 02 00 00]@Ah, [0D FF]... [01 FF] you've read it already.[02 FF]@...That Tony has a heart of[01 FF] gold...[1D FF][00 FF]
^L1044^[86 FF _L3287_][9A FF AA 00][82 FF _L2155_][86 FF _L4115_][85 FF 3B 03 0A 00][C6 FF][08 FF 04 02][00 FF]
^L1045^[AB FF 00 00][87 FF][9A FF A8 00][81 FF _L3067_][80 FF _L2288_]
Reference in New Issue