
3442 lines
85 KiB

push {r1-r2,lr}
mov r1,r7
mov r2,r5
bl custom_codes_parse
ldr r1,[r6]
// If 0, return [r6]+2; otherwise, return [r6]+r0
cmp r0,#0
beq @@next
cmp r0,#0
bge @@continue //If -1, then set this to 0
mov r0,#0
add r0,r0,r1
pop {r1-r2,pc}
add r0,r1,2
pop {r1-r2,pc}
push {r0-r3,lr}
mov r0,r5
mov r1,r7
bl weld_entry
pop {r0-r3,pc}
push {r2,r5,lr}
ldrb r0,[r2]
mov r5,r0
mov r1,r2
mov r2,r4
bl custom_codes_parse
cmp r0,0
beq @@next
mov r2,r12
add r0,r0,r2
strh r0,[r4,0x14]
pop {r2,r5}
add sp,4
ldr r1,=0x80C904D
bx r1
mov r0,r5
cmp r0,1
pop {r2,r5,pc}
push {r0-r1,lr}
mov r0,r4
mov r1,r2
bl weld_entry
pop {r0-r1,pc}
push {r1,lr}
mov r1,0
strb r1,[r0,2]
pop {r1}
bl 0x80C87D0
pop {pc}
push {lr}
strh r0,[r5,0x2C]
strh r4,[r5,0x2A]
strb r4,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
push {lr}
strh r0,[r5,0x2C]
strh r1,[r5,0x2A]
strb r1,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
push {lr}
strh r0,[r5,0x2C]
strh r2,[r5,0x2A]
strb r2,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
push {lr}
mov r2,0
strh r2,[r5,0x2A]
strb r2,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
push {lr}
mov r1,0
strh r1,[r5,0x2A]
strb r1,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
push {lr}
strh r0,[r5,0x2C]
strh r6,[r5,0x2A]
strb r6,[r5,2]
pop {pc}
push {lr}
// Reset X
mov r1,0
strb r1,[r0,2]
// Clear window
bl clear_window
// Clobbered code
ldr r4,=0x3005270
mov r1,0x24
pop {pc}
push {lr}
mov r4,0
strb r4,[r6,2]
// Clobbered code
strh r5,[r1]
pop {pc}
// Only render the (None) strings in the equip window if there's nothing equipped
push {r7,lr}
add sp,-4
mov r7,0
// Get the (none) pointer
mov r0,r4
mov r1,r10
mov r2,0x2A
bl 0x80BE260
mov r5,r0
// Check each equip slot
ldr r6,=0x3001D40
ldr r3,=0x3005264
ldrh r0,[r3] // active party character
mov r1,0x6C
mul r0,r1
add r6,r0,r6
add r6,0x75
ldrb r0,[r6]
cmp r0,0
bne @@next
// Weapon
mov r0,r8
mov r1,r5
mov r2,0x6
mov r3,0
str r7,[sp]
bl 0x80C9634
ldrb r0,[r6,1]
cmp r0,0
bne @@next2
// Body
mov r0,r8
mov r1,r5
mov r2,0x6
mov r3,1
str r7,[sp]
bl 0x80C9634
ldrb r0,[r6,2]
cmp r0,0
bne @@next3
// Arms
mov r0,r8
mov r1,r5
mov r2,0x6
mov r3,2
str r7,[sp]
bl 0x80C9634
ldrb r0,[r6,3]
cmp r0,0
bne @@next4
// Other
mov r0,r8
mov r1,r5
mov r2,0x6
mov r3,3
str r7,[sp]
bl 0x80C9634
mov r0,0
mov r10,r0
add sp,4
pop {r7,pc}
//Print numbers in the numbers window at the beginning - Used in order to make sure the one-person version prints the numbers
push {lr}
add sp,#-4
bl 0x80BC034
lsl r0,r0,#0x18
lsr r0,r0,#0x18
mov r1,r8
mov r2,#3
bl m2_formatnumber
mov r5,#0
mov r0,r10
strb r5,[r0,#0x15]
mov r0,#0xFF
mov r1,r10
strb r0,[r1,#0x16]
ldr r0,[r4,#0x14]
str r5,[sp]
mov r1,r8
mov r2,#0x37
mov r3,#3
bl printnumberequip //Prints Offense number
bl 0x80BC0CC
lsl r0,r0,#0x18
lsr r0,r0,#0x18
mov r1,r8
mov r2,#3
bl m2_formatnumber
mov r0,r10
strb r5,[r0,#0x15]
mov r0,#0xFF
mov r1,r10
strb r0,[r1,#0x16]
ldr r0,[r4,#0x14]
str r5,[sp]
mov r1,r8
mov r2,#0x37
mov r3,#0x13
bl printnumberequip //Prints Defense number
bl store_pixels_overworld
add sp,#4
pop {pc}
// Clears the equipment portion of the equip window
// r0 = window pointer
push {r0-r4,lr}
add sp,-4
mov r3,r0
ldr r0,=0x44444444
str r0,[sp]
ldrh r0,[r3,0x22]
add r0,6
ldrh r1,[r3,0x24]
ldrh r2,[r3,0x26]
sub r2,6
ldrh r3,[r3,0x28]
bl clear_rect
add sp,4
pop {r0-r4,pc}
// Clear equipment and offense/defense when moving left/right on equip screen
// r6 = window pointer
mov r0,r6
bl clear_equipment
// Clear offense/defense
push {r0-r3}
mov r0,9
mov r1,0xB
mov r2,8
bl bb21c_print_blankstr_buffer
mov r0,9
mov r1,0xD
mov r2,8
bl bb21c_print_blankstr_buffer
pop {r0-r3}
// Clobbered code
strh r1,[r3]
ldr r0,=0x80C4F3B
bx r0
mov r0,r6
bl clear_equipment
// Clear offense/defense
push {r0-r3}
mov r0,9
mov r1,0xB
mov r2,8
bl bb21c_print_blankstr_buffer
mov r0,9
mov r1,0xD
mov r2,8
bl bb21c_print_blankstr_buffer
pop {r0-r3}
// Clobbered code
strh r1,[r3]
ldr r0,=0x80C4EFF
bx r0
// Prints a string in the status window
push {r0-r2,lr}
mov r0,r1
mov r1,r2
mov r2,r3
bl print_string
pop {r0-r2,pc}
// Prints an empty space instead of the "Press A for PSI info" string
push {r0-r3,lr}
mov r0,5
mov r1,0xF
mov r2,0x14
bl bb21c_print_blankstr_buffer
pop {r0-r3,pc}
// Redraws the status window (when exiting the PSI submenu, etc.)
push {r4,lr}
ldr r4,=0x3005230
ldr r4,[r4,0x18]
// Get the address of the status text
ldr r0,=0x8B17EE4
ldr r1,=0x8B17424
mov r2,0x11
bl 0x80BE260
// Prepare the window for parsing
mov r1,r0
mov r0,r4
mov r2,0
bl initWindow_buffer
// Render text
mov r0,r4
bl statusWindowText
// Render numbers
mov r0,r4
ldrh r1,[r0,#0]
ldr r2,=#0xFBFF
and r1,r2
strh r1,[r0,#0]
mov r1,0
bl statusNumbersPrint
pop {r4,pc}
// Redraws the status window (when exiting the PSI menu) and stores it
push {lr}
bl bac18_redraw_status
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
// Calls m2_soundeffect only if we're going in either talk or check
push {lr}
mov r1,r10
add r1,r1,r4
mov r2,r5
add r2,#0x42
ldrb r2,[r2,#0] //Is this the status window? If not, then do the sound
cmp r2,#0
beq @@sound
cmp r1,#0
beq @@sound
cmp r1,#4
bne @@end
bl m2_soundeffect
pop {pc}
// Loads the buffer up in battle
push {lr}
mov r9,r0
ldr r3,[r5,#0]
bl load_pixels_overworld
push {r0-r3}
swi #5
pop {r0-r3}
pop {pc}
// Calls m2_soundeffect only if we're out of the main menu
push {lr}
mov r2,r5
add r2,#0x42
ldrb r2,[r2,#0] //Is this the status window? If not, then we may not want to do the sound
cmp r2,#0
bne @@sound
ldrb r2,[r5,#3] //If we are printing, then don't do the sound
mov r1,#1
and r1,r2
cmp r1,#0
beq @@end
bl m2_soundeffect
pop {pc}
// Only if the character changed store the buffer - called when reading inputs
push {lr}
ldr r2,=#m2_active_window_pc
ldrb r2,[r2,#0]
push {r2}
bl statusWindowNumbers
pop {r2}
ldr r1,=#m2_active_window_pc
ldrb r1,[r1,#0]
cmp r1,r2
beq @@end
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Prints the attack target choice menu and stores the buffer
push {lr}
bl printTargetOfAttack
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
// Clears the PSI window when switching classes
// r5 = 0x3005230
push {r0,lr}
ldr r0,[r5,0x20] // PSI class window pointer
ldrb r0,[r0]
mov r1,0x10
and r0,r1
cmp r0,0
beq @@next
// If flag 0x10 is set, clear the PSI window
bl check_overworld_buffer
ldr r1,=#buffer_subtractor
sub r1,r0,r1
ldr r0,[r5,0x1C] // PSI window
bl clear_window_buffer
// Clobbered code
pop {r0}
lsl r0,r0,0x10
asr r4,r0,0x10
pop {pc}
// Clear offense/defense when re-equipping (or un-equipping) something
push {r0-r3,lr}
mov r0,8
mov r1,0xB
mov r2,4
bl bb21c_print_blankstr_buffer
mov r0,8
mov r1,0xD
mov r2,4
bl bb21c_print_blankstr_buffer
// Clobbered code
pop {r0-r3}
mov r0,2
strh r0,[r1]
pop {pc}
// Redraw main menu when exiting PSI target window
push {r1-r4,lr}
add sp,-4
swi #5
// Copied from 80B7A74
mov r0,0
str r0,[sp]
ldr r0,=0x3005230
ldr r0,[r0] // main menu window pointer
ldr r1,[r0,4] // text pointer
mov r2,5
mov r3,2
mov r4,r0
bl 0x80BE4C8
mov r0,r4
bl print_window_with_buffer
swi #5
// Clobbered code (restore the window borders, etc.)
