Reduces printing for PSI windows.

Fixes an header bug of the base M2GBA.
Fixes an issue with the Goods window in battle caused by vwf_skip not being setup.
This commit is contained in:
Lorenzooone 2019-08-15 02:35:37 +02:00
parent 67046711aa
commit c629bdce9f
4 changed files with 485 additions and 343 deletions

View File

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
080B8BC8 (T) mov r0,0h ;2 202
080B8BCA (T) mov r9,r0 ;2 204
080B8BCC (T) mov r5,0h ;2 206
080B8BCE (T) ldr r0,=3005224h ;9 215
080B8BCE (T) ldr r0,=3005224h ;9 215 PSI window state. 0 = not active. 1 = Outer. 2 = Inner. 3 = Target selection. 4 = Target selected.
080B8BD0 (T) mov r1,0h ;2 217
080B8BD2 (T) ldsh r0,[r0,r1] ;4 221
080B8BD4 (T) cmp r0,4h ;2 223
080B8BD4 (T) cmp r0,4h ;2 223 Switch: 5 cases
080B8BD6 (T) bls 80B8BDCh ;8 231
080B8BD8 (T) bl 80B9638h ;10 241
080B8BDC (T) lsl r0,r0,2h ;2 243
@ -23,21 +23,14 @@
080B8BE0 (T) add r0,r0,r1 ;2 254
080B8BE2 (T) ldr r0,[r0] ;4 258
080B8BE4 (T) mov r15,r0 ;2 260
080B8BE6 (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 262
080B8BE8 (T) strh r4,[r4,r0] ;5 267
080B8BEA (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 269
080B8BEC (T) ldrh r0,[r6,1Eh] ;4 273
080B8BEE (T) lsr r3,r1,20h ;2 275
080B8BF0 (T) ldrh r4,[r0,20h] ;4 279
080B8BF2 (T) lsr r3,r1,20h ;2 281
080B8BF4 (T) ldrh r6,[r1,26h] ;4 285
080B8BF6 (T) lsr r3,r1,20h ;2 287
080B8BF8 (T) ldrh r0,[r6,2Ch] ;4 291
080B8BFA (T) lsr r3,r1,20h ;2 293
080B8BFC (T) ldrh r0,[r1,34h] ;4 297
080B8BFE (T) lsr r3,r1,20h ;2 299
080B8C00 (T) str r2,[sp,268h] ;5 304
080B8C02 (T) lsr r3,r1,20h ;2 306
Address table
080B8BF0 0x80B8C04
080B8BF0 ; jump table for switch statement
080B8BF4 0x80B8CCE ; jumptable 080B8BE4 case 1
080B8BF8 0x80B8DB0 ; jumptable 080B8BE4 case 2
080B8BFC 0x80B8E88 ; jumptable 080B8BE4 case 3
080B8C00 0x80B929A ; jumptable 080B8BE4 case 4
080B8C04 (T) mov r0,0h ;2 308
080B8C06 (T) bl 80BD7F8h ;10 318
080B8C0A (T) ldr r0,=3002500h ;9 327
@ -79,15 +72,8 @@
080B8C5E (T) mov r2,14h ;2 496
080B8C60 (T) mov r3,5h ;2 498
080B8C62 (T) bl 8000364h ;10 508
080B8C66 (T) b 80B8DB0h ;8 516
080B8C68 (T) mov r5,0h ;2 518
080B8C6A (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 520
080B8C6C (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 525
080B8C6E (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 527
080B8C70 (T) strh r4,[r4,r1] ;5 532
080B8C72 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 534
080B8C74 (T) strh r4,[r4,r0] ;5 539
080B8C76 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 541
080B8C66 (T) b 80B8DB0h ;8 516 Jump to case 2
Address table
080B8C78 (T) ldr r0,[r6,1Ch] ;4 545
080B8C7A (T) mov r1,0h ;2 547
080B8C7C (T) mov r2,0h ;2 549
@ -122,6 +108,7 @@
080B8CC6 (T) mov r0,0h ;2 712
080B8CC8 (T) mov r1,0F0h ;2 714
080B8CCA (T) bl 8000398h ;10 724
Switch case 1
080B8CCE (T) ldr r4,=3005230h ;9 733
080B8CD0 (T) ldr r0,[r4,1Ch] ;4 737
080B8CD2 (T) bl m2_clearwindowtiles ;10 747
@ -200,22 +187,12 @@
080B8D84 (T) mov r0,1h ;2 1102
080B8D86 (T) neg r0,r0 ;2 1104
080B8D88 (T) bl 80B963Ch ;10 1114
080B8D8C (T) strh r4,[r4,r1] ;5 1119
080B8D8E (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 1121
080B8D90 (T) ldrb r4,[r4,1Bh] ;4 1125
080B8D92 (T) lsr r1,r6,2h ;2 1127
080B8D94 (T) strb r4,[r4,10h] ;5 1132
080B8D96 (T) lsr r1,r6,2h ;2 1134
080B8D98 (T) strh r4,[r4,r0] ;5 1139
080B8D9A (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 1141
080B8D9C (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 1146
080B8D9E (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 1148
080B8DA0 (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 1158
080B8DA2 (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 1160
Address table
080B8DA4 (T) mov r2,0h ;2 1162
080B8DA6 (T) ldsh r0,[r7,r2] ;4 1166
080B8DA8 (T) bl m2_hpwindow_up ;10 1176
080B8DAC (T) bl 80B9638h ;10 1186
Switch case 2
080B8DB0 (T) ldr r4,=3005230h ;9 1195
080B8DB2 (T) ldr r0,[r4,1Ch] ;4 1199
080B8DB4 (T) bl 80C438Ch ;10 1209
@ -229,9 +206,7 @@
080B8DC6 (T) bne 80B8DD4h ;8 1238
