
295 lines
10 KiB

General notes
Font palette:
- Standard text windows: 0x4 = background, 0xF = foreground
- File select/setup windows: 0x1 = background, 0x9 = foreground
Hard-coded characters:
- 0xFD: bullet (tile 0x1DD)
- 0xFE: equip (tile 0x1DE)
- Null (tile 0x1DF)
- Background (tile 0x1FF)
- 0xB4 - 0xBC: YOU WON! (tile 0x154)
English names:
- Ness: 7E 95 A3 A3
- Pala: 80 91 9C 91
- Jeff: 7A 95 96 96
- Poo: 80 9F 9F
0x2020C70: party character slots in battle. 0x94 bytes long
0x2021110: enemy slots in battle. 0x94 bytes long
0x2025038: enemy count (initial, not current)
0x20251D8: item drop
0x3000A00: Current PSI list when displaying a PSI window?
0x3000AA0: currently selected party member e.g. when in the Goods windows (-1 if nobody selected)
0x3000AA2: number of party members
0x3001300: number to be printed (e.g. withdrawn money amount)
0x300130C: window flags?
- 0x0800 is set when any of the A-menu sub-windows are open (Goods, PSI, etc.)
- 0x0001 is set when the A-menu is open
- 0x0002 is set when the cash window is open? or hp/pp maybe?
- 0x0007 is set when the main text window is open
0x3001D54: Ness items (16 bits each)
0x3001D70: Ness EXP
0x3001D80: Ness level
0x3001D84: Ness max HP
0x3001D86: Ness current HP
0x3001D8C: Ness max PP
0x3001D8E: Ness current PP
0x3001D94: Ailment?
00: conscious
01: unconscious
02: diamondized
03: paralyzed
04: nauseous
05: poisoned
06: sunstroke
07: sniffling
08: mashroomized
09: possessed
0A: homesick
0x3001D95: Mashroomized flag?
0x3001D96: Sleep flag?
0x3001D97: Strange flag?
0x3001D98: Can't concentrate flag?
0x3001D99: Homesick flag?
0x3001DA3: Ness offense
0x3001DA4: Ness defense
0x3001DA5: Ness speed
0x3001DA6: Ness guts
0x3001DA7: Ness luck
0x3001DA8: Ness vitality
0x3001DA9: Ness IQ
0x3001DB5: Ness equipment
0x3001F04: Current party
0x3001F0B: Party character count (not sure how it's different from 3000AA2?)
0x3001F0C: Active party member flags
0x3001F6A: Ness PSI flags?
0x01: Teleport alpha
0x08: Teleport beta
0x3001FA4: Escargo Express items (36 of them)
0x3001FC8: event flags
0x30023D0: current cash balance
0x30023D4: current ATM balance
0x3002500: buttons being pressed
0x3002504: shadow of 0x3002500? delayed by one frame maybe?
0x3004F08: printing flag
0x30051EC: tile offset (usually 0x100)
0x30051F0: flag? gets set to 1 when you change rooms, goes back to 0 the first time you open a text window
0x3005224: menu sub-state
- Equip:
- 01: character select
- 02: slot select
- 03: Weapon select
- 04: Body select
- 05: Arms select
- 06: Other select
- PSI:
- 01: character select
- 02: PSI select
- 03: target select
- 04: text box
0x3005228: current text palette, << 0xC
0x3005230: addresses of all 11 windows
[00]: A menu
[01]: Money
[02]: ?
[03]: Action subject ("Who?", etc.) / Money window (called by script)
[04]: New equipment selection
[05]: Offense/Defense
[06]: Equip
[07]: PSI list
[08]: PSI classes
[09]: PSI target/PP cost
[0A]: PSI help
0x3005264: active window party member
0x3005270: address of tilemap start in WRAM, can use this to figure out X and Y
0x872E404: door destinations?
LDRB Rx,[Ry,#n]: n has range 0-31 (0x0-0x1F)
LDRH Rx,[Ry,#n]: n has range 0-62 (0x0-0x3E)
LDR Rx,[Ry,#n]: n has range 0-124 (0x0-0x7C) (0-1020 for SP- and PC-relative)
Custom WRAM: 2027FC0
Game code: ~0x0 - ~0x264FB
Movement-y stuff?: ~0x264FC - ~0x3697E
Text: 0x3697F - 0x8C4B0
More code: 0xA1F6C - 0xFCE6B
EarthBound, Ness' Items: 7E99F1
Code sequences
80BAB64: draw and render PSI party target window
80C4C24: equip window renders four (None)s in a row
80C4F80: going left in equip window
80C4F84: going right in equip window
8001720: play sound effect r0
8005B9C: malloc? r0 = byte count
801C104: return random number from 0 to r0 (exclusive)
80A2E00: door-related? r0 = source, r1 = dest
80A334C: store r0 to window memory
80B8AE0: draw PSI target/PP cost window with PSI index r0
80BB268: Weapons window
80BC670: check if currently selected character has item equipped
r0: item index + 1
returns: 1 if equipped, 0 otherwise or if index==0
80BD7AC: copy window buffer (primary/secondary)
r0 = 0: copy from primary (2028A58) to secondary (2030A40)
r0 = 1: copy from secondary to primary
80BD7F8: copy window buffer (primary/tertiary)
r0 = 0: copy from primary (2028A58) to tertiary (2031248)
r0 = 1: copy from tertiary to primary
80BE260: compute string pointer
r0: pointer table
r1: text base
r2: index
80BE458: initialize window. If text pointer == 0, also draw window borders.