mov r0,1
bl m2_swapwindowbuf
add sp,4
pop {r1-r4,pc}
// Redraw main menu when exiting PSI window from using a PSI and stores the buffer
push {lr}
bl b8bbc_redraw_menu_13to2
mov r3,r9
cmp r3,#0
beq @@end //store only if we're exiting the menu
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
// Redraw main menu when entering PSI target window
push {r1-r4,lr}
add sp,-4
swi #5
// Copied from 80B7A74
mov r0,0
str r0,[sp]
ldr r0,=0x3005230
ldr r0,[r0] // main menu window pointer
ldr r1,[r0,4] // text pointer
mov r2,5
mov r3,2
mov r4,r0
bl 0x80BE4C8
mov r0,r4
bl print_window_with_buffer
swi #5
// Clobbered code (restore the window borders, etc.)
mov r0,1
bl 0x80BD7F8
add sp,4
pop {r1-r4,pc}
// Print a space before the Greek letter
push {r2-r3,lr}
mov r0,r4
bl print_space
pop {r2-r3}
// Clobbered code
ldrb r1,[r3,1]
lsl r0,r1,1
pop {pc}
// Copy a tile up one line
// r4: (x << 16) (relative)
// r5: dest tilemap
// r6: window
// r7: source tilemap
// r8: y (dest, relative)
// r10: 3005270
push {r4-r7,lr}
// Four cases:
// 1) copy blank to blank
// 2) copy blank to non-blank
// 3) copy non-blank to blank
// 4) copy non-blank to non-blank
// 1) we don't have to do anything: pixels are blank for source and dest,
// and the tilemap won't change either
// 2) we have to erase dest pixels and set dest tilemap to 0xE2FF
// 3) we have to copy source pixels to dest pixels and set dest tilemap
// to the proper tile index
// 4) we only have to copy the source pixels to dest pixels
// Check blank by comparing tilemap with 0xE2FF
// 0xE2FF is already stored to [sp+(# of regs pushed * 4)]
ldr r0,[sp,20]
ldrh r1,[r7]
ldrh r2,[r5]
cmp r1,r0
bne @@next
cmp r2,r0
bne @@blank_to_nonblank
// Case 1: blank to blank
b @@end
cmp r2,r0
bne @@nonblank_to_nonblank
// Case 3: non-blank to blank
// Copy pixels up
ldrh r0,[r6,0x22]
lsl r0,r0,16
add r0,r0,r4
lsr r0,r0,16 // x
ldrh r1,[r6,0x24]
add r1,r8 // dest y
mov r4,r1
add r1,2 // source y
mov r6,r0
bl copy_tile_up
// Set proper tilemap
mov r0,r6 // dest x
mov r1,r4 // dest y
bl get_tile_number
ldr r1,=0x30051EC
ldrh r2,[r1]
add r0,r0,r2 // dest tile number
ldrh r1,[r1,0x3C] // 0xE000
orr r0,r1
strh r0,[r5]
b @@end
// Case 2: blank to non-blank
// Set dest tilemap to 0xE2FF
strh r0,[r5]
// Case 4: non-blank to non-blank
// Copy pixels up
ldrh r0,[r6,0x22]
lsl r0,r0,16
add r0,r0,r4
lsr r0,r0,16 // x
ldrh r1,[r6,0x24]
add r1,r8 // dest y
add r1,2 // source y
bl copy_tile_up
pop {r4-r7,pc}
// Erase tile (for short windows)
// r2: 100
// r4: (x << 16) (relative)
// r5: dest tilemap
// r6: window
// r8: y (dest, relative)
push {r0-r1,lr}
// Clobbered code
orr r0,r1 // 0xE2FF
strh r0,[r5] // dest tilemap
// We need to erase the pixels
ldrh r2,[r6,0x22]
lsl r2,r2,16
add r2,r2,r4
lsr r0,r2,16 // x
ldrh r1,[r6,0x24]
add r1,r8 // y
ldr r2,=0x44444444
bl clear_tile
pop {r0-r1,pc}
// Erase tile
push {r0-r1,lr}
// Clobbered code
ldrh r1,[r1]
strh r1,[r5]
// We need to erase the pixels
b ca4bc_erase_tile_common
// Clear PSI window when scrolling through classes
push {r0-r1,lr}
ldr r0,=0x3002500
ldrh r0,[r0]
cmp r0,0
beq @@next
bl check_overworld_buffer
ldr r1,=#buffer_subtractor
sub r1,r0,r1
ldr r0,=#0x3005230
ldr r0,[r0,0x1C]
bl clear_window_buffer
pop {r0-r1}
// Clobbered code
lsl r0,r0,0x10
asr r4,r0,0x10
pop {pc}
// Redraw PSI command when exiting PSI subwindow
push {r0-r3,lr}
mov r0,#1
mov r1,#2
mov r2,#2
bl printBattleMenu
// Clobbered code
pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80BD7F8 // restore tilemaps
pop {pc}
// Redraw Bash/Do Nothing and PSI commands when exiting PSI ally target subwindow
push {r0-r3,lr}
mov r0,#1
mov r1,#3
mov r2,#2
bl printBattleMenu
// Clobbered code
pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80BD7F8 // restore tilemaps
pop {pc}
// Redraw Bash/Do Nothing, PSI commands, Goods and Defend when choosing enemy target
push {lr}
push {r0-r3}
ldr r2,=#0x8B204E4 //Is this an offensive PSI which needs a target? If so, redraw the background window
ldr r1,=#0x8B2A9B0
ldr r0,[r6,#0x1C]
ldr r0,[r0,#0x10]
ldrh r3,[r0,#2]
lsl r3,r3,#4
add r0,r3,r1
ldrh r3,[r0,#4]
lsl r0,r3,#1
add r0,r0,r3
lsl r0,r0,#2
add r3,r0,r2
ldrb r0,[r3,#1]
cmp r0,#1
beq @@keep
cmp r0,#3
bne @@notOffensive //Otherwise, do not do it
ldrb r0,[r3]
cmp r0,#0
bne @@notOffensive
mov r0,#3
mov r1,#3
mov r2,#2
bl printBattleMenu
pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80C2480 //Prints the target
pop {pc}
//Redraw main battle window for "goods" targets
push {lr}
push {r0-r3}
mov r0,#3
mov r1,#3
mov r2,#4
bl printBattleMenu
pop {r0-r3}
bl initWindow_buffer
pop {pc}
//Redraw main battle window for going back to Goods from targets
push {r4,lr}
push {r0-r3}
mov r0,#1
mov r1,#1
mov r2,#4
bl printBattleMenu
pop {r0-r3}
ldr r4,[sp,#8]
add sp,#-4
str r4,[sp,#0]
bl initWindow_cursor_buffer
mov r0,#4
bl store_pixels_overworld_buffer_totalTiles
mov r0,#0
add sp,#4
pop {r4,pc}
//Calls the funcion which loads the targets in and then stores the buffer
push {lr}
ldr r2,=#0x20248AC
ldrh r2,[r2,#0]
push {r2}
bl 0x80BAA80
pop {r2}
cmp r2,#0
bne @@end //Store the buffer to vram only if the target window was printed.
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
// Print "PSI "
push {lr}
add sp,-4
mov r2,0
str r2,[sp]
mov r2,r4
lsl r3,r3,3 // tiles-to-pixels
bl printstr_hlight_pixels_buffer
add sp,4
pop {pc}
// Use new pointer for user/target strings
push {lr}
bl save_last_pc_overworld
mov r4,0x4C
lsl r4,r4,4
add r0,r0,r4
mov r5,r0
lsl r4,r1,0x10
asr r4,r4,0x10
mov r1,r2
mov r2,r4
bl 0x80F4C78
add r0,r4,r5
mov r1,0
strb r1,[r0]
mov r1,0xFF
strb r1,[r0,1]
pop {pc}
push {r1}
ldr r1,[sp,4]
mov lr,r1
pop {r1}
add sp,4
ldr r0,=0x3005220
ldr r0,[r0]
mov r1,0x4C
lsl r1,r1,4
add r0,r0,r1
bx lr
push {lr}
mov r4,0x50
lsl r4,r4,4
add r0,r0,r4
mov r5,r0
lsl r4,r1,0x10
asr r4,r4,0x10
mov r1,r2
mov r2,r4
bl 0x80F4C78
add r0,r4,r5
mov r1,0
strb r1,[r0]
mov r1,0xFF
strb r1,[r0,1]
pop {pc}
push {r1}
ldr r1,[sp,4]
mov lr,r1
pop {r1}
add sp,4
ldr r0,[r0]
mov r1,0x50
lsl r1,r1,4
add r0,r0,r1
bx lr
push {lr}
bl custom_user_pointer
ldr r0,[r5,0x1C]
pop {pc}
ldr r0,[r0]
mov r7,0x50
lsl r7,r7,4
add r0,r0,r7
bx lr
//Saves the last loaded pc for the overworld
push {r0-r1,lr}
ldr r1,=m2_is_battle
ldrh r1,[r1]
cmp r1,#0 //Are we in the overworld?
bne @@total_end
mov r1,0 //If we are, find out which pc it is...