080B8DC8 (T) mov r0,0h ;2 1240
080B8DCA (T) bl 80B963Ch ;10 1250
080B8DCE (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 1252
080B8DD0 (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 1257
080B8DD2 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 1259
Address table
080B8DD4 (T) cmp r2,0h ;2 1261
080B8DD6 (T) ble 80B8DF8h ;8 1269
080B8DD8 (T) ldr r0,=3001D40h ;9 1278
@ -254,7 +229,7 @@
080B8DFC (T) mov r0,1h ;2 1351
080B8DFE (T) neg r0,r0 ;2 1353
080B8E00 (T) cmp r5,r0 ;2 1355
080B8E02 (T) bne 80B8E88h ;8 1363
080B8E02 (T) bne 80B8E88h ;8 1363 Jump to case 3
080B8E04 (T) ldr r4,=3005230h ;9 1372
080B8E06 (T) ldr r0,[r4,1Ch] ;4 1376
080B8E08 (T) mov r6,0h ;2 1378
@ -270,15 +245,7 @@
080B8E1E (T) mov r0,1h ;2 1428
080B8E20 (T) neg r0,r0 ;2 1430
080B8E22 (T) bl 80B963Ch ;10 1440
080B8E26 (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 1442
080B8E28 (T) add r0,r0,5 ;2 1444
080B8E2A (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 1446
080B8E2C (T) lsl r3,r1,7h ;2 1448
080B8E2E (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 1450
080B8E30 (T) strh r4,[r4,r0] ;5 1455
080B8E32 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 1457
080B8E34 (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 1462
080B8E36 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 1464
Address table
080B8E38 (T) mov r0,1h ;2 1466
080B8E3A (T) bl m2_swapwindowbuf ;10 1476
080B8E3E (T) ldr r0,[r4,1Ch] ;4 1480
@ -306,13 +273,8 @@
080B8E74 (T) strh r6,[r0] ;5 1604
080B8E76 (T) mov r0,0h ;2 1606
080B8E78 (T) b 80B963Ch ;8 1614
080B8E7A (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 1616
080B8E7C (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 1626
080B8E7E (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 1628
080B8E80 (T) strh r4,[r4,r1] ;5 1633
080B8E82 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 1635
080B8E84 (T) strh r4,[r4,r0] ;5 1640
080B8E86 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 1642
Address table
Switch case 3
080B8E88 (T) ldr r2,=8B204E4h ;9 1651
080B8E8A (T) ldr r7,=8B2A9B0h ;9 1660
080B8E8C (T) ldr r6,=3005230h ;9 1669
@ -423,27 +385,8 @@
080B8F7C (T) ldr r1,=3005224h ;9 2152
080B8F7E (T) mov r0,2h ;2 2154
080B8F80 (T) strh r0,[r1] ;5 2159
080B8F82 (T) b 80B8DB0h ;8 2167
080B8F84 (T) lsl r4,r4,13h ;2 2169
080B8F86 (T) lsr r2,r6,2h ;2 2171
080B8F88 (T) add r1,sp,2C0h ;2 2173
080B8F8A (T) lsr r2,r6,2h ;2 2175
080B8F8C (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 2180
080B8F8E (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 2182
080B8F90 (T) add r0,r0,5 ;2 2184
080B8F92 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 2186
080B8F94 (T) strh r4,[r4,r1] ;5 2191
080B8F96 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 2193
080B8F98 (T) lsl r3,r1,7h ;2 2195
080B8F9A (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 2197
080B8F9C (T) lsl r4,r3,1Ah ;2 2199
080B8F9E (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 2201
: add r4,=80B9030h ;2 2203
080B8FA2 (T) lsr r3,r7,2h ;2 2205
080B8FA4 (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 2215
080B8FA6 (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 2217
080B8FA8 (T) strh r4,[r4,r0] ;5 2222
080B8FAA (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 2224
080B8F82 (T) b 80B8DB0h ;8 2167 Jump to case 2
Address table
080B8FAC (T) ldrb r0,[r3,2h] ;4 2228
080B8FAE (T) cmp r0,8h ;2 2230
080B8FB0 (T) beq 80B8FB4h ;8 2238
@ -515,22 +458,7 @@
080B9042 (T) lsr r0,r0,18h ;2 2554
080B9044 (T) mov r9,r0 ;2 2556
080B9046 (T) b 80B90B2h ;8 2564
080B9048 (T) lsl r3,r5,8h ;2 2566
080B904A (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 2568
080B904C (T) lsl r2,r6,0Bh ;2 2570
080B904E (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 2572
080B9050 (T) ???? ;10 2582
080B9052 (T) lsr r2,r6,1h ;2 2584
080B9054 (T) sub r0,0C4h ;2 2586
080B9056 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 2588
080B9058 (T) strh r0,[r7,r3] ;5 2593
080B905A (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 2595
