
511 lines
10 KiB

// Normally the game enables BG0 in sequence 8, but we want
// it enabled from the start so copy that code to here
push {r1}
ldr r0,=0x3001B20
mov r1,8 // BG0 X offset
strh r1,[r0]
ldr r0,=0x30012DC
mov r1,8*6 // BG0 Y offset
strh r1,[r0]
ldr r0,=0x3000370
ldr r1,[r0,#0]
add r1,0x98
mov r0,0x88
lsl r0,r0,5
strh r0,[r1]
pop {r1}
ldr r0,=0x80113F4
mov pc,r0 // Run the existing routine
// Normally the game clears the first entry of the first palette
// when showing animations. We don't want that for the quick version
// of the title.
cmp r5,#5 // Is it the quick version of the title?
beq @@rmv_pal_qt_end
mov r1,r8 // If not, blank out the first entry
strh r0,[r1,#0]
bx lr
mov r1,250
cmp r0,r1
bgt @@clamp
neg r1,r1
cmp r0,r1
blt @@clamp
b @@clamp_end
mov r0,r1
str r0,[r5,4]
mov r1,r8 // clobbered code
bx lr
// r3 has 2028008
// [r3+14] has 2028028
// [2028028+10] has pointer to our palette buffer, 0x200 bytes after which
// we have some free space to use for things
// Let's allocate some variables:
// +0x00: Sequence 01 -- initial delay flag
ldr r0,=0x8011B8C
mov pc,r0
// In: r0 = pointer to pointer to little struct
// Out: r0 = pointer to our buffer area (0x2011B60)
push {r1,lr}
ldr r0,[r0]
ldr r1,[r0,0x14]
ldr r0,[r1,0x10]
ldr r1,=0x200
add r0,r0,r1
pop {r1,pc}
push {r3}
// Copy static palette to BG pal 8
ldr r3,[r3]
ldr r3,[r3,0x14]
ldr r1,=0x40000D4
ldr r2,[r3,0xC] // m2_title_text_pal_static
str r2,[r1]
ldr r0,=0x5000100
str r0,[r1,4]
ldr r0,=0x84000008
str r0,[r1,8]
ldr r0,[r1,8]
// Copy to OBJ pal 0 as well for the text
str r2,[r1]
ldr r0,=0x5000200
str r0,[r1,4]
ldr r0,=0x84000008
str r0,[r1,8]
ldr r0,[r1,8]
pop {r3}
// Return to old sequence 0 code
ldr r0,=m2_title_sequence_00
mov pc,r0
// EB has a 38 frame delay between starting the music
// and starting the fade-in
mov r0,r3
bl title_get_buffer
// Check if we've set our delay flag yet
ldr r1,[r0]
cmp r1,0
beq @@unset
// Skip our code and return to the old sequence 1 code
ldr r0,=m2_title_sequence_01
mov pc,r0
// Count to 0x26 before starting the fade-in
ldr r3,[r3]
ldr r1,[r3,4]
cmp r1,0x26
bge @@unset_start_fade
b @@end
mov r1,0
str r1,[r3,4]
mov r1,1
str r1,[r0]
b title_return
push {r0-r3}
mov r0,r2 // 0x2028008
mov r1,r9 // 0x2028028
mov r2,sp
add r2,0x10 // coord table on the stack
bl title_text_sequence
pop {r0-r3}
b title_return
// Just need to reset the frame counter
ldr r2,[r3]
mov r0,1
neg r0,r0 // This gets incremented before calling the sequence subroutines,
// and we want it to be 0 on the first frame for sequence 5,
// so start it at -1
str r0,[r2,4]
ldr r0,=m2_title_sequence_04
mov pc,r0
push {r4}
ldr r3,[r3]
mov r4,r3
ldr r0,[r4,4] // frame number
// Frame 0-1: inverted colours
cmp r0,1
bhi @@next1
// Only change the palette on frame 0
cmp r0,1
beq @@advance_frame
// Load inverted BG palettes
// (all white for BG pal 0-7,
// all black for BG pal 8-F)
ldr r1,=0x40000D4
mov r2,1
neg r2,r2
push {r2}
mov r2,sp
str r2,[r1]
ldr r0,=0x5000000
str r0,[r1,4]
ldr r0,=0x85000040
str r0,[r1,8]
ldr r0,[r1,8]
mov r2,0
str r2,[sp]
mov r2,sp
str r2,[r1]
ldr r0,=0x5000100
str r0,[r1,4]
ldr r0,=0x85000040
str r0,[r1,8]
ldr r0,[r1,8]
// Black for OBJ pal 0
str r2,[r1]
ldr r0,=0x5000200
str r0,[r1,4]
ldr r0,=0x85000040
str r0,[r1,8]
ldr r0,[r1,8]
pop {r2}
b @@advance_frame
// Frame 2-29: animated text, 2 frames per palette change
cmp r0,29
bhi @@next2