ldr r0,=m2_ness_name //Ness
cmp r0,r2
beq @@end
mov r1,1
add r0,7 //Paula
cmp r0,r2
beq @@end
mov r1,2
add r0,7 //Jeff
cmp r0,r2
beq @@end
mov r1,3
add r0,7 //Poo
cmp r0,r2
beq @@end
mov r1,0xFF
ldr r0,=m2_cstm_last_pc //Save it here
strb r1,[r0]
pop {r0-r1,pc}
//Sets the names' background to a default
push {lr}
bl 0x8012460
bl set_background_loaded_names
pop {pc}
// Add a space between enemy name and letter in multi-enemy fights for the selection window. Called only by enemies.
push {r1-r2,lr}
ldrb r1,[r5,#0]
cmp r1,#1 //In case the name has a "the " at the beginning, remove it
bne @@end
mov r2,sp
add r2,#0xC //Get where the writing stack for the name starts
sub r5,r5,#4
@@cycle: //The removed and shifted everything by 4 bytes
ldr r1,[r2,#4]
str r1,[r2,#0]
add r2,#4
cmp r2,r5
ble @@cycle
sub r5,r5,#2 //The the flag must be accounted for. It moves the pointer by 2, so we put it back
sub r0,0x90
strb r0,[r5,#1] //Put the letter near the enemy writing space
mov r0,#0x50 //Store the space
strb r0,[r5]
mov r0,#0 //Store the the flag as 0
strb r0,[r5,#4]
pop {r1-r2,pc}
// Add a space between enemy name and letter in multi-enemy fights for 9F FF and AD FF. Only enemies call this.
push {lr}
sub r0,0x90
strb r0,[r4,#1] //Put the letter near the enemy writing space
mov r0,#0x50 //Store the space
strb r0,[r4]
mov r0,#0 //Store the the flag as 0
strb r0,[r4,#4]
pop {pc}
// "The" flag checks for the Target window. It will always be lowercase, this makes things much simpler because it will never be changed due to the character printed before it, unlike how it happens with 9F FF and AD FF.
push {r4,lr}
// Clobbered code: get enemy string pointer
lsl r4,r2,1
bl 0x80BE260
mov r1,r0
mov r0,sp
add r0,8
// Check for "The" flag
ldr r3,=m2_enemy_attributes
ldrb r3,[r3,r4] // "The" flag
cmp r3,0
beq @@next
// Write "the " before the enemy name
ldr r2,=0x509598A4
str r2,[r0]
add r0,4
pop {r4,pc}
db08e_theflagflag: //Puts a flag at the end of the name that is 1 if the has been added. 0 otherwise. (called right after db04c_theflag or dcd5c_theflag)
push {r3,lr}
bl 0x80DAEEC
pop {r3}
add r0,#2
strb r3,[r0,#0]
mov r3,r0
pop {pc}
push {r1,lr}
ldr r1,=m2_cstm_last_printed
ldrb r0,[r7,#0]
strb r0,[r1,#0]
lsl r0,r0,#1
pop {r1,pc}
custom_user_pointer: //Routine that gives in r1 the user string pointer
ldr r1,[r0,#0]
mov r0,#0x4C
lsl r0,r0,#4
add r1,r0,r1
bx lr
// r0 = window
// r9 = item index
// Return: r2 = x location for item string (relative to window location)
// Can use: r1, r3, r5
push {lr}
mov r5,r0
// r2 = cursor_x + 1 + (is_equipped(current_item_index) ? 1 : 0)
mov r0,r9
add r0,1
bl m2_isequipped
ldrh r1,[r5,0x34] // cursor_x
add r0,r0,r1
add r2,r0,1
mov r0,r5
pop {pc}
//Loads the player's name properly
push {lr}
mov r2,#0x18 //Maximum amount of characters in the name
ldr r1,=m2_player1 //Player's name new location
mov r3,#0
@@continue_cycle: //Count the amount of characters
cmp r3,r2
bge @@exit_cycle
add r0,r1,r3
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
cmp r0,#0xFF
beq @@exit_cycle
add r3,#1
b @@continue_cycle
mov r4,r3 //Store the amount of characters in r4
bl 0x80A322C //Clobbered code: load at which letter the routine is
lsl r1,r4,#0x10
lsl r0,r0,#0x10
cmp r1,r0
blt @@ended
bl 0x80A322C
mov r3,#1
ldr r1,=m2_player1 //Player's name new location. The routine starts from 1 because the original routine had a flag before the name, so we subtract 1 to the address we look at in order to avoid skipping a character
sub r1,r1,r3
lsl r0,r0,#0x10
asr r0,r0,#0x10
add r1,r1,r0
ldrb r0,[r1,#0]
b @@next
mov r0,#0
@@next: //Do the rest of the routine
pop {pc}
//These three hacks remove the game's ability to read the script instantly out of a won battle
cb936_battle_won: //Called at the end of a battle if it is won
push {lr}
ldr r0,=m2_script_readability //Remove the ability to instantly read the script
mov r1,#8
strb r1,[r0,#0]
ldr r0,=#0x3000A6C //Clobbered code
mov r1,#0
pop {pc}
b7702_check_script_reading: //Makes the game wait six extra frames before being able to read the script out of battle
push {lr}
ldr r0,=m2_script_readability
ldrb r1,[r0,#0]
cmp r1,#2 //If the value is > 2, then lower it
ble @@next
sub r1,r1,#1
strb r1,[r0,#0]
b @@end
cmp r1,#2 //If the value is 2, change it to 0 and allow reading the script
bne @@end
mov r1,#0
strb r1,[r0,#0]
mov r7,r10 //Clobbered code
mov r6,r9
pop {pc}
a1f8c_set_script_reading: //Changes the way the game sets the ability to read the script
push {lr}
ldrb r1,[r0,#0]
cmp r1,#8 //If this particular flag is set, then don't do a thing. Allows to make it so the game waits before reading the script.
beq @@next
mov r1,#0
strb r1,[r0,#0]
b @@end
mov r1,#0
pop {pc}
//Hacks that load specific numbers for the new names
mov r0,#0xEB
lsl r0,r0,#1
add r0,r0,#1
bx lr
mov r0,#0xF2
lsl r0,r0,#1
add r0,r0,#1
bx lr
mov r4,#0xEB
lsl r4,r4,#1
add r4,r4,#1
bx lr
mov r4,#0xF2
lsl r4,r4,#1
add r4,r4,#1
bx lr
//Fast routine that uses the defaults and stores them. Original one is a nightmare. Rewriting it from scratch. r1 has the target address. r5 has 0.
push {lr}
mov r0,#0x7E //Ness' name
strb r0,[r1,#0]
mov r2,#0x95
strb r2,[r1,#1]
strb r2,[r1,#0xF]
mov r0,#0xA3
strb r0,[r1,#2]
strb r0,[r1,#3]
mov r4,#0xFF
lsl r5,r4,#8
strh r5,[r1,#4]
add r1,#7
mov r0,#0x80 //Paula's name
strb r0,[r1,#0]
strb r0,[r1,#0xE]
mov r3,#0x91
strb r3,[r1,#1]
strb r3,[r1,#4]
mov r0,#0xA5
strb r0,[r1,#2]
mov r0,#0x9C
strb r0,[r1,#3]
strb r5,[r1,#5]
strb r4,[r1,#6]
add r1,#7
mov r0,#0x7A //Jeff's name
strb r0,[r1,#0]
mov r0,#0x95
strb r0,[r1,#1]
mov r0,#0x96
strb r0,[r1,#2]
strb r0,[r1,#3]
strh r5,[r1,#4]
add r1,#7
strb r4,[r1,#4]
mov r4,#0x9F //Poo's name
strb r4,[r1,#1]
strb r4,[r1,#2]
strb r5,[r1,#3]
add r1,#7
mov r0,#0x7B //King's name
strb r0,[r1,#0]
mov r0,#0x99
strb r0,[r1,#1]
mov r0,#0x9E
strb r0,[r1,#2]
mov r0,#0x97
strb r0,[r1,#3]
strh r5,[r1,#4]
add r1,#8
mov r0,#0x83 //Steak's name
strb r0,[r1,#0]
mov r0,#0xA4
strb r0,[r1,#1]
strb r2,[r1,#2]
strb r3,[r1,#3]
mov r3,#0x9B
strb r3,[r1,#4]
mov r2,#0xFF
strb r5,[r1,#5]
strb r2,[r1,#6]
add r1,#8
mov r0,#0x82 //Rockin's name
strb r0,[r1,#0]
strb r4,[r1,#1]
mov r0,#0x93
strb r0,[r1,#2]
strb r3,[r1,#3]
mov r0,#0x99
strb r0,[r1,#4]
mov r0,#0x9E
strb r0,[r1,#5]
strh r5,[r1,#6]
mov r2,#1
mov r5,#0
pop {pc}
//Routine for window headers that fixes the issue character - tiles
push {lr}
lsl r0,r2,#1
lsl r1,r2,#2
add r1,r1,r0 //Multiply r2 (character count) by 6
lsr r0,r1,#3 //Divide by 8
lsl r0,r0,#3 //Re-multiply by 8
cmp r0,r1 //Can it stay in r0 pixels? (Was this a division by 8 without remainder?)
beq @@next
add r0,#8 //If it cannot stay in x tiles, add 1 to the amount of tiles needed
lsr r0,r0,#3 //Get the amount of tiles needed
cmp r0,r2 //If it's not the same amout as the characters...