080B905C (T) lsl r3,r1,7h ;2 2597
080B905E (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 2599
080B9060 (T) ldrb r4,[r4,1Bh] ;4 2603
080B9062 (T) lsr r1,r6,2h ;2 2605
080B9064 (T) strb r4,[r4,10h] ;5 2610
080B9066 (T) lsr r1,r6,2h ;2 2612
Address table
080B9068 (T) ldr r2,=2024860h ;9 2621
080B906A (T) ldr r0,[r2] ;4 2625
080B906C (T) mov r1,10h ;2 2627
@ -566,7 +494,7 @@
080B90B2 (T) mov r0,r9 ;2 2788
080B90B4 (T) cmp r0,0h ;2 2790
080B90B6 (T) beq 80B90BAh ;8 2798
080B90B8 (T) b 80B929Ah ;8 2806
080B90B8 (T) b 80B929Ah ;8 2806 Jump to case 4
080B90BA (T) mov r0,1h ;2 2808
080B90BC (T) bl m2_swapwindowbuf ;10 2818
080B90C0 (T) bl 80ED480h ;10 2828
@ -584,16 +512,7 @@
080B90DC (T) mov r2,0h ;2 2877
080B90DE (T) bl m2_initwindow ;10 2887
080B90E2 (T) b 80B9104h ;8 2895
080B90E4 (T) ldr r0,=80082002h ;9 2904
080B90E6 (T) lsl r2,r0,8h ;2 2906
: pop r2,r5,r15 ;23 2929
080B90EA (T) lsr r3,r7,2h ;2 2931
080B90EC (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 2936
080B90EE (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 2938
080B90F0 (T) add r0,r0,5 ;2 2940
080B90F2 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 2942
080B90F4 (T) lsl r4,r3,1Ah ;2 2944
080B90F6 (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 2946
Address table
080B90F8 (T) ldr r0,=3005230h ;9 2955
080B90FA (T) ldr r0,[r0,1Ch] ;4 2959
080B90FC (T) mov r1,0h ;2 2961
@ -631,12 +550,7 @@
080B914A (T) mov r3,0h ;2 3126
080B914C (T) ldsh r0,[r4,r3] ;4 3130
080B914E (T) b 80B9262h ;8 3138
080B9150 (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 3143
080B9152 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 3145
080B9154 (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 3155
080B9156 (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 3157
080B9158 (T) strh r4,[r4,r1] ;5 3162
080B915A (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 3164
Address table
080B915C (T) ldr r0,=8B17EE4h ;9 3173
080B915E (T) ldr r1,=8B17424h ;9 3182
080B9160 (T) mov r2,57h ;2 3184
@ -698,23 +612,7 @@
080B91DA (T) bne 80B9204h ;8 3427
080B91DC (T) bl 80BD844h ;10 3437
080B91E0 (T) b 80B91B8h ;8 3445
080B91E2 (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 3447
080B91E4 (T) ldrb r4,[r4,1Bh] ;4 3451
080B91E6 (T) lsr r1,r6,2h ;2 3453
080B91E8 (T) strb r4,[r4,10h] ;5 3458
080B91EA (T) lsr r1,r6,2h ;2 3460
080B91EC (T) ldr r0,=5EE22300h ;9 3469
080B91EE (T) lsl r2,r0,8h ;2 3471
080B91F0 (T) lsl r4,r2,3h ;2 3473
080B91F2 (T) lsl r0,r0,10h ;2 3475
080B91F4 (T) lsl r5,r2,0h ;2 3477
080B91F6 (T) strh r0,[r0,8h] ;5 3482
080B91F8 (T) mov r5,0h ;2 3484
080B91FA (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 3486
080B91FC (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 3491
080B91FE (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 3493
080B9200 (T) strh r4,[r4,r1] ;5 3498
080B9202 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 3500
Address table
080B9204 (T) lsl r0,r5,18h ;2 3502
080B9206 (T) lsr r0,r0,18h ;2 3504
080B9208 (T) mov r9,r0 ;2 3506
@ -765,21 +663,19 @@
080B9274 (T) bl 8000364h ;10 3725
080B9278 (T) mov r0,0h ;2 3727
080B927A (T) b 80B963Ch ;8 3735
080B927C (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 3745
080B927E (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 3747
080B9280 (T) strh r4,[r4,r0] ;5 3752
080B9282 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 3754
Address table
080B9284 (T) ldr r1,=3005224h ;9 3763
080B9286 (T) mov r0,4h ;2 3765
080B9288 (T) strh r0,[r1] ;5 3770
080B928A (T) mov r2,r9 ;2 3772
080B928C (T) cmp r2,0FFh ;2 3774
080B928E (T) beq 80B929Ah ;8 3782
080B928E (T) beq 80B929Ah ;8 3782 Jump to case 4
080B9290 (T) mov r0,r9 ;2 3784
080B9292 (T) sub r0,1h ;2 3786
080B9294 (T) lsl r0,r0,18h ;2 3788
080B9296 (T) lsr r0,r0,18h ;2 3790
080B9298 (T) mov r9,r0 ;2 3792
Switch case 4
080B929A (T) mov r0,1h ;2 3794
080B929C (T) bl 80BD7F8h ;10 3804
080B92A0 (T) bl 80D7154h ;10 3814
@ -818,16 +714,7 @@
080B92EA (T) mov r0,2h ;2 3956
080B92EC (T) neg r0,r0 ;2 3958
080B92EE (T) b 80B963Ch ;8 3966
