Complete PSI window in battle

This commit is contained in:
Lorenzooone 2019-09-10 03:26:31 +02:00
parent f3808c4e85
commit fe145bf79e
6 changed files with 129 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -3,19 +3,20 @@
#include "number-selector.h"
#include "locs.h"
//Prints enemy target window
void printTargetOfAttack(short a, short target)
WINDOW *window = getWindow(3);
m2_setupwindow(window, 0x9, 0x3, 0x14, 0x2);
initWindow_buffer(window, NULL, 0);
printstr_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str11, 0, 0, false);
printstr_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str11, 0, 0, false); //To
if(target != -1)
printstr_hlight_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str14, 8, 0, 0);
printstr_hlight_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str14, 8, 0, false);// " "
short *pointer = (short*)(0x20248E0 + 0x83E);
byte *pointer2 = (byte*)(0x20248E0);
byte *pointer2 = (byte*)(pointer);
short value = *pointer;
m2_setupBattleName((a * value) + target + 1);
m2_setupbattlename((a * value) + target + 1);
byte* str = ((*((byte**)0x3005220)) + 0x4C0);
printstr_buffer(window, str, 2, 0, false);
if(a != 0)
@ -30,8 +31,63 @@ void printTargetOfAttack(short a, short target)
if(a == 0) //a is the row here
printstr_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str12, 2, 0, false);
printstr_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str12, 2, 0, false); //the Front Row
printstr_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str13, 2, 0, false);
printstr_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str13, 2, 0, false); //the Back Row
//Only implements up to Goods right now
void printBattleMenu(byte validXs, byte validYs, byte highlighted)
unsigned short* drawValue = (unsigned short*)0x2025122;
byte *str;
WINDOW* window = getWindow(0);
if(validXs & 1)
if(validYs & 1)
print_blankstr_buffer(2,1,5,(int*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - 0x2000));
if((*drawValue) == 2)
print_blankstr_buffer(7,1,5,(int*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - 0x2000));
str = &m12_battle_commands_str10; //Do Nothing
else if((*drawValue) == 1)
str = &m12_battle_commands_str6; //Shoot
str = &m12_battle_commands_str0; //Bash
printstr_hlight_buffer(window, str, 1, 0, highlighted & 1);
if(validYs & 2)
print_blankstr_buffer(2,3,5,(int*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - 0x2000));
if((*active_window_party_member) != 2)
printstr_hlight_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str3, 1, 1, highlighted & 2); //PSI
printstr_hlight_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str7, 1, 1, highlighted & 2); //Spy
if(validXs & 2)
if(validYs & 1)
if((*drawValue) != 2)
print_blankstr_buffer(7,1,5,(int*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - 0x2000));
printstr_hlight_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str1, 6, 0, highlighted & 4); //Goods
if(validYs & 2)
print_blankstr_buffer(7,3,5,(int*)(OVERWORLD_BUFFER - 0x2000));
if((*drawValue) != 2)
printstr_hlight_buffer(window, &m12_battle_commands_str4, 6, 1, highlighted & 8); //Defend

View File

@ -4,7 +4,15 @@
#include "vwf.h"
void printTargetOfAttack(short a, short target);
void printBattleMenu(byte validXs, byte validYs, byte highlighted);
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str0;
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str1;
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str3;
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str4;
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str6;
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str7;
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str10;
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str11;
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str12;
extern byte m12_battle_commands_str13;

View File

@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ int __attribute__((naked)) m2_setupwindow(WINDOW* window, short window_x, short
int __attribute__((naked)) m2_clearwindowtiles(WINDOW* window) {}
int __attribute__((naked)) customcodes_parse_generic(int code, char* parserAddress, WINDOW* window, int* dest) {}
void __attribute__((naked)) m2_printstr(WINDOW* window, byte* str, unsigned short x, unsigned short y, bool highlight) {}
void __attribute__((naked)) m2_setupBattleName(short value) {}
void __attribute__((naked)) m2_setupbattlename(short value) {}

View File

@ -138,4 +138,4 @@ extern int customcodes_parse_generic(int code, char* parserAddress, WINDOW* wind
extern void m2_sub_d3c50();
extern void m2_sub_d6844();
extern int m2_setupwindow(WINDOW* window, short window_x, short window_y, short window_width, short window_height);
extern void m2_setupBattleName(short value);
extern void m2_setupbattlename(short value);