beq @@end
sub r0,r2,r0
lsl r0,r0,#1
sub r6,r6,r0 //Remove the amount of extra tiles
pop {pc}
//Specific fix_char_tiles routine - Status window
push {lr}
bl fix_char_tiles
ldr r0,[r4,#0] //Clobbered code
add r0,#0xB3
pop {pc}
//Specific fix_char_tiles routine - Give window
push {lr}
mov r2,r5
bl fix_char_tiles
ldr r2,=#0x30051EC //Clobbered code
ldrh r0,[r2]
pop {pc}
//Specific fix_char_tiles routine - Equip window
push {lr}
mov r6,r7
bl fix_char_tiles
mov r7,r6
ldr r2,=#0x30051EC //Clobbered code
ldrh r0,[r2]
pop {pc}
//Specific fix_char_tiles routine - Outer PSI window
push {lr}
bl fix_char_tiles
mov r2,r9 //Clobbered code
ldrh r0,[r2,#0]
pop {pc}
//Specific fix_char_tiles routine - Inner PSI window - part 2
push {lr}
bl fix_char_tiles
mov r2,r8 //Clobbered code
ldrh r0,[r2,#0]
pop {pc}
//Routine which clears the header and THEN makes it so the string is printed
push {lr}
push {r0-r3}
mov r1,#6 //Number of tiles to clean
bl clear_window_header
pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80CAB90
pop {pc}
//Routine which prints just the number with a tiny buffer
push {lr}
lsl r2,r2,#3
lsl r3,r3,#3
bl print_window_number_header_string
add r0,#7
lsr r0,r0,#3
pop {pc}
//Routine which clears the header and THEN makes it so the string is printed
push {lr}
push {r0-r3}
mov r1,#3 //Number of tiles to clean
bl clear_window_header
pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80CAB90
pop {pc}
//Routine which clears the header and THEN makes it so the string is printed
push {lr}
push {r0-r3}
mov r1,#0x10 //Number of tiles to clean
bl clear_window_header
pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80CAB90
pop {pc}
//Routine which calls the header clearer and changes the position of Stored Goods in the arrangement
push {lr}
ldrb r0,[r6,#2] //Load pixel_x
cmp r0,#0xFF
bne @@after_header
mov r0,#0
strb r0,[r6,#2]
mov r0,r7
bl _0x10_clean_print
ldr r2,=#0x230 //Change starting position
mov r0,r2 //Clobbered code
ldrh r3,[r4,#0]
add r0,r0,r3
mov r2,r8
ldrh r1,[r2,#0]
orr r0,r1
mov r2,#0
@@cycle: //Print 9 tiles in the arrangement
lsl r0,r0,#0x10
lsr r0,r0,#0x10
mov r1,r0
add r0,r1,#1
strh r1,[r5,#0]
add r5,#2
add r2,#1
cmp r2,#9
bne @@cycle
bl store_pixels_overworld // Stores buffer after printing happened
pop {pc}
//Routine which gives the address to the party member's inventory
push {r3,lr}
ldr r0,=m2_source_pc //Load source pc
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
ldr r3,=#0x3001D40 //Get inventory
mov r2,#0x6C
mul r0,r2
add r3,#0x14
add r0,r0,r3
pop {r3,pc}
//Routine which gets the address to the selected party member's inventory and then prints it
push {r0-r4,lr}
bl get_inventory_selected
mov r1,r0 //Inventory
ldr r0,[r4,#0x10] //Window
ldr r3,=m2_active_window_pc //Change the pc of the window so m2_isequipped can work properly
ldr r2,[r3,#0]
lsl r2,r2,#0x10
asr r2,r2,#0x10
push {r2}
ldr r2,=m2_source_pc //Load source pc
ldrb r2,[r2,#0]
str r2,[r3,#0] //Store it
mov r2,#0 //No y offset
bl goods_print_items //Print the inventory
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {r2}
ldr r3,=m2_active_window_pc //Restore pc of the window
lsl r2,r2,#0x10
asr r2,r2,#0x10
str r2,[r3,#0]
pop {r0-r4,pc}
//Specific Routine which calls get_print_inventory_window
push {lr}
push {r4}
ldr r4,=#0x3005230
bl get_print_inventory_window //Prints old inventory
pop {r4}
bl 0x80BD7F8 //Copies old arrangements, this includes the highlight
pop {pc}
//Specific Routine which calls get_print_inventory_window
push {lr}
push {r4}
ldr r4,=#0x3005230
bl get_print_inventory_window //Prints old inventory
pop {r4}
bl 0x80BD7F8 //Copies old arrangements, this includes the highlight
pop {pc}
//Specific Routine which calls get_print_inventory_window
push {r5,lr}
mov r5,r7
bl get_print_inventory_window //Prints old inventory
bl 0x80BD7F8 //Copies old arrangements, this includes the highlight
pop {r5,pc}
//Reprints both the Main window and the Cash window if need be
push {lr}
push {r0-r6}
add sp,#-8
ldr r6,=#0x3005078 //Make sure the game expects only the right amount of lines to be written (so only 1)
ldrb r4,[r6,#0]
str r4,[sp,#4]
mov r4,#0
strb r4,[r6,#0]
ldr r4,=#0x3005230 //Window generic address
//Main window
mov r2,#1
ldr r0,[r4,#0] //Main window place in ram
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#0
beq @@cash //Check if window is enabled before printing in it
ldr r0,=#0x8B17EE4
ldr r1,=#0x8B17424
ldr r3,=m2_psi_exist //Flag which if not 0xFF means no one has PSI
ldrb r3,[r3,#0]
cmp r3,#0xFF
beq @@psiNotFound
mov r2,#0
b @@keep_going
mov r2,#1
bl m2_strlookup //Load the proper menu string based on m2_psi_exist
mov r1,#0
str r1,[sp,#0]
mov r1,r0
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
mov r2,#5
mov r3,#2
bl 0x80BE4C8 //Let it do its things
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
bl print_window_with_buffer //Print text in the window
mov r2,#1
ldr r0,[r4,#4] //Cash window place in ram
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#0
bne @@insidecash
bl store_pixels_overworld_options //Only this window must be reprinted
b @@end
mov r2,#1
ldr r0,[r4,#4] //Cash window place in ram
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#0
beq @@end //Check if window is enabled before printing in it
ldr r2,=#0x300130C
ldr r0,[r2,#0]
mov r1,#2
orr r0,r1
str r0,[r2,#0]
ldr r0,=#0x3001D40
mov r1,#0xD2
lsl r1,r1,#3
add r0,r0,r1
ldr r0,[r0,#0] //Load the money
ldr r5,=#0x3005200
ldr r1,[r5,#0]
mov r2,r1 //Load the string address
mov r1,#0x30 //Padding
bl format_cash_window
ldr r0,[r4,#4]
ldr r1,[r5,#0]
mov r2,#0
bl initWindow_buffer //Let it do its things
ldr r0,[r4,#4]
bl print_window_with_buffer //Print text in the window
bl store_pixels_overworld_psi_window
ldr r4,[sp,#4]
strb r4,[r6,#0] //Restore expected amount of lines to be written
add sp,#8
pop {r0-r6}
pop {pc}
//Reprints both the Main window and the Cash window if need be, but highlights "Talk to"
push {lr}
push {r0-r6}
add sp,#-8
ldr r6,=#0x3005078 //Make sure the game expects only the right amount of lines to be written (so only 1)
ldrb r4,[r6,#0]
str r4,[sp,#4]
mov r4,#0
strb r4,[r6,#0]
ldr r4,=#0x3005230 //Window generic address
//Main window
mov r2,#1
ldr r0,[r4,#0] //Main window place in ram
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#0
beq @@cash //Check if window is enabled before printing in it
ldr r0,=#0x8B17EE4
ldr r1,=#0x8B17424
ldr r3,=m2_psi_exist //Flag which if not 0xFF means no one has PSI
ldrb r3,[r3,#0]
cmp r3,#0xFF
beq @@psiNotFound
mov r2,#0
b @@keep_going
mov r2,#1
bl m2_strlookup //Load the proper menu string based on m2_psi_exist
mov r1,#0
str r1,[sp,#0]
mov r1,r0
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
mov r2,#5
mov r3,#2
bl 0x80BE4C8 //Let it do its things
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
bl print_window_with_buffer //Print text in the window
bl highlight_talk_to
mov r2,#1
ldr r0,[r4,#4] //Cash window place in ram
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#0
bne @@insidecash
bl store_pixels_overworld_options //Only this window must be reprinted
b @@end
mov r2,#1
ldr r0,[r4,#4] //Cash window place in ram
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#0
beq @@end //Check if window is enabled before printing in it
ldr r2,=#0x300130C
ldr r0,[r2,#0]
mov r1,#2
orr r0,r1
str r0,[r2,#0]
ldr r0,=#0x3001D40
mov r1,#0xD2
lsl r1,r1,#3
add r0,r0,r1
ldr r0,[r0,#0] //Load the money
ldr r5,=#0x3005200
ldr r1,[r5,#0]
mov r2,r1 //Load the string address
mov r1,#0x30 //Padding
bl format_cash_window
ldr r0,[r4,#4]
ldr r1,[r5,#0]
mov r2,#0
bl initWindow_buffer //Let it do its things
ldr r0,[r4,#4]
bl print_window_with_buffer //Print text in the window
bl store_pixels_overworld_psi_window
ldr r4,[sp,#4]
strb r4,[r6,#0] //Restore expected amount of lines to be written
add sp,#8
pop {r0-r6}
pop {pc}
//Specific (But still very generic) call to generic_reprinting_first_menu which then calls swapwindowbuf as expected from the game
push {lr}
bl generic_reprinting_first_menu
mov r0,#1
bl m2_swapwindowbuf
pop {pc}
//Specific call to b9aa2_special_string, needed for the help function
push {lr}
bl b9aa2_special_string
ldr r1,=#0x40000D4
ldr r0,=#0x3005200
pop {pc}
//Specific call to b9aa2_special_string, needed for when you exit the item action function
push {lr}
bl b9aa2_special_string
mov r0,#1
bl 0x80BD7F8
pop {pc}
//Setup which only prints either "Check" or "PSI \n Check" in the main window. Needed in order to avoid the not-needed options popping in the item window for 2-3 frames
push {lr}
push {r0-r5}
add sp,#-68
ldr r5,=#0x3005078 //Make sure the game expects only the right amount of lines to be written (so only 1)
ldrb r4,[r5,#0]
str r4,[sp,#4]
mov r4,#0
strb r4,[r5,#0]
ldr r4,=#0x3005230 //Window generic address
//Main window
mov r2,#1
ldr r0,[r4,#0] //Main window place in ram
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#0
beq @@end //Check if window is enabled before printing in it
ldr r1,=m2_psi_exist
ldrb r1,[r1,#0]
add r0,sp,#8
bl setupShortMainMenu //Get shortened menu string
mov r1,#0
str r1,[sp,#0]
add r1,sp,#8
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
mov r2,#5
mov r3,#2
bl 0x80BE4C8 //Let it do its things
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
ldrb r1,[r0,#0]
mov r2,#0xDF
and r2,r1
strb r2,[r0,#0] //Do not redraw the window
mov r3,r0
mov r0,#1
mov r1,#2
mov r2,#4
bl print_blankstr_window_buffer //Clears PSI
mov r0,#1
mov r1,#4
mov r2,#4
ldr r3,[r4,#0]
bl print_blankstr_window_buffer //Clears Check
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
bl print_window_with_buffer //Print text in the window
bl store_pixels_overworld_options
ldr r4,[sp,#4]
strb r4,[r5,#0] //Restore expected amount of lines to be written
add sp,#68
pop {r0-r5}
pop {pc}
//Setup which only prints either "Talk to" and "Goods" in the main window.