r0: window pointer
r1: text pointer
r2: mystery halfword that gets copied to +0x2E
80BE4C8: initialize window. If text pointer == 0, also draw window borders.
r0: window pointer
r1: text pointer
r2: mystery byte that gets copied to +0x42
r3: mystery halfword that gets copied to +0x3E
sp+0: mystery halfword that gets copied to +0x34 and +0x40 if the window enable flag is unset
80BF858: goods character selector state machine
r0: window pointer
returns: 0 if no action, 1 if descending deeper into window, -1 if exited
80C0420: goods character selector state machine (escargo express check-out from Tracy)
seems to be identical to 80BF858 except that the window is shifted down by one tile,
and the text is shifted down another tile so that it renders properly
r0: window pointer
returns: 0 if no action, 1 if A/L pressed, -1 if B/select pressed
80C0A5C: render numbers on status window
80C1FBC: draw PSI window for character r0
80C239C: print PSI name with Greek letter
80C438C: check for cursor movements in PSI window
80C5B10: If everything works properly, changes cursor position in Weapons/Body/Head/Other submenu
80C87D0: draw blank window and border (r0: window pointer)
80C8BE4: render main menu string to window r0
80C8FFC: render string to window r0
80C9634: render string (r1) to window (r0) at (x,y) (r2,r3)
80C96F0: render string (r1) to window (r0) at (x,2y) (r2,r3) using highlight [sp]
(does not modify any window values)
80C980C: print next character (r0: window pointer)
80CA4BC: scroll text upwards (r0: window pointer)
80CA65C: format a number as a string (does not write [00 FF])
r0: number
r1: output string buffer
r2: limit to r2 decimal digits (will clip to 10^r2 - 1)
returns: -1 if clipped, 0 otherwise
80CA744: store the lowest r2 (e.g. 7) decimal digits of r0 as an array to r1; return position of highest non-zero digit
80CAB90: print window header string (r1) to RAM (r0) at tile ((r2 * 32) + r3)
80CABF8: print checkboard string (r1) to RAM (r0) at tile ((r2 * 32) + r3)
80D2E94: print party character name
80D30C4: related to printing numbers points in battle (r0 = window)
80D31F8: related to printing numbers outside of battle (r0 = window)
80D332C: related to printing names in battle (r0 = window)
80D3560: related to printing numbers outside of battle (r0 = window)
80D3858: related to printing numbers
80D3F0C: bump the HP/PP window of the given party member upwards
r0: party member index
80D41D8: bump the HP/PP window of the current party member downwards
80D7154: count party members and store to 3000AA2
then do some other stuff to the windows -- possibly drawing the HP/PP boxes?
80EBFD4: copy string from r0, of max length r1, to battle user slot, and terminate with [00 FF]
80EC004: get user string pointer
80EC010: copy string from r0, of max length r1, to battle target slot, and terminate with [00 FF]
80EC046: get target string pointer
80F49DC: divide r0 by r1, return quotient in r0
8B1B8B8 has a jump table with 13 entries for the [1A FF xx 00] code:
00: ?
01: PC name
02: item name
03: ?
04: number
05: PC name
06: ?
07: ?
08: ?
09: ?
0A: ?
0B: ?
Window structure:
0x00 - 0x03: bitfield
0x00000001: enable
0x00000010: ? (checked when going right in goods character selection menu)
0x00000020: signals to redraw the window and borders (cleared by C87D0)
0x0000FFCE: ?
0xFFFF0000: we're stealing these for our hacks
0x0007: pixel X value
0xFFF8: unused
0x04 - 0x07: start address of text being displayed
0x08 - 0x0B: same as above?
0x0C - 0x0F: menu text pointer
0x10 - 0x13: ?
0x14 - 0x17: text address offset
0x18 - 0x1B: ?
0x1C - 0x1F: when printing numbers: the current digit index to print
when printing names: ?
0x20 - 0x21: area (width*height)
0x22 - 0x23: window X (text area, not including border)
0x24 - 0x25: window Y
0x26 - 0x27: window width (tiles, not including border)
0x28 - 0x29: window height
0x2A - 0x2B: relative text X
0x2C - 0x2D: relative text Y
0x2E - 0x2F: ?
0x30 - 0x31: frame delay counter (counts down to 0, once per frame, after calling 1B FF xx xx)
0x32 - 0x33: frame counter? e.g. for goods windows, it counts up to 0x10 and then loops back to 0
0x34 - 0x35: cursor X
0x36 - 0x37: cursor Y
0x38 - 0x39: ?
0x3A - 0x3B: ?
0x3C - 0x3D: ?
0x3E - 0x3F: ?
0x40 - 0x41: page number?
0x42 : cursor delta
0x43 : unused?
0x44 - 0x4F: ?
Custom codes
5E FF xx: load value into memory
01: plurality of enemies:
01 = one
02 = two
03 = three or more
5F FF xx: set current rendering location to xx
60 FF xx: add xx to current rendering location
Enemy data
$8739D1C - $873D6DB
Default names
0x82B9330 - 0x82BA1BB contains the default names.
Each single default name is 0x4C bytes long.
Each character's default names list is 0x214 bytes long, so each character has 7 possible default names.
First 4 bytes are the name's length.
After that there is the name.
There are 7 character's entries.
Around the zone near 0x802A753 there seems to be scripting data. (This one in particular is Carpainter's lightning script data)
Control code [06 XX] makes it so the game doesn't read from the script for XX frames.