080B92F0 (T) strh r4,[r4,r0] ;5 3971
080B92F2 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 3973
080B92F4 (T) strh r4,[r4,r1] ;5 3978
080B92F6 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 3980
080B92F8 (T) lsl r4,r4,13h ;2 3982
080B92FA (T) lsr r2,r6,2h ;2 3984
080B92FC (T) add r1,sp,2C0h ;2 3986
080B92FE (T) lsr r2,r6,2h ;2 3988
080B9300 (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 3993
080B9302 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 3995
Address table
080B9304 (T) ldr r1,=300538Ch ;9 4004
080B9306 (T) ldr r0,=2020C70h ;9 4013
080B9308 (T) str r0,[r1] ;5 4018
@ -996,36 +883,7 @@
080B9468 (T) beq 80B9438h ;8 4717
080B946A (T) bl 80F499Ch ;10 4727
080B946E (T) b 80B9438h ;8 4735
080B9470 (T) strh r4,[r1,r6] ;5 4740
080B9472 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 4742
080B9474 (T) lsr r0,r6,11h ;2 4744
080B9476 (T) lsl r2,r0,8h ;2 4746
080B9478 (T) sub r0,r2,4 ;2 4748
080B947A (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 4750
080B947C (T) lsl r4,r1,13h ;2 4752
080B947E (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 4754
080B9480 (T) lsl r4,r4,13h ;2 4756
080B9482 (T) lsr r2,r6,2h ;2 4758
080B9484 (T) add r1,sp,2C0h ;2 4760
080B9486 (T) lsr r2,r6,2h ;2 4762
080B9488 (T) strh r0,[r6,r0] ;5 4767
080B948A (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 4769
080B948C (T) strh r0,[r2,r6] ;5 4774
080B948E (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 4776
080B9490 (T) lsr r4,r0,14h ;2 4778
080B9492 (T) lsl r2,r0,8h ;2 4780
080B9494 (T) add r0,r0,5 ;2 4782
080B9496 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 4784
080B9498 (T) lsl r3,r1,7h ;2 4786
080B949A (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 4788
080B949C (T) ldr r0,=0F018DDF6h ;9 4797
080B949E (T) lsl r2,r0,8h ;2 4799
080B94A0 (T) lsl r4,r2,3h ;2 4801
080B94A2 (T) lsl r0,r0,10h ;2 4803
080B94A4 (T) ldr r0,=324C8019h ;9 4812
080B94A6 (T) lsl r2,r0,8h ;2 4814
080B94A8 (T) lsl r5,r2,0h ;2 4816
080B94AA (T) strh r0,[r0,8h] ;5 4821
Address table
080B94AC (T) mov r3,1Ah ;2 4823
080B94AE (T) ldsh r0,[r6,r3] ;4 4827
080B94B0 (T) cmp r0,0h ;2 4829
@ -1053,12 +911,7 @@
080B94DE (T) and r0,r1 ;2 4920
080B94E0 (T) str r0,[r2] ;5 4925
080B94E2 (T) b 80B9438h ;8 4933
080B94E4 (T) add r1,sp,2C0h ;2 4935
080B94E6 (T) lsr r2,r6,2h ;2 4937
080B94E8 (T) lsl r4,r5,13h ;2 4939
080B94EA (T) lsr r2,r6,2h ;2 4941
080B94EC (T) bl lr+0DFEh ;10 4951
080B94EE (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 4961
Address table
080B94F0 (T) mov r1,r8 ;2 4963
080B94F2 (T) ldr r0,[r1,8h] ;4 4967
080B94F4 (T) ldr r1,[r0] ;4 4971
@ -1098,16 +951,7 @@
080B953A (T) bge 80B953Eh ;8 5127
080B953C (T) b 80B93E4h ;8 5135
080B953E (T) b 80B9622h ;8 5143
080B9540 (T) bl lr+0DFEh ;10 5153
080B9542 (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 5163
080B9544 (T) sub r3,r1,4 ;2 5165
080B9546 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 5167
080B9548 (T) strh r0,[r2,r6] ;5 5172
080B954A (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 5174
080B954C (T) sub r4,r0,4 ;2 5176
080B954E (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 5178
080B9550 (T) bl lr+0D20h ;10 5188
080B9552 (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 5198
Address table
080B9554 (T) mov r0,r1 ;2 5200
080B9556 (T) mov r1,r9 ;2 5202
080B9558 (T) bl 80DA4ECh ;10 5212
@ -1149,13 +993,7 @@
080B95A6 (T) beq 80B957Ah ;8 5381
080B95A8 (T) bl 80F499Ch ;10 5391
080B95AC (T) b 80B957Ah ;8 5399
080B95AE (T) lsl r0,r0,0h ;2 5401
080B95B0 (T) ldr r0,=80B9F94h ;9 5410
080B95B2 (T) lsl r2,r0,8h ;2 5412
080B95B4 (T) lsl r4,r2,3h ;2 5414
080B95B6 (T) lsl r0,r0,10h ;2 5416
080B95B8 (T) lsl r5,r2,0h ;2 5418
080B95BA (T) strh r0,[r0,8h] ;5 5423
Address table
080B95BC (T) mov r1,1Ah ;2 5425
080B95BE (T) ldsh r0,[r4,r1] ;4 5429
080B95C0 (T) cmp r0,0h ;2 5431
@ -1179,8 +1017,7 @@
080B95E6 (T) and r0,r1 ;2 5510
080B95E8 (T) str r0,[r2] ;5 5515
080B95EA (T) b 80B957Ah ;8 5523
080B95EC (T) bl lr+0DFEh ;10 5533