push {lr}
push {r0-r5}
add sp,#-76
ldr r5,=#0x3005078 //Make sure the game expects only the right amount of lines to be written (so only 1)
ldrb r4,[r5,#0]
str r4,[sp,#4]
mov r4,#0
strb r4,[r5,#0]
ldr r4,=#0x3005230 //Window generic address
//Main window
lsl r1,r0,#0x18
lsr r1,r1,#0x18
cmp r1,#0
bne @@end //Print only if there is an effective need to do so (So the routine before returned 0)
ldr r0,[r4,#0] //Main window place in ram
ldr r2,[r0,#4] //Save proper text_start and text_start2
str r2,[sp,#8]
ldr r2,[r0,#8]
str r2,[sp,#0xC]
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#0
beq @@end //Check if window is enabled before printing in it
add r0,sp,#16
bl setupShortMainMenu_Talk_to_Goods //Get shortened menu string
mov r1,#0
str r1,[sp,#0]
add r1,sp,#16
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
mov r2,#5
mov r3,#2
bl 0x80BE4C8 //Let it do its things
ldr r0,[r4,#0]
bl print_window_with_buffer //Print text in the window
ldr r0,[r4,#0] //Restore text_start and text_start2
ldr r1,[sp,#8]
str r1,[r0,#4]
ldr r1,[sp,#0xC]
str r1,[r0,#8]
ldr r4,[sp,#4]
strb r4,[r5,#0] //Restore expected amount of lines to be written
add sp,#76
pop {r0-r5}
lsl r0,r0,#0x18 //Clobbered code
lsr r0,r0,#0x18
pop {pc}
//Makes it sure the outer PSI window of the PSI Overworld menu prints the PSIs only once
push {lr}
ldrb r1,[r0,#3] //Checks vwf_skip
mov r2,#1
and r2,r1
cmp r2,#1
beq @@do_not_print
mov r2,#1 //Goes on as usual and sets vwf_skip to true
orr r2,r1
strb r2,[r0,#3]
bl clearWindowTiles_buffer
pop {pc}
@@do_not_print: //Doesn't print in the PSI window
ldr r1,=#m2_active_window_pc
mov r2,#0
ldsh r1,[r1,r2]
push {r1} //Stores the active window pc
bl 0x80C3F28 //Input management function
pop {r1} //Restores the active window pc
cmp r0,#0 //Are we changing the window we're in? If this is 0, we're not
beq @@no_change_in_window
lsl r0,r0,#0x10 //If r0 is 0xFFFFFFFF, then we're exiting the window
lsr r5,r0,#0x10 //Set up r5 properly
b @@goToInner
mov r5,#0
ldr r0,=#m2_active_window_pc
mov r2,#0
ldsh r0,[r0,r2] //Has the main character changed?
cmp r0,r1
beq @@keep
ldr r0,[r4,#0x1C] //If it has, set wvf_skip to false
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
add r0,#0xA
bx r0
ldr r0,[r4,#0x1C] //Stores false in vwf_skip, which means the window will be printed
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
ldr r7,=#m2_active_window_pc //The game sets this up in the code we jump, so we need to set it up here
pop {r0}
add r0,#0x18
bx r0 //Jump to the next useful piece of code
//Makes it sure the outer PSI window of the PSI Status menu prints the PSIs only once
push {lr}
ldrh r2,[r0,#0x36]
push {r2} //Stores the cursor's Y position
bl 0x80BE53C //Input management function
push {r0} //Stores the input
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20] //Loads vwf_skip
ldrb r1,[r0,#3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r1
cmp r2,#1 //Checks if true
beq @@do_not_print
mov r2,#1 //Sets vwf_skip to true and proceeds as usual
orr r2,r1
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r2}
pop {pc}
pop {r0}
cmp r0,#0 //If the input is > 0, then we're entering one of the submenus (Offensive, Healing, etc.)
bgt @@goToInner
cmp r0,#0
beq @@noAction
lsl r0,r0,0x10 //If the input is 0xFFFFFFFF we're exiting the window. Sets r4 up and vwf_skip to false, then exits the routine.
asr r4,r0,0x10
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#4
bx r0
mov r4,#0
pop {r1}
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
ldrh r2,[r0,#0x36]
cmp r1,r2 //Checks if the cursor's Y position is the same as it was before
beq @@noActionAtAll
mov r2,#0 //If it's not, then sets vwf_skip to false
strb r2,[r0,#3]
b @@end //Goes to the end of the routine
lsl r0,r0,0x10 //Properly stores the output into r4 and, since we're going into the inner window, sets vwf_skip to false
asr r4,r0,0x10
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#0x3E
bx r0 //Jump to the next useful piece of code
//Makes it sure the outer PSI window of the PSI battle menu prints the PSIs only once
//It's the same as the one above, but the bottom exit is different
push {lr}
ldrh r2,[r0,#0x36]
push {r2} //Stores the cursor's Y position
bl 0x80BE53C //Input management function
push {r0} //Stores the input
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20] //Loads vwf_skip
ldrb r1,[r0,#3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r1
cmp r2,#1 //Checks if true
beq @@do_not_print
mov r2,#1 //Sets vwf_skip to true and proceeds as usual
orr r2,r1
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r2}
pop {pc}
pop {r0}
cmp r0,#0 //If the input is > 0, then we're entering one of the submenus (Offensive, Healing, etc.)
bgt @@goToInner
cmp r0,#0
beq @@noAction
lsl r0,r0,0x10 //If the input is 0xFFFFFFFF we're exiting the window. Sets r4 up and vwf_skip to false, then exits the routine.
asr r4,r0,0x10
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#4
bx r0
mov r4,#0
pop {r1}
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
ldrh r2,[r0,#0x36]
cmp r1,r2 //Checks if the cursor's Y position is the same as it was before
beq @@noActionAtAll
mov r2,#0 //If it's not, then sets vwf_skip to false
strb r2,[r0,#3]
b @@end //Goes to the end of the routine
lsl r0,r0,0x10 //Properly stores the output into r4 and, since we're going into the inner window, sets vwf_skip to false
asr r4,r0,0x10
ldr r0,[r5,#0x20]
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#0x36
bx r0 //Jump to the next useful piece of code
//Makes it sure the inner PSI window of the PSI status menu prints the descriptions only once
//It also sets things up to make it so the target window is only printed once
push {lr}
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x36] //Stores the cursor's Y of the window
push {r1}
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x34] //Stores the cursor's X of the window
push {r1}
bl PSITargetWindowInput //Input management, target printing and header printing function. Now the function takes the cursor's Y and X as arguments too in the stack
lsl r0,r0,#0x10
lsr r4,r0,#0x10 //Properly stores the output into r4
ldr r1,=#0x8B2A9B0 //Clobbered code
ldr r0,[r5,#0x1C]
add r0,#0x42
ldrb r0,[r0,#0]
lsl r0,r0,#4
add r1,#0xC
add r0,r0,r1
ldr r2,[r0,#0]
ldr r0,[r5,#0x1C]
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x34]
ldr r3,[sp,#0]
cmp r1,r3 //Checks if the cursor's X changed
bne @@ChangedPosition
ldr r3,[sp,#4] //If it did not, checks if the cursor's Y changed
ldrh r1,[r0,#0x36]
cmp r1,r3
beq @@print
ldr r0,[r5,0x28] //Sets wvf_skip to false
mov r1,#0
strb r1,[r0,#3]
@@print: //Description printing
ldr r0,[r5,0x28]
ldrb r1,[r0,#3]
mov r3,#1
and r1,r3
cmp r1,#0 //Checks if vwf_skip is false
bne @@end
mov r1,r2 //If it is, prints the PSI description
mov r2,0
bl initWindow_buffer //Initializes the PSI description window
ldr r0,[r5,0x28]
bl print_window_with_buffer //Prints the PSI description window
bl store_pixels_overworld
ldr r0,[r5,0x28]
ldrb r1,[r0,#3] //Sets vwf_skip to true
mov r3,#1
orr r1,r3
strb r1,[r0,#3]
ldr r0,=#0xFFFF //Are we exiting this window?
