Implement buffer for teleport window

This commit is contained in:
Lorenzooone 2019-09-20 13:40:40 +02:00
parent d60f46bc0a
commit f0420979f4
4 changed files with 165 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -494,6 +494,37 @@ void clear_window_header(int *dest, int length, int x, int y)
clear_rect_ram(dest, length, WINDOW_HEADER_BG);
//Prints the number header string in a tiny buffer and stores it in one go
int print_window_number_header_string(int *dest, byte *str, int x, int y)
int pixelX = x & 7;
int *destOffset = dest + ((x & ~7) + (y * 32));
int buffer[8 * 3];
for(int i = 0; i < 8 * 3; i++)
buffer[i] = 0x33333333;
for (;;)
byte code = *(str + 1);
if (code == 0xFF)
if (*str == 0)
str += 2;
pixelX += print_character_to_ram(decode_character(*str++), buffer, pixelX, 4, 0xF);
for(int i = 0; i < 8 * 3; i++)
destOffset[i] = buffer[i];
return pixelX - (x & 7);
unsigned short* print_equip_header(int type, unsigned short *tilemap, unsigned int *dest, WINDOW *window)
byte *str = 0;
@ -993,6 +1024,26 @@ void handle_first_window(WINDOW* window)
//Returns in *String a string containing "Talk to" and "Goods"
void setupShortMainMenu_Talk_to_Goods(char *String)
char Talk_to[] = "Talk to";
char Goods[] = "Goods";
int index = 0;
String[index++] = 0x5F;
String[index++] = 0xFF;
String[index++] = 0x08;
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(Talk_to) - 1); i++)
String[index++] = encode_ascii(Talk_to[i]);
String[index++] = 0x5F;
String[index++] = 0xFF;
String[index++] = 0x30;
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(Goods) - 1); i++)
String[index++] = encode_ascii(Goods[i]);
String[index++] = 0;
String[index++] = 0xFF;
int get_pointer_jump_back(byte *character)
byte *address1 = ((byte*)0x3004F24);

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ byte print_character_with_callback_1bpp_buffer(byte chr, int x, int y, byte *des
byte print_character_to_ram(byte chr, int *dest, int xOffset, int font, int foreground);
int print_window_header_string(int *dest, byte *str, int x, int y);
void clear_window_header(int *dest, int length, int x, int y);
int print_window_number_header_string(int *dest, byte *str, int x, int y);
unsigned short* print_equip_header(int type, unsigned short *tilemap, unsigned int *dest,
WINDOW *window);
unsigned short format_tile(unsigned short tile, bool flip_x, bool flip_y);
@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ void copy_name(byte *str, byte *source, int *index, int pos);
byte getSex(byte character);
void getPossessive(byte character, byte *str, int *index);
void getPronoun(byte character, byte *str, int *index);
void setupShortMainMenu_Talk_to_Goods(char *String);
int get_pointer_jump_back(byte *character);
void print_letter_in_buffer(WINDOW* window, byte* character, byte *dest);
void weld_entry_custom_buffer(WINDOW *window, byte *str, int font, int foreground, byte* dest);