080B95EE (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 5543
Address table
080B95F0 (T) ldr r2,[r5,8h] ;9 5552
080B95F2 (T) ldr r0,[r2] ;4 5556
080B95F4 (T) ldr r1,=0FFFFFEFFh ;9 5565
@ -1209,12 +1046,8 @@
080B9626 (T) mov r0,2h ;2 5658
080B9628 (T) neg r0,r0 ;2 5660
080B962A (T) b 80B963Ch ;8 5668
080B962C (T) bl lr+0DFEh ;10 5678
080B962E (T) bl lr+0FFEh ;10 5688
080B9630 (T) add r0,r0,5 ;2 5690
080B9632 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 5692
080B9634 (T) strh r0,[r2,r6] ;5 5697
080B9636 (T) lsl r0,r0,0Ch ;2 5699
Address table
Switch case default
080B9638 (T) lsl r0,r5,10h ;2 5701
080B963A (T) asr r0,r0,10h ;2 5703
080B963C (T) add sp,0Ch ;2 5705

View File

@ -1,71 +1,61 @@
080C1FBC (T) push {r4-r7,r14} ;9 178
080C1FBC (T) push {r4-r7,r14} ;9 178 m2_psiwindow(unsigned short partyMember, byte Status_PSI, byte Type_Of_Window)
080C1FBE (T) mov r7,r10 ;2 180
080C1FC0 (T) mov r6,r9 ;2 182
080C1FC2 (T) mov r5,r8 ;2 184
080C1FC4 (T) push {r5-r7} ;7 191
080C1FC6 (T) add sp,-#0x18 ;2 193
080C1FC8 (T) lsl r0,r0,#0x10 ;2 195
080C1FCA (T) lsr r6,r0,#0x10 ;2 197
080C1FCA (T) lsr r6,r0,#0x10 ;2 197 r6 = partyMember
080C1FCC (T) lsl r1,r1,#0x18 ;2 199
080C1FCE (T) lsr r1,r1,#0x18 ;2 201
080C1FD0 (T) str r1,[sp,#0x4] ;5 206
080C1FD0 (T) str r1,[sp,#0x4] ;5 206 sp + 4 = Status_Or_PSI
080C1FD2 (T) lsl r2,r2,#0x18 ;2 208
080C1FD4 (T) lsr r2,r2,#0x18 ;2 210
080C1FD6 (T) str r2,[sp,#0x8] ;5 215
080C1FD8 (T) mov r7,#0x0 ;2 217
080C1FDA (T) ldr r3,=#0x3000A00 ;9 226
080C1FDC (T) mov r2,#0x0 ;2 228
080C1FDE (T) add r5,r3,4 ;2 230
080C1FE0 (T) mov r4,r3 ;2 232
080C1FE2 (T) add r4,#0x8 ;2 234
080C1FE4 (T) lsl r0,r7,#0x10 ;2 236
080C1FE6 (T) asr r0,r0,#0x10 ;2 238
080C1FE8 (T) add r1,r0,r3 ;2 240
080C1FEA (T) strb r2,[r1] ;5 245
080C1FEC (T) add r1,r0,r5 ;2 247
080C1FEE (T) strb r2,[r1] ;5 252
080C1FF0 (T) add r1,r0,r4 ;2 254
080C1FF2 (T) strb r2,[r1] ;5 259
080C1FF4 (T) add r0,#0x1 ;2 261
080C1FF6 (T) lsl r0,r0,#0x10 ;2 263
080C1FF8 (T) lsr r7,r0,#0x10 ;2 265
080C1FFA (T) asr r0,r0,#0x10 ;2 267
080C1FFC (T) cmp r0,#0x3 ;2 269
080C1FFE (T) ble #0x80C1FE4 ;8 277
080C1FD6 (T) str r2,[sp,#0x8] ;5 215 sp + 8 = Type_Of_Window
080C1FD8 (T) mov r7,#0x0 ;2 217 r7 = 0
080C1FDA (T) ldr r3,=#0x3000A00 ;9 226 r3 = 0x3000A00
080C1FDC (T) mov r2,#0x0 ;2 228 r2 = 0
080C1FDE (T) add r5,r3,4 ;2 230 r5 = 0x3000A04
080C1FE2 (T) add r4,#0x8 ;2 234 r4 = 0x3000A08
r7 = 4 - Set all bytes between 0x3000A00 and 0x3000A0B included = 0 (Setup)
080C2000 (T) mov r0,#0x0 ;2 279
080C2002 (T) str r0,[sp,#0xC] ;5 284
080C2002 (T) str r0,[sp,#0xC] ;5 284 sp + 0xC = 0
080C2004 (T) mov r1,#0x0 ;2 286
080C2006 (T) str r1,[sp,#0x10] ;5 291
080C2006 (T) str r1,[sp,#0x10] ;5 291 sp + 0x10 = 0
080C2008 (T) lsl r0,r6,#0x10 ;2 293
080C200A (T) asr r1,r0,#0x10 ;2 295
080C200C (T) str r0,[sp,#0x14] ;5 300
080C200E (T) cmp r1,#0x3 ;2 302
080C200C (T) str r0,[sp,#0x14] ;5 300 sp + 0x14 = partyMember << 0x10
080C200E (T) cmp r1,#0x3 ;2 302 Is this Poo? If not go to End_Of_Poo
080C2010 (T) bne #0x80C20DA ;8 310
080C2012 (T) mov r2,#0x2 ;2 312
080C2014 (T) ldr r0,[sp,#0x4] ;4 316
080C2016 (T) and r0,r2 ;2 318
080C2018 (T) cmp r0,#0x0 ;2 320
080C201A (T) beq #0x80C20DA ;8 328
080C201A (T) beq #0x80C20DA ;8 328 Is this the Status PSI window? If not go to End_Of_Poo
080C201C (T) mov r0,#0x1 ;2 330
080C201E (T) ldr r4,[sp,#0x8] ;4 334
080C2020 (T) and r0,r4 ;2 336
080C2022 (T) cmp r0,#0x0 ;2 338
080C2024 (T) beq #0x80C20DA ;8 346
080C2024 (T) beq #0x80C20DA ;8 346 Is Type_Of_Window Offense? If not go to End_Of_Poo
080C2026 (T) ldr r0,=#0x3001D40 ;9 355
080C2028 (T) ldr r1,=#0x22A ;9 364
080C202A (T) add r6,r0,r1 ;2 366
080C202A (T) add r6,r0,r1 ;2 366 r6 = 0x3001F6A
080C202C (T) ldrb r1,[r6] ;7 373
080C202E (T) mov r0,r2 ;2 375
080C2030 (T) and r0,r1 ;2 377
080C2032 (T) cmp r0,#0x0 ;2 379
080C2034 (T) beq #0x80C2084 ;8 387
080C2036 (T) ldr r5,=#0x8B2AB00 ;9 396
080C2038 (T) ldr r4,=#0x3005230 ;9 405
080C203A (T) ldr r0,[r4,#0x1C] ;4 409
080C203C (T) ldrb r2,[r5] ;4 413
080C2034 (T) beq #0x80C2084 ;8 387 Does Poo have Starstorm?