cmp r4,r0
bne @@ending
//If we are, set vwf_skip to false for both the description window and the target window
ldr r0,[r5,0x28] //Description window
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r0,#3]
ldr r0,[r5,0x24] //Target window
strb r2,[r0,#3]
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
pop {r0}
add r0,#0x18
bx r0 //Jump to the next useful piece of code
//Stores the buffer for the Stored Goods window when switching the page
mov r0,#8
str r0,[sp,#0x2C]
push {lr}
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Calls print_window_with_buffer and then stores the buffer
push {lr}
bl print_window_with_buffer
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Calls print_window_with_buffer and then stores the buffer if need be
push {lr}
add sp,#-4
mov r1,#0x44
add r1,r1,r0
ldrb r1,[r1,#0]
str r1,[sp,#0]
bl print_window_with_buffer
ldr r1,[sp,#0]
cmp r1,#0
beq @@end
bl store_pixels_overworld_use
add sp,#4
pop {pc}
//Calls print_window_with_buffer and then stores the buffer if need be - Special edition which does only a few tiles
push {lr}
add sp,#-4
mov r1,#0x44
add r1,r1,r0
ldrb r1,[r1,#0]
str r1,[sp,#0]
bl print_window_with_buffer
ldr r1,[sp,#0]
cmp r1,#0
beq @@end
mov r0,#4
bl store_pixels_overworld_buffer_totalTiles
add sp,#4
pop {pc}
//Calls print_window_with_buffer and then stores the buffer
push {lr}
bl print_window_with_buffer
bl store_pixels_overworld_top
pop {pc}
//Calls printstr_hlight_buffer and then stores the buffer
push {r4,lr}
ldr r4,[sp,#8]
add sp,#-4
str r4,[sp,#0]
bl printstr_hlight_buffer
bl store_pixels_overworld
add sp,#4
pop {r4,pc}
//Fixes issue with sounds when going from the PSI window to the inner PSI window
push {lr}
bl PSITargetWindowInput
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//It sets things up to make it so the target window is only printed once
push {r4,lr}
mov r4,r0
ldrb r1,[r4,#3]
push {r1}
ldrh r1,[r4,#0x36] //Stores the cursor's Y of the window
push {r1}
ldrh r1,[r4,#0x34] //Stores the cursor's X of the window
push {r1}
bl PSITargetWindowInput //Input management, target printing and header printing function. Now the function takes the cursor's Y and X as arguments too in the stack
pop {r2}
ldrh r1,[r4,#0x34] //Stores the cursor's X of the window
cmp r1,r2
bne @@store_buffer_first
pop {r2}
ldrh r1,[r4,#0x36] //Stores the cursor's Y of the window
cmp r1,r2
bne @@store_buffer_second
pop {r2}
mov r1,#1
and r1,r2
cmp r1,#1
beq @@continue
b @@store_buffer
pop {r2}
pop {r2}
cmp r0,#0
bne @@continue
bl store_pixels_overworld
cmp r0,#0
beq @@ending
mov r2,#0 //Sets vwf_skip to false since the window is changed
strb r2,[r4,#3]
pop {r4,pc}
//It sets things up to make it so the target window is only printed once
push {r4,lr}
mov r4,r0
ldrb r1,[r4,#3]
push {r1}
ldrh r1,[r4,#0x36] //Stores the cursor's Y of the window
push {r1}
ldrh r1,[r4,#0x34] //Stores the cursor's X of the window
push {r1}
bl PSITargetWindowInput //Input management, target printing and header printing function. Now the function takes the cursor's Y and X as arguments too in the stack
pop {r2}
ldrh r1,[r4,#0x34] //Stores the cursor's X of the window
cmp r1,r2
bne @@store_buffer_first
pop {r2}
ldrh r1,[r4,#0x36] //Stores the cursor's Y of the window
cmp r1,r2
bne @@store_buffer_second
pop {r2}
mov r1,#1
and r1,r2
cmp r1,#1
beq @@continue
b @@store_buffer
pop {r2}
pop {r2}
cmp r0,#0
bne @@continue
bl store_pixels_overworld_psi_window
cmp r0,#0
beq @@ending
mov r2,#0 //Sets vwf_skip to false since the window is changed
strb r2,[r4,#3]
pop {r4,pc}
//Reverses the order in which the target window and the psi window are printed
//when the "Not enough PP!" message goes away in battle in order to make it so
//the graphics are properly stored.
push {lr}
ldr r0,[r4,#0x24] //Initializes the target window
mov r1,#0
mov r2,#0
bl initWindow_buffer
ldr r0,[r4,#0x1C] //Target window printing
bl 0x80C438C
ldr r0,[r4,#0x20] //PSI window printing, grab the type from the types menu
ldrh r0,[r0,#0x36]
add r0,#1
lsl r0,r0,#0x10
asr r0,r0,#0x10
bl 0x80BAE98 //Do the printing
pop {pc}
push {lr}
push {r0-r4}
bl print_windows
pop {r0-r4}
bl 0x800341C
pop {pc}
push {lr}
push {r0-r4}
ldr r2,[sp,#0x20]
bl print_windows
bl store_pixels
pop {r0-r4}
mov r2,#0
mov r3,#0
pop {pc}
push {lr}
bl m2_store_to_win_memory
ldr r0,=#0x3005230 //Window generic address
ldr r0,[r0,#8] //Load the dialogue window
bl clear_window
pop {pc}
//X cursor for the Options submenu position
push {lr}
cmp r0,#1
bne @@next1
mov r0,#5
b @@end
cmp r0,#6
bne @@next2
mov r0,#11
b @@end
cmp r0,#11
bne @@next3
mov r0,#15
b @@end
mov r0,#20
pop {pc}
//Sets X for highlighting the Options submenu in the File Select window
push {lr}
mov r0,r1
bl _position_X_Options
sub r1,r0,#3
mov r0,#2
pop {pc}
//Sets X cursor for the Options submenu in the File Select window
push {lr}
bl _position_X_Options
lsl r0,r0,#3
pop {pc}
//Makes sure Paula's window is loaded properly since the name length has been changed to 5 and the game previously used the 4 to load the window too
push {lr}
mov r0,#4
mov r10,r0
ldr r1,=#0x82B7FF8
pop {pc}
//Prints and stores the PSI window in the PSI menu
push {lr}
bl psiWindow_buffer
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Loads the buffer in if entering another window from the main window
push {lr}
bl 0x80BE53C
cmp r0,#0
beq @@end
cmp r0,#0
blt @@end
bl load_pixels_overworld
push {r0-r2}
swi #5
pop {r0-r2}
pop {pc}
//Prints the target window if and only if the cursor's position changed in this input management function
push {r4,lr}
ldr r1,=#0x3005230
ldr r4,[r1,#0x24] //Loads the target window
ldr r3,[sp,#0x30]
ldrh r2,[r5,#0x34]
cmp r2,r3 //Has the cursor's X changed?
bne @@Updated
ldr r3,[sp,#0x34] //If not, has the cursor's Y changed?
ldrh r2,[r5,#0x36]
cmp r2,r3
beq @@printing
mov r2,#0 //If the cursor's position changed, set vwf_skip to false
strb r2,[r4,#3]
ldrb r1,[r4,#0x3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r1
cmp r2,#0 //Checks if vwf_skip is false
bne @@end
ldrb r1,[r4,#0x3] //If it is, sets vwf_skip to true, clears the window and updates the target window
mov r2,#1
orr r2,r1
strb r2,[r4,#0x3]
push {r0}
bl check_overworld_buffer
ldr r1,=#buffer_subtractor
sub r1,r0,r1
mov r0,r4
pop {r4}
bl clear_window_buffer
mov r0,r4
bl psiTargetWindow_buffer
pop {r4,pc}
//Makes sure m2_initwindow properly sets vwf_skip to false
push {lr}
mov r3,r0
mov r0,#0
strb r0,[r3,#3]
pop {pc}
//Makes sure this initialization routine properly sets vwf_skip to false. This fixes an issue where due to a background the Goods window in battle might have not be printed
push {lr}
mov r4,#0
strb r4,[r0,#3]
mov r12,r0 //Clobbered code
mov r4,r1
pop {pc}
//Makes sure the window type is set to 0 for the inner PSI overworld menu window. Fixes an issue in M2GBA.
push {lr}
strb r1,[r0,#1]
bl initWindow_buffer
pop {pc}
//Fix the random garbage issue for the alphabet for good
push {lr}
bl 0x8012460 //Default code which sets up the names by copying memory which can be random
push {r0-r1}
ldr r0,=#m2_cstm_last_printed //Set the window flag to 0 so no issue can happen
mov r1,#0
strb r1,[r0,#0]
pop {r0-r1}
pop {pc}
//Loads the vram into the buffer, it's called each time there is only the main file_select window active (a good way to set the whole thing up)
push {lr}
ldr r3,=#0x40000B0 //DMA transfer 0
ldr r0,=#0x6008000 //Source
str r0,[r3]
ldr r0,=#0x2015000 //Target
str r0,[r3,#4]
ldr r0,=#0x84001200 //Store 0x4800 bytes
str r0,[r3,#8]
ldr r0,[r3,#8]
ldr r3,[r5,#0]
mov r0,#0x84
lsl r0,r0,#2
pop {pc}
//Stores the buffer into the vram. This avoids screen tearing.
push {r0-r1,lr}
ldr r1,=#0x40000B0 //DMA transfer 0
ldr r0,=#0x2015000 //Source
str r0,[r1]
ldr r0,=#0x6008000 //Target
str r0,[r1,#4]
ldr r0,=#0x94001200 //Store 0x4800 bytes
str r0,[r1,#8]
ldr r0,[r1,#8]
pop {r0-r1,pc}
//Specific routine which calls store_pixels for the main file_select window
push {lr}
bl store_pixels
ldr r1,[r5,#0]
mov r3,#0xC
pop {pc}
//Generic routine which prints a window and then stores the pixels of all the other windows. It's called once, after all the other windows (which will use _4092_print_window) have printed.