View File

@ -153,6 +153,25 @@ mov r3,6
.org 0x80B9122 :: bl initWindow_buffer
.org 0x80B9142 :: bl baec6_psi_window_print_buffer
// Teleport window hacks
.org 0x80B9030 :: bl initWindow_buffer//Opening teleport window - "Where?"
.org 0x80B9036 :: bl print_window_with_buffer
.org 0x80B9040 :: bl b9040_special_string
.org 0x80B90D4 :: bl initWindow_buffer //Going back from teleport to the PSI window
.org 0x80B90DE :: bl initWindow_buffer
.org 0x80C5D1C :: bl initWindow_buffer //Initializes the actual teleport window
.org 0x80C5EB0 :: bl printstr_hlight_buffer
.org 0x80C5F46 :: bl printstr_hlight_buffer
.org 0x80C5F80 :: bl c5f80_printstr_hlight_buffer_store_buffer // Multiple pages initial case
.org 0x80C5EB0 :: bl printstr_hlight_buffer
.org 0x80C6134 :: bl clearWindowTiles_buffer
.org 0x80C61C8 :: lsl r0,r5,#3 :: add r0,r0,r5 :: nop //Proper string address
.org 0x80C6224 :: bl printstr_hlight_buffer
.org 0x80C625E :: bl c5f80_printstr_hlight_buffer_store_buffer // Multiple pages changing pages
.org 0x80C5F04 :: bl c5f04_store_if_done //Only one page case
// Class PSI window hacks
@ -1152,7 +1171,7 @@ nop
.org 0x80C5DE0 :: bl c65da_clean_print //To:
.org 0x80C5E30 :: bl c6190_clean_print //Number on first entering the menu
.org 0x80C6190 :: bl c6190_clean_print //Number on page change
.org 0x80C6190 :: bl c6190_buffer_number //Number on page change
.org 0x80C5E04 :: nop :: strh r0,[r4,#0] :: add r4,#2 :: nop ::nop //Remove extra tile

View File

@ -1514,6 +1514,17 @@ pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80CAB90
pop {pc}
//Routine which prints just the number with a tiny buffer
push {lr}
lsl r2,r2,#3
lsl r3,r3,#3
bl print_window_number_header_string
add r0,#7
lsr r0,r0,#3
pop {pc}
//Routine which clears the header and THEN makes it so the string is printed
@ -1802,6 +1813,63 @@ pop {pc}
//Setup which only prints either "Talk to" and "Goods" in the main window.
push {lr}
push {r0-r5}
add sp,#-76
ldr r5,=#0x3005078 //Make sure the game expects only the right amount of lines to be written (so only 1)
ldrb r4,[r5,#0]
str r4,[sp,#4]
mov r4,#0
strb r4,[r5,#0]
ldr r4,=#0x3005230 //Window generic address
//Main window
lsl r1,r0,#0x18
lsr r1,r1,#0x18
cmp r1,#0
bne @@end //Print only if there is an effective need to do so (So the routine before returned 0)
ldr r0,[r4,#0] //Main window place in ram
ldr r2,[r0,#4] //Save proper text_start and text_start2
str r2,[sp,#8]
ldr r2,[r0,#8]
str r2,[sp,#0xC]
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#0
beq @@end //Check if window is enabled before printing in it
add r0,sp,#16
bl setupShortMainMenu_Talk_to_Goods //Get shortened menu string
mov r1,#0
str r1,[sp,#0]
add r1,sp,#16
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
mov r2,#5
mov r3,#2
bl 0x80BE4C8 //Let it do its things
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
bl print_window_with_buffer //Print text in the window
ldr r0,[r4,#0] //Restore text_start and text_start2
ldr r1,[sp,#8]
str r1,[r0,#4]
ldr r1,[sp,#0xC]
str r1,[r0,#8]
ldr r4,[sp,#4]
strb r4,[r5,#0] //Restore expected amount of lines to be written
add sp,#76
pop {r0-r5}
lsl r0,r0,#0x18 //Clobbered code
lsr r0,r0,#0x18
pop {pc}
//Makes it sure the outer PSI window of the PSI Overworld menu prints the PSIs only once
@ -2067,6 +2135,18 @@ bl print_window_with_buffer
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Calls printstr_hlight_buffer and then stores the buffer
push {r4,lr}
ldr r4,[sp,#8]
add sp,#-4
str r4,[sp,#0]
bl printstr_hlight_buffer
bl store_pixels_overworld
add sp,#4
pop {r4,pc}
//Fixes issue with sounds when going from the PSI window to the inner PSI window
@ -2966,6 +3046,18 @@ bl statusNumbersPrint
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Routine which checks if all the teleport locations have been printed. If they do, it stores the buffer
push {lr}
lsr r5,r0,#0x10
ldr r2,[sp,#0x18]
cmp r0,r2
blt @@end
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Loads the vram into the buffer, it's called each time there is only the main file_select window active (a good way to set the whole thing up)