Started Goods window hacks

This commit is contained in:
jeffman 2017-04-06 01:39:11 -04:00
parent 83f88e7f17
commit e8aa855162
1 changed files with 49 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -98,6 +98,55 @@ b 0x80BADD8
.org 0x80BBB12 :: bl baef8_reequip_erase
.org 0x80BBC70 :: bl baef8_reequip_erase
// BF858 hacks (goods window)
// Skip the tile-by-tile nonsense and use existing string printing subs
.org 0x80BFB08 :: mov r4,r0 :: nop
.org 0x80BFB10 :: b 0x80BFB34
.org 0x80BFB34
// Only render on button press
ldr r0,=0x3002504 // for some reason 3002500 is already cleared when opening the window,
// but 3002504 seems to be a copy of what it used to be?
ldrb r0,[r0]
cmp r0,0
beq 0x80BFB84
// Check for equip
ldrh r0,[r7,0x3C]
add r0,r8
add r0,1
lsl r0,r0,0x18
lsr r0,r0,0x18
bl 0x80BC670
mov r3,0
lsl r0,r0,0x18
lsr r0,r0,0x18
cmp r0,1
bne @@noequip
mov r3,1
lsl r2,r5,15
lsr r2,r2,31
mov r0,11
mul r2,r0
add r2,1
add r2,r2,r3 // r2 = X tile, 1 or 12 depending on the column (+1 if equipped)
lsr r3,r5,17 // r3 = Y tile
add sp,-4 // Need to push a 0 for the call to m2_printstr
mov r0,0
str r0,[sp]
mov r0,r7 // Window pointer
mov r1,r4 // String pointer
bl 0x80C9634 // m2_printstr
add sp,4
b 0x80BFB84 // Skip the remaining nonsense
// Skip the blank tile drawing after item names
.org 0x80BFBDA :: b 0x80BFBFA
// C5500 hacks (equip window switching)