push {lr}
bl _4092_print_window
bl store_pixels
pop {pc}
//Routine for the top part of the screen only. Used in order to make printing the names less CPU intensive when naming the characters
push {lr}
bl _4092_print_window
push {r0-r1}
ldr r1,=#0x40000B0 //DMA transfer 0
ldr r0,=#0x2015000 //Source
str r0,[r1]
ldr r0,=#0x6008000 //Target
str r0,[r1,#4]
ldr r0,=#0x94000200 //Store 0x800 bytes
str r0,[r1,#8]
ldr r0,[r1,#8]
pop {r0-r1}
pop {pc}
//Loads and prints the text lines for the file select main window
push {r4-r5,lr}
add sp,#-8
ldr r5,=#0x3000024
ldr r2,[r5,#0]
ldr r4,[r2,#4]
str r4,[sp,#4] //Save this here
mov r4,#0
str r4,[r2,#4]
mov r0,#0
bl 0x8002170 //Routine which loads the save corresponding to r0
mov r0,#1
bl 0x8002170
mov r0,#2
bl 0x8002170
ldr r3,[r5,#0]
mov r0,#0x84
lsl r0,r0,#2
add r3,r3,r0
str r4,[sp,#0]
mov r0,#2
mov r1,#1
mov r2,#0x40
bl wrapper_file_string_selection
ldr r3,[r5,#0]
ldr r0,=#0x454
add r3,r3,r0
str r4,[sp,#0]
mov r0,#2
mov r1,#3
mov r2,#0x40
bl wrapper_file_string_selection
ldr r3,[r5,#0]
mov r0,#0xD3
lsl r0,r0,#3
add r3,r3,r0
str r4,[sp,#0]
mov r0,#2
mov r1,#5
mov r2,#0x40
bl wrapper_file_string_selection
mov r0,#1
mov r1,#0
mov r2,#0
bl 0x800341C
ldr r2,[r5,#0]
ldr r4,[sp,#4]
str r4,[r2,#4] //Restore this
add sp,#8
pop {r4-r5,pc}
//Prints a digit to the dialogue window
push {lr}
bl decode_character
mov r1,r5
bl print_character_to_window
pop {pc}
//Makes it sure the outer equip menu prints the window only when needed
push {lr}
ldr r1,=#m2_active_window_pc
ldrb r1,[r1,#0]
push {r1} //Stores the active_window_pc
bl equipReadInput //Input management function
pop {r1}
cmp r0,#0 //Has an action happened? (Are we entering/exiting the menu?)
beq @@check_character_change
ldr r1,[r6,#0x18] //Main equip window - If it has, then set vwf_skip to false for both the equipment numbers window and the main equipment window
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r1,#3]
ldr r1,[r6,#0x14] //Offense and Defense window
strb r2,[r1,#3]
b @@end
ldr r2,=#m2_active_window_pc
ldrb r2,[r2,#0] //Has the character changed?
cmp r2,r1
beq @@end
ldr r1,[r6,#0x14] //Offense and Defense window - If it has, then set vwf_skip to false for the equipment numbers window
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r1,#3]
pop {pc}
//Prints the outer equip window only when needed - makes it so 0x80C4EB0 takes the previous m2_active_window_pc as a function parameter
push {lr}
ldr r1,[sp,#0x1C]
lsl r1,r1,#0x18
lsr r1,r1,#0x18
ldr r2,=#m2_active_window_pc
ldrb r2,[r2,#0]
cmp r1,r2 //Has the active_window_pc changed?
beq @@printing
mov r2,#0 //If it has, then reprint the window
strb r2,[r0,#3]
ldrb r1,[r0,#3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r1
cmp r2,#1
beq @@skip //Check if vwf_skip is false
mov r2,#1 //If it is, print and set it to true
orr r2,r1
strb r2,[r0,#3]
bl 0x80C4B2C //Prints the equip menu
pop {pc}
//Prints the numbers in the offense/defense window for the outer equip window only when needed
push {lr}
ldr r1,[r6,#0x14] //Offense and Defense window
ldrb r2,[r1,#3]
mov r3,#1
and r3,r2
cmp r3,#1 //Is vwf_skip false?
beq @@skip
cmp r5,#0 //If it is, then print, but only if no action was performed
bne @@skip
mov r3,#1 //Set vwf_skip to true and continue as usual
orr r3,r2
strb r3,[r1,#3]
lsl r0,r0,#0x18 //Clobbered code
lsr r0,r0,#0x18
pop {pc}
mov r5,r7
add r5,#0x12 //Setup r5 just like the code skipped does
pop {r0}
mov r1,#0xF1
lsl r1,r1,#1
add r0,r0,r1 //Jump to 0x80BB1AE
bx r0
//Prints defense number and then sotres the buffer
push {r4,lr}
mov r4,r3
mov r3,#0
push {r3}
mov r3,r4
bl printNumberEquip
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {r3}
pop {r4,pc}
//Prints blankstr in the buffer
push {lr}
push {r0-r2}
bl check_overworld_buffer
ldr r3,=#buffer_subtractor
sub r3,r0,r3
pop {r0-r2}
bl print_blankstr_buffer
pop {pc}
//Prints blankstr in the buffer and stores it
push {lr}
push {r0-r2}
bl check_overworld_buffer
ldr r3,=#buffer_subtractor
sub r3,r0,r3
pop {r0-r2}
bl print_blankstr_buffer
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Set things up so the numbers for Offense and Defense for the innermost equipment window is only printed when needed
push {lr}
ldr r1,=#0x3005200
ldr r1,[r1,#0xC] //Window's item list
mov r2,#0x36
ldsh r2,[r0,r2] //Window's Y cursor
add r1,r1,r2
ldrb r1,[r1,#0] //Selected item
push {r1}
bl equippableReadInput //Input management function - returns the currently selected item
pop {r1}
cmp r1,r0 //Has the currently selected item changed?
bne @@refresh
ldr r1,=#0x3005230 //If not, check if A has been pressed
ldr r1,[r1,#0x10]
ldr r2,=#0xFFFF
ldrh r3,[r1,#0x32] //If A has been pressed this becomes 0xFFFF
cmp r2,r3
bne @@end
ldr r1,=#0x3005230 //Set wvf_skip to false
ldr r1,[r1,#0x14]
mov r2,#0
strb r2,[r1,#3]
pop {pc}
//Prints the numbers for Offense and Defense for the innermost window only if needed - Valid weapons
push {lr}
mov r1,r9
ldr r1,[r1,#0x14]
ldrb r0,[r1,#3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#1 //Is vwf_skip false?
beq @@skip
mov r2,#1 //If it is, set vwf_skip to true, clear the numbers' space and proceed normally
orr r2,r0
strb r2,[r1,#3]
bl clear_offense_defense_inner_equip
mov r1,r8
mov r2,#0
pop {pc}
mov r5,r7 //Otherwise skip some code
add r5,#0x12
mov r4,#0
pop {r0}
add r0,#0x62 //Go to 0x80BB718
bx r0
//Prints the numbers for Offense and Defense for the innermost window only if needed - None in weapons
push {lr}
mov r1,r9
ldr r1,[r1,#0x14]
ldrb r0,[r1,#3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#1 //Is vwf_skip false?
beq @@skip
mov r2,#1 //If it is, set vwf_skip to true, clear the numbers' space and proceed normally
orr r2,r0
strb r2,[r1,#3]
bl clear_offense_defense_inner_equip
mov r3,r8 //This is where this differs from the routine above
mov r1,#0
pop {pc}
mov r5,r7 //Otherwise skip some code
add r5,#0x12
mov r4,#0
pop {r0}
add r0,#0xC6 //Go to 0x80BB718 - The routine differs here too
bx r0
//Prints the numbers for Offense and Defense for the innermost window only if needed - Defensive equipment
push {lr}
ldr r1,=#0x3005230
ldr r1,[r1,#0x14]
ldrb r0,[r1,#3]
mov r2,#1
and r2,r0
cmp r2,#1 //Is vwf_skip false?