080C2036 (T) ldr r5,=#0x8B2AB00 ;9 396 r5 = 0x8B2AB00
080C2038 (T) ldr r4,=#0x3005230 ;9 405 r4 = 0x3005230 = Base window address
080C203A (T) ldr r0,[r4,#0x1C] ;4 409 r0 = Window = Base Window address[7]
080C203C (T) ldrb r2,[r5] ;4 413 r2 = r5[0]
080C203E (T) mov r1,#0xD ;2 415
080C2040 (T) mul r1,r2 ;3 418
080C2042 (T) ldr r2,=#0x8B73E62 ;9 427
080C2040 (T) mul r1,r2 ;3 418 r1 = r2 * 0xD
080C2042 (T) ldr r2,=#0x8B73E62 ;9 427 r2 = 0x8B73E62
080C2044 (T) add r1,r1,r2 ;2 429
080C2046 (T) ldrb r3,[r5,#0xA] ;4 433
080C2048 (T) ldr r2,[sp,#0x10] ;4 437
@ -137,6 +127,7 @@
080C20D4 (T) add r1,r1,r2 ;2 711
080C20D6 (T) mov r0,#0x16 ;2 713
080C20D8 (T) strb r0,[r1] ;5 718
080C20DA (T) mov r7,#0x1 ;2 720
080C20DC (T) ldr r2,=#0x8B2A9B0 ;9 729
080C20DE (T) ldrb r0,[r2,#0x10] ;4 733

View File

@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ mov r3,6
.include "m2-status-switch.asm"
// BAC18 hacks (status window switching)
// BAC18 hacks (status window)
.org 0x80BACFC :: bl bac18_redraw_status
.org 0x80BADE6 :: bl bac18_redraw_status
.org 0x80BACEA :: bl bacea_status_psi_window
.org 0x80BACEE :: bl bac18_clear_psi
.org 0x80BADC8
bl bac18_check_button
b 0x80BADD8
.org 0x80BADB0 :: bl badb0_status_inner_window
.org 0x80BADCC :: b 0x80BADD8
// BAEF8 hacks (equip window)
@ -166,15 +166,6 @@ mov r2,r1 // record X width
add r2,3 // add a space
.org 0x80C2468 :: bl print_string_hlight_pixels
// C438C hacks (PSI window cursor movement)
.org 0x80C4580 :: bl c438c_moveup
.org 0x80C4642 :: bl c438c_movedown
.org 0x80C4768 :: bl c438c_moveright
.org 0x80C48B2 :: bl c438c_moveleft
// PSI target window hacks
@ -198,10 +189,22 @@ add r1,0x60
.org 0x80CA712
mov r0,0x50
// C438C hacks (Inner PSI window input management + target window printing + header printing)
.org 0x80C495A :: bl c495a_status_target
// B8BBC hacks (PSI window)
//Do not redraw unless it is needed
.org 0x80B8CD2 :: bl b8cd2_psi_window
//Sets up for the target window
.org 0x80B8DB4 :: bl b8db4_psi_inner_window
// Redraw main menu when exiting PSI target window
.org 0x80B8E3A :: bl b8bbc_redraw_menu_2to1
@ -209,6 +212,16 @@ mov r0,0x50
.org 0x80B8CF8 :: bl b8bbc_redraw_menu_13to2 // 1 to 2
.org 0x80B920C :: bl b8bbc_redraw_menu_13to2 // 3 to 2
// E06EC hacks (PSI window in battle)
//Sets up for the target window
.org 0x80E0854 :: bl e0854_psi_inner_window_battle
//Do not redraw unless it is needed
.org 0x80E079A :: bl e079a_battle_psi_window
// C4B2C hacks (Equip window render)
@ -928,6 +941,13 @@ nop
.org 0x80B8AA0 :: mov r0,#0x54 //Dollar
.org 0x80B8AA6 :: mov r0,#0x56 //00
// wvf_skip hacks
.org 0x80B8C2A :: bl b8c2a_set_proper_wvf_skip_and_window_type //Fixes bug of M2GBA
.org 0x80BE45A :: bl be45a_set_proper_wvf_skip
.org 0x80BE4CA :: bl be4ca_set_proper_wvf_skip_goods_battle_window
// Names hacks

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ pop {r0-r1,pc}
push {r1,lr}
mov r1,0
strh r1,[r0,2]
strb r1,[r0,2]
pop {r1}
bl 0x80C87D0
pop {pc}
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ c980c_resetx_newline:
push {lr}
strh r0,[r5,0x2C]
strh r4,[r5,0x2A]
strh r4,[r5,2]
strb r4,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ c980c_resetx_scroll:
push {lr}
strh r0,[r5,0x2C]
strh r1,[r5,0x2A]
strh r1,[r5,2]
strb r1,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ c980c_resetx_other:
push {lr}
strh r0,[r5,0x2C]
strh r2,[r5,0x2A]
strh r2,[r5,2]
strb r2,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ c980c_resetx_other2:
push {lr}
mov r2,0
strh r2,[r5,0x2A]
strh r2,[r5,2]
strb r2,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ c980c_resetx_other3:
push {lr}
mov r1,0
strh r1,[r5,0x2A]
strh r1,[r5,2]
strb r1,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ c980c_resetx_other4:
push {lr}
strh r0,[r5,0x2C]
strh r6,[r5,0x2A]
strh r6,[r5,2]
strb r6,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ push {lr}
// Reset X
mov r1,0
strh r1,[r0,2]
strb r1,[r0,2]
// Clear window
bl clear_window
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ pop {pc}
push {lr}
mov r4,0
strh r4,[r6,2]
strb r4,[r6,2]
// Clobbered code
strh r5,[r1]
@ -287,59 +287,6 @@ ldr r0,=0x80C4EFF
bx r0
// Clear PSI target window when moving left/right on PSI screen
push {r0-r1,lr}
ldr r1,=0x3005230
ldr r0,[r1,0x24] // PSI target window pointer
bl clear_window
pop {r0-r1}
// Clobbered code
add r0,1
strh r0,[r5,0x34]
pop {pc}
push {r0-r1,lr}
ldr r1,=0x3005230
ldr r0,[r1,0x24] // PSI target window pointer
bl clear_window
pop {r0-r1}