// Only change palette on the even frames
sub r0,2
lsl r1,r0,0x1F
bmi @@advance_frame
// On frame 2, we need to reset BG pal 0-7 to black
cmp r0,0
bne @@skip_black_palettes
ldr r1,=0x40000D4
push {r0}
mov r2,sp
str r2,[r1]
ldr r2,=0x5000000
str r2,[r1,4]
ldr r2,=0x85000040
str r2,[r1,8]
ldr r2,[r1,8]
add sp,4
// Get source palette address
ldr r3,[r3,0x14]
ldr r1,[r3,8] // m2_title_text_pal_animated
lsl r0,r0,4
add r0,r0,r1
// Copy to BG pal 8
mov r4,r0
ldr r1,=0x40000D4
str r0,[r1]
ldr r0,=0x5000100
str r0,[r1,4]
ldr r0,=0x84000008
str r0,[r1,8]
ldr r0,[r1,8]
// Copy to OBJ pal 0
str r4,[r1]
ldr r0,=0x5000200
str r0,[r1,4]
ldr r0,=0x84000008
str r0,[r1,8]
ldr r0,[r1,8]
b @@advance_frame
// For now let's just go to the next sequence, not sure what to do next yet
mov r0,0
str r0,[r4,4]
mov r0,6
ldr r1,[r4,0x14]
add r1,0x84
str r0,[r1]
pop {r4}
b title_return
pop {r4}
ldr r0,[r4,4]
add r0,1
str r0,[r4,4]
b title_return
// We're not moving the text so just do a delay for this sequence
ldr r3,[r3]
ldr r0,[r3,4]
cmp r0,0x2C
bgt @@nextsequence
b title_return
mov r0,8
mov r4,r10
str r0,[r4]
mov r0,0
str r0,[r3,4]
b title_return
// We're not messing with the video registers so just do a delay for this sequence
ldr r3,[r3]
ldr r0,[r3,4]
cmp r0,0x2C
bgt @@nextsequence
b title_return
mov r0,9
mov r4,r10
str r0,[r4]
mov r0,1
neg r0,r0 // want to start the next sequence on frame 0
str r0,[r3,4]
b title_return
// Copyright palette fade in
push {r4-r7}
ldr r3,[r3]
mov r4,r3
ldr r0,[r3,4] // frame number
// Frame 0-215: re-calculate palette every frame
cmp r0,215
bgt @@nextsequence
add sp,-16
str r0,[sp]
ldr r1,=215
str r1,[sp,4]
ldr r5,[r4,0x14]
ldr r5,[r5] // copyright palette source
mov r6,5
lsl r6,r6,24 // copyright palette dest
mov r7,0
// Scale R
ldrh r1,[r5]
lsl r1,r1,27
lsr r1,r1,9
ldr r0,[sp]
mul r0,r1
ldr r1,[sp,4]
bl m2_div
lsr r0,r0,18
str r0,[sp,8]
// Scale G
ldrh r1,[r5]
lsr r1,r1,5
lsl r1,r1,27
lsr r1,r1,9
ldr r0,[sp]
mul r0,r1
ldr r1,[sp,4]
bl m2_div
lsr r0,r0,18
str r0,[sp,12]
// Scale B
ldrh r1,[r5]
lsr r1,r1,10
lsl r1,r1,27
lsr r1,r1,9
ldr r0,[sp]
mul r0,r1
ldr r1,[sp,4]
bl m2_div
lsr r0,r0,18
// Pack colours and store
lsl r0,r0,10
ldr r1,[sp,12]
lsl r1,r1,5
orr r0,r1
ldr r1,[sp,8]
orr r0,r1
strh r0,[r6]
// Copy background colour to the glow palette
cmp r7,0
bgt @@next
mov r1,0
add r6,0xE0
strh r0,[r6]
add r6,2
add r1,1
cmp r1,16
blt @@copyloop
sub r6,0xE0
sub r6,0x20
add r5,2
add r6,2
add r7,1
cmp r7,16
blt @@loop
add sp,16
pop {r4-r7}
b title_return
mov r0,0
str r0,[r4,4]
mov r0,0xA
mov r4,r10
str r0,[r4]
pop {r4-r7}
b title_return
// Background palette fade in
push {r4}
ldr r3,[r3]
mov r4,r3
ldr r0,[r3,4] // frame number
// Frame 0-159: change palette every 8 frames
lsl r3,r0,29
lsr r3,r3,29
cmp r3,0
bne @@end
lsr r0,r0,3 // source palete index
cmp r0,20
bge @@nextsequence
lsl r0,r0,5 // source palette offset
ldr r3,[r4,0x14]
ldr r3,[r3,4] // source palette buffer
add r0,r0,r3
// Copy palette
ldr r1,=0x40000D4
str r0,[r1]
ldr r0,=0x50000E0
str r0,[r1,4]
ldr r0,=0x84000008
str r0,[r1,8]
ldr r0,[r1,8]
b @@end
mov r0,1
neg r0,r0 // want to start the next sequence on frame 0
str r0,[r4,4]
mov r0,0xC
mov r4,r10
str r0,[r4]
pop {r4}
b title_return
ldr r3,[r3]
ldr r0,[r3,4]
cmp r0,0x2C
bgt @@nextsequence
b title_return
mov r0,0xD
mov r4,r10
str r0,[r4]
mov r0,1
neg r0,r0
str r0,[r3,4]
b title_return
mov r4,r10
ldr r0,[r4]
add r0,1
str r0,[r4]
b title_return