beq @@skip
mov r2,#1 //If it is, set vwf_skip to true, clear the numbers' space and proceed normally
orr r2,r0
strb r2,[r1,#3]
bl clear_offense_defense_inner_equip
mov r4,#0
strb r4,[r7,#0x15]
pop {pc}
pop {r0} //Otherwise go to the routine's end
ldr r0,=#0x80BBEC7 //End of routine
bx r0
//Clears the rightmost part of the Offense/Defense window for the innermost equipment menu
push {lr}
mov r0,0xD
mov r1,0xB
mov r2,0x3
bl bb21c_print_blankstr_buffer
mov r0,0xD
mov r1,0xD
mov r2,0x3
bl bb21c_print_blankstr_buffer
pop {pc}
//Fixes issue with file select menu not printing after going back to it from the alphabet
push {lr}
bl 0x800341C
bl _setup_file_strings
mov r0,#3
mov r1,#0xA
mov r2,#1
bl _4092_print_window //Prints the text speed menu
mov r0,#0xF
mov r1,#4
mov r2,#2
bl _4092_print_window //Prints the text flavour menu
bl store_pixels
pop {pc}
//Fixes issue with the option submenu (if it's there) and the file select menu after going back to the text speed window from the text flavour window
push {lr}
bl 0x8003F44
mov r0,#0
ldsh r0,[r5,r0] //Checks whether or not to print the option menu
cmp r0,#0
blt @@end
mov r0,#4
mov r1,#7
mov r2,#0xE
bl _4092_print_window //Prints the option menu
bl _setup_file_strings
bl store_pixels
pop {pc}
//Fixes text reprinting when pressing up or down in the text flavour window
push {lr}
push {r0-r2}
ldr r0,=#m2_cstm_last_printed
ldrb r2,[r0,#0]
mov r1,#0x80
orr r1,r2
strb r1,[r0,#0]
pop {r0-r2}
bl 0x8003F44
pop {pc}
//Highlights all of the file string with the proper palette
push {lr}
mov r0,#2
ldr r1,=#0x3000024 //Load in r1 the y co-ordinate
ldr r1,[r1,#0]
ldr r1,[r1,#8]
lsl r1,r1,#1
add r1,#1
mov r2,#0
mov r3,r4
bl setPaletteOnFile
pop {pc}
//File highlighting for the up-down arrows in the text flavour window
push {lr}
bl _highlight_file
mov r0,#4 //Clobbered code
ldsh r2,[r4,r0]
pop {pc}
//File highlighting for when a file is selected
push {lr}
bl _highlight_file
mov r0,#1 //Clobbered code
mov r1,#0
pop {pc}
//A Press
push {lr}
ldr r0,=#m2_player1
mov r1,r2
str r3,[sp,#0x24]
bl player_name_printing_registration
bl store_pixels_overworld_player_naming
pop {pc}
//B Press
push {lr}
ldr r1,=#0x3005230
ldr r1,[r1,#0x0C]
ldr r0,=#m2_player1
bl player_name_printing_registration
bl store_pixels_overworld_player_naming
pop {pc}
push {lr}
ldr r1,=#0x3005230
ldr r1,[r1,#0x0C]
ldr r0,=#m2_player1
bl player_name_printing_registration
bl store_pixels_overworld_player_naming
pop {pc}
//Re-enter the menu
push {lr}
mov r2,r0
mov r0,r1
mov r1,r2
bl player_name_printing_registration
str r0,[sp,#0x24]
mov r9,r0
pop {pc}
//Cursor movement of overworld alphabet
push {lr}
mov r0,r7
ldr r1,=#0x3002500
add r1,#0x18
bl setupCursorMovement_Overworld_Alphabet
mov r9,r0
ldr r2,=#0x3002500
pop {pc}
//Generic alphabet printing routine. Uses the default code. r0 is the alphabet and r1 is the alphabet string to print if need be
push {lr}
ldr r2,[sp,#0x2C]
cmp r2,r0 //Is the alphabet loaded different from the one we're going in?
beq @@end
str r0,[sp,#0x2C] //If it is, print the new alphabet
ldr r5,=#0x3005230 //Default printing code
ldr r4,[r5,#0x10] //Window
mov r2,r1 //String to load
ldr r0,=#0x8B17EE4 //String
ldr r1,=#0x8B17424
bl m2_strlookup
mov r1,r0
mov r0,r4
mov r2,#0
bl initWindow_buffer
ldr r0,[r5,#0x10]
bl print_alphabet_buffer //Print alphabet in buffer
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Prints the first alphabet and stores the buffer
push {lr}
bl print_alphabet_buffer
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Loads stuff up for the small alphabet and calls print_alphabet_if_needed
push {lr}
mov r0,#1 //Alphabet 1, small
mov r1,#0x62 //String 0x62, small alphabet
bl print_alphabet_if_needed
pop {pc}
//Loads stuff up for the CAPITAL alphabet and calls print_alphabet_if_needed
push {lr}
mov r0,#0 //Alphabet 0, CAPITAL
mov r1,#0x63 //String 0x63, CAPITAL alphabet
bl print_alphabet_if_needed
pop {pc}
//Loads the proper letter table based on the loaded alphabet
push {lr}
ldr r2,=#m2_overworld_alphabet_table //Letter table
ldr r0,[sp,#0x28]
cmp r0,#1
bne @@generic_end
mov r0,#0x90 //If this is the small alphabet, go to its alphabet
add r2,r2,r0
mov r3,#0x36 //Clobbered code
pop {pc}
//Prints the cash window and then stores the buffer to vram
push {lr}
bl printCashWindow
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
push {lr}
bl statusWindowNumbers
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Prints the status text and numbers in the buffer, then loads it in vram
push {lr}
push {r0}
bl statusWindowText
pop {r0}
mov r1,#0
bl statusNumbersPrint
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Routine which checks if all the teleport locations have been printed. If they do, it stores the buffer
push {lr}
lsr r5,r0,#0x10
ldr r2,[sp,#0x18]
cmp r0,r2
blt @@end
bl store_pixels_overworld
pop {pc}
//Allocs the printing buffer's pointer. It needs 4 bytes
push {lr}
mov r0,#4
bl 0x8005B9C
ldr r0,=#0x3002A4C
str r4,[r0,#0]
pop {pc}
//Loads the vram into the buffer, it's called each time there is only the main file_select window active (a good way to set the whole thing up)
push {r0-r3,lr}
bl load_pixels_overworld_buffer
pop {r0-r3,pc}
//Stores the buffer into the vram. This avoids screen tearing.
push {r0-r3,lr}
swi #5 //The improved performances allow using a VBlank before the storage in order to prevent screen tearing effectively
mov r0,#0x10
bl store_pixels_overworld_buffer
pop {r0-r3,pc}
//Stores the buffer into the vram. This avoids screen tearing.
push {r0-r3,lr}
swi #5 //The improved performances allow using a VBlank before the storage in order to prevent screen tearing effectively
mov r0,#6
bl store_pixels_overworld_buffer
pop {r0-r3,pc}
//Stores the buffer into the vram. This avoids screen tearing.
push {r0-r3,lr}
swi #5 //The improved performances allow using a VBlank before the storage in order to prevent screen tearing effectively
mov r0,#8
bl store_pixels_overworld_buffer
pop {r0-r3,pc}
//Stores the buffer into the vram. This avoids screen tearing.
push {r0-r3,lr}
swi #5 //The improved performances allow using a VBlank before the storage in order to prevent screen tearing effectively
mov r0,#0x2
bl store_pixels_overworld_buffer
pop {r0-r3,pc}
//Stores the buffer into the vram. This avoids screen tearing.
push {r0-r3,lr}
swi #5 //The improved performances allow using a VBlank before the storage in order to prevent screen tearing effectively
mov r0,#0x4
bl store_pixels_overworld_buffer
pop {r0-r3,pc}
//Stores the buffer into the vram. This avoids screen tearing.
push {r0-r3,lr}
swi #5 //The improved performances allow using a VBlank before the storage in order to prevent screen tearing effectively
mov r0,#0xA
bl store_pixels_overworld_buffer
pop {r0-r3,pc}
//Change tile only if need be (it's different) - foreground call
push {lr}
mov r3,#0
bl change_palette_needed
pop {pc}
//Change tile only if need be (it's different) - background call
push {lr}
mov r3,#1
bl change_palette_needed
pop {pc}
//Change tile only if need be (it's different), r3 contains whether the EB cart is in the background or not
push {lr}
ldrh r2,[r1,#0]
ldrh r1,[r0,#0]
cmp r1,r2
beq @@end
mov r0,r3
bl eb_cartridge_palette_change
pop {pc}
//Prevents changing the palette based on the flavour for the cast roll sequence
push {lr}
ldr r1,=#m2_cast_roll_pointers
cmp r0,r1
beq @@alternate_end
bl 0x8010028
pop {pc}
bl 0x8010028
ldr r1,=#0x40000D4
ldr r0,=#0x2010000
str r0,[r1,#0]
ldr r3,=#0x3001B30
str r3,[r1,#4]
ldr r0,=#0x84000080
str r0,[r1,#8]
ldr r0,[r1,#8]
pop {r0}
ldr r0,=#0x8010501 //Go to the end of the routine
bx r0
//Creates a new event that updates the "THE END..." screen to the second frame
push {lr}
add r0,r0,r1
asr r0,r0,#0x10
cmp r0,#0x48
bne @@end
push {r0}
ldr r0,=#m2_end_frame1
ldr r1,=#0x6001000
mov r2,#0xA0
lsl r2,r2,#1
swi #0xC
pop {r0}
pop {pc}
//Prints the sick tiles and then the names
push {lr}
push {r0-r3}
bl 0x80CAC70 //Purple tiles
mov r4,r0
pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80CABF8 //Name
mov r0,r4
pop {pc}
//Prints the dead tiles and then the names
push {lr}
push {r0-r3}
bl 0x80CACE8 //Red tiles
mov r4,r0
pop {r0-r3}
bl 0x80CABF8 //Name
mov r0,r4
pop {pc}
//Prints the alive tiles and then the names - right after the normal status is restored
push {r7,lr}
mov r7,r5
bl alive_name
pop {r7,pc}
//Prints the alive tiles and then the names
push {r4,lr}
push {r5}
mov r5,r2
push {r0-r3}
mov r0,r7
mov r1,#0x4D
mov r2,r5
mov r3,#0x12
bl 0x80CAD60 //The 1st alive tile
mov r0,r7
mov r1,#0x4D
mov r2,#1
add r2,r2,r5
mov r3,#0x12
bl 0x80CAD60 //The 2nd alive tile
mov r0,r7
mov r1,#0x4D
mov r2,#2
add r2,r2,r5
mov r3,#0x12
bl 0x80CAD60 //The 3rd alive tile
mov r0,r7
mov r1,#0x4D
mov r2,#3
add r2,r2,r5
mov r3,#0x12
bl 0x80CAD60 //The 4th alive tile
mov r0,r7
mov r1,#0x4D
mov r2,#4
add r2,r2,r5
mov r3,#0x12
bl 0x80CAD60 //The 5th alive tile
mov r4,#5
pop {r0-r3}
pop {r5}
bl 0x80CABF8 //Name
mov r0,r4
pop {r4,pc}
// Returns in r0 the result of m2_div, and in r1 the result of m2_remainder
push {r4,lr}
push {r0,r1}
bl m2_remainder
mov r4,r0
pop {r0,r1}
bl m2_div
mov r1,r4
pop {r4,pc}