// Clobbered code
sub r0,1
strh r0,[r5,0x34]
pop {pc}
push {r0-r1,lr}
ldr r1,=0x3005230
ldr r0,[r1,0x24] // PSI target window pointer
bl clear_window
pop {r0-r1}
// Clobbered code
sub r0,1
strh r0,[r5,0x36]
pop {pc}
push {r0-r1,lr}
ldr r1,=0x3005230
ldr r0,[r1,0x24] // PSI target window pointer
bl clear_window
pop {r0-r1}
// Clobbered code
add r0,1
strh r0,[r5,0x36]
pop {pc}
// Prints a string in the status window
@ -416,29 +363,6 @@ lsl r0,r0,0x10
asr r4,r0,0x10
pop {pc}
// Only clear+redraw the PSI help if a button has been pressed
push {lr}
ldr r0,=0x3002500
ldrh r0,[r0]
cmp r0,0
beq @@next
// Clear window
ldr r0,[r5,0x28]
mov r1,r2
mov r2,0
bl 0x80BE458
// Render window
ldr r0,[r5,0x28]
bl 0x80C8BE4
pop {pc}
// Clear offense/defense changes when switching in equip select window
@ -1757,3 +1681,377 @@ pop {r0-r5}
pop {pc}
//Makes it sure the outer PSI window of the PSI Overworld menu prints the PSIs only once
push {lr}
ldrb r1,[r0,#3] //Checks vwf_skip
mov r2,#1
and r2,r1
cmp r2,#1
beq @@do_not_print
mov r2,#1 //Goes on as usual and sets vwf_skip to true
orr r2,r1
strb r2,[r0,#3]
bl m2_clearwindowtiles
pop {pc}
@@do_not_print: //Doesn't print in the PSI window
ldr r1,=#m2_active_window_pc
mov r2,#0
ldsh r1,[r1,r2]
push {r1} //Stores the active window pc
bl 0x80C3F28 //Input management function
pop {r1} //Restores the active window pc
cmp r0,#0
bgt @@goToInner //This is the character who's psi window we're going in, if it's > 0. We do one iteration more than needed in case 1 because that fixes the "two sounds" issue when entering the inner psi window... For some reason?
cmp r0,#0
beq @@no_change_in_window
lsl r0,r0,#0x10 //If r0 is 0xFFFFFFFF, then we're exiting the window
lsr r5,r0,#0x10 //Set up r5 properly
b @@goToInner
mov r5,#0
ldr r0,=#m2_active_window_pc
mov r2,#0
ldsh r0,[r0,r2] //Has the main character changed?
cmp r0,r1
beq @@keep
ldr r0,[r4,#0x1C] //If it has, set wvf_skip to false
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
add r0,#0xA
bx r0
ldr r0,[r4,#0x1C] //Stores false in vwf_skip, which means the window will be printed
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
ldr r7,=#m2_active_window_pc //The game sets this up in the code we jump, so we need to set it up here
pop {r0}
add r0,#0x18
bx r0 //Jump to the next useful piece of code
//Makes it sure the outer PSI window of the PSI Status menu prints the PSIs only once
push {lr}
ldrh r2,[r0,#0x36]
push {r2} //Stores the cursor's Y position
bl 0x80BE53C //Input management function
push {r0} //Stores the input
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20] //Loads vwf_skip
ldrb r1,[r0,#3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r1
cmp r2,#1 //Checks if true
beq @@do_not_print
mov r2,#1 //Sets vwf_skip to true and proceeds as usual
orr r2,r1
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r2}
pop {pc}
pop {r0}
cmp r0,#0 //If the input is > 0, then we're entering one of the submenus (Offensive, Healing, etc.)
bgt @@goToInner
cmp r0,#0
beq @@noAction
lsl r0,r0,0x10 //If the input is 0xFFFFFFFF we're exiting the window. Sets r4 up and vwf_skip to false, then exits the routine.
asr r4,r0,0x10
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#4
bx r0
mov r4,#0
pop {r1}
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
ldrh r2,[r0,#0x36]
cmp r1,r2 //Checks if the cursor's Y position is the same as it was before
beq @@noActionAtAll
mov r2,#0 //If it's not, then sets vwf_skip to false
strb r2,[r0,#3]
b @@end //Goes to the end of the routine
lsl r0,r0,0x10 //Properly stores the output into r4 and, since we're going into the inner window, sets vwf_skip to false
asr r4,r0,0x10
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#0x3E
bx r0 //Jump to the next useful piece of code
//Makes it sure the outer PSI window of the PSI battle menu prints the PSIs only once
//It's the same as the one above, but the bottom exit is different
push {lr}
ldrh r2,[r0,#0x36]
push {r2} //Stores the cursor's Y position
bl 0x80BE53C //Input management function
push {r0} //Stores the input
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20] //Loads vwf_skip
ldrb r1,[r0,#3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r1
cmp r2,#1 //Checks if true
beq @@do_not_print
mov r2,#1 //Sets vwf_skip to true and proceeds as usual
orr r2,r1
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r2}
pop {pc}
pop {r0}
cmp r0,#0 //If the input is > 0, then we're entering one of the submenus (Offensive, Healing, etc.)