View File

@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ mov r3,6
.org 0x80C24CC :: bl printstr_hlight_buffer
.org 0x80C2500 :: bl printstr_hlight_buffer
.org 0x80C2518 :: bl printstr_hlight_buffer
.org 0x80E08D8 :: bl e06ec_redraw_bash_psi_goods_defend
// BAC18 hacks (status window)
@ -1640,7 +1641,7 @@ m2_coord_table_file:
.definelabel m2_hpwindow_up ,0x80D3F0C
.definelabel m2_curhpwindow_down ,0x80D41D8
.definelabel m2_sub_d6844 ,0x80D6844
.definelabel m2_setupBattleName ,0x80DCD00
.definelabel m2_setupbattlename ,0x80DCD00
.definelabel m2_stat_symb_checker ,0x8B0EDA4
.definelabel m2_div ,0x80F49D8
.definelabel m2_remainder ,0x80F4A70

View File

@ -724,25 +724,10 @@ pop {pc}
push {r0-r3,lr}
// Clear old tiles
mov r0,2
mov r1,3
mov r2,1
ldr r3,=#overworld_buffer - 0x2000
bl print_blankstr_buffer
// Render PSI string
add sp,-4
ldr r0,=0x80DC1EC // address of PSI string pointer
ldr r1,[r0] // PSI string pointer
ldr r0,=0x3005230
ldr r0,[r0] // window pointer
mov r2,1 // highlight
str r2,[sp]
mov r2,1
mov r3,1
bl printstr_hlight_buffer // render string
add sp,4
mov r0,#1
mov r1,#2
mov r2,#2
bl printBattleMenu
// Clobbered code
pop {r0-r3}
@ -754,52 +739,10 @@ pop {pc}
// Redraw Bash/Do Nothing and PSI commands when exiting PSI ally target subwindow
push {r0-r3,lr}
add sp,-4
// Clear old tiles
mov r0,2
mov r1,1
mov r2,1
ldr r3,=#overworld_buffer - 0x2000
bl print_blankstr_buffer
mov r0,2
mov r1,3
mov r2,1
ldr r3,=#overworld_buffer - 0x2000
bl print_blankstr_buffer
// We need to figure out whether to draw Bash or Do Nothing
// If [0x2025122] == 2, draw Do Nothing; else, draw Bash
// We'll never draw Shoot because Jeff doesn't use PSI
ldr r0,=0x2025122
ldrh r0,[r0]
cmp r0,2
beq @@donothing
ldr r0,=0x80DBFB0
b @@next
ldr r0,=0x80DC108
ldr r1,[r0]
ldr r0,=0x3005230
ldr r0,[r0] // window pointer
mov r2,0 // no highlight
str r2,[sp]
mov r2,1
mov r3,0
bl printstr_hlight_buffer // render string
// Render PSI string
ldr r0,=0x80DC1EC // address of PSI string pointer
ldr r1,[r0] // PSI string pointer
ldr r0,=0x3005230
ldr r0,[r0] // window pointer
mov r2,1 // highlight
str r2,[sp]
mov r2,1
mov r3,1
bl printstr_hlight_buffer // render string
add sp,4
mov r0,#1
mov r1,#3
mov r2,#2
bl printBattleMenu
// Clobbered code
pop {r0-r3}
@ -807,12 +750,59 @@ bl 0x80BD7F8 // restore tilemaps
pop {pc}
// Redraw Bash/Do Nothing, PSI commands, Goods and Defend when choosing enemy target
push {lr}
push {r0-r3}
ldr r2,=#0x8B204E4 //Is this an offensive PSI which needs a target? If so, redraw the background window
ldr r1,=#0x8B2A9B0
ldr r0,[r6,#0x1C]
ldr r0,[r0,#0x10]
ldrh r3,[r0,#2]
lsl r3,r3,#4
add r0,r3,r1
ldrh r3,[r0,#4]
lsl r0,r3,#1
add r0,r0,r3
lsl r0,r0,#2
add r3,r0,r2
ldrb r0,[r3,#1]
cmp r0,#1
beq @@keep
cmp r0,#3
bne @@notOffensive //Otherwise, do not do it
ldrb r0,[r3]
cmp r0,#0
bne @@notOffensive
mov r0,#3
mov r1,#3
mov r2,#2
bl printBattleMenu
pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80C2480 //Prints the target
pop {pc}
//Calls the funcion which loads the targets in and then stores the buffer
push {lr}
ldr r2,=#0x20248AC
ldrh r2,[r2,#0]
push {r2}
bl 0x80BAA80
pop {r2}
cmp r2,#0
bne @@end //Store the buffer to vram only if the target window was printed.
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}