
152 lines
3.3 KiB

//Makes it so largevwf gets what it expects from the tea routine
push {r4,lr}
mov r4,r5
bl largevwf
mov r5,r4
pop {r4,pc}
//Writes the bigfont letters to RAM
push {r2,r5,lr}
mov r0,r2
ldrb r1,[r4]
add r4,r4,1
ldr r2,=m2_widths_big
cmp r1,#0xFC //0xFC to 0xFF are used by us to print the party's names
bge @@name
ldrb r2,[r2,r1]
bl 0x80B3280 //Print the letter to RAM
pop {r2,r5,pc}
mov r5,#0xFC
sub r1,r1,r5
ldr r3,=#m2_ness_name //Base name address
lsl r5,r1,#3
sub r5,r5,r1 //Get index * 7 to get the name's address
add r3,r3,r5
mov r5,r2 //r5 now has m2_widths_big
mov r1,#0
ldrb r2,[r3,#1]
cmp r2,#0xFF //Does the name end? (00 FF)
beq @@end
push {r0-r3}
ldrb r2,[r3,#0] //If not, render the letter (So real letter - 80)
mov r1,#80
sub r1,r2,r1
ldrb r2,[r5,r1]
bl 0x80B3280 //Print the letter to RAM
pop {r0-r3}
add r3,#1
add r1,#1
cmp r1,#5 //Maximum name length, has it been reached? If not, continue printing
bne @@name_loading_cycle
b @@end
//Weld the odd-numbered flyover letters
push {r5-r7,lr}
add r1,r1,r3
ldrb r0,[r1] //Load the width of the letter that has to be weld
ldr r5,=#0x30051D4
ldr r5,[r5]
mov r6,#0x90
lsl r6,r6,#6
add r5,r5,r6
ldrh r5,[r5] //Load the current X in pixels
mov r6,#1
and r5,r6
cmp r5,#1 //Is it even?
bne @@even
ldrb r5,[r4] //If not, load the first nibble of the current width that is in r4
mov r6,#0xF
and r5,r6
lsl r6,r0,#4
orr r5,r6 //Add 0xF0 to it
mov r6,#0xFF
and r5,r6 //Make sure it stays in one byte
strb r5,[r4] //Store it
mov r7,r4
mov r6,#3
and r7,r6
cmp r7,#3 //Do r4's bits end with a 3?
bne @@old
mov r7,r4 //If they do, make r7 = r4 + 0x1C
add r7,#0x1C
b @@ok
@@old: //If they do not, make r7 = r4
mov r7,r4
ldrb r5,[r7,#1]
mov r6,#0xF0
and r5,r6 //Get the second nibble of what is in r7 + 1
lsr r6,r0,#4
orr r5,r6 //Make the first nibble 0xF
strb r5,[r7,#1] //Store it back in r7 + 1
b @@end
@@even: //If it is, store the width in r4
strb r0,[r4]
pop {r5-r7,pc}
//Gets in r0 the current height. In r5 DMA channel 3 and in r4 the letter buffer
push {lr}
sub r0,r0,#1
mov r1,#0x3F
mov r2,r0
and r2,r1
cmp r2,r1
bne @@end
lsr r0,r0,#6 //Get the value beyond the 0x40
mov r1,#3
and r0,r1
add r1,r0,#1
lsl r0,r0,#0xD //Multiply the value obtained by 0x2000
lsl r1,r1,#0xD //Get ending address
ldr r2,=#0x06008000
ldr r3,=#0x84000100
add r0,r0,r2
add r1,r1,r2
mov r2,r5 //DMA Transfer channel 3
str r4,[r2,#0]
str r0,[r2,#4]
str r3,[r2,#8]
ldr r5,[r2,#8]
mov r5,#0x80
lsl r5,r5,#0x3
add r0,r0,r5
add r4,r4,r5
cmp r0,r1
bne @@cycle
mov r5,r2
pop {pc}
//.org 0x80c4c0c
//.byte 0x20,0x1C,0x51,0x46,0x2A,0x22