bgt @@goToInner
cmp r0,#0
beq @@noAction
lsl r0,r0,0x10 //If the input is 0xFFFFFFFF we're exiting the window. Sets r4 up and vwf_skip to false, then exits the routine.
asr r4,r0,0x10
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#4
bx r0
mov r4,#0
pop {r1}
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
ldrh r2,[r0,#0x36]
cmp r1,r2 //Checks if the cursor's Y position is the same as it was before
beq @@noActionAtAll
mov r2,#0 //If it's not, then sets vwf_skip to false
strb r2,[r0,#3]
b @@end //Goes to the end of the routine
lsl r0,r0,0x10 //Properly stores the output into r4 and, since we're going into the inner window, sets vwf_skip to false
asr r4,r0,0x10
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#0x36
bx r0 //Jump to the next useful piece of code
//Makes it sure the inner PSI window of the PSI status menu prints the descriptions only once
//It also sets things up to make it so the target window is only printed once
push {lr}
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x36] //Stores the cursor's Y of the window
push {r1}
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x34] //Stores the cursor's X of the window
push {r1}
bl 0x80C438C //Input management, target printing and header printing function. Now the function takes the cursor's Y and X as arguments too in the stack
lsl r0,r0,#0x10
lsr r4,r0,#0x10 //Properly stores the output into r4
ldr r1,=#0x8B2A9B0 //Clobbered code
ldr r0,[r5,#0x1C]
add r0,#0x42
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
lsl r0,r0,#4
add r1,#0xC
add r0,r0,r1
ldr r2,[r0,#0]
ldr r0,[r5,#0x1C]
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x34]
ldr r3,[sp,#0]
cmp r1,r3 //Checks if the cursor's X changed
bne @@ChangedPosition
ldr r3,[sp,#4] //If it did not, checks if the cursor's Y changed
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x36]
cmp r1,r3
beq @@print
ldr r0,[r5,0x28] //Sets wvf_skip to false
mov r1,#0
strb r1,[r0,#3]
@@print: //Description printing
ldr r0,[r5,0x28]
ldrb r1,[r0,#3]
mov r3,#1
and r1,r3
cmp r1,#0 //Checks if vwf_skip is false
bne @@end
mov r1,r2 //If it is, prints the PSI description
mov r2,0
bl m2_initwindow //Initializes the PSI description window
ldr r0,[r5,0x28]
bl 0x80C8BE4 //Prints the PSI description window
ldr r0,[r5,0x28]
ldrb r1,[r0,#3] //Sets vwf_skip to true
mov r3,#1
orr r1,r3
strb r1,[r0,#3]
ldr r0,=#0xFFFF //Are we exiting this window?
cmp r4,r0
bne @@ending
//If we are, set vwf_skip to false for both the description window and the target window
ldr r0,[r5,0x28] //Description window
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
ldr r0,[r5,0x24] //Target window
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#0x18
bx r0 //Jump to the next useful piece of code
//It sets things up to make it so the target window is only printed once
push {lr}
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x36] //Stores the cursor's Y of the window
push {r1}
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x34] //Stores the cursor's X of the window
push {r1}
bl 0x80C438C //Input management, target printing and header printing function. Now the function takes the cursor's Y and X as arguments too in the stack
cmp r0,#0
beq @@ending
mov r2,#0 //Sets vwf_skip to false since the window is change
ldr r1,[r4,0x24] //Target window
strb r2,[r1,#3]
pop {r1}
pop {r1}
pop {pc}
//It sets things up to make it so the target window is only printed once
push {lr}
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x36] //Stores the cursor's Y of the window
push {r1}
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x34] //Stores the cursor's X of the window
push {r1}
bl 0x80C438C //Input management, target printing and header printing function. Now the function takes the cursor's Y and X as arguments too in the stack
cmp r0,#0
beq @@ending
mov r2,#0 //Sets vwf_skip to false since the window is change
ldr r1,[r5,0x24] //Target window
strb r2,[r1,#3]
pop {r1}
pop {r1}
pop {pc}
//Prints the target window if and only if the cursor's position changed in this input management function
push {r4,lr}
ldr r1,=#0x3005230
ldr r4,[r1,#0x24] //Loads the target window
ldr r3,[sp,#0x30]
ldrh r2,[r5,#0x34]
cmp r2,r3 //Has the cursor's X changed?
bne @@Updated
ldr r3,[sp,#0x34] //If not, has the cursor's Y changed?
ldrh r2,[r5,#0x36]
cmp r2,r3
beq @@printing
mov r2,#0 //If the cursor's position changed, set vwf_skip to false
strb r2,[r4,#3]
ldrb r1,[r4,#0x3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r1
cmp r2,#0 //Checks if vwf_skip is false
bne @@end
ldrb r1,[r4,#0x3] //If it is, sets vwf_skip to true, clears the window and updates the target window
mov r2,#1
orr r2,r1
strb r2,[r4,#0x3]
mov r3,r0
mov r0,r4
mov r4,r3
bl clear_window
mov r0,r4
bl m2_psitargetwindow
pop {r4,pc}
//Makes sure m2_initwindow properly sets vwf_skip to false
push {lr}
mov r3,r0
mov r0,#0
strb r0,[r3,#3]
pop {pc}
//Makes sure this initialization routine properly sets vwf_skip to false. This fixes an issue where due to a background the Goods window in battle might have not be printed
push {lr}
mov r4,#0
strb r4,[r0,#3]
mov r12,r0 //Clobbered code
mov r4,r1
pop {pc}
//Makes sure the window type is set to 0 for the inner PSI overworld menu window. Fixes an issue in M2GBA.
push {lr}
strb r1,[r0,#1]
bl m2_initwindow
pop {pc}